Bush or Kerry, vote today!

Bush or Kerry

  • Bush

    Votes: 55 34.0%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 107 66.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Post once, then forget about it. if you have something else to say, edit your last post and stick it on the end. Donw repetadly try and drill your opinion into everyones heads.

I respond to multiple posts with multiple posts. Easier to handle. Just ignore the big yellow avatar if you dont want to read it.
blahblahblah said:
Hey now. I suggest you shut your mouth.

Not in the mood to find any unbiased source or care about the international opinion?
touchy touchy in this thread. vote for whichever ego satisfy's you the most. If you ask me the movie star like publicity and hype make's these American presidential votes seem like a fiasco, It's more of a show than that of a serious want for politcal leadership.

it sort of feels childish , in an odd kind of way.
It is childish clarky, they make it childish and everyone accepts that, but sadly if we step back and look at whats at risk, we would see just how ridiculous the infighting over the not so important issues, and the smear campaigns really are.
I know, all the effort poured into that. Time wasted, when you think people could combine effort's with some 'intellectual's' to spend their time on the more important Issue's, instead of wasting money and effort on a vote that doesnt really reflect what people want anyway, people are half and half as it seems.
Sprafa said:
Not in the mood to find any unbiased source or care about the international opinion?

Thats not it at all Sprafa. You tend to come into a thread with a match stick. We've been having great debates without cussing or making any foul remarks. Ive seen what happens when you tend disagree with other peoples opinions.
Bio said:
What is best? Get shot in your heart or brain?

I think that sums up my opinion on it pretty well.
There's a possibility that Kerry will cause less damage, that can maybe be repaired.
Bush is much more final.

And Sprafa's right. Those who oppose Bush ARE an international majority. The world just doesn't like Bush. I can tell you that most of Canada doesn't.

I supported Bush after 9/11 and into the war in Afghanistan. But then, with Osama was still on the loose, he declared war on Iraq. I was like "WTF Iraq? Where did that come from? What about Osama?"

Then that not a single scrap of WMD evidence had been found in Iraq, but Bush is still trying as hard as he could to invade anyways. And I was like "Listen to the UN, you can't invade until you have real proof. So far, there's nothing there." It seemed clear to me that there were no WMDs at all, and polls showed that around 62% of canadians shared that opinion.

Then Bush invaded, violating international law. Like most everyone expected, no WMDs were found, and I lost all respect for him right then.
Phraxtion said:
Thats not it at all Sprafa. You tend to come into a thread with a match stick. We've been having great debates without cussing or making any foul remarks. Ive seen what happens when you tend disagree with other peoples opinions.


I just hate ignorance. And c'mon, excepting my 1st post in this thread, I was pretty cool...
Neutrino said:
Ya, but for a lot of other people in this country who aren't christian it is a problem. And luckily we live in a democracy where they matter too. To think about it another way, would you be happy if the president was buddhist, or jewish, or a scientologist and started making decisions based on those beliefs?

How is it right? Well if two people love eachother it seems pretty right to me. However, that is beside the point. The reason you think it is wrong is due to your religion. Many others don't share that religion so don't think it is wrong. Bringing religion into politics is an extremely dangerous thing to do. It may not seem that way, but wait until someone bring a different religion than your own into it and then it becomes clear why it should not be done.

Well first, I truly don't understand how people equate stemcell research and abortion. I mean at a certain point you could logically use the same arguement to say that every sperm cell is a potential human child and thus killing one is abortion. Of course such a viewpoint would be absurd, and I really don't see much difference between that and stemcells.

But, that's somewhat beside the point. To answer your question, scientist think that the research is being hindered by only providing 21 lines. There's a lot of information on it. I can maybe go get some later if you'd like.

But another point in that debate is that polls show a majority support for stemcell research, and we do live in a democracy after all....

Kind of on the subject, here's a nice little snipet that I think sums up how religion plays a role for both Kerry and Bush. Though I'm sure many will disagree with it.


This scares me somewhat because I'm afraid many people who happen to agree with Bush will vote for him because he does "govern by belief." I would however urge anyone who fits in this catagory to examine this issue very closely. This is not necessarily a good thing. Bringing religious beliefs into public politics is a recipe for disaster I think. After all, there's no gurantee that the next president will have the same religion as you do or the same beliefs. Therefore, I would hope people could see that basing policy solely on belief is never a good thing in a democratic country that supports freedom of religion.

