
What happened to Que-ever? And Drunkles :/
Que-ever is now lefty, and I'm not sure what happened to Druckles.
Don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but All these memories were another classic meme:

I dunno, honestly these memories bring only one thing to mind for me:

I have yet to live down posting an actual photograph of my computer wallpaper.

I no longer have the pic though.
I have narrowed down the list of active members who have been around longer than me to BadHat, Murray, Badger, Majestic, Prince of Space, and Iced Eagle. I will work through this list until I am the last.
I had to sign back in just to comment on this thread, because this brought up sooo many memories. I remember most clearly though when they tried to shut the politics forum down. Ohhhhh that didn't go to well.

EDIT- holy crap my avatar rofl!

Whoah, where was I when this happened? I can't imagine the fallout that must have happened when they tried that.
I will never forget the photoedit threads.





Wtf, I only remember the splinter cell one. I remember the thread for the wedding edit, but I dont remember that specific edit. The others are completely new to me.
Wtf, I only remember the splinter cell one. I remember the thread for the wedding edit, but I dont remember that specific edit. The others are completely new to me.

Oh man the photo edit contests were amazing.
Am I cool yet? I try so much to be like Pesh.

Also, HOLY **** WEREWOLF PARTY. I totally forgot about that.

Remember the zombie apocalypse RPG that Jintor let die? I remember how Jintor let it die. Like, it was alive for a while, then it changed into a different rpg, and then Jintor let it die.

Think it would be more that Smoke and I let it die...
oh shit that splinter cell one is me..but yea they were pretty hysterical.

Mother of god I laughed until I couldn't breath at that photo edit contest.
Sigh... such memories. And so many other events that are on the edge of my mind but I can't quite bring into focus...
It's nice to see me get mentioned a few times in a nostalgia thread :D It makes me happy. And I'm not even gonna go into how "sad" it is for someone to get happy over posts in an internet forum, because it's not sad. I've had an account for almost five years on (several actually but that goes without saying) and it really has been a big part of my life. If I had to name a point in my life where I started to grow up and develop a different view of the world it was when I first joined in june 2005.
It led to me questioning my family's religious views, and becoming an atheist, and recently to me getting kicked out of my house. Not that I'm blaming you guys, it was expected and in a way what I wanted.

I work part time at Home Depot and get payed a bit over minimum wage. I've got an awesome beautiful girlfriend who found me an affordable place to live (a boat in emeryville marina) and I have limited access to a computer, which is why I've been posting so infrequently... I still check the forums whenever I can, but I just feel out of the loop. I have nothing to say. It makes me feel bad, like I'm abandoning my friends. I don't mean to... But sometimes life gets in the way. I miss you guys. I miss the fun and the stolen memes and drawing pictures and fighting with the scanner to make it work to post it for you all and make people happy, if only for a moment. Maybe someday soon I can do that again.
Sigh... such memories. And so many other events that are on the edge of my mind but I can't quite bring into focus...
It's nice to see me get mentioned a few times in a nostalgia thread :D It makes me happy. And I'm not even gonna go into how "sad" it is for someone to get happy over posts in an internet forum, because it's not sad. I've had an account for almost five years on (several actually but that goes without saying) and it really has been a big part of my life. If I had to name a point in my life where I started to grow up and develop a different view of the world it was when I first joined in june 2005.
It led to me questioning my family's religious views, and becoming an atheist, and recently to me getting kicked out of my house. Not that I'm blaming you guys, it was expected and in a way what I wanted.

I work part time at Home Depot and get payed a bit over minimum wage. I've got an awesome beautiful girlfriend who found me an affordable place to live (a boat in emeryville marina) and I have limited access to a computer, which is why I've been posting so infrequently... I still check the forums whenever I can, but I just feel out of the loop. I have nothing to say. It makes me feel bad, like I'm abandoning my friends. I don't mean to... But sometimes life gets in the way. I miss you guys. I miss the fun and the stolen memes and drawing pictures and fighting with the scanner to make it work to post it for you all and make people happy, if only for a moment. Maybe someday soon I can do that again.

