Battlefield 2 demo - First impressions

Finally I have been able to play the demo. It's 4 AM, it's almost getting light, and I should be in bed, but this demo is kept me up. It looks and plays awesome. On this reasonable rig (P4 3.0 Ghz w/ 1 gig of dual channel ram) with a crappy card (a GeForce 5600XT w/ 256MB) it looks beautiful. I can only imagine what high settings must look like. Amazing. I know what I'll be doing the rest of the weekend!
Shakermaker said:
Finally I have been able to play the demo. It's 4 AM, it's almost getting light, and I should be in bed, but this demo is kept me up. It looks and plays awesome. On this reasonable rig (P4 3.0 Ghz w/ 1 gig of dual channel ram) with a crappy card (a GeForce 5600XT w/ 256MB) it looks beautiful. I can only imagine what high settings must look like. Amazing. I know what I'll be doing the rest of the weekend!

What settings are you playing on?
Anyone else need a link to download? I have 2 links now, both are about 320 KB/s
It's excellent.

Top notch especially with the vehicles.
Anyone else have a perfect installation, followed by a ****ing crash whever you start teh damn game?
Ritz said:
Battlefield 2 suffers from the same problems as BF1. Sorry to say.

The planes are camped, and on most servers with FF on (which is ment to be stoping people from FFing) is making it worse, people laying mines on there own airport if they miss the plane, or if someone ahead of them is going to one, he shoots them in the back of the head.

So I'll play BF, but I dont know how long for if this doesnt stop in ranked servers in the full game. Its NO fun when half your teams back at the aircraft spawn killing each other.

So far I've had the opposite experience. Lots of people leave planes on the carrier or runway in order to take part in infantry combat. There's been one tker I've seen and we kicked him.

When the full game comes with the stat system EA will have admins on servers and if you are being a jerk they'll kick you and if you're worse (cheating etc) they can ban your account meaning you'd have to buy the game again.

And by Xfire support I meant for Scroll Lock + X chatting inside the game.
FictiousWill said:
Anyone else have a perfect installation, followed by a ****ing crash whever you start teh damn game?
Check out the forums, I read people are haveing problems with that too.
Yeah and they all have my video card. Which is utter bullshit, because the ti4200 is a damn good card, plus there's no reason why it should crash outright - the damn developers might have coded some kind of error catching if they knew c++ from their left testicles.

edit: I posted on, does not exist.

edit: it's
FictiousWill said:
Yeah and they all have my video card. Which is utter bullshit, because the ti4200 is a damn good card, plus there's no reason why it should crash outright - the damn developers might have coded some kind of error catching if they knew c++ from their left testicles.

edit: I posted on, does not exist.

edit: it's
4200 doesnt have the 1.4 shaders :( even if you were able to get in you wouldn't be able to play even on the lowest settings.
I've got 23 minutes to go on the download (<3 Foxtrot) so I'll give you my impressions in about 2 hours. Look forward to it.
I don't think that's correct. I don't know what shader version my card supports but I know it can handle complex shaders and graphics-intensive games. If I can run Far Cry, HL2 and CS:S at max settings with visible rippling shaders all over the place at 60+ fps, then I can sure as hell run BF2, especially why the radeon 8000 series are supported, which are older, less capable cards. The least the program could do is error out telling me my video card is the problem. That's REALLY BAD programming and QC.
I just got through playing a couple sp rounds, and then created a local server just to try the 32 player map. I couldnt create an account to get into multiplayer though :(

At anyrate, I had much fun. I took a few screen shots, so ill post those here. To get you an idea of what the performance is ill tell you my specs, and show you the default settings I have been using. I didnt get an exact fps count, but it ran without a hitch.

AMD Athlon 2500+ 2.1ghz
1024 mb ram
ATI Radeon 9600 pro 256mb

The ship bay under the carrier

The carrier from the airplane.

Helo cockpit

AA gun on hanger. Complete with heatseeking missiles.

Flairs to save you from such heatseeking missiles.

Target lock (on a flame coming from that towertypedeal... pretty good move to save people from bombing the hell out of airbases).

Helocopter fun with booms.

Result of bad flying.

There you go. Now ima go try and make that account again so I can play.
First Impressions, this game sucks. I can't run it for shit, the shadows are just giant blocks, I am getting incredible lag, I can't tell the difference between enemies and allies up close, my joystick won't work, and it is very very slow. These are just first impressions though, and I am very pissed off right now.
FictiousWill said:
Anybody else with the crash error? This ****ing sucks.

