Crysis news/info thread

L3adCannon, that argument can be used for ANY game that's not out!
It's a neat new thing, but it isn't a gameplay feature. That is not an opinion.
L3adCannon, that argument can be used for ANY game that's not out!
But I`m not the one stating they are just for gimmicks, and that can also be used to describe any game.

It`s a new neat thing to you, to me it`s a feature that will help to get past certain parts in the game.
But I`m not the one stating they are just for gimmicks, and that can also be used to describe any game.

It`s a new neat thing to you, to me it`s a feature that will help to get past certain parts in the game.

I just don't see how.

I suppose in multiplayer with their new mode, it'd be kinda cool but gimmicky if you had to clear dense wooded areas with explosives to make room for buildings or whatever...but I doubt that'll be in.

It just seems like you're getting swept up in the hype and refuse to see one negative or mediocre thing about the game.
I`m not hyped (HL2 taught me not to be), and I do see negative points. But that is what we are talking about, are we.

But people saying things that would make absolutley any shooter look shit, outdated and pointless and making it seem like it only applies to Crysis is a bit weird.
Hopefully they'll fix the AI up before release.

Just looks like some tech demo at the moment.
lol, it looks like the start of a game to me.

And there's no hopefully about it, Crytek are really going for it with Crysis so you can bet the AI will be good, we havn't even seen it on hard or realisim difficulty settings yet.
If Crysis takes the best bits of Far Cry with the impressive visuals we've seen so far it'll be great fun. I'm hoping for a more cerebral approach to fighting this time - basically something you can't just switch off for and run and gun your way through - and no rocket launching Trigen sillyness. I'm also hoping for a time machine and 1000 pounds so I can go into the future a year or two and buy a rig that can play this game at a decent frame rate ;)
If Crysis takes the best bits of Far Cry with the impressive visuals we've seen so far it'll be great fun. I'm hoping for a more cerebral approach to fighting this time - basically something you can't just switch off for and run and gun your way through - and no rocket launching Trigen sillyness. I'm also hoping for a time machine and 1000 pounds so I can go into the future a year or two and buy a rig that can play this game at a decent frame rate ;)

I baught my new pc in december thinking crysis was going to be released in march boy was i wrong. Should still be able to run it on high settings though.
The thing that really pissed me off about the video was when he tried to shoot the wood holding the boat up, and the wood didn't break, then he threw a grenade at it and it still didn't break.

Wtf was up with that?
The thing that really pissed me off about the video was when he tried to shoot the wood holding the boat up, and the wood didn't break, then he threw a grenade at it and it still didn't break.

Wtf was up with that?

It bugged the hell out of me that the guy didn't think of trying to use his strength mode to punch or even move the boat.
The thing that really pissed me off about the video was when he tried to shoot the wood holding the boat up, and the wood didn't break, then he threw a grenade at it and it still didn't break.

Wtf was up with that?

Yeah he said in the devoloper walkthrough vids "everything in the world was destructable. What a lie!!! That wont stop me from buying the game though.

I still love love you crytech. I really do.
I'm pretty sure the dock or whatever it was holding up the boat wasn't given the properties to break, but it's quite obvious that they have the technology to have it done.
I baught my new pc in december thinking crysis was going to be released in march boy was i wrong. Should still be able to run it on high settings though.
Well, judging from the fact that it took'em a comp with a Core 2 Extreme and 4 gigs of RAM to run it on high-settings in DX10 mode, maybe..
I myself bought a new comp last year but have decided to buy a new one around Q4 next year and give away this one to a friend.
Well, judging from the fact that it took'em a comp with a Core 2 Extreme and 4 gigs of RAM to run it on high-settings in DX10 mode, maybe..
I myself bought a new comp last year but have decided to buy a new one around Q4 next year and give away this one to a friend.

What are youe pc specs if you dont mind?
Core 2 Duo E6600 OCed on clock cooler to approx 3.2 Ghz(Stable too), 7900GT OCed to hell), 2 gigs of high-end RAM, same as yours infact, and a Sounder Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS Pro, none of the other specs matter all that much when it comes to gaming.

I know it isnt exactly the best comp around but keep in mind I bought this in September 2006, and back then it cost me a fair share of money..
Core 2 Duo E6600 OCed on clock cooler to approx 3.2 Ghz(Stable too), 7900GT OCed to hell), 2 gigs of high-end RAM, same as yours infact, and a Sounder Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS Pro, none of the other specs matter all that much when it comes to gaming.

I know it isnt exactly the best comp around but keep in mind I bought this in September 2006, and back then it cost me a fair share of money..

Nice! How do i get my e6600 oc'd to that? What program do i use. I never overclocked before. Should i even bother?
Same question (kinda) and off topic too, but meh.

I got E6300, heard I can OC to E6600 or something other other.

Worth it?
I have a 10 kilotonne nuclear device, is it worth upgrading to 20?

I'd wait for the release of the proper quad cores, will bump everything else down in price.
Wonder when we will start seeing benchmarks for Crysis running on the various Dx10 cards? Thats what Im waiting for to start doing my upgrades.
That vehicle explosion was epic.

