Are you a Virgin?

Are you a Virgin?

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Xenome said:
Why? Because of what religion told you?

Sex is natural, nothing wrong with it..and there is no reason at all to 'wait' until your married if your using a condom.
teenagers + condoms.. not really something that come to mind for most of them. Besides you'd be REALLY shocked at how stupid some are

"can't get pregnant having sex standing up" or "can't get pregnant the first time you do it" being a popular one that far too many actually believe is true
I have a 11 month old son so I voted no

btw dont knock casual sex, it can be quite healthy between consenting adults doesnt always have to be an expression of love
When I break off and start my own nation, sex will be the currency.
The Dark Elf said:
teenagers + condoms.. not really something that come to mind for most of them. Besides you'd be REALLY shocked at how stupid some are

"can't get pregnant having sex standing up" or "can't get pregnant the first time you do it" being a popular one that far too many actually believe is true

"Not really something that come to mind to most of them"? I think most people in my age wouldn't want to have sex without a condom. If you get a child in your teens you get a lot of trouble. Besides there are a lot of venereal diseases that people are afraid of. But then there always some dumbasses that doesn't relize this.
No my theory Is if you can manage in a relationship without sex then it a good one. So if I find that it isnt working then well I suppose it doenst matter if I have sex its a sort of test I suppose, I havent quite worked it out :\
I suppose the reason is that Ive never had a girlfriend :P but hopefully Ill make sure there is no sex within first few months. Im not bothered if Ive done it or not it would had been meaningless and just pure pleasure which is not always a good thing.
"Not really something that come to mind to most of them"? I think most people in my age wouldn't want to have sex without a condom. If you get a child in your teens you get a lot of trouble. Besides there are a lot of venereal diseases that people are afraid of. But then there always some dumbasses that doesn't relize this.

Well most girls take the pill and assume they are safe, therefore no need for condom. However they are not safe from Sexually transmitted diseases, fools!
The_Monkey said:
"Not really something that come to mind to most of them"? I think most people in my age wouldn't want to have sex without a condom. If you get a child in your teens you get a lot of trouble. Besides there are a lot of venereal diseases that people are afraid of. But then there always some dumbasses that doesn't relize this.

Well maybe people in Sweden are more intelligent when it comes to this :x

Ok, so I'm not friends with anyone who doesn't practice safe sex (if indeed they do have sex that is), however I know that there are a lot who don't. A lot of them are usually quite young though, 13-14.(Years when boys in particular look more like this { than this [

If you get my meaning ;)
No, i'm not.. It's pretty much normal to have sex these days.
some girls in my class lost their virginity when they were 12 years old.. personnaly i find that kinda rediculous. here in Holland legitamate sex is allowed from 16 years I believe.. and even that is pretty young..
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well maybe people in Sweden are more intelligent when it comes to this :x

Ok, so I'm not friends with anyone who doesn't practice safe sex (if indeed they do have sex that is), however I know that there are a lot who don't. A lot of them are usually quite young though, 13-14.(Years when boys in particular look more like this { than this [

If you get my meaning ;)
Trust you to find a way to turn harmless ascii into something else

and with that now everyone is gonna be doing the (o)(o) and (_,_) pics *sighs* :p
I just had a thought...its not legal to look at it, but you can do it at 16 years old :| You can even get married. How messed up is that.



No, I'm not.

Was fun, but she turned out to be a psycho when I didn't call her again :|
You need to be 15 yrs old to have sex here in Denmark, we'll i was 15 the first time. I think the age should be increased to +17.

Here in Denmark they got plenty of condom advertisement and stuff, so people here in Denmark are very careful and use condoms.

I just cant stand to see a 15 yr old girl having a baby, really a shame.
Neutrino said:
Yes. I don't see any good reason to have sex until I am married or atleast in some kind of permanent relationship.

Your awsome man! :cheers:
CptStern said:
I have a 11 month old son so I voted no

btw dont knock casual sex, it can be quite healthy between consenting adults doesnt always have to be an expression of love

But how much more benificial when casual sex is done with some your spending the rest of your life with.
Hmmm, most of the moderators arn't.....


Probably 'cause most of them are older.
i will tell the truth and say no.
but then again, i am 27.. so it would be.. "unusual", were that not the case :|
The_Monkey said:
"Not really something that come to mind to most of them"? I think most people in my age wouldn't want to have sex without a condom. If you get a child in your teens you get a lot of trouble. Besides there are a lot of venereal diseases that people are afraid of. But then there always some dumbasses that doesn't relize this.

I had my duaghter when I was 17, so I can attest to the truth of this. But I do not regret it, and would never change anything. She is so smart. She is deaf and got an implant that lets her hear.

For the first 3 years of her life she never heard a single word now she is above he entire class in reading and math.

I know that sounds like a bumper sticker but Loving my daughter doesn't change the fact that it has been realy hard. I have definitly missed out on some of the things that most guys my age are doing. Most of those things are overrated anyways but i still havent been abale to go away to college and stuff like that. One thing I have allways wanted to do was drop everything and go on some kind of vaction. Well I cant.