You live on a boat? You're global warming proof!

And yes, we do love you bro.
Sigh... such memories. And so many other events that are on the edge of my mind but I can't quite bring into focus...
It's nice to see me get mentioned a few times in a nostalgia thread :D It makes me happy. And I'm not even gonna go into how "sad" it is for someone to get happy over posts in an internet forum, because it's not sad. I've had an account for almost five years on (several actually but that goes without saying) and it really has been a big part of my life. If I had to name a point in my life where I started to grow up and develop a different view of the world it was when I first joined in june 2005.
It led to me questioning my family's religious views, and becoming an atheist, and recently to me getting kicked out of my house. Not that I'm blaming you guys, it was expected and in a way what I wanted.

I work part time at Home Depot and get payed a bit over minimum wage. I've got an awesome beautiful girlfriend who found me an affordable place to live (a boat in emeryville marina) and I have limited access to a computer, which is why I've been posting so infrequently... I still check the forums whenever I can, but I just feel out of the loop. I have nothing to say. It makes me feel bad, like I'm abandoning my friends. I don't mean to... But sometimes life gets in the way. I miss you guys. I miss the fun and the stolen memes and drawing pictures and fighting with the scanner to make it work to post it for you all and make people happy, if only for a moment. Maybe someday soon I can do that again.

Living on a boat is affordable? Thats ****ing awesome. I would have thought it would be expensive. Sorry to hear you got kicked out though. And you better come back with more drawings at some point, they were always great.
It's a pretty small boat, maybe twenty or twenty five feet long. It works alright, it costs me 285 a month, which is what it costs the guy who's renting it out to me to keep it berthed where he has it. And someday when I have a computer and scanner and yadda yadda I'm gonna have soooo many ****ing drawings, like more drawings than you can look at without taking a break to fap.
Just remembered sourceworld, those were fun discussions. Also, ****, I read the whole 'airplane conveyor belt' thread again. Daaaaaaamn.
Its only just happened, but I will certainly from now on remember being reffered to as an 04'er.
Oh wow, I just realised, it's my second year anniversary one! It's been a whole 2 years, and I can't imagine how different my life would be if it wasn't for you guys.
Yeah, the golden days of the Photo Edit Contests were awesome. It's strange that all of the attempts to relaunch it (mostly by me) have failed.
And I pretty much stopped having time for photoeditting.
Those contests were amazing. I miss them.

EDIT: lol 897 posts, in memorial of veggies
Cavalry taking a picture of his monitor for a screenshot thread.
Being a witty bitty 14 year old and rushing home every single day right after wrestling practice, sometimes even skipping it entirely, running upstairs right to my computer, tapping my fingers waiting for it to finish booting up, gritting my teeth waiting for Xfire to start up, being bombarded by "SINKO WTF WAI YU NOT PLAIS WIT US GET IN SERVER NAO" messages, and then camping my ass out infront of the computer playing medic in a BF2 squad for the rest of the day.

I would seriously get so into that game, i'd start sweating profusely and getting the jitters whenever shit started getting intense, and my voice would get hella shakey over the voice comm. I remember getting a lot of my IRL friends into it too, and even got one of my friends super into for a little while (co05, doesn't post here anymore).


Spending all day talking to JNightshade and Ennui about druqs before I had even smoked weed was pretty epic too.
Remember when some old-timer claimed he was his mother after own apparent death. Can someone find the thread?

Something about pretending his sister died. Is that the same guy possibly?
This was a case of: "My son died two days ago. I came in here because he always spoke fondly of this website, and I think you should know." I think he got permabanned or at least a very lengthy tempban.
Neh don't think so. But then again, Firestarter claimed he had multiple personalities and shit. So maybe it was a second account. Good guy.
This thread is great for a newb like me for filling in the lore.