The game doesnt like GeForce 4 cards, which I have. I'm planning on trying the old 3d-Analize lets make it think your video card is something else trick. You should download it and try setting your card to a 8500 or something.
I take everything I said back. I played a little bit of single player to tweak things, and then went back online. I was flying a helo with someone who had a working mic, it was amazing. I was swooping behind building (because when I fly a helo, I swoop...) dodging lock on missles, behind sand dunes, all this crazy stuff. I didn't get anymore than 2 kills but I was having tons of fun :) Still laggy though :(
So this is a singleplayer AND multiplayer demo combined, unlike what they did with the demos of BF1942? I can't play multiplayer so I don't want to download this demo if a singleplayer version is going to be released soon...
First impressions - great, I love it, and will buy it.

Pros - Commander mode, ragdoll, better weapons, better vehicles (better controls), models, and basically everything. Gameplay is much improved over the past 2 games.

Cons - Extremely laggy at times, and lots of crackhead noob tk'ers on the ship that use the AA gun to shoot my helicopter as it's taking off.
soxx said:
So this is a singleplayer AND multiplayer demo combined, unlike what they did with the demos of BF1942? I can't play multiplayer so I don't want to download this demo if a singleplayer version is going to be released soon...

BOTH are included. SP isn't too bad actually.
F**K ME DAYS! This is....omg! And ive only played singleplayer so far.
Gossoon said:
BOTH are included. SP isn't too bad actually.
Thank you! Although just about anything should top the retarded AI of BF1942.
My first impressions.

Well, playing demo sure shined a light on the question I've had for the past 6 months: should I buy BF2 when it is released. The answer to that question after playing the demo?... Maybe.

See, you could probably imagine how excited I was to install that sucker and play it... all night, seriously. My heart was pounding. I thought, "Wow, I'm gonna be up all night playing this." But guess what. Two hours later, I quit and came here. After awhile, it got repeatitive. Plus, in Multiplayer, you can never get a vehicle unless you camp the spot where it spawns, there's a vast amount a TKers, and it's SO easy to die. Two shots, and you're dead.

The physics, however, are amasing. Nothing draws you in more than flawless ragdolls.

The graphics... well... I can't really say. I thought my machine could handle Medium (512MB RAM, 1.8GHz, 9600XT) or close to it. But no. I have to run it on shitty-ass low which looks like ass. Ass painting on walls. Oh, and the ass is old, not nice and round, but brown saggy and disgusting. I've seen movies/pics with High settings and they do look amasing. So... whatever... I mean, I can run HL2 and CSS on High setting flawlessly... 40FPS most times. BF2 is not more graphic intense than HL2. Seriously. WTF?

The gameplay is nice. The classes are balanced and the weapons are nice. I was looking forward to the M203 (Assault class... M4 w/ grenade launcher attachment) but it's impossible to hit anyone with that damned launcher. Plus, the gun is only Burst fire, which is annoying. The vehicles and fun to drive around, and are most of the fun I had. However, the planes and helicopters are IMPOSSIBLE to fly. Bah, I get fustrated just thinking about it.

Overall... eh, it's a nice game but... I dunno, I was just really let down. Don't take me wrong, this game is fun it's just isn't what it's hyped up to be.

And yes, I know this is only the demo.
Foxtrot said:
First Impressions, this game sucks. I can't run it for shit, the shadows are just giant blocks, I am getting incredible lag, I can't tell the difference between enemies and allies up close, my joystick won't work, and it is very very slow. These are just first impressions though, and I am very pissed off right now.

I had the exact opposite experience. Your system is better than mine too. I get good gfx (but your on nvidia, i pity you :E ) zero lag (I was playing with MrRedundant for awhile, and we had a full 32 person server). Its easy to tell friend from foe (what with blue names for friends, red for foes), and its very very fast. My joystick however didnt work either (ask Redundant, we had a very short flight). But now that I think about it, I may have to set up controls for MP so I can use it. I had just assumed it would carry controls from SP over to MP but maybe not. Ill have to check it. Im going to sleep, and Im going to sleep happy. I now know that my preorder was the right thing to do ;)
It won't let me ****ing bind anything to Insert, Home, Delete, or End. If I try to it gives me an error box that says that a duplicate key was found in Common Controls, which it wasn't because nothing is bound to any of those keys. Which screws me over since I always use the arrow for movement and the keys above for reloading, using, etc. :|
Krynn72 said:
I had the exact opposite experience. Your system is better than mine too. I get good gfx (but your on nvidia, i pity you :E ) zero lag (I was playing with MrRedundant for awhile, and we had a full 32 person server). Its easy to tell friend from foe (what with blue names for friends, red for foes), and its very very fast. My joystick however didnt work either (ask Redundant, we had a very short flight). But now that I think about it, I may have to set up controls for MP so I can use it. I had just assumed it would carry controls from SP over to MP but maybe not. Ill have to check it. Im going to sleep, and Im going to sleep happy. I now know that my preorder was the right thing to do ;)
I am still pretty pissed about the lag, for no reason at all my FPS will drop to almost 0, and I get a slideshow, a very slow slideshow. It seems like it is loading something.
2.6 gig
128 9800 pro
512 RAM