Oh man, I hope a lot of of games use this engine.
Zombie survival or urban warfare game plz.
This is sorta offtopic but I'm amazed no-one's ever done a commercial open-ended zombie survival game, aren't you Uriel? And yeah, it would be sweet on this engine, though the question is how well would the CryEngine do a tropical environment..

What I'd also love is for a remake of Jurassic Park: Trespasser on CryEngine 2, if you didn't play that game, it was actually the FIRST commercial game to have physics, it even blended animations with physics for the dinosaurs etc, it was quite a good game imo but cumbersome controls messed it up.
What I'd also love is for a remake of Jurassic Park: Trespasser on CryEngine 2, if you didn't play that game, it was actually the FIRST commercial game to have physics, it even blended animations with physics for the dinosaurs etc, it was quite a good game imo but cumbersome controls messed it up.
I love that game. For all its flaws, it was way ahead of its time. If only someone could figure out the hand control.

Maybe I should see if I can get a mod together to remake it in CryEngine2. It'd be so worth it.
The biggest problem with the CryEngine is that it is, quite frankly, just jungles.
The thing thats making me kinda skeptical about Crysis, is all the nano-suit features and weapon mods. Reasons being because

A) Other games have done them before and it wasn't really a big thing when they did them, but for some reason it is now. and -

B)In the end all its doing is giving you more options to shoot a guy.

I mean, Deus Ex at least can you mod canisters that forced you to choose one of 3 possible abilities. You couldn't switch them at the drop of a hat. It actually affected the game in some way. Whereas the nano-suit abilities look like you can just swap and use anyone at any given time and you'll need is wait for your suit to charge. Your choice of ability only affects you momentarily and doesn't impact how you'll have to play the game from that moment on.

It's like a lamer version of the Deus Ex nano-mods isn't it.

Also, Far Cry: Instincts did pretty much the same thing with the abilities.
This is sorta offtopic but I'm amazed no-one's ever done a commercial open-ended zombie survival game, aren't you Uriel?

That had me thinking; you ever notice that certain games come in packs? Like you will be like, why don't they make this type of game, and then one day, perhaps after the fact, you see tons of them sprout up.

I have a sudden theory about this:

Say for many years you had an idea of a type of game to make, but never got really ambitious about it. Then, another company anounces they are working on the same type of game.

Wouldn't you feel like it was your idea? Might that finally push you to create your game?

Hence, you have 3 of the same type of games all coming at around the same time.

Or not.

Maybe they see it as a good idea and just take others ideas and run with it.

Or maybe they see the gamers really react well to the anouncement of a certain game, and see it as a lucrative game type.

Or maybe it's none of these things, and I just felt like typing some shit. :D

The thing thats making me kinda skeptical about Crysis, is all the nano-suit features and weapon mods. Reasons being because

A) Other games have done them before and it wasn't really a big thing when they did them, but for some reason it is now. and -

B)In the end all its doing is giving you more options to shoot a guy.

I mean, Deus Ex at least can you mod canisters that forced you to choose one of 3 possible abilities. You couldn't switch them at the drop of a hat. It actually affected the game in some way. Whereas the nano-suit abilities look like you can just swap and use anyone at any given time and you'll need is wait for your suit to charge. Your choice of ability only affects you momentarily and doesn't impact how you'll have to play the game from that moment on.

It's like a lamer version of the Deus Ex nano-mods isn't it.
I agree with you 100%. The idea blows. It seems like it will take the fun out of it. Like, just make it totally lame like a cheat code. I mean seriously, don't you just pause the game, and change your attributes basically - just like a cheat code? ****ing lame. I really really don't like it, but I haven't tried it, and they seem so damn proud of it, maybe it can't be bad.

Same thing with the trees falling down as well. Really really cool, but perhaps way overdone to the point where it's just over the top and actually brings down the experience.

I still can't wait to play the game though. Mostly I want to blow the shit out of some buildings and watch the materials fly back like a nuclear wave blast. Did you guys see that video? That's hot.
Indoors looked good in CryEngine, they will (obviously) be better in CryEngine 2. A zombie game/mod taking place on a small, heavily populated island would be awesome.

Ripping zombies in half with my nano-gloves would be awesome.
This is sorta offtopic but I'm amazed no-one's ever done a commercial open-ended zombie survival game, aren't you Uriel? And yeah, it would be sweet on this engine, though the question is how well would the CryEngine do a tropical environment..

A long long while back, when I still wanted to be a game designer, I had the idea of an open ended post apocalyptic zombie survival that was co-op.

But I couldn't ever become a programmer, I'm terrible at math. And going into the game industry doesn't interest me anymore.

