Battlefield 2 demo - First impressions

For you having trouble with the flying, here is a tip that i think makes it 10x easier. Go to Helicopter\Plane controls and Invert Mouse. Then its basiclly like in Desert Combat...
wow this game is alot easier than it used to be 10 hours ago... I can score between 15-25 each match LOL
Gorgon said:
wow this game is alot easier than it used to be 10 hours ago... I can score between 15-25 each match LOL
Yah, points are easy to get once you know what to do. Cap a few flags, heal a few guys.
I loved this demo. It's awesome. It's a good thing it only took me thirty minutes to download this. Good demo.
right now im going crazy trying to get it downloaded. after reading your descriptions it sounds like i will love this game. im glad to hear the infantry combat is improved, that is the biggest problem that i had with the other games, you couldnt have much fun unless you were in a vehicle.

i have a few questions:

how does the commander thing work? is someone elected as commander, and how do they issue orders?

if youre in a jeep riding shotgun, can you shoot out of the side as a friend drives?
Just played for 3 or 4 hours straight with Dalamari, Amish, Direwolf, Redundant, Ritz, etc. Guys, I had a great time. Taking over the enemy base, blowing up their radar, arty, etc. Squad combat is a great addition to the BF-series. Getting a bite to eat now, but I will be back.
Shakermaker said:
Just played for 3 or 4 hours straight with Dalamari, Amish, Direwolf, Redundant, Ritz, etc. Guys, I had a great time. Taking over the enemy base, blowing up their radar, arty, etc. Squad combat is a great addition to the BF-series. Getting a bite to eat now, but I will be back.

what is the IP for the server are you playing in guys ?
Prince of China said:
thanks for the link. still only getting a 71 kb/sec connection. itll take as long as my 46 one thats been going for a while. i also have a bittorrent open only going at 25 kb/sec. everything ive tried has been very slow...
Shakermaker said:
Just played for 3 or 4 hours straight with Dalamari, Amish, Direwolf, Redundant, Ritz, etc. Guys, I had a great time. Taking over the enemy base, blowing up their radar, arty, etc. Squad combat is a great addition to the BF-series. Getting a bite to eat now, but I will be back.

Bastards. I went to get some dinner and me fecking brother took the internet card out of me dads PC. So now I'm stuck on this computer, which has a Ti4200.
Mr. Redundant said:
take off the AA or drop it some.

make sure lighting is on medium, no matter what rig you have.
I have everything besides 2 options on high (textures is on medium as is Lighting) in 1280x1024 no AA, and I get a constant 50-60 no dips.

9800 pro 128, p4 2.6ghz, 1gb 3200 ddr.

you were right Axyon, I could push it more :)
anyway, this is the greatest game I have ever played... I can't stop playing it, it's 3:00AM right now... I keep saying, ok just this last round....

Redundant I hate the jaggies! I cant stand em...I have shadows on medium...texture on medium and something else on medium. I forget...Ill mess around with it.

I have a question guys. I saved the .exe installer onto my desktop for easy access. Now heres what it has done...every time I click the .exe and try to drag it to anywhere my computer starts loading like Im trying to recreate a scene from lord of the rings and just freezes. Usually when I start up it takes about 6 seconds for windows and my desktop and icons to load it takes about 6 minutes. I really want to put that .exe somewhere else but I cant. Is there a way I can move it without clicking it?
MilkMan12 said:
Redundant I hate the jaggies! I cant stand em...I have shadows on medium...texture on medium and something else on medium. I forget...Ill mess around with it.

I have a question guys. I saved the .exe installer onto my desktop for easy access. Now heres what it has done...every time I click the .exe and try to drag it to anywhere my computer starts loading like Im trying to recreate a scene from lord of the rings and just freezes. Usually when I start up it takes about 6 seconds for windows and my desktop and icons to load it takes about 6 minutes. I really want to put that .exe somewhere else but I cant. Is there a way I can move it without clicking it?
You could try right-clicking then Cut, then paste to wherever.
Anyone know what the best site to get it from is? That ActionTrip site is going about 20 kb/s, so thats gonna take awhile.

Heh ... I've got a Ti4200 and 512MB Ram, the things probably gonna look worse that BF1942 does on this system :frown: .
TheSomeone said:
I'm pretty sure the Ti cards aren't compatible...

Because the gods on high have decreed it?

Do you know what 'compatibility' is? It's definately not "you don't have 2.0 shader support therefore no game for you", at least not in my book. The ti's can pump out polygons damn fast and like I said before, earlier generation radeons are supported, so WTF?
That's because ATI was smart to include 2.0 in earlier generations.
It has nothing to do with the card but the shaders, if it doesn't have the right shader it can not run it.
See that's bullshit. So I don't get the fancy shaders? Whoop de-****ing-doo. That's not a reason for the game to crash on startup. Card doesn't support shaders? so you don't see them. Jeez what's the problem here?
FictiousWill said:
See that's bullshit. So I don't get the fancy shaders? Whoop de-****ing-doo. That's not a reason for the game to crash on startup. Card doesn't support shaders? so you don't see them. Jeez what's the problem here?
It is going to load what the shaders are trying to render, and that will slow your card down, but it shouldnt stop you from getting in the game.
As of now the game doesn't work at all with Ti cards, which is too bad. Although I think there's some guys working on some type of hack to fix it. But honestly I don't think I was going to buy it anyway, BF1942 received the same amount of hype so I bought it .... and within days I regretted the purchase. Just isn't my type of game.

