Crysis news/info thread

I'm almost certain he had infinite ammo for his machine gun on in one of the latest ones....
Almost doesnt shoot any koreans though, does it? No it doesn't.
They take excessive amount of rounds for some reason.

I hate how when there are 3-5 enemies near each other you can be blasting 1, another sees and joins in but the rest are still stood there like nothing is happening. The only cool things I've seen about the AI is they run behind trees for cover and they crouch around (for what reason I don't know, seems silly that they are crouching about when they don't know you're about).
Infinite ammo or not :| He was awful and still got away with it. He could've easily picked up enemy weapons if he actually had to.
Mutley, maybe they're playing hide'n'seek with eachother? I mean we all know how crazy Koreans can get from talking to Numbers for prolonged periods of time!
haha, that's seriously awesome, when he throws him in the water and everything. Man I don't care about negative comments on Crysis, this game will rock.
haha, that's seriously awesome, when he throws him in the water and everything. Man I don't care about negative comments on Crysis, this game will rock.

The people with the negative comments need to stay out of this forum!

This Game is AWSOME!!!
His point was ''Crysis just adds more to what you regularly see''. So yeah, they're doing more than Counter Strike... in the more things to regularly see department. Other than that, it's as stated: room, shoot, super run, shoot, run, super fun, go invisible, super run... Doesn't sound too special to me. Hell, I'll just go play Crackdown for a few hours.

What the crotch? Why are people deciding what my point was.

My point is that my bits are much larger than yours AND Crysis adds more to gameplay than most shooters do. What is considered special exactly?
Dumb fanboys need to stop thinking Crysis is the second coming of Christ. Seriously, STFU.

People are more than allowed to voice their opinions on a damn game. I like reading negative comments, because it makes me think twice after creaming my pants whence done watching a new video.

So far, here's my short list of pros and cons:

- beautiful visuals all around (water is fabulous btw, make sure you check it out)
- genuinely fun gameplay (irregardless of its repetitiveness or w/e)
- somewhat non-linear gameplay (optional objs., SEVERAL ways to approach said objs.)
- hopefully will lead to DX10/Vista becoming more mainstream, leading to more games and lower hardware prices
- customizable weapons and suit abilities bring more diverse game scenarios
- potentially exciting multiplayer (see: above)

- shoddy AI (I don't care if he had god mode on, or if he was playing on easy, some of that crap was inexcusable - just because i want less of a challenge does NOT mean i don't want my enemies not returning fire or being intelligent whatsoever)
- high system specs (I didn't want to put this on here because wtf else do you expect from such a graphically intense game, but the fact is most people won't be able to enjoy the game's visuals, which is one of its bigger selling points)
- unrealistic ballistics (the game was on easy in that video, and I saw an enemy take at least 5 rifle rounds to the upper body - IT WAS ON EASY, so wtf, how many will the "Delta" mode enemies be able to take?); I don't want super realistic weapons and stuff, but I'm not big on the light recoil system, nor am I of the damage done by bullets, as stated above

That's all I could really think of for now.

Once again, if you like how the game is looking, that's just dandy. You can rave about the game all you want, but if you come off as a faboy douchecake, don't be upset when someone who didn't just orgasm disagrees with you. If you don't like the game, that's cool too. Just try not to come off as a dick if you can avoid it. I know it's hard, believe me I know.

Dumb fanboys need to stop thinking Crysis is the second coming of Christ. Seriously, STFU.

People are more than allowed to voice their opinions on a damn game. I like reading negative comments, because it makes me think twice after creaming my pants whence done watching a new video.