However, I would still like to see it done. It's gotta be huge and there wouldn't be just zombies. Think of a modern day "DOOM II: Hell on Earth". Big ol Cyber demon tromping down the street with his piston legs, imps running around everywhere, getting in and out of vehicles, securing areas for your survival group(grocery store, ammunition, fuel, etc.) and yes, hordes of zombies. I want real survival. Huge variety in your weapons. Traveling from state to state (or country to country for you Brits, I would want a "European Version"). I wanna rip down the freeway, in whatever vehicle i find (or pick from) dodging enemies, with my 4 buddies in the passenger and back seats, opening fire on gosh knows what is coming after us. I want to implement food/water into the game. Different and smart ways of doing it. Say jacking a semi full of water and having to be able to manage to get it back to your camp. Sleeping in a car or truck and being woken by a hideous zombie peering thru your window, trying to smell you out (followed by blowing his head off, then another chase scene, but at night. I want night and day cycles with awesome weather effects. I want specialization classes (medic, engineer, survivalist, etc) but still realistic. I want to N-word rig a 50. cal. machine gun to whatever vehicle i can find. I wanna enter a tall apartment building/complex, get to the top floor and peer down and see hundreds of zombies rushing into the bottom entrances and using an amazing physics system, to stop them from reaching me or at least slow them down.

And I want this game to look as graphically equal or better to Crysis.

PHEW! Now that's off topic.
A) Other games have done them before and it wasn't really a big thing when they did them, but for some reason it is now. and -

B)In the end all its doing is giving you more options to shoot a guy.

Your choice of ability only affects you momentarily and doesn't impact how you'll have to play the game from that moment on.
a) If was fun, not sure how "big" people consider it, but they were fun. It's seems to be very well done and interactive this time around.

b) Not quite; crysis gives some more tools to be creative (like HL2's gravity gun). I think it would be fun to try to use the various abilities to do things like...melee every enemy in the level or setting up traps and stuff like that.

c) That's a little win/lose. The lose is that you can't increase the aspect of the game that interests you most (I want to have super-run & suer-jump, screw armor & stealth). The win is that choosing a path doesn't lock you out of other aspects of gameplay & you have a whole array of abilities/customizations/gadgets to play with at any time.

"That door is locked & you're f***ed because you can't lockpick NooB"
I think they have an opportunity to do something interesting with the nano-suit, in the same way Valve worked the gravity gun into their game. Sadly in the videos all it has shown, as Sparta said, is another way of shooting the bad guys. Pretty mundane.
I think they have an opportunity to do something interesting with the nano-suit, in the same way Valve worked the gravity gun into their game. Sadly in the videos all it has shown, as Sparta said, is another way of shooting the bad guys. Pretty mundane.
It an action game, that`s what the suit is for- kicking people`s ass in a different, cooler way. Sure, sometimes you gonna need it to solve a puzzle or two, but making the whole game like that would be boring.
I want action, not chess. Not every single game has to be rpg/fps with puzzles, etc in em. Some should stay pure fps. I got other games for thinking n shit.
Being sensible about it I'll wait and see what else the game can deliver, we haven't properly seen the the frozen environment atall yet and the zero G stuff, also theres the optional tasks that are supposed to affect hostility of the Koreans towards you over a large part of the game. I can say I definately do not agree with the sweeping generalisations that keep coming from the same people in this thread.
It an action game, that`s what the suit is for- kicking people`s ass in a different, cooler way. Sure, sometimes you gonna need it to solve a puzzle or two, but making the whole game like that would be boring.
I want action, not chess. Not every single game has to be rpg/fps with puzzles, etc in em. Some should stay pure fps. I got other games for thinking n shit.

Who mentioned puzzles and thinking? What are you talking about? It's simply non-generic gameplay I'm speaking of here. :|
I think the Problem is your acting like it's a forgone conclusion that generic is all it will be, when we have only seen a small fraction of the game so far. To be honest even if at it's core it turns out to be an insanely fun game that is more enjoyable than any standard fps games then I wouldn't be suprised if you guys just stay with the 'meh.. mundane' conclusion, not because it is or will be, but because quite simply it's just not your type of game, clearly.
It's simply responding to what I've been shown. What's more, I know Crytek's track record and what they did with Far Cry. I think to hold a hope for non-generic gameplay would be fairly foolish of me.
The biggest problem with the CryEngine is that it is, quite frankly, just jungles.

Actually I saw a video of a promo they did to show off the engine's abilities in commercial applications. They made some sort of virtual trainstation/city environment and it looked really great...
a) If was fun, not sure how "big" people consider it, but they were fun. It's seems to be very well done and interactive this time around.

b) Not quite; crysis gives some more tools to be creative (like HL2's gravity gun). I think it would be fun to try to use the various abilities to do things like...melee every enemy in the level or setting up traps and stuff like that.

c) That's a little win/lose. The lose is that you can't increase the aspect of the game that interests you most (I want to have super-run & suer-jump, screw armor & stealth). The win is that choosing a path doesn't lock you out of other aspects of gameplay & you have a whole array of abilities/customizations/gadgets to play with at any time.

"That door is locked & you're f***ed because you can't lockpick NooB"

B) You could setup traps in Far Cry: Instincts. It was pretty cool but not exactly revolutionary.

and C) If you couldn't lockpick the door, you were actually able to break it down.
I'm with samon on this one. You can hope that Crysis will be original if you want, but fact is, if companies have a unique gameplay element they promote it as much has they can to generate hype.
So far Crytek has pretty much only been promoting their technical side and the nanosuit powers. So it's safe to assume that, that is pretty much it, there won't be any big gameplay surprises.