Are you romantic?

Raziaar said:
Simple question really. Do you consider yourself to be a romantic guy/gal when it comes to relationships? I don't mean things like buying flowers. But rather thoughtful, sweet, loving gestures you do for your girlfriend/boyfriend husband/wife.

Me. I consider myself a pretty romantic guy. I don't have alot of field experience with alot of it... but I have a very romantic oriented mind. I love treating women right :naughty:
I'm a highly romantic guy suprisingly.
short recoil said:
I'm a highly romantic guy suprisingly.

Yeah... You're probably very good at sweettalking to, and kissing your left and right biceps each and every day before you go to work. What a nice, romantic guy.
Nat Turner said:
Yeah, it's almost like there's some sort of magical thing about girls. I don't know, it's hard to explain.
/cue Schopenhauer :O
I guess you could say I'm a romantic guy. I change out the meathooks every day.
OvA said:
I guess you could say I'm a romantic guy. I change out the meathooks every day.

I'm reporting you to the FBI. :eek:
Skaadi said:
It doesnt have anything to do with hormones not kicking in or something like that, it makes me want to take a bath afterward. Even if its just someone tapping me on the arm.

Dude, you have OCD D:
an especially awesome chick said:
in a very subtle are! :D
especially when we're alone..
"you" being me. I win.
ERm... oops. disregard this post. lol
I can be romantic toward the people I love... But never for anyone else. Some idiot whore I met only six weeks ago gets no romance.
What's the matter?

Real men show feelings. :D
madog said:
Are you saying I don't show feeling?

Heh. No I was joking. I was curious why you wanted the thread closed. If you don't like it, don't post in it.
Uriel said:
Wtf is QFTW?

Maybe its the lazy way to say Quoted for truth, for the win?

Or... Quoted for the win?
madog said:
Quoted for the win. Damn raziaar beat me to it.

That is because I am better than you in every way, shape or form. Everything you do, I will do better, and long before you ever do it.
Back to topic, yes, i am romantic. She'll never forget those words, "get in the cab bitch"
hehehe, no i wouldnt do that
Raziaar said:
Seriously speaking... it means obsessive compulsive disorder.

Which gives a rather wrong idea.
Raziaar said:
That is because I am better than you in every way, shape or form. Everything you do, I will do better, and long before you ever do it.

I may have to say QFT... :(
I guess I'm fairly romantic. Like, I'm thoughtful, but I hate things that are... "mushy". Haven't had many opportunities to be romantic though, my school's full of lesbians ya see.
Awesome, cause I have a retractable penis and an expanding chest!

*Jeff turns into Lesbi-Jeff
JNightshade said:
After I posted last night, I started thinking, and I realized that it all comes down to one thing: I LOVE girls. I don't just mean sex (sure, it's good fun, but there're better things in life) I mean girls. I love every thing about them. The way they seem fragile and yet are actually so completely strong, the way they're so complex and mysterious, the way they act, the way they do everything. I don't claim to understand them any more than the next guy, and I don't mean to sound like a freak or anything... I just love them :D

Tr0n I love your avatar.
Oh, I can be romantic if I wanted to, problem is, when I'am no one quite understands why. Instead they ask me, "Well, don't you also want to ****? I'm not into anything serious."