Danish Muhammad cartoon

the world needs a near lethal dose of sense of humor. Right now it is severely lacking.

One thing that people must understand is that in the world of comedy, NOTHING is sacred, nothing. Life is violent and short, if you can't have some fun along the way and have a laugh, whats the point?

You can't possibly enjoy going through life getting pissed off at everything.
Chrysalid said:
Karl Marx himself once said: "Religion is the opium of the masses". This is absolutely true; people kill, bitch around and betray their friends just because some run-of-the-mill fairytale book tells them to. Muslims are stupid :p
Well, actually, he said "opiate"... meaning that religion calms/sedates them. It keeps them under control while they are being exploited by the rich & powerful people. He's not actually comparing them to drug addicts. So, it doesn't really fit with the rest of your post. :p
jerkasaur said:
just because christians don't care if they make jokes out of jesus, it doesn't mean muslims shouldn't care when they make jokes out of their prophit.
i get angry when i see these stupid jokes made for muhammed as much as i get angry when i see similiar jokes made for jesus.
god, you guys should really start believing in something...

excuse me, but do shut up. how does it feel when you hear someone has put the holy bible in the toilet? they did this with the quran. don't think this is "over reacting", people are not allowed to make fun out of other people's beliefs.

maybe u shud start believing in believing that god dont exist in all religions. My freedom of speech.
jerkasaur said:
your deodrant can is not as popular as jesus or muhammad i'm afraid... don't compair more than 3 billion people's beliefs to your deodrant can. i'm against jesus jokes as much as i'm against muhammad jokes. the difference however is you never see a jesus joke with jesus being a terrorist. fuck those who created these comics i'd say. i'm out of here.
"freedom of speech" ey?

Maybe because we dont shout out the name of Allah,lol b4 we blow sum ppl up. Fools.
I hope muslims dont do something stupid like killing inocents denmarks people for that cuz it will be worst for them

and what if the danish goverment allow muslims to publish higly offensive cartoons against denmarks?it will be fair no?
Bait said:

Now...being a muslim, I will try to shed some light......[snip]

Possibly one of the most intelligent responses i've seen on these fourms.

For those of you advocating / defending this under the guise of "freedom of speech" consider this. How would you feel if your local press / school paper / etc printed something inflammatory about somebody you hold dear, for example depicting your mother / sister as a whore? You'd naturally be incensed and rightly so. Would you be as quick to defend the publishers right to freedom of speech then? I doubt it, and we're talking of a person only you and perhaps a few other people hold dear, whereas in the case of this 'cartoon' it's somebody that billions of people worldwide revere greatly.

The bottom line is that freedom of speech does NOT, either morally or in many countries legally, absolve you of your obligation to act decently.

However, for that same reason, i cannot understand why some of those protesting (around the UK at least) are not arrested given the highly inflammatory nature of their demonstrations (speeches, plackards etc inciting violence), i even saw a photo in the paper today of a muslim baby who's parent saw fit to dress him/her in an "I <3 Al Quaeda" hat!! Then again perhaps they're only expressing their right to "freedom of speech"........
...Oh no, someone made a crack about our religion, he must die?

Where the hell is that logical at all?

Some humour is offensive. I don't like the stuff myself, but I support anyone's right to have a different point of view.

If someone made my sister out to be a whore, well, I probably wouldn't care, because she is. But assuming she weren't, that would be more along the lines of libel than humour--in response to which I would not pout and yell at Denmark for the insult. Gentlemen have better ways of handling disputes.
Griz said:
For those of you advocating / defending this under the guise of "freedom of speech" consider this. How would you feel if your local press / school paper / etc printed something inflammatory about somebody you hold dear, for example depicting your mother / sister as a whore? You'd naturally be incensed and rightly so. Would you be as quick to defend the publishers right to freedom of speech then? I doubt it, and we're talking of a person only you and perhaps a few other people hold dear, whereas in the case of this 'cartoon' it's somebody that billions of people worldwide revere greatly.

I, as any other intelligent person, would tell my side of the story to the press (that the claim is false), as she would hers (that the claim is false), and would proceed to ignore them after I debunked the initial statement/comment. Maybe, just maybe, I would keep repeating that the claim is false.