I have all settings medium and 1047 * 746 and I'm not getting any frame-lag Foxtrot. On servers with 60 playeres of above I get some latency, but nothing to distract me from the expereince.
Foxtrot said:
I am still pretty pissed about the lag, for no reason at all my FPS will drop to almost 0, and I get a slideshow, a very slow slideshow. It seems like it is loading something.
Turn off shadows and tell me if it improves.
The game is AWSOME I run it at 1200X1600 with everything high it looks amazing!!!! with 6 AA
Q_onfused said:
My first impressions.

Well, playing demo sure shined a light on the question I've had for the past 6 months: should I buy BF2 when it is released. The answer to that question after playing the demo?... Maybe.

See, you could probably imagine how excited I was to install that sucker and play it... all night, seriously. My heart was pounding. I thought, "Wow, I'm gonna be up all night playing this." But guess what. Two hours later, I quit and came here. After awhile, it got repeatitive. Plus, in Multiplayer, you can never get a vehicle unless you camp the spot where it spawns, there's a vast amount a TKers, and it's SO easy to die. Two shots, and you're dead.

The physics, however, are amasing. Nothing draws you in more than flawless ragdolls.

The graphics... well... I can't really say. I thought my machine could handle Medium (512MB RAM, 1.8GHz, 9600XT) or close to it. But no. I have to run it on shitty-ass low which looks like ass. Ass painting on walls. Oh, and the ass is old, not nice and round, but brown saggy and disgusting. I've seen movies/pics with High settings and they do look amasing. So... whatever... I mean, I can run HL2 and CSS on High setting flawlessly... 40FPS most times. BF2 is not more graphic intense than HL2. Seriously. WTF?

The gameplay is nice. The classes are balanced and the weapons are nice. I was looking forward to the M203 (Assault class... M4 w/ grenade launcher attachment) but it's impossible to hit anyone with that damned launcher. Plus, the gun is only Burst fire, which is annoying. The vehicles and fun to drive around, and are most of the fun I had. However, the planes and helicopters are IMPOSSIBLE to fly. Bah, I get fustrated just thinking about it.

Overall... eh, it's a nice game but... I dunno, I was just really let down. Don't take me wrong, this game is fun it's just isn't what it's hyped up to be.

And yes, I know this is only the demo.

You could change most of the weapons (except for sniper and shotgun) to single shot. I also suggest that when flying, use keyboard only. WSAD + Up Down Left Right
Q_onfused, you need to try another server because I had an amazing experience. The assault class is totally kickass and the nade-launcher is very powerful. But it looks like you should upgrade your system a little. On the server I played, there was never a shortage of vehicles or fun. So far I haven't been able to try all the classes but those I have are extremly fun.

The only reason I stopped is because I'm having a headache from playing too much.
Foxtrot, check your PM soldier!

I've got a SHITTY 128kB/s connection, which is ok for multiplayer games, but not for dling :/ I wanted to download overnight, but bittorrent gave me some buffer error (wtf?), so I'm stuck at 26% and the torrent doesn't even get my my max 17kB/s download. I guess I'll play tommorow, this evening if I'm lucky.

And I won't risk a http download, without the ability to resume the download, even though it goes at 15-16kB/s.

Oh, well, I guess I'll play GTA: SA in the meantime. Great game :thumbs:
FFS, I left it downloading all night, woke up and its done only 80mb at 2.5kb/s
Krynn72 said:
I had the exact opposite experience. Your system is better than mine too. I get good gfx (but your on nvidia, i pity you :E ) zero lag (I was playing with MrRedundant for awhile, and we had a full 32 person server). Its easy to tell friend from foe (what with blue names for friends, red for foes), and its very very fast. My joystick however didnt work either (ask Redundant, we had a very short flight). But now that I think about it, I may have to set up controls for MP so I can use it. I had just assumed it would carry controls from SP over to MP but maybe not. Ill have to check it. Im going to sleep, and Im going to sleep happy. I now know that my preorder was the right thing to do ;)

Krynn hit me with a msg on Xfire (what is your xfire?)


would love to have another game with you and Amish (Amish and I play a lot together) that was fantastic...

