Danish Muhammad cartoon

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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This is growing really big. Four months ago a danish newspaper posted satiric cartoon of Muhammad, for example one where his turban was a bomb. This has cause much anger throughout the Middle-East, and many countries have withdrawn their ambassadors in Denmark, and Middle-Eastern grocery stores have stopped selling danish procucts. Scandinavian people in Palestinia have recieved death-threats. The newspaper that published the cartoons apologized yesterday, but the Danish newspaper have refused to do so, saying it can't be held responsible for what an independent newspaper publish. Now other newspapers in Norway, Italy, Spain, Germany and France have published the cartoons aswell and this is thought to anger many muslims even more. Anyway, I think it's a good way to look at the culture clashes.

Futher reading:
I can understand being offended by something that is considered taboo in your culture/religon but they are way overreacting IMO.
HunterSeeker said:
I can understand being offended by something that is considered taboo in your culture/religon but they are way overreacting IMO.

Exactly what I thought. It was stupid of the newspaper to publish them in the first place, considering Denmark had such high per cent muslims, but the way it has exploded in the ME is scary. The danish government should by no means apologize, since they have nothing to apologize for, Denmark is a democracy, with free press.
Meh, it's offcourse not nice that we upset them. But hey, you do have to keep in mind that muslims get angry about the slightes things, I mean our whole western way of life is a thorn in their side. Besides compared to what imams preach at mosque's about the same countries that let them in in the first place and are harboring them from persecution from the kind of countries they would like to make most wester societies, this is nothing.
All those news threads and not even one panel of these comic strips. Says it all really; A massive stink over absolutely nothing.
I can't open the pictures but nowadays we have something called freedom of the press. Yes, publishing these is stupid, immature and asking for trouble, but if it is not inciting religious or racial hatred, then this seems to be fine.
It doesn't matter what you publish--someone somewhere will be offended. I love that some French paper ran them and said in big headlines something to the effect that, "We have the right to blasphemy." And its true, Freedom of the Press does give the right to this sort of satire and satire involving politicians, no matter how good or bad they are as well.

What I don't understand is why the Muslim community cares that much about some ridiculous ad that ran in a paper with not exactly the highest distribution in the world. If they had not made such a fuss and just accepted the fact that once again the Westerners are acting like idiots, this would all be over. But no, they had to cry about it in the streets and actually go so far as to make death threats?! Something is severely wrong with this picture and it is remarkably clear what it is....

As Police Inspector Hans Wilhelm Friederich Kemp from Young Frankenstein puts it, "A riot is an ungly thing... undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun."
I think this is brilliant, Im laughing my ass off at just how riled up they are really getting over such a simple cartoon.

Must be something I'm not getting cause I cannot think of a single authority figure,Ancient Diety or General person(With the exception of Chuck Norris ofc ;P)that would piss me off enough to send death threats or even do much more then chuckle to myself.

Ahwell I'm really interested In seeing just how far they'll take this. Should be an good indicator of just how far we can push that rather touchy crowd of extreme muslims.
Talk about over reacting. What a bunch of babies.
"That cartoon made me sad! I'm going to threaten them with armed violence! Yeah, that's right! Lets make the relations between Europeans and Muslim immigrants even more f'ed up!"
Religious Fanaticism needs to be stabbed in the eye with a fork.
Haha, they can piss right off. Freedom of the press, noobs! <shh smiley>.
Sulkdodds said:
Haha, they can piss right off. Freedom of the press, noobs! <shh smiley>.

