Avatar: FernGully 2: Pocahontas Dances With Smurfs In Space In 3D On Ice

C'mon Mikael, it was dumb. Admit it. ADMIT EET

That's the entire point of the scene. Dumb decisions get you killed.

I liked how it's an inversion of the cliched "dynamic gunship battle" trope.
I got back from seeing it in IMAX and it was awesome. Predictable plot as everyone's said, but I thought it was indeed a visual masterpiece. Not-so-subtle allegory to the native American displacement (a part of American history that gets swept under the rug a little too often). I saw a shot that was unmistakably modeled after the famous "Trail of Tears" painting. All things considered it was a great movie and I don't regret paying IMAX prices to see it.

Side note: The IMAX 3D was a little bit too "casual" for my tastes (I could have taken a bit more depth at the expense of some additional eye discomfort others would suffer) but then again it's a long-ass movie so ... yeah, maybe it was for the best.
It's a big, dumb, fun movie. There's nothing wrong with that, we need one of these every once in a while. Which isn't to say they're rare, but the good ones are.

Christ, it's not even the first one Cameron's made. Newsflash: Terminator 2 was not the intellectual masterpiece of the century. Was it still a brilliant movie? Hell ****ing yes.

Side note: anyone else think Sigourney's avatar looked weird? I mean I know it's meant to look like her but... well actually I guess that's the problem. :p
It's a big, dumb, fun movie. There's nothing wrong with that, we need one of these every once in a while. Which isn't to say they're rare, but the good ones are.

Christ, it's not even the first one Cameron's made. Newsflash: Terminator 2 was not the intellectual masterpiece of the century. Was it still a brilliant movie? Hell ****ing yes.

This entirely.

Avatar isn't a revolution in storytelling or character development, but as an action/adventure movie it executes all the required elements with excellence. That's what separates it from movies like Transformers and a host of other blockbuster flicks that dish out technical marvel but fail horrendously at everything else: completely forgettable characters, visually confusing fight scenes, crap pacing, nonsense bizarro plots...

Avatar manages to be fun and exciting without treating its audience like retarded goldfish with ADD. Its plot and themes are simple and recognizable, but I don't see how that makes the movie garbage.

Some people here are just way too jaded or hell-bent on not having a good time at the cinema.
I am absolutely in love with Avatar. It pulled me away from reality so much that I had trouble sleeping that night, trying to imagine myself as a more active human. I have dreams of running parkour or building a small cabin out in the woods. Pandora is a truly dreamlike world, and the movie is a gorgeous example of how far cinematography has come in terms of visual effects. While the story was simple and clear (and, I admit, cliche), it fit well with what James Cameron was trying to accomplish.

I can see some butthurt ensuing, but Avatar just beat Titanic and is in sole posession of the all time box office selling.
It was okay. A solid 3 out of 5, but District 9 did a story on a very similar theme much, much better, and unlike Avatar it managed to hook me in. Oh, and actually care for the aliens. Prawn-Power!
Not-so-subtle allegory to the native American displacement (a part of American history that gets swept under the rug a little too often).
Problem is it's not history, this is happening right now, at large scales, in the Amazons.

Native villagers are forcibly displaced from their villages by both states and by private companies in order to tear down the trees all in the name of profit.

Anyway, I just saw the movie this Sunday, and whilst I agree the plot is far from stellar and not original by any means, I still thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

It's a rehashed story but in a very pretty and solid package, and that's fine by me.

I guess I'm a bit naturally biased though since I've worked for aid organisations directly working to help villages etc that are being destroyed in order for companies to profit from their lands.

I still see the double-standards of the film, it prides itself on these high eco-friendly values, preaching about how money corrupts society and shit(from my p.o.v anyway) and yet it's still the most expensive film ever made, produced by one of the greediest corporations out there.

I certainly don't agree with the professional movie critics that are giving out 90/100 scores to this movie, but I'd definitely give it an 75/100.
Either love it or hate it, its the 4th biggest selling film of all time. Titanic is number 1 of course, written by Cameron's evil twin.

