Crysis news/info thread

One insanely awesome tech demo...

What do you expect... its an FPS. One that's well done, at that.
Wow, that was the most disappointing preview i've seen yet.

This game is officially Far Cry 2. Crytek appear to have done nothing to change the gameplay besides adding nano-suit features. Lame.
Can't wait. I'm so excited to use the nano suit. Speed + strength combo. I'm gonna be rolling Humvees with me fists.
Wow, that was the most disappointing preview i've seen yet.

This game is officially Far Cry 2. Crytek appear to have done nothing to change the gameplay besides adding nano-suit features. Lame.

Troof. It's Far Cry, with better graphics (water looks amazing), but the same yawn-inducing gameplay.

Dialogue was bad.
The only thing i saw was when he put his hands up to stop the flying car. The car flipping tho can happen in the game.

The face of the guy that is grabbed and thrown is another, as well as the actual grab/throw animation, it's all a lot smoother and more natural than the jerky gameplay animations we have already seen. All's fair in love and marketing though i spose.
Troof. It's Far Cry, with better graphics (water looks amazing), but the same yawn-inducing gameplay.

Dialogue was bad.

Samon, do you like any games besides half life 2? It seems like you only post to say how much said games will suck, lol.
Samon, do you like any games besides half life 2? It seems like you only post to say how much said games will suck, lol.

Sure I do, I post plenty of positive comments. Chances of me posting a positive comment for Crysis though, after seeing that crappy trailer, are low.
Sure I do, I post plenty of positive comments. Chances of me posting a positive comment for Crysis though, after seeing that crappy trailer, are low.

Your just upset cause you dont have a $1,800 PC to run it on highest settings lol J/K:D
Getting worried at the AI... I mean was it even on in that trailer?! They just stood in the open waiting for you to kill them.
Acting of soliders in video was very poor, they were more like some gangstas than elite commando...




Oh god, do you know what you just have started?

Like tall evil towers are original in the first place ffs.
Tall...evil towers? Apparently sir has no idea what he is talking about.
I have yet to see a game before HL2 that had a evil tower of that size.
Tall...evil towers? Apparently sir has no idea what he is talking about.
The looks, atmosphere, sky and all that. The tower actually being evil, tall or a tower is not the case.

Rapstah, not only games but movies, books, etc.
It's not that they're just tall evil towers

Tall black evil towers in a first person shooter shooting up a beam into the sky that creates a swirly wormhole, created by aliens to alter the landscape around it.
Yep, that`s true. They prolly got inspiration if that thing plays an important role in the game. The ice thing looks cool though. Looks more like a weapons or something.
I think someone got owned by theotherguy.
If you define that as being owned, so be it.
Or should I keep arquing that there are no similarities (spelling?) between the two to try to save my e-pen0r, like some here like to do?
Theres a new 20 min Demo on crysis. Its bad quality though.

Not that great! IMO
If your bored than go for it. Not really worth the space.

Link??? If you dont know were to go by now than forget you.
It's not that they're just tall evil towers

Tall black evil towers in a first person shooter shooting up a beam into the sky that creates a swirly wormhole, created by aliens to alter the landscape around it.
Thanks, that was my point.
So, has anyone actually thought Crysis would have a top-notch story or much originality from the get-go? Not that that's an excuse for the devs to slack off, I'm just saying.
Sweet. Crysis demo and Halo 3 on the same day (assuming this news is true)...
Can't wait to see how sh1ttily my PC runs that demo. Hope it is as much fun as the orignal demo from Far Cry.
Can't wait to see how sh1ttily my PC runs that demo. Hope it is as much fun as the orignal demo from Far Cry.

Hopefully my PC will do ok with it. If it does, then awesome :D

I think I had more fun with the Far Cry demo then I did with the actual game. D: Oh well. I might reinstall Far Cry and give it another try...
Omg Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAN THIS ****PGN{SGJ{ "YU$OU^unqy[0-z E YEAR IS GOING TO KICKASS!
Acting of soliders in video was very poor, they were more like some gangstas than elite commando...





Kindof a nit picky moot point to be honest, they are way different. Wait I'm inspired, let me do a comparison...





Looking forward to the demo. I agree it'll be most likely as addictive as the Far Cry demo, if not more.
It's only the poorly written cutscene we've already seen. There's no spoiler in there.