The burning of the flag and storming of the EU HQ in the Gaza strip kind of proves the point of the cartoons. Irony! <mirrored shh smiley>
The first one of mohaammed with a bomb as a headscarf is pretty nice. And the protesters just proved that comic right in a sense didn't they.
I understand that it was stupid to publish such things in such a hostile climate, but the comics has a point. What I see is that other countries are trying to push in their control-society into Europe and some times this results in violence(seriously, the fact that he was killed over Submission, whose message was important is just bollocks). I hope that this just wont happen. The civilized world has free speech, and that's how its going to be, whether they, the fundamentalists, like it or not.
Aye, I think this needs to stay in the realm of a Newspaper expressing an opinion rather then the Danish Nation(And Europe) being anti-islamic.
If Muslims choose to boycot European goods so be it its their right but governments getting involved(Saudi Arabia Demanding that the Danish government punish a private company for an opinion) and withdrawing their Embasies(sic?) is insane.

I mean if ordinary muslims find this offensive,Let them protest away. Go to the HQ of the newspaper and esablish a sit down protest but don't expect entire nations to bend to the will(And destroy the basic tenants in most of the constitutions of europe) of a single fecking religon cause its panties are in a twist about a few caricatures,Offensive or not
yeah, i meen we gotta all see the fun of it. There are plenty of cartoons about all kinds of religious figures:





Arab cartoon about jews:

People shouldnt over-react i think. Its all fun and people should look at it and laugh :p
I meen isnt this freedom what millions died for 60 years ago?
I would hate to live in a society where you have to "be carefull" of what you say or else...
It's like when they rioted and killed about 7 innocent people after the supposed Koran flushing incident. While it was found to not be true later, it still doesn't justify ****ing KILLING SEVEN PEOPLE.

They don't understand the idea of free speech, that it is in the realm of private print and it's not the Danish government saying "LOL MUHAMMAD IS A TURBAN BOMBER"

^ ahaha badass


Freedom of speech owns all religions.

I fully support the Danes in this. Archaic fairytales i do not support.
A Family Guy quote...
Peter: Every Christmas, the ghost of Jesus rises from the grave to feed on the flesh of the living. So we all sing Christmas carols to lull him back to sleep!
Bob: That's outrageous! How dare he say such blasphemy? I'm gonna do something!
Some Guy: Bob, there's nothing you can do.
Bob: (sigh) ...Well, I guess I'll just have to develop a sense of humor.

I'm usually pretty liberal, but seriously, get a sense of humor ya uppity Muslims.
Is there a more intolerant religion than the Muslim one?

Seriously. Even if you, the person reading this, is Muslim. The Muslim Religion is intolerant.
I really don't get this. All religious groups get mocked all the time : christians, jews,Jehova's witnessess, buddhists. Learn to have some self criticism and understand it why people zoom in on the extremities of your religion.

People zoom in on Jehova's for the foot between the door
People zoom in on jews for their moneymaking skills
people zoom in on christianity for pedophilic priests
people zoom in on muslims as a result of islamic suicide bombers

you might not agree with it but people have the right to mock other people, get over it!
Ok I'm sorry, I generally don't use this joke as it's kinda stupid but ffs the French have surrendered again :(-here

Sorry I know I know, Bad taste and all and I guess the owner wanted to stop Muslims from boycitting his newspaper but that is gonna happen anyway AND now ordinary French will be pissed at the newspaper and him along with the journalists righting for the paper.
I think it's incredibly ignorant and disrespectful on both fronts.
just because christians don't care if they make jokes out of jesus, it doesn't mean muslims shouldn't care when they make jokes out of their prophit.
i get angry when i see these stupid jokes made for muhammed as much as i get angry when i see similiar jokes made for jesus.
god, you guys should really start believing in something...
Talk about over reacting. What a bunch of babies.
excuse me, but do shut up. how does it feel when you hear someone has put the holy bible in the toilet? they did this with the quran. don't think this is "over reacting", people are not allowed to make fun out of other people's beliefs.
jerkasaur said:
how does it feel when you hear someone has put the holy bible in the toilet? they did this with the quran. don't think this is "over reacting", people are not allowed to make fun out of other people's beliefs.

