Crysis news/info thread

Hard to see the details on that vid IMO.. And it looks very stupid the soldiers that he grab by the throats, no facial expressions WHATSOEVER, they just look into thin air with their mouth closed and a very NEUTRAL look on their face, and dont tell me they're dead because they don't look dead in the least..
:LOL: at the part where he grabs the soldier by the throat. Seriously... what the hell?!

I think the only thing I think looks good in this game is when you go into the scope of your weapon. Everything else... meh.
Hard to see the details on that vid IMO.. And it looks very stupid the soldiers that he grab by the throats, no facial expressions WHATSOEVER, they just look into thin air with their mouth closed and a very NEUTRAL look on their face, and dont tell me they're dead because they don't look dead in the least..

Uhhh, the game isn't finished........
For ****s sake, the only way to make your game last a long time is trough game play. No matter how hard you try, how ****ing many features you add that no one will able to use when you release the game, it won't make it last longer.

The majority of the people will play it at medium setting, the majority of the reviewers will review it at medium setting, and no one is going to come back to crysis 2 years later if the game play does not hold up.

The only old games that are still played today are the ones that had really good game play, Star Craft is a good example of that. Even more so because it's graphics engine was already outdated when it came out, and yet it's still played today.
Even if the gameplay suffers a bunch, we still have the CryEngine2 Sandbox in which to play til the cows come home and this is what buying this game is all about to me. The game will assuredly be fun, but i am all about virtual tropical escapes and this easily tops that list. Can't wait!!
For ****s sake, the only way to make your game last a long time is trough game play. No matter how hard you try, how ****ing many features you add that no one will able to use when you release the game, it won't make it last longer.

Exactly. It needed to be ****ing said. No amount of weapon customization or feature creep will make your game goddamned better.
I don't know about the neutral facial expression on the soldier. I know it's not supposed to be that way. I've seen earlier videos where the soldiers show expression, so I have no idea what that's about. You couldn't see much from that video, other than the fact that it's running silky smooth. While that it quite a beastly system, it just about mirrors mine (later this month), so I'm pleased.
Come on guys that soldier being grabbed is obviously pretending to be dead so that he doesn't get eatin by the much stronger super soldier!
Moar screenshots






and one from MP
Shame it'll probably take a eight-core CPU to run the game with those kinda graphics.:p
most of those look like concept art :p

hopefully I'll have a system that can handle it when it comes out
Shame it'll probably take a eight-core CPU to run the game with those kinda graphics.:p

More like Quad at most, from what we've seen. Screens look pretty hawt there. I wonder how smart the friendly AI will be. I'd like to see a fellow Nanosuit soldier utilizing all of the suit's abilities at his whim. I can only dream of a squad of Nanosuits /w Strength jumping from building to building in some urban mod.
More and more and more amazing shots from this game.
The guy who was whining about the soldier's face being completely still while being grabbed, no longer has reason to whine.
Yeh it was only a matter of time before they polished things like that off. The AI is still a bit buggy, but it looks amazingly fun.. I mean the guy playing in the 18 min video was pretty crap, and he still made it look like fun lol.

I'd be using cloak more often, and if I got spotted atleast take the silencer off XD.
Uriel, I wasn't whining, all I said is that it looked funny, ONE ****ing post.
The guy who was whining about the soldier's face being completely still while being grabbed, no longer has reason to whine.

That's not the point: the point is they ****ed up on a crucial part of the gameplay by making it seem like the enemies had shite A.I. and no facial expressions at all. Why the hell would you ignore something so important in a game that was going to be playtested and shown live later on?

This game just looks so meh to me. It's like they've sucked everyone in and hyponotized them with the graphics, which explains why the last several pages are all discussions of computer tech and visuals, instead of things like plot, characters, gameplay... but whatever floats yer boat.
haha, awesome video

the expression isn't much better, but it's a start.

lol @ when he died trying to push the boat with the truck
I am a very mentally and physically fragile person! Don't push me!:LOL:
Can`t go wrong with Crytek. I loved Far Cry, will love this.
Will be the Game Of The Year, no doubt.
Hmmmmm, looks good overall, but still looks like it needs a lot of polish.
For good reason.

If it wins GOTY just because of the graphics, then I will have lost faith in the gaming populace.
I already have, considering how many people bought The Sims 1 and 2.
I already have, considering how many people bought The Sims 1 and 2.

I actually like to play The Sims, they're great games to play when you just want to play something relaxing.

Of course, I do think it's insane how many damn expansion packs there are... but that doesn't stop the games from being well made.
For good reason.

If it wins GOTY just because of the graphics, then I will have lost faith in the gaming populace.

It would not win GOTY just because of any one feature, and nobody here thinks the game is going to be good because of any one feature. To some of us the game actually looks fun to play. We can't know how fun it is untill we try it, but we sure as heck can hope.

That Crysis will probably be the most visually impressive game ever upon launch is no reason to believe it will not be great in every other aspect.

.bog. - crossing fingers, hoping, and waiting. pining even.