Crysis news/info thread

It will win GOTY with more then just the best GFX mark my words.
Oh, wait, what? They give GOTY's based on something else than graphics?
I`m gonna like the nano-suit thing, kicking people through walls n s*it, punching vehicles 20 metres high, will be fun. Oh, don`t forget the graphics; revolutionary.
Crytek will hit the nail on the head with this gem.
GotY is coming for this game for sure.

Must-buy game along with Bioshock.
L3adCannon, you symbolize everything bad about modern gamers, GJ!-_-
But I guess for all these kids(Like you) who are all like "OMGZ FLASHEH GRAFFIX MUST HAF 1!!11" this game must be awsome.:)
Where did I say I`m gonna get Crysis for graphics? I like good action, and action where you can punch people through walls, blow up building, cut down trees with your mingun is something I like even more, and good graphics won`t hurt. The prettier the better
Plus, Far Cry was their first game, and it was bloody good for a first one, Crysic can only be better.

As long as the game is good, I`m gonna play it, but if it looks like pac-man, then no.
I think it looks pretty good, I didnt like the story on the first one that much, but the gameplay was alot of fun. I hope they made the graphics around the gameplay.
Where did I say I`m gonna get Crysis for graphics? I like good action, and action where you can punch people through walls, blow up building, cut down trees with your mingun is something I like even more, and good graphics won`t hurt. The prettier the better
Plus, Far Cry was their first game, and it was bloody good for a first one, Crysic can only be better.

As long as the game is good, I`m gonna play it, but if it looks like pac-man, then no.

Cant agree anymore. 100% with you on this.
After watching that video I'm still leaning towards that it'll be a fun game to play. It still has that 'get objective from person guiding you via radio' gameplay, but it looks WAYYYYY more non-linear. In the obj. menu I saw an 'Optional' mission even. But just the island, it seemed very large, and you could literally approach each obj. from many different points of assault.

I'm still excited.
Yes, graphics make a big part of what's so appealing about this game, but they immerse you and give you a better feel. I think the combination of the nano suit and the incredible physics engine in this game with make for a lot of fun.

I wanna try to beat the whole game by just using my fists and the nano suit.

.....or any other melee weapon.
That gave me an idea, I`m gonna try to beat the game just by choking people to death. Should be awesome.
L3adCannon, you cant probably, considering like probably half of the game will have you battling ALIEN MACHINES, how can you CHOKE an alien machine? And I bet the aliens will be equally sucky or even worse than the Trigens in Far Cry.
You took my post seriously? comon

Battling machines is fun for me, I loved shooting down those strider bastards in HL2 as well those gunships or whatever they were.
Machines= lulz
Man, people are sure negative.

If you don't like the game so far and think it's going to suck, then why are you in the thread?

After watching that video I'm still leaning towards that it'll be a fun game to play. It still has that 'get objective from person guiding you via radio' gameplay, but it looks WAYYYYY more non-linear. In the obj. menu I saw an 'Optional' mission even. But just the island, it seemed very large, and you could literally approach each obj. from many different points of assault.

I'm still excited.

That's how Far Cry was minus the optional objectives. You could approach each objective from multiple routes.
I loved that video, the guy playing it was shit so he didn't really show off the features that well. Other than the mid to long range standard shooting it's nothing like Far Cry, going to be way more fun to execute the perfect tactics on the North Korean encampments alone with all your abilities and the interactivity of the environment.

It's very movie like aswell imo, and yeh there are several different routes in most maps apparently and optional objectives that effect the outcome and relationship between you and the Koreans when it comes to fighting the aliens in the end.
Man, people are sure negative.

If you don't like the game so far and think it's going to suck, then why are you in the thread?

Same reason people who only have PCs and/or Dislike consoles posts in threads related to consoles or console only games, because it's fun to annoy people.;)
The game play looks weak.

Superfast running, change your weapon, more superfast running, change your armour, more superfast running, see some enemies, kill them while they stand there, more superfast running, blow a few buildings up, get shot a few times by the enemy and get exaggerated amount of shock and vibration crap over the screen.


*hides before I get told to GTFO*
Superfast running, change your weapon, more superfast running, change your armour, more superfast running, see some enemies, kill them while they stand there, more superfast running, blow a few buildings up, get shot a few times by the enemy and get exaggerated amount of shock and vibration crap over the screen.

What's wrong with that? Counter Strike consists of shoot reload, shoot strife hide. Crysis just adds more to what you regularly see.
The game play looks weak.

Superfast running, change your weapon, more superfast running, change your armour, more superfast running, see some enemies, kill them while they stand there, more superfast running, blow a few buildings up, get shot a few times by the enemy and get exaggerated amount of shock and vibration crap over the screen.


*hides before I get told to GTFO*

I see all that as innovation and excitement in the stale fps genre. Thats why I am getting the game, so you know what? GTFO! :thumbs:
yeah, wtf samon

if you have nothing good to say then why do you keep posting "omg this game is gonna suck" in here?

/Checks posts.

No, don't see no omg this game is gonna suck? I love the graphics, and I keep checking out the thread to see what's up with latest releases. Just because you don't think something is gonna be good doesn't mean you can't comment. It isn't an exclusive Crysis is good thread. Latest footage was meh and I shall say so.

And because like Garg said, annoying people is just too good.
What's wrong with that? Counter Strike consists of shoot reload, shoot strife hide. Crysis just adds more to what you regularly see.

Why is this a good thing? Why is having the game play like any other mindless FPS good? It having good graphics and more things to see is pish; that's like saying having those nicer things to look at is more important, which if you ask me is EXACTLY how Crytek seem to think is the right direction.
His point was that they are doing more than CS is doing. Which is more than a lot of other games can say.
His point was ''Crysis just adds more to what you regularly see''. So yeah, they're doing more than Counter Strike... in the more things to regularly see department. Other than that, it's as stated: room, shoot, super run, shoot, run, super fun, go invisible, super run... Doesn't sound too special to me. Hell, I'll just go play Crackdown for a few hours.
That can be said about every single game in the market

*insert recurring activity here*, run, *insert recurring activity here*, run some more, *insert recurring activity here*, shoot, *insert recurring activity here*, run some more, *insert recurring activity here*
That can be said about every single game in the market

*insert recurring activity here*, run, *insert recurring activity here*, run some more, *insert recurring activity here*, shoot, *insert recurring activity here*, run some more, *insert recurring activity here*

Exactly! It looks like most FPS's in the gameplay department: that's my point! Crysis/Crytek has got SO much potential with it's engine and everything, they just haven't got the brainpower to bring some originality to it. A crying shame.
This game looks easy as hell. It takes ~8 seconds to recharge your armor back to 100 and your hp starts going up by 3 every second while the armor charges.

The guy playing acted like a complete retard too and got away with it for the most part. I have a feeling I'll have to jack the difficulty all the way up to have a challenge in this.

I also hope AI improves, because right now they act pretty poorly.
he might have been playing on easy/cheating in the video's amish, this is a common thing to do when making video's
he might have been playing on easy/cheating in the video's amish, this is a common thing to do when making video's

Well they weren't cheating (the guy died while running around in the middle of a group of enemies) and I kinda doubt they had it on easy - he took quite a bit of damage from enemy weapons (he lost his entire armor bar from a point blank shotgun shot, but his armor recharged too quickly for the guy to kill him).

That is, unless the difficulty only changes how fast your suit's energy recharges.