So far, here's my short list of pros and cons:

- beautiful visuals all around (water is fabulous btw, make sure you check it out)
- genuinely fun gameplay (irregardless of its repetitiveness or w/e)
- somewhat non-linear gameplay (optional objs., SEVERAL ways to approach said objs.)
- hopefully will lead to DX10/Vista becoming more mainstream, leading to more games and lower hardware prices
- customizable weapons and suit abilities bring more diverse game scenarios
- potentially exciting multiplayer (see: above)

- shoddy AI (I don't care if he had god mode on, or if he was playing on easy, some of that crap was inexcusable - just because i want less of a challenge does NOT mean i don't want my enemies not returning fire or being intelligent whatsoever)
- high system specs (I didn't want to put this on here because wtf else do you expect from such a graphically intense game, but the fact is most people won't be able to enjoy the game's visuals, which is one of its bigger selling points)
- unrealistic ballistics (the game was on easy in that video, and I saw an enemy take at least 5 rifle rounds to the upper body - IT WAS ON EASY, so wtf, how many will the "Delta" mode enemies be able to take?); I don't want super realistic weapons and stuff, but I'm not big on the light recoil system, nor am I of the damage done by bullets, as stated above

That's all I could really think of for now.

Once again, if you like how the game is looking, that's just dandy. You can rave about the game all you want, but if you come off as a faboy douchecake, don't be upset when someone who didn't just orgasm disagrees with you. If you don't like the game, that's cool too. Just try not to come off as a dick if you can avoid it. I know it's hard, believe me I know.



Although I'd take out the genuinely fun gameplay from pros since the only reason I see it's genuinely fun is because it's Far Cry + Nano suit.

Although I'd take out the genuinely fun gameplay from pros since the only reason I see it's genuinely fun is because it's Far Cry + Nano suit.

exactly :cheers:

If you like FPS games, chances are you'll like Crysis because you get to shoot shit.
Is there a HD version of that last gameplay vid out there? It looked awesome, I want to see it in full glory.

They should have given it to me for showcasing, that guy sucked so much balls. Looks as if he was playing with a controller.

I just noticed the water effects on the screen when jumping into water or coming out of it. Pure awesomeness.

Can`t wait to start blowing s*it up. It also has some cool mods on the way.
I wonder how he controls the machinegun infront whilst he's driving the boat.. Hmm.. Maybe he can move objects with his mind!?:D

Also L3adCannon, don't get your own hopes up with mods, far from all mods actually reach a good playable release.:)
Also L3adCannon, don't get your own hopes up with mods, far from all mods actually reach a good playable release.:)

I personally am looking forward to the small little mods that make the normal game more fun to play. I remember getting so hyped up for HL2 mods to come out, when in reality, I literally only play Valve-made games on Steam, with the exception of Natural Selection for HL1. Don't get me wrong, I've tried plenty of mods, but how many do you play on a daily/weekly basis, hmm?
Yeah, little mods will be fun too. Im pretty sure there will all sorts of melee mods which would be super. Gore, physicis, freezing(weapon) mods would be just off the hook

I just noticed another thing in Crysis, when you pick up a gun, your characters hand actually reaches for it. Not that important to the gameplay but still a nice touch and adds to the immersion.

EDIT: Prolly a remote in the car that lets him control the turret, or some thingymajigi in their head lets em control it. They are supersoldiers after all.
Im psyched for making my own mods with this game.
Dumb fanboys need to stop thinking Crysis is the second coming of Christ. Seriously, STFU.

People are more than allowed to voice their opinions on a damn game. I like reading negative comments, because it makes me think twice after creaming my pants whence done watching a new video.

So far, here's my short list of pros and cons:

- beautiful visuals all around (water is fabulous btw, make sure you check it out)
- genuinely fun gameplay (irregardless of its repetitiveness or w/e)
- somewhat non-linear gameplay (optional objs., SEVERAL ways to approach said objs.)
- hopefully will lead to DX10/Vista becoming more mainstream, leading to more games and lower hardware prices
- customizable weapons and suit abilities bring more diverse game scenarios
- potentially exciting multiplayer (see: above)

- shoddy AI (I don't care if he had god mode on, or if he was playing on easy, some of that crap was inexcusable - just because i want less of a challenge does NOT mean i don't want my enemies not returning fire or being intelligent whatsoever)
- high system specs (I didn't want to put this on here because wtf else do you expect from such a graphically intense game, but the fact is most people won't be able to enjoy the game's visuals, which is one of its bigger selling points)
- unrealistic ballistics (the game was on easy in that video, and I saw an enemy take at least 5 rifle rounds to the upper body - IT WAS ON EASY, so wtf, how many will the "Delta" mode enemies be able to take?); I don't want super realistic weapons and stuff, but I'm not big on the light recoil system, nor am I of the damage done by bullets, as stated above

That's all I could really think of for now.

