Beretta 9000 VTM Release By IchII3D

KrAyZiE said:
i started it like you but then just took it my own way.

Wow, i like this a lot :D Its got a nice tone to it already and you havn't even fully smooth grouped it. Its very nice and I like the fact your trying to develope your own style and trying out new things.

think i figured it out lol, give me 5 minutes ill screw up again :P.
Thanks 'IchI' for the vtm's, they're superb. I was really getting nowhere with the usual tutorials, the vids have shown me a lot about the basics of modelling, not just for making weapons either.
getting closer to the finish line

Hehehe, its a lot nicer than mine in my opinion :D

Looking very sweet.
Hey Ichi, I am having a random problem... Just last night I was able to select some edges and hold down shift and drag them to kinda duplicate them in a way, but now when I hold down shift and click to drag, it just deselects everything!? ARG!!! What's going on? Did I accidentally change some setting?

Using 3dsmax?

Maybe you locked your object with spacebar.
I got used to deselect objects in XSI and used it in 3dsmax and went nuts!!
If there's a fast way to deselect objects in a flash please tell me. :p

BTW, great VTM's IchI, I've done some from it so far I'll continue when I get home on wensday.
i am using 3dsmax... i think the problem is something with me using a box and not a plane... and yes dalith i agree with you, deselecting and selecting objects in 3dsmax is WAY easier than XSI...

lol I hope you all are using the trial.....since its what, 3,450 for the new 3ds software...or is that corporate...i gotta check hehe
Merc you can not extrude an edge that is already closed off. You need to use a plane. Remember you need to extrude this edge from somewhere. Max wouldn't know what to do if you select an edge thats already closed off. This is why it deselects it.
What i made this morning using your technique ichi :O

and yes i know there are mistakes, gonna fix them in a moment, and i would like to thank you again ichi, before this i could only make a box or something :O


thx alot for the tutorial ichi, i learned many things about 3ds max i never knew about before.
ok i have just downloaded and watched all of the vtm's and im up to starting the second one now, i hope im not the last to say excellent work ichi! ill post my finished barretta once i've finished it, but theres one thing im not sure on , and thats how you produce those grey-background renders of the model once everything is finished, could someone just quickly run though that for me please

again thanks ichi ! <3!
giller.. ig you are on max..

in the create pannel, go to the lights section, and create a Skylight, it doesn't matter where you place it at all.. after setting up you scene, with a plane for the floor, etc.. go to the menu bar at the top most of your screen.. look for REndering > Advanced lightning. A small window should appear, with 2 options, choose Light Tracing, leave everything as default, and render you scene... if you need more help go to Help > user reference, and type in Skylight, and read what it says about skylights, also type in light tracing, and read what it says about it..

Im thinking of making a tutorial for rendering things like this (or a few tutorials).. what do you guys think? should I?
Ye sure, as long as its good and its a VTM I will host it for you.

You need to take into acount your not just showing them 1 single thing. That would be boring. You need to give them something to work with and to experiment for them self. Not just to follow you exactly to get uber leet lights. You need to make it so people can go away and be able to change colours and try out new things and adapt to there own style.

My VTM doesn't exactly forfill all of these. But it was only my first VTM. My next one will be better hopfully. I am working on some ideas with some friends and might be putting something pritty dam massive together. You will have to wait and see :P
Nice VTM's IchI.. I didn't really learn anything I didn't already know, but you did a good job on them IMO.

I was expecting you to have a strong Yorkshire accent that the foriegners wouldn't understand coming from Leeds (not as strong as my Yorkie accent like), but you were very understandable too :)

I Love You Ichi, You Make Modling Much Easyr :d~~

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Great VTM. Very Entertaining. Just got done watching them all straight through with a pizza break near the 5th one. Great job. Oh and best quotes from the VTM...

IchI: "I can't believe my graphics card crashed on me whilest I was making a VTM, that is so gay."
IchI: "I bet everyone's saying man this guy's a ****ing loser."

I had some good laughs, it was fun. Thanks again IchI.
Hehehe, very good. The USP needs some work I noticed that from the first wirframe. But the Berreta looks nice. Good job. It will be good to see how you develope your new skills :D
ichi, can you make a tutorial on how to render your image in cool ways with the gun in certain poses, it looks easy but i just cant do it... also make a tutorial on uvw mapping so people can put textures on our weapons!

merc said:
ichi, can you make a tutorial on how to render your image in cool ways with the gun in certain poses, it looks easy but i just cant do it... also make a tutorial on uvw mapping so people can put textures on our weapons!


Hmmm, we will have to see. I am really trying to learn how to texture my self atm. I am looking for someone to make a skinning VTM for everyone including my self. I would ask ankalar but I don't think he will be bothered :P
ankalar, the same ankalar that made lots of skins on
IchI, thanks m8 for getting me back into modeling, I decided to try your technique, it isn't the fastest nor the cleanest but it seems to get the job done rather nicely. Thankyou for putting these together, I can't say I learnt anything new, just new stuff to look for. And I loved it when you got mad at the geometry, "ah sh*t, little c*nt" or something like that. Thanks agian m8!
Could someone explain to me more about smoothing groups, so I really know which ones to add to same group because I don't get it. :(

Anyways, here's what I got.
I haven't optimized it yet or added any smoothgroups.





Very nice model tbh. How much experiance modelling have you got?
I've started modelling for the first time in may, then I've just modelled when I had time. This must be my hmm, 12th model ever.
Is it really that good? :naughty:
Dalith you done anything with that sword you had? Looked cool. I thought you were gonna skin it or something. BTW cool 9000.
Actually, I moved on to 3dsmax 6 instead of XSI so I left it to rotten. :(
That sword was my first model, I was so proud.
Its really good to say you have only been modelling since may. Well done.