
Yeah, that is a bit sad :(

Meh, personally I think they should leave achievements to consoles but that's stirring up a hornet's nest.

Anyway, my best buy is going to sell the PC version tomorrow but I've been reading on the gearbox forums that there's some sort of activation protection that will prevent the game from launching till the 26th - the actual retail date. Any truth to this? I don't want to go cancel my gamestop preorder as I'd rather give them my business than best buy. But if best buy is selling early, well they get my business.
Yeah, that is a bit sad :(

Achievements are sad. I couldn't even start to explain how much I couldn't give a shit about some useless achievements system. Steam/ingame/whatever it's meh.

Anyway, my best buy is going to sell the PC version tomorrow but I've been reading on the gearbox forums that there's some sort of activation protection that will prevent the game from launching till the 26th

Same system as Bioshock apparently. So no game launch until activation servers turn on.
Yeah apparently the PC version will be missing the .exe out of the box. You'll have to download it once you activate, and you can't activate until the 26th. Pretty shitty system imo
So I'm on the fence about getting this game for the 360 or my PC. on the one hand I don't care about Achievements so much anymore. my PC can run this fine I its $15 cheaper. on the other hand most of my friends are on the xbox when it comes to online gaming. plus if there are mods and free maps this is the way to go
So I'm on the fence about getting this game for the 360 or my PC. on the one hand I don't care about Achievements so much anymore. my PC can run this fine I its $15 cheaper. on the other hand most of my friends are on the xbox when it comes to online gaming. plus if there are mods and free maps this is the way to go

Other than the aforementioned activation bullcrap the pc version is the one to get imo.
Achievements are sad. I couldn't even start to explain how much I couldn't give a shit about some useless achievements system. Steam/ingame/whatever it's meh.
I agree with achievements being sad, and if I could, I'd force all game developers to remove'em.

Why? Because my OCD doesn't permit me to simply ignore'em, they sit there like taunting me, and people with OCD know how enticing it gets with stuff like achievements, you feel you absolutely have to get all the achievements in a game or else you suck or something similar.

It's ironic, I love achievements but at the same time I hate'em, I hate to love'em and love to hate'em.

Honestly, I enjoyed gaming far more before achievements/trophies etc were put in place. Now even gaming has become a 'chore' for me, something I 'must' do otherwise I get mad at myself.

This is a particular nightmare in games like the games from Ubisoft, which generally have very grindish games(I.e. win 100 MP battles, kill 1000 people in MP etc)

Borderlands has a fairly okay achievementlist though.
Game achievements of any kind are a joke. If i wanted a false sense of accomplishment, i'd have my parents tell me how talented and great i am.
Game achievements of any kind are a joke. If i wanted a false sense of accomplishment, i'd have my parents tell me how talented and great i am.

Yeah, that's the thing, it's not about accomplishment for me, it's about force, it's kinda hard to put it into words but it feels as if if I don't do the achievements I'm "bad" or something "bad" will happen etc. As I said, hard to describe. But yes, IMO achievements suck and I wish they'd never 'introduced' them into games in the first place.
Same system as Bioshock apparently. So no game launch until activation servers turn on.

I guess it doesn't matter now, best buy changed their release date to the 26th. I think they got clued in by 2k.
Eh, Achievements are something I grind on to finish, or HAVE to finish. It just helps to change up some random monotony when playing over time. "Oh look, I killed this guy again, HOLY SHIT IF I KILL 1,000 OF THEM I GET THIS NIFTY SOUND AND ICON POP UP?!"

I guess I take games less seriously than most? :insert shrugging smiley here:
I've always thought Achievements as a way to repeat the game.

RPS Verdict, quite positive.

Alec: I’m going to be ever so bold and say it’s more like Diablo than anything else. Even down to how you grind away at things you can’t quite do until you reach their level, then progress, with no real fear of death to prevent you doing so.

Alec: I also had a shotgun that fired rockets.
I don't give a shit about achievements unless I get something for them.
I dont activatively persue acheivements, but it is nice if I do something cool and suddenly the game acknowledges it.
I dont activatively persue acheivements, but it is nice if I do something cool and suddenly the game acknowledges it.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I won't grind for them, for obvious reasons. But when I'm just playing and I get something it's like "YAAAY!"
Some of my friends and I compete to have the most achievements, but not in an overly-competitive way. I don't buy games based on how easy it is to get achievements, and I certainly won't try to get every achievement in a game. Basically I get the achievements that are won by just playing the game and then hope that I got more than my friends.
Really thinking of getting this. The only thing putting me off is the way loot is distributed. Or is there a need/greed system in place that I aint seen?

My friends are big ninjas you see ;)
Really thinking of getting this. The only thing putting me off is the way loot is distributed. Or is there a need/greed system in place that I aint seen?

My friends are big ninjas you see ;)

Free for all. But the official forums have been begging for need/greed for months now, so GBX might patch this is in.
Oh I really hope so. Only just started looking at this really. How long is the game expected to last do you know? Level cap?

I'd be getting the PC version, would be cool to play with everyone from here :D
Thank god I decided on the Steam version, the retail version has Secrom.
Oh 2K, never learn their lesson.
My game came in. I'll be on Live tonight so if anyone wants to play, I'm completely and utterly down.
I'm going to pre-purchase on Steam. the $20 cheaper value and quicker patches/mods will be worth it in the long run
I wonder if anybody is getting it for Console first just to get 6 days of playing in and then getting it for PC.

I just contemplated it. I'm crazy.
I wonder if anybody is getting it for Console first just to get 6 days of playing in and then getting it for PC.

I just contemplated it. I'm crazy.

That's actually not a bad idea. Do companies still take returns of games or are you talking about trading it in for store credit/cash value once the PC version comes out?

Hm.. Too bad I'm not crazy enough to do that.
I read somewhere that if you and a friend get in a fight over loot (or what not), you can somehow get into a duel with them. Can't find a source at the moment.
I read somewhere that if you and a friend get in a fight over loot (or what not), you can somehow get into a duel with them. Can't find a source at the moment.

You can always duel. Melee a teammate and when he melees you back a duel will start.
Yeah, but its not an actual system to determine who gets picks, its still sorta an honour system...
Yeah, but its not an actual system to determine who gets picks, its still sorta an honour system...

Yeah, as said: looting is free for all, so the dueling is only there for fun basically. You can duel for loot but there is no gameplay mechanic for it.
I was just going to pre-order Borderlands on PC and just did a Java update, did a restart and now I see nothing on my steam page. if I buy directly from, will the game show up in my game tab??

edit: nevermind it works now, but in the future, would i have been able to pre-order/buy any game from the site only??
Goddamnit warp, I keep thinking you're ZT, its just a very ZTish avatar.
I hope to god you didn't do the gnome achievement in HL2: EP2 :O

Nah, I'm only an achievementwhore on GFWL/XBL, or rather try to, not as bad as most of the other achievementwhores I know, and since I own HL2EP2 on PC, there's no need for achievements for me.

Anyway I don't mind gnomes etc, collectibles and so forth, what I truly hate are retarded grindish multiplayer achievements, like say Perfect Dark Zero's "KILL 1000 PLAYERS", when I saw that I was like "Yeah right why don't you bite me, ****wad?"