Once again, if you like how the game is looking, that's just dandy. You can rave about the game all you want, but if you come off as a faboy douchecake, don't be upset when someone who didn't just orgasm disagrees with you. If you don't like the game, that's cool too. Just try not to come off as a dick if you can avoid it. I know it's hard, believe me I know.


I think you just described the second cumming of christ right there.

Why do you type .bog. after every post? Just put it in your sig, or maybe not even do it anymore since we see your name at the beginning of your post every time anyways. Its so wierd when people type a signature every time instead of putting it in their signature.

/random thought
That reminds me, I still havent used my tag on these boards yet

-l3adcannon, the one who speaks the truth
Why do you type .bog. after every post? Just put it in your sig, or maybe not even do it anymore since we see your name at the beginning of your post every time anyways. Its so wierd when people type a signature every time instead of putting it in their signature.

/random thought

This just can't be repeated enough.
Dumb fanboys need to stop thinking Crysis is the second coming of Christ. Seriously, STFU.

People are more than allowed to voice their opinions on a damn game. I like reading negative comments, because it makes me think twice after creaming my pants whence done watching a new video.

So far, here's my short list of pros and cons:

- beautiful visuals all around (water is fabulous btw, make sure you check it out)
- genuinely fun gameplay (irregardless of its repetitiveness or w/e)
- somewhat non-linear gameplay (optional objs., SEVERAL ways to approach said objs.)
- hopefully will lead to DX10/Vista becoming more mainstream, leading to more games and lower hardware prices
- customizable weapons and suit abilities bring more diverse game scenarios
- potentially exciting multiplayer (see: above)

- shoddy AI (I don't care if he had god mode on, or if he was playing on easy, some of that crap was inexcusable - just because i want less of a challenge does NOT mean i don't want my enemies not returning fire or being intelligent whatsoever)
- high system specs (I didn't want to put this on here because wtf else do you expect from such a graphically intense game, but the fact is most people won't be able to enjoy the game's visuals, which is one of its bigger selling points)
- unrealistic ballistics (the game was on easy in that video, and I saw an enemy take at least 5 rifle rounds to the upper body - IT WAS ON EASY, so wtf, how many will the "Delta" mode enemies be able to take?); I don't want super realistic weapons and stuff, but I'm not big on the light recoil system, nor am I of the damage done by bullets, as stated above

That's all I could really think of for now.

Once again, if you like how the game is looking, that's just dandy. You can rave about the game all you want, but if you come off as a faboy douchecake, don't be upset when someone who didn't just orgasm disagrees with you. If you don't like the game, that's cool too. Just try not to come off as a dick if you can avoid it. I know it's hard, believe me I know.

Ballistics is nothing to do with bullet damage. Makes you wonder how much of the rest of your post is wrong too.
AND Crysis adds more to gameplay than most shooters do.

Mundane. No, it does not. It adds to its combat through a series of trivial features, at the end of the day all I have actually seen is in fact a constant stream of enemy placement: one after the other, which is where Far Cry went wrong and where a dozen other shooters have also gone wrong. That isn't gameplay at all, that's simply a factor, and in this case it looks completely mundane. It's simply doing what many a shooter has done before it, with flashier graphics and effects. The gameplay in this game is going nowhere. The idea that these 'additions' qualify as gameplay is laughable.
But do the majority really care? Crytek has a good trackrecord (one game :D), that and the graphics, gameplay elements you rarely see in other games added to the list and people know this is gonna be an awsome game.

Imo, Crysis will be the next benchmark in shooters and graphics
Yeah but considering how generic the shooting genre is, setting a benchmark in that isnt really all that impressive imo.
And as for graphics, we'll have to wait and see, IMO Alan Wake appears to have more impressive environmental and lightning effects.
It does, but the characters, objects, etc aren`t that good.

Shooting genre isn`t turning into pure shit because of all the games that are coming out, just cause of the ones that are mainstream, have known labels on them and are sequels to a popular, niche game. (R6, CnC: both turned into complete crap but people still buy em, a lot).

