Crysis news/info thread

Heh, that screenshot was taken in res 3115x2001, so its not that surprising it looks good, besides any dev with a good engine can make SCREENSHOTS look awsome, show me the game running live with that sorta res on those settings at a stable 30FPS and then I'll call it amazing..

For all we know that screenshot could have been taken whilst the game was running at 2 FPS.:)
I don't think there's a PC around that could run the game at decent fps at that ridiculous resolution. The whole point is to show how much detail they've crammed in there, which may be possible to view at decent frame rates on large screens in the near future.
clarky, I saw your sig by the way, and I remembered, you are aware that EA are funding development of Crysis? Wouldn't that prevent you from buying Crysis because you support "F*** EA!"?:p
Oh snap, I'm making an exception for Cryek <3. But EA can still suck my kiwi fruits.
I'm buying Far Cry 2 over this.

Oh what the hell, why choose when you can have both?
They announced the game is at its final beta stages!!!!

That Means a Demo This monthe!!!!!!!
They announced the game is at its final beta stages!!!!

That Means a Demo This monthe!!!!!!!
Erm.. No it doesn't have to mean a demo this month, look at BioShock for example, it's less then a few weeks away, but there's no demo yet, but we shall see, if we're lucky then yes.
If there is going to be a demo, I wonder how big will it be? Technology demo would be nice.
I'd of thought we would most likely end up seeing a demo in October. People don't release demos 4 months early unless it's an actual beta, but then again Crysis might not need a public beta, they could have enough resources in house to test it well enough.
Actually, iirc the original Far Cry SP demo came out approx. 3 months before Far Cry released..
how do you know ? i saw some artwork, can't really compare it with artwork.
There are scans out of screenshots and the accompanying magazine article.

It certainly sounds like an interesting idea from the descriptions, but implementing those ideas has proved troublesome for teams so far.
Is FC2 on CryEngine2? From the screens it certainly looked to be visually impressive, but I'm only wondering because it's not being developed by's going on?
It's not CryEngine 2, it's the original CryEngine, their own highly modified version, atleast from what I gather.
Oh, really? Those screenshots looked pretty nice for the last-gen engine then, heavily modified or not. Whatever, we'll see how it turns out.
It's basically a open-ended freeform FPS set in Africa, with you as a mercenary sorta, no monsters etc, but there are wildlife such as lions etc that you have to watch out for, basically, it sounds alot like Boiling Point, but hopefully wont turn out as buggy and crappy seeing as FC2 is being done by a experienced team(Ubisoft Montreal).
It's basically a open-ended freeform FPS set in Africa, with you as a mercenary sorta, no monsters etc, but there are wildlife such as lions etc that you have to watch out for, basically, it sounds alot like Boiling Point, but hopefully wont turn out as buggy and crappy seeing as FC2 is being done by a experienced team(Ubisoft Montreal).
Ubisoft Montreal made Farcry for the Wii, which is considered one of the worst games in years.

Not to mention the graphics in Farcry 2 look like crap.
Ubisoft Montreal made Farcry for the Wii, which is considered one of the worst games in years.

Not to mention the graphics in Farcry 2 look like crap.

Your one of those people who would spend a million dollars on a Abstract Painting arn't you.

Farcry2 graphics are impressive

Crysis graphics are Outstanding
I kind of have to agree about the graphics being rather Meh (not much better than STALKER); I mean sure they're better than most games, but seem a step down from Farcry. There's just something about it that seems extremely lacking in the Screenshots.

I'll have to wait for videos before I makea final judgement.

P.S. Crysis = jaw dropping!
FarCry 2 screenshots look like any other game out there with good GFX.

Games like Half-Life Episode 2, Crysis all have a unique look.
Crysis Beta is GameSpy'd

Online gaming firm GameSpy will be injecting the highly anticipated Crysis with its multiplayer technology and hosting a beta for the FPS.

Crytek's Crysis is one of the most anticipated games for the holidays, and IGN-owned GameSpy is helping out with the finishing touches as it brings the game's beta to anxious gamers.

The beta test program will be available at FilePlanet at an undisclosed date. Crysis, published by Electronic Arts, is slated to ship in November.

Aside from the beta, Crysis will be incorporating GameSpy's multiplayer features, which include community elements, player profiles and game stats.

GameSpy announced Wednesday that it would be integrating its online multiplayer technology into Unreal Engine 3, making the tech available to the numerous licensees of the Epic Games-created engine. GameSpy also said that the UE3 deal would allow certain gamers to play each other across the PC and PlayStation 3 platforms.