Im pretty sure no other director will ever be able to say that he has 2 films in the top 5 biggest selling films of all time.

Personally I loved it, but I love Dances With Wolves, The Last Of The Mohicans, The Last Samurai etc. So I enjoy that type of plot.
I have literally just read that, came back here to alter it and have been beaten to it!

[Edit] ***k me, thats insane.
I have literally just read that, came back here to alter it and have been beaten to it!

[Edit] ***k me, thats insane.

Sorry :(

Anyway, I'm glad to see I'm not the only person on the internet to have enjoyed the movie.

Been bashed by soooooo many people on IRC for saying I enjoyed the movie.

They're all like "OMG IT SUXXX WORST FILM EVAR"..

I think many of'em might be compulsive 'anti-sheep', i.e. as soon as something becomes popular with the majority of people, they have to go against the flow and say it sucks.
Aha, I wasnt upset about you posting before I came back.

I laughed and found it ironic.
Anyone seen this review/debate by Spoony + bro?


I actually found myself agreeing with a lot of their complaints, especially the somewhat artificial nature of Pandora (the glowing ground and "USB hair" was a bit much), but I stick by my 8/10 as it really was that much fun to watch. I find I appreciate his brother's view more of watching it like a cartoon (or, well, a CG movie), since I found myself really taken by the visuals, and that was really most of the appeal to me. Seeing it that way I found I didn't expect the movie to wow me with it's storytelling as much (because honestly, how many CG movies can you honestly say have great plots), and also the more hamfisted parts, ie - the colonel, sort of gave me the impression that they weren't really trying to make this the best or most original plot ever.

I can also see where Spoony is coming from when he says it didn't come close to living up to the hype, but I guess the advertising drive wasn't as balls-to-the-wall over here, and besides I try to ignore hype as much as possible.
I don't see how glowing ground is necessarily artificial, we have glowing creatures, why not glowing plants?

USB hair, yes, but glowing plants isn't necessarily artificial IMO, because it's certainly possible as far as I know with my limited primary and part secondary biology knowledge.

It's funny because Avatar: The Last Airbender is going to do a lot better than this movie. You can take that statement all the way to the bank in Ba Sing Se.

You talk so much shit. I want to know where you buy your magic 8 ball from. How the hell can you be so sure Airbender is going to do financially better than Avatar? Both movies could financially flop for all we know. Titanic (crap movie though) was expected to be a major flop, but to everyones suprise it grossed $1.8 billion, half a billion more than the second highest grossing movie. Seriously, stop talking so much shit, its for your own good.

Airbender fans are pubescent girls on DeviantArt and manchildren. Prepare for ticket sales.

Feel free to hold me to this in the future and rub it in my face if I'm wrong, or pretend to forget we ever talked about it and hope I don't bring it up to you if I'm right.

I just had to bring it up. The Last Airbender has a very good chance...

Cameron will likely win best picture/director over Kathryn Bigelow at the Oscars, which is ****ing bullshit.
Meh, the glowing plants are fine by themselves, it's just the way everything is thrown together to feel, at times, overly fantastical. The floating mountains, for example. I thought it was a bit much at the time, although (MINOR SPOIL) it made a fantastic setpiece for the final fight, but it wasn't until I watched the Spoony vid that I picked up on the most ridiculous part: there are ****ing waterfalls. On floating mountains.

Like I said, I really enjoyed the movie, and the fantasy element of the world with it's colourful fauna and strange alien life was one of the big draws, I guess I just don't like the way it seems to clash with the initial tone of the film. When they first arrive on the planet, the colonel is all like "WELCOME TO HELL MAGGOTS EVERYTHING THAT MOVES HERE WILL ****ING KILL YOU AND RAPE YOUR EYE SOCKETS," which proves somewhat true in their first excursion into the jungle, but as soon as Jake hooks up with the Navi everything is rainbows and kittens for the most part. Another thing that bugged me was the lack of insect life - where are the giant mosquitoes with stingers that can impale a grown man like a knife through butter?