But I am getting my CAD degree and I am putting my wife though ASU. Things are deffinitly going good.
Yakuza said:
I had my duaghter when I was 17, so I can attest to the truth of this. But I do not regret it, and would never change anything. She is so smart. She is deaf and got an implant that lets her hear.

For the first 3 years of her life she never heard a single word now she is above he entire class in reading and math.

I know that sounds like a bumper sticker but Loving my daughter doesn't change the fact that it has been realy hard. I have definitly missed out on some of the things that most guys my age are doing. Most of those things are overrated anyways but i still havent been abale to go away to college and stuff like that. One thing I have allways wanted to do was drop everything and go on some kind of vaction. Well I cant.

But I am getting my CAD degree and I am putting my wife though ASU. Things are deffinitly going good.

That's really cool. And just a question; do you think that enjoying comp games increases ur chance of being a virgin?

EDIT: I was 17, but did it for the sake of it. Any one who's a virgin should be proud, ignore people who think you're 'just saying' you're waiting for the right person, random casual sex is fun, but its not exactly soul food. I'd trade in all the sex I'd ever had (apart from one time which was so wickedly dirty it was awesome) for the chance to do it with someone I really loved.

Here's to finding the right person :cheers:
Yakuza said:
I had my duaghter when I was 17, so I can attest to the truth of this. But I do not regret it, and would never change anything. She is so smart. She is deaf and got an implant that lets her hear.

For the first 3 years of her life she never heard a single word now she is above he entire class in reading and math.

I know that sounds like a bumper sticker but Loving my daughter doesn't change the fact that it has been realy hard. I have definitly missed out on some of the things that most guys my age are doing. Most of those things are overrated anyways but i still havent been abale to go away to college and stuff like that. One thing I have allways wanted to do was drop everything and go on some kind of vaction. Well I cant.

But I am getting my CAD degree and I am putting my wife though ASU. Things are deffinitly going good.

I honestly believe that people like you represent the American dream. You made some unusual choices, but you have been able to overcome them and succeed (in terms of getting a degree/education and being able to take care of your daughter). People like you always put a smile on my face.

Do you mean ASU as in Arizona State University?
Yeah I am. To me sex is quite the big decision, nothing to be taken lightly.

I've noticed to many others it is taken lightly though...
20 years old and not a virgin anymore, which is funny, because losing virginity was never my goal. My friend however, who dreams to have sex every 5 seconds still never been kissed by a girl and he is 20 too. Bhahaha
yes I am 15

and the true I want to hav sex but I just will do it whit someone really special,not whit some ramdon girl, I hate that
<RJMC> said:
yes I am 15

and the true I want to hav sex but I just will do it whit someone really special,not whit some ramdon girl, I hate that

Don’t hype yourself for the sex though, it’s nothing mind blowing, I think foreplay is by far much more arousing.
Mr.Reak said:
Don’t hype yourself for the sex though, it’s nothing mind blowing, I think foreplay is by far much more arousing.

ok I will trust you
Fraid not... But I've only had one girlfriend I cared about enough to have sex with.

We were together for 2 years before the relationship self destructed.. and that was about 2 and a half years ago now :|

My friends pressure me all the time to go out, pull some slag and take her back to my house and when I say to them I only want sex with someone I care about they look dumbfounded. TBH todays society is really corrupt when it comes to sex and all you guys who have abstained from sex for moral reasons well done I say :)

Mr.Reak said:
Don’t hype yourself for the sex though, it’s nothing mind blowing, I think foreplay is by far much more arousing.

I wouldn't say EVERYONE who's a virgin has done it for moral reasons. Some yes, but not all.
Most virgins I know often cite that they are waiting for someone special, but then tell me how they nearly shagged this girl they met in a pub.

Sex with someone special is something I envy, I'm sure it beats the hell out of casual sex... but casual sex has it's plus side too.

NSA, so you don't have to worry about ceasing searching for that someone special while you're getting sex elsewhere.
Confidence booster, it is much harder to get sex the first time, than it is when you've had it.
Improved performance for that special someone. It doesn't matter THAT much, but wouldn't you luv to give your true love a soapy-pokey orgasm the first time you sleep with her.

If you're a virgin that's cool, like I said I would prefer to have lost mine with someone special. But don't dismiss sex with girls who just want sex, it did me a lot of good - and now I feel much more ready to seek out that special someone.

Good luck to you all!
Someone said:
Considering I dispise religion .. And never said there was anything "wrong" with it...nor did I say wait until married. Think you may have read into what I said a bit there ;)

It's just an old fashion value that has died over time and I think it's nice to see some teens/young adults hold onto their values rather than accept others through peer pressure...

Ok :)

I was being 'in general' at the part where I said 'nothing wrong with it', and 'wait until marriage'.. because some people over here said it
The Dark Elf said:
teenagers + condoms.. not really something that come to mind for most of them. Besides you'd be REALLY shocked at how stupid some are

"can't get pregnant having sex standing up" or "can't get pregnant the first time you do it" being a popular one that far too many actually believe is true

Well here in Holland ALOT of the people lose their virginity at 15/16 or something..(I have the impression) and thank god I haven't seen any of my classmates say 'can't get pregnant the first time you do it' .. that's just...not very smart ;)
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