Captain America is Dead

Great, the Punisher is gonna be the new Captain America? Blah.

That wouldn't make any sense, Punisher still has his own series going on. Then again, Marvel Punisher and MAX Punisher are practically two different forces so I guess it could work.
I heard Marvel wants to discontinue the Punisher, or something like that. It's pretty obvious anyway that Castle'll be the new Cap, judging by how he reacted to finding Cap's mask. Heavy-handed foreshadowing.

Also, here is an accurate depiction of why Batman owns, and will never lose to anybody. Ever.

A "super" hero taken out by a gun shot? F*** that. Give me my invincible, only able to die from plutorium tryglycerol magnesium carbonicaticeruptomagneticflacidvagina rock thing from a 3.24050 billion light year away planet, can catch a bullet with muh pen0r superhero over this pussy!

Batman? Ohh... Owned... :P
Freakazoid > all

That episode with candlejack was really gre
I heard Marvel wants to discontinue the Punisher, or something like that. It's pretty obvious anyway that Castle'll be the new Cap, judging by how he reacted to finding Cap's mask. Heavy-handed foreshadowing.

I doubt they'd cancel his series with MAX though, that's a Marvel imprint for mature readers and The Punisher is still selling quite well.