Battlefield 2 demo - First impressions

INSTALLING!! God damn this looks mint...

I've never seen a demo with such good impressions... :thumbs:
ailevation said:
I really love commander mode, in assumption I thought it'd be boring and too technical. But it's tight commanding squads and providing supply drops and artillery and some other crap. This game is sooo FUN!!!

Cool. I thought it sounded boring but I can't wait to try it now. :thumbs:
The pros
- Everything thats not on the cons... :)

The cons
- Plane camping is still around.
- The sniping "Holding the fire button" to keep scoped doesnt allways work.
koondrad said:
Cool. I thought it sounded boring but I can't wait to try it now. :thumbs:

:naughty: Well, when you first try it, obviously you're probably going to be like,"What the hell!?" just keep messing with it for awhile and figure out what everything is for... then you'll finally get the hang of meeting squad leader's requests and just keeping your eye on enemy locations and know when to do artillery strikes and send squads to points where you want. Trust me, when you're chosen to be Commander and your team wins, you feel like a mother effin' badass... because Commanders really do play an important part, even though you'll probably see the least action.
BillyJoBob said:
I played it and I love it, It's great fun!

I got a question though, Are my shadows supposed to look like this … all blocky and weird, is there something wrong? Maybe I need to update my drivers? I’ve got a x800xt using the catalyst 5.5 drivers.

U need to downgrade to catalyst 5.1 i hear from EA theres a prob with new drivers, but there working on it.
After playing for a good two hours i've come to the conclusion that this is by far the best Battlefield yet. But with that said its nowhere near as good as people have been making it out to be.

Its definately not the be-all-end-all of computer games, and it doesnt come anywhere close to all the hype Gamespot has been building for it. Its a pretty game, and generally plays much better then any of the Battlefields, including Desert Combat. But with that said i still dont really see why everyone is flipping out about it.

In short: This game is basically Desert combat with a better engine and a few more tweaks.

I still think Operation Flashpoint 2 will shit all over this but with that said i'll definately keep an eye out for the reviews this game gets.
played it briefly, like it so far ...but where's the helicoptors? Am I missing something?
MilkMan12 said:
I love this game...Alan...I think Im replacing your role of commander because I ****ing own with it. VOIP works for me but some peoples mics are too soft or too loud. I have been getting #1 on every game I have been playing since like 9pm. I suck at planes and choppers but the rest Im good with.

I killed someone with the defibrilator...that was cool...he spazzed out and started stuff.

The teamwork isnt as great as I thought...usually people dont go in teams...they dont check to see if they leave anyone behind when they take a vehicle. I did have one long period of time where these 3 cool guys and I made a squad and really worked as a was great and we kicked ass. As for Im running 3 settings on medium with the rest on high, 4x AA amd 93% draw distance on 1024x768 60hz. I have a radeon 9800XT 256mb, 1 gig of ram, and a 3.2 p4. I drop below 30 fps...a lot...but I barely notice it or I just got used to it. Am I supposed to be getting this kind of performance?
On the contrary, I was just playing on a 64 player public server for a few hours, and there were at least 5 squads per side. There was a great deal of teamwork present for a public server, and a few of us made a Special Ops squad and went on these brilliant covert missions - took a boat, boarded the US ship and took out the radar and a few planes. Great stuff :D
CptStern said:
played it briefly, like it so far ...but where's the helicoptors? Am I missing something?

On the ship. If you played single player, you wont get it there. Try multiplayer.
I played afew more games, and we kicked ass, take back what I said, there are NO cons.

I was leading a squad, started as 2, but then grew to 6, the commander was issueing orders correctly, we where following them. We did very well, and the squad members where smart enough to say, if they had a jeep, to use it to collect stray members and to bring them to the cap point. Etc etc.

It was awesome...
I was just in a kick arse squad that stuck together, we took over all of the enemy control points when we had one left - and the even commander dropped us supplies and helped us with with artillery. The other 10 people on my team were busy doing nothing though :p
Yeah the helicopters hover a lot easier, if you just ease off the stick it'll automatically hover for you :)
Played commander today in a 64 player server, it blew, not because it wasnt fun, but because no one was listening to any order I gave, the radar and artillery where down, yet no squad I ordered to repair, would. So... commander mode is only as good as your team is.
Just a quick question - are bots in the demo? I can't play online games with this connection at uni :/
where are all the servers gone?, I played online once for ages :P, but now, no matter how much I refresh, none show up.... is it a bug?
clarky003 said:
where are all the servers gone?, I played online once for ages :P, but now, no matter how much I refresh, none show up.... is it a bug?
Same with me, just log out and then back in. Is anyone elses menu really laggy?
ahhh so everybody is having that mean the server browser foxtrot?
so its a bug and not a client problem
too bad I have to play with shitty graphics. my xp2400, 9500pro, 512 mb really comes short. wonder if the geforce 6600GT will handel it well.

even when i play on a full 64 people server, there seem to be little action going on.

the helicopters turn speed is slow as hell too.

except for this it seems to be pretty cool. time to upgrade.

a demo exe(no rar) is on 3dgamers.
my geforce ti4400 isn't even in the supported hardware list. this is not a good sign.
I have a 6600gt it runs smooth on all medium I havent tried cranking it up though, I see no need imho.
Foxtrot said:
Same with me, just log out and then back in. Is anyone elses menu really laggy?

thats not even working for me foxtrot, its packed up pretty much entirely even when i restart the comp,, which sucks because the 32 player online battles are orgasmic.
Hi guys , just arrived home , from big party last night, and i just soo the demo is live :)

what is best link (non-torrent one) in UK ?
plz, i need a quick one to start download.
YEY demo here i come !!!!
Great game, fantastic!

Sound effects are awesome. Getting some annoying mouse lag though :(

Bots are fun to play against, seem relatively competent (although they do some funny knife circle dance when they get close)
After playing a little more, I just noticed that the game runs like crap. I get horrible lag with a 9800 pro on medium settings and 1024 x 760 resolution on every server. I am on a broadband connection and I can run hl2 and css on 1600 x 1200 with extra settings and runs smooth.
ok zeus, stop f spaming the forums, if you dont like it , there is nice function called unistall bf2!
Wow...just, wow. I finished downloading the demo from FileFront last night, but it was too late to really start playing. I got up at 7:00 and have been playing it ever since. (it's 1:20 here) Awsome game...just awsome. The planes aren't what I expected but I've gotten used to them pretty quickly. All of the ground vehicles are extremely cool...especially the tanks. The Helos are pretty hard to fly but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I can fly, or I can shoot, but I'm having problems doing both at the same time. The two classes I've played as so far (Medic and Special Ops) are both lots of fun and it looks like the others are great too. In conclusion...this game ****ing owns.
Zeus said:
After playing a little more, I just noticed that the game runs like crap. I get horrible lag with a 9800 pro on medium settings and 1024 x 760 resolution on every server. I am on a broadband connection and I can run hl2 and css on 1600 x 1200 with extra settings and runs smooth.

so what? did you know they are 2 different games? HL2's minimum spec is 1.2 ghz processor, 256 ram. BF2's minimum requirements are 1.7 ghz processor, 512 ram. it simply requires more than halflife2 and is less scalable like halflife2 is. thats life. deal with it!
Wootage, I got the game running on my FX5200.
Runs on medium pretty damn well.
Three words....