Another big qualm I had, which again was pointed out by Spoony, is that the Navi are completely peaceful even in the face of obliteration, up until the very end of course. The colonel, again in his fearmongering speech at the beginning, says the Navi will kill you without batting an eye, but the opposite seems to be true, rather that they keep to themselves and only defend themselves from people encroaching on their territory (yes I realise it's probably just the colonel shit-stirring because he has a hard on for cullin' indigenous folk). I thought the Navi could've done with a more ambiguous moral palette, instead of the noble, nature revering, (literal) tree-huggers they come across as in the movie. After all, what's all that combat training for? Surely not just survival...
Avatar is a mediocre but still amusing movie 'hidden' inside a fantastic CG package.
Another big qualm I had, which again was pointed out by Spoony, is that the Navi are completely peaceful even in the face of obliteration, up until the very end of course. The colonel, again in his fearmongering speech at the beginning, says the Navi will kill you without batting an eye, but the opposite seems to be true, rather that they keep to themselves and only defend themselves from people encroaching on their territory (yes I realise it's probably just the colonel shit-stirring because he has a hard on for cullin' indigenous folk). I thought the Navi could've done with a more ambiguous moral palette, instead of the noble, nature revering, (literal) tree-huggers they come across as in the movie. After all, what's all that combat training for? Surely not just survival...

Erm, not certain where you are going with this. Our introduction to the Navi was the girl getting ready to kill Sully, shooting him in the back no less. Only stopped because of the floaty thingy.

Not to mention all the arrows in the vehicles.

And attacking the ships. During hometree invasion...

And hunting.

And...how did you get uber peaceful from all that again?
I found out about this today, tis a sad day for movie goers :(


If you want to wait until Citizen Kane 2: Kaned Harder takes the number one spot for worldwide gross to reaffirm your faith in cinema, go ahead.
Please don't tell anyone!

/jealous of your super-cool avatar
Cameron will likely win best picture/director over Kathryn Bigelow at the Oscars, which is ****ing bullshit.

I enjoyed Avatar, but it definitely does not deserve to win the Best Picture Oscar over The Hurt Locker. Even with some of the flaws The Hurt Locker has, it's still easily a significantly better film than Avatar and much better directed.

Even with that said though, I honestly wish they would include foreign films in the Best Picture category, because where the hell are they going to get 10, 10, best picture nominee's from out of the crap year that Hollywood had last year?
Funnily enough, Avatar passing Titanic was a main headline on Aljazeera on TV this morning, after the whole Haiti..zzz..political crap.

I couldnt help but laugh; Yesterday I thought it was number 4, found out here that it was in fact number 1, and then this morning I see it on the news as being number 1 just to solidify my doubt.
Avatar has no chance of winning Best Picture. best specialfx sure but to even entertain the notion that avatar will win an oscar for best picture is ludicrous. it wont even be nominated in that catagory and if it is it'll be mostly ceremonial to go with it's other nominations
So, Avatar is the number 1 film. All time box office (debatable blah blah blah). Well done Yorick and Samon for contributing to that! I knew you'd pay to see it after your pre-release avatar slaying. Back to lost in translation for you!

/laughs like a pathetic nerd.

It's a kickass sci-fi action fantasy awesome film. Watching it in 3d was spectacular.

Is it worth of a best picture at the oscars? Yes. Because everything else was probably moany crappy drama rubbish full of boring ass hopeless characters and general arty farty craptacularisms.

Avatar for best picture. You walk out of the cinema wanting to live in pandora. Kickassness just oozes through your spirit.

Best picture material.
Is it worth of a best picture at the oscars? Yes. Because everything else was probably moany crappy drama rubbish full of boring ass hopeless characters and general arty farty craptacularisms.
This sure is an accurate description of The Road and The Hurt Locker.
Is it worth of a best picture at the oscars? Yes. Because everything else was probably moany crappy drama rubbish full of boring ass hopeless characters and general arty farty craptacularisms.

Avatar for best picture. You walk out of the cinema wanting to live in pandora. Kickassness just oozes through your spirit.

Best picture material.

Nah, they were both fantastic movies. I just thought "horrible" was a pretty apt description of The Road (without actually meaning it's a bad film - it isn't).