Crysis will def be the new benchmark in graphics, if not shooters. BioShock can take the latter.
Actually, most old R6 fans DONT buy the new R6Vegas due to the fact that its very different from say Rogue Spear/Raven Shield.

And I wouldn't really classify BioShock as a shooter, its more like a first-person adventure with some shooter elements, atleast if its anything like System Shock.
Actually, most old R6 fans DONT buy the new R6Vegas due to the fact that its very different from say Rogue Spear/Raven Shield.
I was talking about just gamers, not fans. I`m a fan of old R6 and I haven`t bought a game since Raven Shield but they still keep bumping them out as they`re so successful.

Bishock will have a lot of shooting in it. It`s just more complicated than an average run-n-gun game.
We will see about BioShock, they've claimed it to be the spiritual successor to System Shock, and whilst System Shock did have shooting in it, "A lot" is an overstatement imo, compared to other games atleast.
Bioshock won't actually do anything for shooters. They have made it out to be the next step in shooters, but it won't be. It looks great, but it isn't really a shooter, and I don't see it doing much for them at all. It's quite clear from the gameplay vids that Crysis won't do anything either.

Also, 'gameplay' isn't limited to FPS. There are many games that suffer the same problems.
The game still revolves around shooting shit into peices, it is a shooter still. I finished System Shock 2 not so long ago and I remember plenty of shooting, more than I expected. It had long pauses between em, longer than usual.
The nano-suit thing (run faster, better armor, jump higher, etc),
destructible environment (trees, ground, building, all kinds of shit) + levels where the whole place is made of ice, so you can basically shoot everything into shit that you couldn`t before.
Not to forget what possibilities all this can open to MP.
With those you have to play the game differently.

They prolly have more features that they haven`t mentioned yet and won`t till the release.
EDIT: Prolly a remote in the car that lets him control the turret, or some thingymajigi in their head lets em control it. They are supersoldiers after all.

Or you can control the turret while you drive because you could do the exact same thing in Far Cry.

StardogChampion]Ballistics is nothing to do with bullet damage. Makes you wonder how much of the rest of your post is wrong too.

Depends what type of ballistics you're talking about.

L3adCannon said:
The nano-suit thing (run faster, better armor, jump higher, etc),
destructible environment (trees, ground, building, all kinds of shit) + levels where the whole place is made of ice, so you can basically shoot everything into shit that you couldn`t before.

Previous Far Cry games have even had the "Feral" mode you could flip into which made you stronger and faster.

Realistically destructible environments, while mostly new, aren't a major gameplay element. It would be a major factor if for one part of the game you had to chop down trees to kill your enemies, but since it's mostly going to just happen as you have shootout after shootout or throw a grenade, it doesn't actually change gameplay significantly. It's more of a little bonus like, having physics in Max Payne 2.

Not to forget what possibilities all this can open to MP.
With those you have to play the game differently.

What possibilities?

They prolly have more features that they haven`t mentioned yet and won`t till the release.

I'm sure they're hiding the coolest and most innovative gameplay features for release :rolleyes:
Or you can control the turret while you drive because you could do the exact same thing in Far Cry.
No idea what you wanna say here. Do you even know what I was replying to there?

Previous Far Cry games have even had the "Feral" mode you could flip into which made you stronger and faster.

Realistically destructible environments, while mostly new, aren't a major gameplay element. It would be a major factor if for one part of the game you had to chop down trees to kill your enemies, but since it's mostly going to just happen as you have shootout after shootout or throw a grenade, it doesn't actually change gameplay significantly. It's more of a little bonus like, having physics in Max Payne 2.
You don`t know if you`re not gonna need the destructive environments or cutting trees down in the game or not, do ya.

What possibilities?
Use your imagination.

I'm sure they're hiding the coolest and most innovative gameplay features for release :rolleyes:
I didn`t say the coolest

Char limits are awesome and so are skittles
Despite your reply you haven't really come up with any reasons as to why the things you mentioned are new gameplay features. Amish hit it right on the head with the destructible environments.
That is your opinion, same with Amish. There is no proof that all those are just gimmicks. You and I haven`t seen all the maps and played them through.