CNNMoney: new HL2 release date! would probaly come out august :( i hope it comes out in june
Pauly said: would probaly come out august :( i hope it comes out in june
That would be MUCH better, wouldn't it? Have the summer to play...
oh well hopefully doom3 keeps to schedule so i can spend enough time playing that before jumping across to hl2
Tyrant said:
oh well hopefully doom3 keeps to schedule so i can spend enough time playing that before jumping across to hl2

Doom 3 has no official release date last I checked. The publisher put out an expected time frame, but I doubt that'll be met.
Like I said 1-2 months ago: Don't think about playing HL2 before Fall 2004, in fact expect a X-mas release.

If anybody wants I can repeat this every day, I got no problem with it :)
Shuzer said:
Doom 3 has no official release date last I checked. The publisher put out an expected time frame, but I doubt that'll be met.

actually Doom 3 is more done then HL2 and is expected to be release in the first quarter of the the next fiscal year which starts in April.
vacs said:
Like I said 1-2 months ago: Don't think about playing HL2 before Fall 2004, in fact expect a X-mas release.

If anybody wants I can repeat this every day, I got no problem with it :)
Uhhhhh... thanks? :|
Pitbul said:
actually Doom 3 is more done then HL2 and is expected to be release in the first quarter of the the next fiscal year which starts in April.

Oh wow, so you know how close to completion HL2 is, eh? HL2 was expected for a holiday release, but it didn't make it. So, expected releases mean squat. Unless iD comes out and says it's coming out, I won't believe it. Same with VALVe.
Pauly said:
actually kind of happy...because they will be at E3 the exitment factor is going to rise for this game!!!! i cant wait for the new vids....and i have a feeling they added A LOT!!!!!! im glad its coming in the hoping for a june when i get out of school ill have the whole summer!!!! wooooohooooo

i completely agree with you pauly. since it's not coming out any time real soon, at least we have that to look forward to. i'm actually very excited now, to see what new content has been added. but unfortunately, doesn't sound like we get sdk soon. oh well.
Valve pretty much admitted that they in no way could have made a september 30 release date jacka**. the game wasn't near done, them getting hacked was just a better reason to say why it got pushed back. and no im not saying it was intentional leaked im just saying that was a far better scape goat then out right admitting it wasn't near as close to being done as they said it was. while Carmmack stated back in October/November that Doom 3 was near completelion and had only a few levels and then off to bug sorting and such. while not only was HL2 not near completetion but it also had to have security fixes installed on the source engine, even the licensed ones. so Doom 3 should theoretically be more finished then HL2 even all of the setbacks that Valve has had from the hack to the security issues to the legal issues plus the game isn't done.
well i was hoping to play the game in April... but this does not look promising.. oh well just means more time for other games :)
Pitbul said:
Valve pretty much admitted that they in no way could have made a september 30 release date jacka**. the game wasn't near done, them getting hacked was just a better reason to say why it got pushed back. and no im not saying it was intentional leaked im just saying that was a far better scape goat then out right admitting it wasn't near as close to being done as they said it was. while Carmmack stated back in October/November that Doom 3 was near completelion and had only a few levels and then off to bug sorting and such. while not only was HL2 not near completetion but it also had to have security fixes installed on the source engine, even the licensed ones. so Doom 3 should theoretically be more finished then HL2 even all of the setbacks that Valve has had from the hack to the security issues to the legal issues plus the game isn't done.

I never said anything about September 30th, I was referring to the date given to the community AFTER September 30th, which was, you guessed it, "holidays." They missed that date. And please, don't be so defensive. I wasn't attacking you, you needn't have attacked me.

Also, up until today, there was no indication that them being hacked was the cause of the delay. However, this CNN article seems to point to another sign. Still, VALVe already said even without the hacking, they wouldn't have made the 30th.
Why can't they just give us a short demo just to tide us over. Please !!!!
Pitbul said:
Valve pretty much admitted that they in no way could have made a september 30 release date jacka**. the game wasn't near done, them getting hacked was just a better reason to say why it got pushed back. and no im not saying it was intentional leaked im just saying that was a far better scape goat then out right admitting it wasn't near as close to being done as they said it was. while Carmmack stated back in October/November that Doom 3 was near completelion and had only a few levels and then off to bug sorting and such. while not only was HL2 not near completetion but it also had to have security fixes installed on the source engine, even the licensed ones. so Doom 3 should theoretically be more finished then HL2 even all of the setbacks that Valve has had from the hack to the security issues to the legal issues plus the game isn't done.

