Are you a Virgin?

Are you a Virgin?

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Yakuza said:
I had my duaghter when I was 17, so I can attest to the truth of this. But I do not regret it, and would never change anything. She is so smart. She is deaf and got an implant that lets her hear.

For the first 3 years of her life she never heard a single word now she is above he entire class in reading and math.

I know that sounds like a bumper sticker but Loving my daughter doesn't change the fact that it has been realy hard. I have definitly missed out on some of the things that most guys my age are doing. Most of those things are overrated anyways but i still havent been abale to go away to college and stuff like that. One thing I have allways wanted to do was drop everything and go on some kind of vaction. Well I cant.

But I am getting my CAD degree and I am putting my wife though ASU. Things are deffinitly going good.

I'm impresssed by people like you. How you managed to get through it I don't know, but I know I wouldn't.
-Are you a virgin? If it's not a personal question.
-Not a peronal question? How more personal can it be? *Closes the window*
- She is.

The usual "I'll do it until mariage" thing is kind of Bull Shit from people that say that because they don't get any girls. Trust me... when some hotty in a bathing suit comes to you, marriage is the last thing that goes thew your mind...
Mostly virgins? Wow..

This explains the responce to the drugs poll.

Dont be afraid to experience life now, kids.
Adrien C said:
The usual "I'll do it until mariage" thing is kind of Bull Shit from people that say that because they don't get any girls. Trust me... when some hotty in a bathing suit comes to you, marriage is the last thing that goes thew your mind...'s called control.Go learn it.'s called control.Go learn it.
or maturity. :\ Although he is sort of right. However usually when a girl wants to take off all her clothes after a few days is a bit of a slag => run away.
No. But no disrespect to those who said yes, just go at your own pace, rushing things will only ruin the experience.
Kabukiavenger said:
rushing things will only ruin the experience.

wise words there.

also, don't forget.. sex is apparently a great whole body excercise! :p
bliink said:
wise words there.

also, don't forget.. sex is apparently a great whole body excercise! :p

oooh.. i have something to say which is quite tempting.. but i'll refrain :E
A little Virgin here too :D Most of my friends are (I think...). Except one. Makes me gag if you get my point ;) I'll wait until I find someone I truly love. 'Cause getting it at a pub (well not exactly AT the pub) is not likely to happen :laugh: Though are a lot of girls out there that seem worthy :naughty:
YEs, I've never had sex, and I'm proud of it.
I'm religous, I must say I'm surprised that some people htink virginity is a shame.

Dudes listen up: it's a pride! (as in the opposite of shame, aka something to be proud of)

I am religous.

but I wish I'm married ....

I'm 19
Damn girls who don't like computer geeks! Damn computer geeks! :devil: ;)

Edit: Oh and damn the guys who get the hotties all the time :D
Icarus said:
Sex without love is an empty experience, but, as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.

Holy Crap, well put ...
From the looks of this thread it almost swings the way of " if your a virgin your cool" :p
hasan said:
YEs, I've never had sex, and I'm proud of it.
I'm religous, I must say I'm surprised that some people htink virginity is a shame.

Dudes listen up: it's a pride! (as in the opposite of shame, aka something to be proud of)

I am religous.

but I wish I'm married ....

I'm 19

you're too young to be married ..seriously you have your whole life ahead of you ..marriages are very hard, you need to be ready for them ..that said ..Ididnt get married till I was in my 30's ...I wouldnt have it any other way
Mr-Fusion said:
In the words of Bennett Brower "I have not had sex with a woman"

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

I am a virgin. Not looking to lose it any time soon. Unless some "magical" girl comes out of nowhere ... Which they are apparently very hard to find ... One of these days though ... Most girls I know are basically so arrogant, selfish, rude, and heartless in some way ... Meh , I'm looking forward to it though of course. I just dont wanna rush anything ... :D
Platinum said:
I am a virgin. Not looking to lose it any time soon. Unless some "magical" girl comes out of nowhere ... Which they are apparently very hard to find ... One of these days though ... Most girls I know are basically so arrogant, selfish, rude, and heartless in some way ... Meh , I'm looking forward to it though of course. I just dont wanna rush anything ... :D

Yeah..what he said.
CptStern said:
you're too young to be married ..seriously you have your whole life ahead of you ..marriages are very hard, you need to be ready for them ..that said ..Ididnt get married till I was in my 30's ...I wouldnt have it any other way
are you 40 years old? what are you doing in a half-life two forum? :P just kidding.

no, I want to marry ASAP, the sooner the better. actually I wish I was married at 18. but I'm not in my home country right now, no choice. I don't want to marry anywhere outside my country. It's just too much pain. I'd have to worry about "her" relatives, who peobably live in another country, we'd have so many different "traditions" and .. you know. That's not my kind of marrige.
hasan said:
are you 40 years old? what are you doing in a half-life two forum

I hate it when people make those comments. Gaming is just as much a hobby as watching Football (american) on sundays ...
Fair enough to the people who are virgins and have reasons to be :)

It isn't anything to be ashamed of.. hell I wasn't even looking when it happened.. 2 days before my birthday and all :P
Tr0n said:
Yes it have to have a strong mind. ;)
In the immortal words of the mighty Offspring,.
"I know I should say no, but, its kinda hard when she's ready to go."

Icarus said:
I'm guessing alot of people will lie and say no...

I respect the people that have the courage to tell the truth.

it's quite interesting that this is the only thread i've ever seen on here that shows who votes for what, quite a strange topic also, kinda meaningless, why does it show all the users who voted and their vote? that's stupid.
Yes I am. The time will come and this will be perfect. (My hand and I have praticed a lot for this moment)
The Dark Elf said:
Well if we're picking years.. 16 for me, with an 18 year old girl.. blonde actually, funny considering I only mostly date brunette's since heh

(16 is legal in the UK too so ha!)

haha I was tappin dat ass since the tender age of 14.


CptStern said:
you're too young to be married ..seriously you have your whole life ahead of you ..marriages are very hard, you need to be ready for them ..that said ..Ididnt get married till I was in my 30's ...I wouldnt have it any other way

I agree, I was married at 17 :O

Allthough its the single most rewarding relationship you could have, its in no way "easy" all of the time.
Fat Tony! said:
However usually when a girl wants to take off all her clothes after a few days is a bit of a slag => run away.

Totally wrong. How can you say someone is a slag for that?
If you like someone enough to do that why the hell shouldn't you? I'm all for keeping your virginity for the right person, but don't slag off people who don't believe the same as you.

For many people it's an ordinary day to day thing, like cleaning your teeth - having a wank even, I've met a few girls who are willing to do what you say - and they're top people (perhaps a bias opinion) but it still stands - I'm still good friends with all of them, better friends than many other girls I know.
:) No. I was scared at first for first time, I thought my package wasn't good enough.
Gunner said:
You don't see any good reason? lmao!
Carnal pleasures young man.
How lovely that you can accept his life choice.
Icarus said:
Sex without love is an empty experience, but, as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.
Very nice quote :)

I'm sort of "seeing" this girl and whilst I could sleep with her I'm not sure whether I ought to. It would be my first time, but I honestly don't know whether I care if it's with someone special. I'm sort of in two minds but oh it's a bit weird.
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