I wouldn't give a flying f.uck. Who cares what other people say about you own beliefs? Surely you won't be so insecure to make other people's mockings rethink your beliefs now would you?
jerkasaur said:
excuse me, but do shut up. how does it feel when you hear someone has put the holy bible in the toilet? they did this with the quran. don't think this is "over reacting", people are not allowed to make fun out of other people's beliefs.

Who the **** says I can't have an opinion about other peoples beliefs(And All religon in general)? Furthermore where does it say/ Who the hell demands that I cannot voice that opinion in public?

The Religon I have a less the shining opinion of it? You wouldnt allow the family of a victim to make up the Judge and Jury in a Criminal case so the laws set be a Religon I am not a member of have no bearing on me. If the members of said religon do not like what I say they are fully within their rights to follow up a Law Suit, Ant-Defamatory court case against me and I believe that that is completely correct.
What however they may not and should not do is Have gunman surrond buildings of a Neutral party in which I reside and demand something be done. Not should they send me death threats to myself or any people related to me in anyway.

That is why people are calling these overreacting Muslims "babies". Because rather then doing the civil fecking thing and take up this within the confines of Danish and International law,They are apparently once again going vigilante and taking law unto themselves as if appointed by some higher power.(This ofc is the problum with all religon. They always have some other Higher justification then what we Mere Mortals set down to do whatever the **** they please)
Freedom to say what the heck you like sucks and allows stupid, insensitive pricks to spout shit and abuse about anything. The newspaper ran the cartoons wanting to make a reaction and cause controversy to sell papers, they did this by doing something they knew would cause a huge amount of offense to a lot of people i.e. the entire Islamic religion.
Razor said:
Freedom to say what the heck you like sucks
quoted for truth.
Razor, I <3 you.

You Don't Have the Freedom To Take Other's Freedom.
jerkasaur said:
quoted for truth.
Razor, I <3 you.

You Don't Have the Freedom To Take Other's Freedom.

WTF has that to do with this? If I insult your religion how is that in any way taking your freedom???
why the **** aren't muslim women allowed to wear scarf in france?
they take their freedom, in the name of "freedom".
why the **** insulting scarf?
I thought we were talking about the freedom of speech. That includes cartoons in a newspaper. By posting religious cartoons you may offend people but in most countries this is legal.

The subject of tolerating scarves is a whole new discussion.

You however implied that by posting a cartoon you are taking someone's freedom and gave the example of prohibiting scarves. That's not logical.

And by prohibiting free speech aren't you taking freedom as well?
jerkasaur said:
why the **** aren't muslim women allowed to wear scarf in france?
they take their freedom, in the name of "freedom".
why the **** insulting scarf?

Thats an entirely different discussion. Keep to the one on hand.
"free speech" is no longer a "right" when you are insulting other people's rights, which includes beliefs.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
I thought we were talking about the freedom of speech. That includes cartoons in a newspaper. By posting religious cartoons you may offend people but in most countries this is legal.

The subject of tolerating scarves is a whole new discussion.

You however implied that by posting a cartoon you are taking someone's freedom and gave the example of prohibiting scarves. That's not logical.

And by prohibiting free speech aren't you taking freedom as well?

Freedom Of Speech is bad when what you say or publish is done so to undermine or incite another person due to their race or religion. It is a cartoon that was written to incite a negative response in Muslim's.
Razor said:
Freedom Of Speech is bad when what you say or publish is done so to undermine or incite another person due to their race or religion. It is a cartoon that was written to incite a negative response in Muslim's.
So? Whats your point, muslims get offended by cartoon pigs, should we stop publishing pictures of piggies.
The cartoons were not worse then most other critique of any person/government/religion/corporation, the only differance is that the muslim world can't take critique that well.
Razor said:
Freedom Of Speech is bad when what you say or publish is done so to undermine or incite another person due to their race or religion. It is a cartoon that was written to incite a negative response in Muslim's.

And the Muslims who are offended by this need to learn that in a western, secular democracy, people may actually say or do things that may offend them.

There is a subtle difference between criticizing a religion, and criticizing its people.