Crysis news/info thread

I just may buy this game, especially with the graphics. Although, if throughout the game is just repetitive jungle combat and just tropic's environment, then I think I will be tired of this game fairly quickly.

I really hope there is various environments, in this game.
Plus in one of those videos, the graphics looked as though they were just a step up from Far Cry's.
Will this be dx10 and dx9?

I like the explosions.
Well it looks 10x better than that Darkness game everyone creams their pants over. I'm not just talking about graphics.
Well the guy said graphics, and if he's serious, well, I don't know, put on your glasses or contacts or whatever.
The AI looks dumb. Sort of "I'll stand in the open and shoot back at you". :( And all the clicking to change your power/weapon and stuff might get annoying, fast.
Well the guy said graphics, and if he's serious, well, I don't know, put on your glasses or contacts or whatever.

I'm completely serious... pixelated to shit textures, no AA.

Game looks alot better in screenshots than in motion, imo.

This is the video, maybe it's the quality but when he looks directly at a rock or the ground, you can clearly see the pixelated texturing... which pretty much plagues any game if you look up close at a wall or something.
The AI looks dumb. Sort of "I'll stand in the open and shoot back at you". :( And all the clicking to change your power/weapon and stuff might get annoying, fast.

I would probably agree with you, its something that you don't want to trawl through the settings (to get what you need) for whilst your pinned down and your enemies are closing in.
Tired of people claiming this game looks bad, stupid, and commenting on how dumb the AI is.

"OMFG, n00b programers didn't have the terrorist blink when a bullet flew by. Game looks like crap, I'm not buying it"

Take a kip then.

Though I ain't never commented on AI. Just crap gameplay.
Tired of people claiming this game looks bad, stupid, and commenting on how dumb the AI is.

"OMFG, n00b programers didn't have the terrorist blink when a bullet flew by. Game looks like crap, I'm not buying it"


Not sure why, can't expect a game to not get critisism and in all the videos the AI really does look dumb.

Apart from that it looks good, great graphics.
lol, yeh I know the Koreans looked pretty clever to me, it can only be better than Farcry in terms of AI in the end and that should mean it would be pretty damn good. As for pixelated textures extremely close up... well that's just nit picking. The switching between modes can be assigned to keyboard keys, so just tap a key, choose your attachment and it becomes something that is probably very quick and simple to pick up, atleast I imagine.

If this is just the start of the game as it seems to be with all the hud hints showing up, then it's looking top notch for something that just hit beta.

I also tend to disagree on the shoot and run gameplay comments.. it's obviously more than that depending on how you decide to play it, picking up objects, creating distractions, blowing up huts, or sneaking around, it's upto you weither it's just shoot and run or not in terms of action. I see it as having the same fun potential as HL2, it just opens the options up a bit with the vini viddi vichi large environment approach.
The AI looks decent enough. They tried to run away when those logs rolled down near them.
What happened to the AI using cover?

Maybe we just haven't seen the right scenario for that to happen yet.

He did kinda ambush those koreans in the video, I mean, what are they supposed to do, turn around and run away? How smart is that...?
From what I've seen in just about every video, god mode has been enabled, and the player usually approaches the situations in simple, straight-forward ways, not putting the enemies in the positions they would be in had someone approached the encampment logically. Not trying to protect the game, just trying to understand why they don't take cover.
Noticed a couple of things with the graphics.

1) When the guy "marks" the boat, look closely at the reflection of the boat on the water surface. It updates way too slowly. Very ugly.

2)The low res boulder textures mentioned above

I think that the game was not played at the highest quality settings. Makes you think why they would do that.

And also the protagonist screams way too much. Urgh! arh! gah!

Edit: seeing more and more glitches. Look at the part where the player works a computer. Now he stands and peeks outside then quickly ducks down. Look closely at how the shadows update, inside and outside. I don't know how to describe it, looks like the shadows turn on and off randomly... weird.

At the fight where he first uses the machine gun, look at the shadow projected on the truck in front of him. The gun's shadow is not rendered. Now I'm positive that the game was run at medium settings.
I have to say that I have some doubts about the AI in Crysis. Not only does it look like it's rather stupid (but as some said it might be that the enemies are taken by surprise) but the developers haven't been very interested in answering questions about the AI. I read an interview with a developer and when asked about the AI he simply ignored the question and said some nonsense about how great the AI interacted with physics to create believable animations.