I could pick apart all the cool things we did, but the whole experience was just mind blowing.. I love this game so much

the only thing that sucks about the demo is the 12min round limit, it's like you're just getting into it, and it resets heh.
it's fine though, I won't complain... I have had my well deserved pre order for a while now... man I love this game.

you have to realize that a big part of this experience is the squad and teamwork aspect of the game. I really suggest you get together and work as a squad, I tried playing lone-wolf and it just wasn't as cool. when you work together with 2 people it's fun, when you play with 3 it's effing badass, when you have 4 it's like... CREAMY pants... when you have more.... well I haven't really had the full on squad experience, I think I would implode.

really, being with a squad, getting brought back to life via medics, getting ammo from support, working together to take down infantry... it's simply bliss.

I can't even begin to count the number of times Amish or Krynn stood over me as a medic and brought me back to life.

I remember one of our earlier games where a tank had Amish and I pinned down at the construction yard, he needed me to take it out as I was an anti-tank, but the tank kept laying down suppressive fire on my body, so he rez'd me like 6 times in a row before we were both blown away.
Flying the helicopter and the plane is dam hard,

this game is hard....................
I love this game...Alan...I think Im replacing your role of commander because I ****ing own with it. VOIP works for me but some peoples mics are too soft or too loud. I have been getting #1 on every game I have been playing since like 9pm. I suck at planes and choppers but the rest Im good with.

I killed someone with the defibrilator...that was cool...he spazzed out and started stuff.

The teamwork isnt as great as I thought...usually people dont go in teams...they dont check to see if they leave anyone behind when they take a vehicle. I did have one long period of time where these 3 cool guys and I made a squad and really worked as a was great and we kicked ass. As for Im running 3 settings on medium with the rest on high, 4x AA amd 93% draw distance on 1024x768 60hz. I have a radeon 9800XT 256mb, 1 gig of ram, and a 3.2 p4. I drop below 30 fps...a lot...but I barely notice it or I just got used to it. Am I supposed to be getting this kind of performance?
MilkMan12 said:
I love this game...Alan...I think Im replacing your role of commander because I ****ing own with it. VOIP works for me but some peoples mics are too soft or too loud. I have been getting #1 on every game I have been playing since like 9pm. I suck at planes and choppers but the rest Im good with.

I killed someone with the defibrilator...that was cool...he spazzed out and started stuff.

The teamwork isnt as great as I thought...usually people dont go in teams...they dont check to see if they leave anyone behind when they take a vehicle. I did have one long period of time where these 3 cool guys and I made a squad and really worked as a was great and we kicked ass. As for Im running 3 settings on medium with the rest on high, 4x AA amd 93% draw distance on 1024x768 60hz. I have a radeon 9800XT 256mb, 1 gig of ram, and a 3.2 p4. I drop below 30 fps...a lot...but I barely notice it or I just got used to it. Am I supposed to be getting this kind of performance?

take off the AA or drop it some.

make sure lighting is on medium, no matter what rig you have.
I have everything besides 2 options on high (textures is on medium as is Lighting) in 1280x1024 no AA, and I get a constant 50-60 no dips.

9800 pro 128, p4 2.6ghz, 1gb 3200 ddr.

you were right Axyon, I could push it more :)
anyway, this is the greatest game I have ever played... I can't stop playing it, it's 3:00AM right now... I keep saying, ok just this last round....
Mr. Redundant said:
it, it's 3:00AM right now... I keep saying, ok just this last round....

lol, I went to bed at 4:45 tonite. Immensely enjoyable game.
played it last night for a few rds in sp at about 3am, ran it maxed with 4aa and 16af(forced), res 1280/960, game ran fine, got the odd stutter when switching to ironsights.

graphics were good, though not spectacular, it was no far cry, doom or hl2, textures were poor upclose tbh. The odd clipping error, tank turrets going through buildings etc.

looking forward to really trying it today particurly online, hope it doesnt lag.
:dozey: Just got done playing, it's 3:50 AM. I started playing around 10 PM. This game truly is more attractive than BF:V and 1942, by faaar much! I love this game, so addicting, I really love commander mode, in assumption I thought it'd be boring and too technical. But it's tight commanding squads and providing supply drops and artillery and some other crap. This game is sooo FUN!!!