But doesn't anyone else think this is just terrible coding? I mean, you have graphically superior games such as Doom 3, HL2, and Far Cry all running fine on Ti cards. And from what I can tell from the screenshots on low settings, the game doesn't even look as good as BF:V (of course on high settings it's quite impressive). I just see no good reason why a game with this quality of graphics would not run. I mean, Epic announced Unreal Engine 3 would start at these minimum specs (DX9 only) - but I can respect that because the graphics look like they're actually using it.
Simply addicting. I've been playing it for the last 20 hours.

My only complaints are that jet bombs are a bit hard to aim.
Special forces and assault should have a way to take down tanks.
There's 1 map (demo).
There's 12 minutes to play that map each round(demo).

Everything else, kicks, major, ass.

But doesn't anyone else think this is just terrible coding? I mean, you have graphically superior games such as Doom 3, HL2, and Far Cry all running fine on Ti cards. And from what I can tell from the screenshots on low settings, the game doesn't even look as good as BF:V (of course on high settings it's quite impressive). I just see no good reason why a game with this quality of graphics would not run. I mean, Epic announced Unreal Engine 3 would start at these minimum specs (DX9 only) - but I can respect that because the graphics look like they're actually using it.

EA ploy!
Pesmerga said:
Special forces and assault should have a way to take down tanks.

Special forces can put the C4 (I'm assuming it's that) on vehicles and blow them up. Assault can use the m203, but I don't know how many hits it takes to kill a tank.
Murray_H said:
Special forces can put the C4 (I'm assuming it's that) on vehicles and blow them up. Assault can use the m203, but I don't know how many hits it takes to kill a tank.
more than two. which is all i usually get off before the tank gets me.
FictiousWill said:
See that's bullshit. So I don't get the fancy shaders? Whoop de-****ing-doo. That's not a reason for the game to crash on startup. Card doesn't support shaders? so you don't see them. Jeez what's the problem here?
Oh the humanity! ;( Hopefully you'll eventually realise it's not worth spamming every BF2 thread in the forum about it...
soxx said:
Oh the humanity! ;( Hopefully you'll eventually realise it's not worth spamming every BF2 thread in the forum about it...

Do you feel better now?
FictiousWill said:
Do you feel better now?
Haha, not really. I just thought it was funny how upset you were. Hopefully a solution is found to the problem.
Raxxman said:
Just tried this on my rig, and it runs smooth as.

Lovely game,

I second that, just tried last night and I stayed up 'till 5 am :E

The only thing I didn't like was the chopper controls: unresponsive, unreactive, sluggish.
I started this thread but I haven't even posted my own first impressions. Here goes ....

Short version:
This is the best damn demo I ever played (except for maybe Wake Island, the demo for BF1942).

Long version:
Squad gameplay is one of the best additions to online gaming in a long time. If BF2 will be remembered for something it'll be the squads. It makes playing this game very focused and a lot of fun. Even with random members in a squad, you can coordinate attacks and dominate a map (unless the enemy is working well together too of course). It's great to see all those green icons around you, all moving to the same target.
The Commander Mode can be very helpful to other players, but being the commander can be quite a chore. First you have to find yourself a quiet place before you can press CAPS LOCK (default key for the commander-screen). You're a sitting duck for the enemy, since you keep an eye on the map in stead of your direct surroundings. And coordinating the UAV's, supply-drops, arty attacks, etc. will keep you busy non-stop. It's a bit like playing an RTS, only this time you can coordinate your units by talking to them. Some advice for any would-be commander: don't spam the voice-chat. Yesterday I had a commander that felt the need to act out some Hollywood movie and he was talking non-stop. That can be quite annoying. It's a shame my mutiny against him failed ....
The vehicles' handling is very good. I esp. like the DPV with its very bouncy suspension. It's a hoot driving it at top speed and to see yourself bouncing thru the landscape. I also like the jets, altho they fly a bit fast. The vapour trails of the AA-missiles are very cool. I also like the fact that you can vertically take of in the JSF (did DICE 'steal' that from the BF:V mod Point of Existence?). The handling of the choppers is indeed a bit sluggish. Esp. the turning rate of the choppers is very slow. It would be nice if that could be tweaked a little.
The visuals are great, altho I haven't had the chance to really experience them. I'm not on a a real gaming rig right now, so my specs are set to low, but it still looks amazing. Can't wait to see it all on my new rig. One of the best effects is shellshock. The screen gets blurry, sounds change and you really get a feeling of dis-orientation. The audio is good as well, altho I tend to not really focus on that aspect when I'm playing. There's too much going on around you!
All in all I'm looking even more forward to playing BF2 since I experienced the demo. This game will rock everyone's pants of.
What the **** is with this game and stuttering? It stutters worse then HL2 ever did, and the first time i played through the Water Hazard level in HL2 it ****ing sucked. This is ten times worse and it only happens in MP. But why not SP? It plays fine in singleplayer with everything on high, each with 4xAA. But in MP it stutters like mad.

It can't be my connection because i've got 48 ping most of the time. What the **** is wrong?
Man i love this game !
this is really better than the first BF
DigiQ8 said:
Man i love this game !
this is really better than the first BF

I agree, Man, I haven't had this much fun online since... the original BF1942 demo.
Is it just me or is there a lack of people using VOIP in the game?
Besides that: :thumbs:
koondrad said:
Is it just me or is there a lack of people using VOIP in the game?
Besides that: :thumbs:

Yeah, it would be better if that was used more! :)

I love it when one organised squad fights with another organised squad in the streets on the middle flag..... so awesome..
i like the game, i just wish they wudhave left the controls to same as BF1942, the choppers especially feel really sluggish, the planes are allright, but they stutter abit.

I think when the vehicles blow-up the effect is abit shite, needs more smoke, more fire. All it seems to do is bang, then explodes - dissapears.

Overall 7 1/2 out of 10