I guess I shouldn't be speculating so much before release, but the AI looks like it's going to be a major issue unless there is some serious work with it.
Graphics I don't mind, if the AI is really well done, it adds tremendous quality to the gameplay and re-playability but I guess that's not what Crysis is trying to achieve. :(
You've got to be kidding right, we havn't properly seen the behviour of the AI in any lengthy situations yet, and it has only just gone beta.
From what I've seen in just about every video, god mode has been enabled, and the player usually approaches the situations in simple, straight-forward ways, not putting the enemies in the positions they would be in had someone approached the encampment logically. Not trying to protect the game, just trying to understand why they don't take cover.

I still claim that a TRULY GOOD AI is not something we will see any time soon, at best we will see a well-scripted AI, but I doubt we will see an AI that is truly intelligent and fully adaptive.
I still claim that a TRULY GOOD AI is not something we will see any time soon, at best we will see a well-scripted AI, but I doubt we will see an AI that is truly intelligent and fully adaptive.

You're absolutely right, but like you said, not for a while, eh? So why expect it? I certainly don't.

I'd like to think with all of this e-publicity and press Crytek is getting from Crysis that they have enough sense to shape the game into something that scores high in all departments. I don't think they're just trying to showcase their engine and/or DX10.

Also, is it now confirmed that the game has gone into Beta? Last I heard was Alpha.
Also, is it now confirmed that the game has gone into Beta? Last I heard was Alpha.

Ok so I played the first level of crysis so far. The game is heavily emphasized with HDR and detail. I really like the whole blurred vision when turning quickly. It's exactly what I had hoped it to be.

However, the AI isn't the greatest. Well from what I have seen at least.

* I am playing the Beta.

I'm at the WSVG, it is sponsored by intel.
Here is some info you guys may be interested in. It was posted by me at a different forum.

Rig specs from what I can tell:
Core 2 extreme
and some corsair ram sticks with light up heatsinks.

The game runs fairly smooth, but tends to studder in VERY extensive fights.
Although the game looks MAGICALLY SEXY, i can tell that it may be on the lowest/medium settings.

If they're are any overclockers out there with a rig that can be a stock 8800gts, core 2 extreme, and whatever the ram was then you are good to go.

And finally, to obtain the beta you would have to be at this event like I am.
The wsvg, which is sponsored by intel.

The greatest thing so far is the extreme detail in the game, if you shoot a box the box actually falls apart, somewhat like HL2 except WAAAAY more detailed. And the blood looks OUTSTANDING. Yes, the splinters shoot from the tree. And yes, you can pick up objects. I used a garbage bag before for cover :]

didnt work out too well =/

remember this is a beta, and there are ALOT of bugs still.
but nothing a little testing wont cure
I have a little trust that the AI will end up good because Far Cry's always impressed me.
Well, from the looks of it, even my computer may not be able to play it maxed out. :(
Surprised? I wouldn't be, especially considering you have a E6300, even if it is overclocked.
Yes but those specs, and it's still running in low or medium. Didn't Crytek say you could run crysis in low if you could run far cry in high. Or were they just playing at an ridiculous resolution?
Or are Crysis just full of shit like the major part of most PC game developers when it comes to specifications and performance statements?:)
I don't care I'll still get this. It looks fun as hell:D
I am most likely not upgrading until next year it looks like anyway, so whatever I end up getting should be able to run this just fine...I hope! :(
Surprised? I wouldn't be, especially considering you have a E6300, even if it is overclocked.

Interesting that you should say that. Why?

Whats better about the E6600? The extra cache? Big whoop.

/end rant about 6600
If they have AI at FarCry level or above I'll be happy. If they let you approach a situation in more than a couple ways I'll be happy. I'm not expecting god's gift to gaming. I learned that lesson a decade ago. Take expectations, divide by two, subtract a little more and there is the final product.

Haven't been keeping up with this one for a while, will it still be playable by those of us still running the ultra acrhaic Win XP and DX
I think it looks great, I will be upgrading a little bit and I will be buying it the day it comes out.

All others who disagree may not sit on their thumbs and twist.
I think everyone agrees it looks great, but it does have its competitors, such as Alan Wake.
Erm, yup.
The devs stated themselves that the showoff at the Intel Quad-Core conference was all fully in-engine AND in-game.
BETA! Means we arnt that far off. Im feeling a end of year start of 08 release.
amazon has it listed for September 11th release date