1. Exactly, thats why Ill be voting Bush.
2.Wrong, I dont base that strictly on my religion. Penis + Penis dosent go together. How can that be argued. If we all started swinging that way it would be the end of the species.
3. The argument you just provided is absurd, and I do see huge difference.
4. There are more than enough. Studies have shown great promise in what they have now. Why do you need more.
Sprafa said:

I just hate ignorance. And c'mon, excepting my 1st post in this thread, I was pretty cool...

Guess we'll have to see what happens...
If Nader would have a remote chance to win, I would gladly join in the debate for him....
That was refering to your ".Wrong, I dont base that strictly on my religion. Penis + Penis dosent go together. How can that be argued. If we all started swinging that way it would be the end of the species." comment...
Just because people act/look/feel/love differently than you, doesn't make them wrong. You're entitled to your opinion on the subject, but you act like its absolutely right, no debate needed

How can that be argued.

Thats being, close minded. Sorry, but it is. I'm not homosexual, but I don't believe homosexual people should be looked upon like this. Just because they are different than me doesn't mean they are wrong. I'm not nor have I ever been homosexual, so I honestly can not say what drives them to be homosexual, maybe some people have no choice?
I'm gay !

who hates me?

Go for it. I doubt anyone hates you.

And on gay marriage I feel that homosexuals deserve equal rights as straight couples, but not the word marriage. I have no objections to civil unions.
Sprafa said:
I'm gay !

who hates me?

I dont hate anyone. I dont think the same could be said for you, considering some of your posts. I never said I hated gays, and if your trying to put words into my mouth.. please dont. Ive managed to post in this thread without calling people names or things such as ignorant or close minded, im listening to other peoples views without judging them, its not hard.

As for my argument, its simply not natural and I dont see how you guys cant see that. Our bodies were not designed to be compatable with the same sex. Thats all im trying to say.
Sweet. Look at the poll, Kerry was TWICE as many votes as Bush. Take that sucka-fools.
Phraxtion said:
I dont hate anyone. I dont think the same could be said for you, considering some of your posts. I never said I hated gays, and if your trying to put words into my mouth.. please dont. Ive managed to post in this thread without calling people names or things such as ignorant or close minded, im listening to other peoples views without judging them, its not hard.

As for my argument, its simply not natural and I dont see how you guys cant see that. Our bodies were not designed to be compatable with the same sex. Thats all im trying to say.

If I call you close minded, I refer to the manner in which you are thinking. I don't understand how that is name calling? If I called you a "poopy head closed minder" then yes, you could say I was name calling.
And on the subject of not natural homosexuality, you do know that your beloved vice president has a gay daughter right? You definately shouldn't vote to re-elect them, they are not "natural".
DarkStar said:
Sweet. Look at the poll, Kerry was TWICE as many votes as Bush. Take that sucka-fools.

Hmm.. yes, I wonder how may of the votes are actually by americans.
Phraxtion said:
Hmm.. yes, I wonder how may of the votes are actually by americans.

well, that's exactly my point. You americans are so arrogant you don't see that foreign opinion should always be taken in consideration.
Sprafa said:
well, that's exactly my point. You americans are so arrogant you don't see that foreign opinion should always be taken in consideration.

Not all Americans :cheese:
You americans are so arrogant you don't see that foreign opinion should always be taken in consideration.

Ummm, so you are saying that you should be allowed to vote for our President. Who is the arrogant one again? Americans vote for who Americans see fit to run our country. Not who the French and Brits see fit to run our country.
Innervision961 said:
If I call you close minded, I refer to the manner in which you are thinking. I don't understand how that is name calling? If I called you a "poopy head closed minder" then yes, you could say I was name calling.
And on the subject of not natural homosexuality, you do know that your beloved vice president has a gay daughter right? You definately shouldn't vote to re-elect them, they are not "natural".

Whats the point of the first half of your post Innervision? I never said you called me a name. You simply called me close minded.

As for the homosxuality.... please listen, if you choose to go out and have gay sex, thats your business. I dont have a prob with that. Again and for the last time im simply saying that human bodies are not designed for it. You have a penis or you have a vagina, do we really need to have a sex ed class?
ugh, did you read the posts in succession? And as I said i'm not gay, but i'm not selfish enough to believe that since i'm straight, all gay people are wrong.
And the first part of my post was in response to you spouting off about how everyone was calling you names... I simply said, I wasn't name calling. Reread if neccassary.
seinfeldrules said:
Ummm, so you are saying that you should be allowed to vote for our President. Who is the arrogant one again? Americans vote for who Americans see fit to run our country. Not who the French and Brits see fit to run our country.