Doom 3 is scheduled for August according to the retailers i've asked, i'd say they're both at around about the same point of completion. And no one but iD and Valve know when they're games are gonna be done so lets just sit back and wait
im betting late august/ mid september. i think they will show us a january build at e3 that looks amazing just so they can knock us down with the pure polished game when its released.
Shuzer said:
Hate for Steelhed to be right.. :|

Do you think that they would do this just for the fun of it. Yea know, releasing it a year after annoucing it, even though it done?
Well it could be kind of ironic (is that the right word?) if the same thing happens for HL2 as it did Half Life
Sparta said:
Well it could be kind of ironic (is that the right word?) if the same thing happens for HL2 as it did Half Life

Was HL delayed an exact year? Or was it close to a year? And yes it would be very ironic :cheers:
Cutey_Kaite said:
Do you think that they would do this just for the fun of it. Yea know, releasing it a year after annoucing it, even though it done?

I never said anything, VALVe delaying the game is anything but bad. It's good, better product in the end. However, I was referring to a member which came about at the end of last year (I believe), who created some thread saying he had insider information saying "Expect HL2 on September 30th 2004, no sooner, no later. Mark my words," or something to that affect, I'd hate for him to be right about the whole prediction, everyone laughed him off the forum
Shuzer said:
I never said anything, VALVe delaying the game is anything but bad. It's good, better product in the end. However, I was referring to a member which came about at the end of last year (I believe), who created some thread saying he had insider information saying "Expect HL2 on September 30th 2004, no sooner, no later. Mark my words," or something to that affect, I'd hate for him to be right about the whole prediction, everyone laughed him off the forum

Maybe he was John Titor :O

(The guy who claimed he was from the future) John Titor
he didnt know that date for sure. we all had that bad thought in the backs of our minds, that said "wait, what if we do actually have to wait a full year?" that is why we are all so ready to pick up on any false hope, like how i expected april like many of you.
kaf11 said:
he didnt know that date for sure. we all had that bad thought in the backs of our minds, that said "wait, what if we do actually have to wait a full year?" that is why we are all so ready to pick up on any false hope, like how i expected april like many of you.

Ofcoarse he didnt know that date for sure ;)
you ought to specify we're talking about a northern hemisphere summer. There are people that live in the southern hemisphere you know.

Of course if they wanna bring it out in Feb I wouldn't complain! :)
HybridM said:
you ought to specify we're talking about a northern hemisphere summer. There are people that live in the southern hemisphere you know.

Of course if they wanna bring it out in Feb I wouldn't complain! :)

Well, considering VALVe is a US based company, I would just assume they're speaking of a northern hemisphere summer

But, by all means, VALVe, you can release it in their summer, which is now :)
Summer, northern hemisphere calendar summer, starts on June 21, and ends on September 21. I knew this when I put it in the thread in the News section, and now I just double checked on my calendar. So if it came out on Sept 30, they would miss their "targeted" summer release by 9 days. Whatever. More time to save for a kick ass computer to fully enjoy HL2 on. :E
I stick by my theory that Steam determines when CS:CZ and HL2 will be released.

I honestly don't know why you guys are so excited to see HL2 at this year's E3. After embarrassingly missing the 9/30/03 release date I'd keep HL2 under wraps until it was gold and ready to be released. Valve would be better served by proving that TF2 ACTUALLY EXISTS by showing a teaser trailer at E3...not another serving of HL2 videos.
I knew the actual game won't be released this April. Therefore here i go again with my rather pessimist comments again. I'd say the game will be coming out either late or early next year. :E
Anyway, it'll be short and boring.
The sad thing is that there wasn't one good game released in many months. If you'd all have anything to play, you wouldn't care so much about this Half Life 2... stupid waste of time...
been keeping this back for so long and even bashed people for saying it, but officially fudge valve! tired of this utter crap!
eeehh....gentelman, Valve hasn't confirmed anything yet, meaning it may well slip right through late or early next year. Let Valve finish the game in peace or haven't most of you heard of a little game named "FarCry"? :cheese:
kaf11 said:
i too will be done with finals in may, then ill be working for the summer. ill probably use my first paycheck to buy a new ati card. thinking about spending around $200, no more though, as my system is good, video card is the only thing lacking. so as kleiner said, "conditions could hardly be more ideal." i still dont want to wait though.

Funny, how come the article says Summer 2005? BTW, I've been away for quite some time and just making a comeback here lol.