I said "take in consideration", not "allow foreigners to vote". It is a quite different expression if you ask me. And unfortunately there is no international opinion on my country, because we're too freaking small.

In the Roman Empire, the Senate was voted throughtout all of the Empire. Right now, the World is an American Empire, whether you like it or not. Unfortunately the Americans think they can rule from Rome with their legions, instead of listening to their provinces..

The thing is, if you vote for Bush anti-americanism will only increase. ffs, even Ireland, a tradicionally pro-American country, had HUGE protests against Bush.

And the worst thing you can ever want is to anti-americanism to increase right now.
Not everyone hates Bush Sprafa, its just portrayed that way by some people.

I don't hate Bush, and most of the people I know don't hate him. They don't think he is great, but they just think hes a politician.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Not everyone hates Bush Sprafa, its just portrayed that way by some people.

I don't hate Bush, and most of the people I know don't hate him. They don't think he is great, but they just think hes a politician.


I'm not saying everyone hates Bush, I'm saying that the ones that do, and the ones that matter, will only get more aggravated with Americans if he's re-elected. And we don't want that do we?
His reputation isn't recieved very well in Canada. Our gas prices are pretty high thanks to the war in Iraq. But I just like to see get made fun of on T.V. shows.
Tredoslop said:
His reputation isn't recieved very well in Canada. Our gas prices are pretty high thanks to the war in Iraq. But I just like to see get made fun of on T.V. shows.

I actually thought Canadians liked him, because most of the Canadians I know are conservative party/ Bush supporters.
Sprafa said:

I'm not saying everyone hates Bush, I'm saying that the ones that do, and the ones that matter, will only get more aggravated with Americans if he's re-elected. And we don't want that do we?

The ones that matter? Could you please explain that a little.
Sprafa said:

I said "take in consideration", not "allow foreigners to vote". It is a quite different expression if you ask me. And unfortunately there is no international opinion on my country, because we're too freaking small.

In the Roman Empire, the Senate was voted throughtout all of the Empire. Right now, the World is an American Empire, whether you like it or not. Unfortunately the Americans think they can rule from Rome with their legions, instead of listening to their provinces..

The thing is, if you vote for Bush anti-americanism will only increase. ffs, even Ireland, a tradicionally pro-American country, had HUGE protests against Bush.

And the worst thing you can ever want is to anti-americanism to increase right now.

WTF? I've never seen America have positive foreign relations. Ever since WWII, we've never had it. Never. Kerry will not improve foreign relations. For the first year in office, you make think there is change, but their isn't. 4 years later you will be moaning and complaining about America again.

Honestly, having a protest in *some random country* affect me? Not at all. On a scale of things that I have to worry about my life, foreign policy is on the back end of things. Telling me that I am arrogant frankly shows your arrogance. Further more, calling me arrogant (or my country or President) is not going to change my mind. If anything you are going to cement it further. Tread lightly.

I need to worry about our economy, education, jobs, environment, social security, government spending, military, taxes, health care, electricity, etc. Foreign policy is a distant consideration.

Right now, our foreign policy isn't hurting you. It is only hurting Iraq and Afghanistan (which isn't a good thing). Before this happened, I am wiling to bet money that you had no idea where Afghanistan is located. Telling me that he has the worst foreign policy is ridiculous. If we really had horrible foreign policy, Iraq would be glowing (read: radiated) parking lot.
Innervision961 said:
ugh, did you read the posts in succession? And as I said i'm not gay, but i'm not selfish enough to believe that since i'm straight, all gay people are wrong.
And the first part of my post was in response to you spouting off about how everyone was calling you names... I simply said, I wasn't name calling. Reread if neccassary.

Ok here we go... in your original post you said "I dont understand how thats name calling". I replied saying "You didnt call me a name, you simply called me close minded". Got it? Wheres the confusion?

Im not implying your gay, I was refering to anyone. And being selfish has nothing to do with. Im not saying a gay man is wrong to have feelings for another man. I dont know what chemical process or imbalance or what reason there may be for it. I was just stating a scientific fact about physical bodies.