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right to me, at least. Muslims are being ignorant of the fact that people outside the ME have different viewpoints and opinions.
Syrians have set fire to the Norwegian and Danish embassies in Damascus to protest at the publication of newspaper cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad

This has goten out of hand...the authorities need to get this sorted asap.
Source Here
lister said:
Syrians have set fire to the Norwegian and Danish embassies in Damascus to protest at the publication of newspaper cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad

This has goten out of hand...the authorities need to get this sorted asap.
Source Here

The muslims are digging their own graves, so to speak.

Edit: Anyone else notice that the article/cartoon is kind of true?

Edit2: Muslims are way too violent in situations where violence is not needed.
Some_God said:
The muslims are digging their own graves, so to speak.

Edit: Anyone else notice that the article/cartoon is kind of true?

Edit2: Muslims are way too violent in situations where violence is not needed.

totally agree, muslims cannot seem to demonstrate a peaceful manner. They always turn to violence.

Also like to note, in Iraq they did not like the USA using their Flag on the Saddam face, yet they can do this...
Some removed the Danish flag and replaced it with another reading: "There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God."

This is bullshit.
Griz said:
Possibly one of the most intelligent responses i've seen on these fourms.

For those of you advocating / defending this under the guise of "freedom of speech" consider this. How would you feel if your local press / school paper / etc printed something inflammatory about somebody you hold dear, for example depicting your mother / sister as a whore? You'd naturally be incensed and rightly so. Would you be as quick to defend the publishers right to freedom of speech then? I doubt it, and we're talking of a person only you and perhaps a few other people hold dear, whereas in the case of this 'cartoon' it's somebody that billions of people worldwide revere greatly.

The bottom line is that freedom of speech does NOT, either morally or in many countries legally, absolve you of your obligation to act decently.

However, for that same reason, i cannot understand why some of those protesting (around the UK at least) are not arrested given the highly inflammatory nature of their demonstrations (speeches, plackards etc inciting violence), i even saw a photo in the paper today of a muslim baby who's parent saw fit to dress him/her in an "I <3 Al Quaeda" hat!! Then again perhaps they're only expressing their right to "freedom of speech"........

Dude, Mohammed can be compared to Alexander The Great, he was just an uber military general. Holy or not, if you look at his actions, his conversion methods, and those of his followers werent exactly : "hey man, this religion is true, and the others are false, wanna join?"

Look at the whole conquer of Mecca and invasions into Africa and the rest of the Middle-East...
I do respect Islam for many things, but violance is enrouted in most of their religion.
What i personally do think Islam is doing great at, is its "help the poor" system is really implemented into some basic stuff like pay extra 4% taxes to help islamic poor around the world.
Basically their culture is very very strong, and i can understand their beliefs and "loving their prophet", but i do think burning embassies, or burning flags because some random newspaper printed something you dont like "a little to much"...
What has denmark as a whole have to do with whatever some newspaper printed?

I do agree that "Freedom of speach" has its bounderies, for instance racism is banned, but insulting prophets not? The line is very thin, but o well its just a joke man :p
Ome_Vince said:
Dude, Mohammed can be compared to Alexander The Great, he was just an uber military general. Holy or not, if you look at his actions, his conversion methods, and those of his followers werent exactly : "hey man, this religion is true, and the others are false, wanna join?"

Look at the whole conquer of Mecca and invasions into Africa and the rest of the Middle-East...
I do respect Islam for many things, but violance is enrouted in most of their religion.
What i personally do think Islam is doing great at, is its "help the poor" system is really implemented into some basic stuff like pay extra 4% taxes to help islamic poor around the world.
Basically their culture is very very strong, and i can understand their beliefs and "loving their prophet", but i do think burning embassies, or burning flags because some random newspaper printed something you dont like "a little to much"...
What has denmark as a whole have to do with whatever some newspaper printed?

I do agree that "Freedom of speach" has its bounderies, for instance racism is banned, but insulting prophets not? The line is very thin, but o well its just a joke man :p

Another thing i want to know is where the hell do they get all these flags? How the did a Danish flag get into a Palestinian refugee camp? :D
why do we always back down to this scum, im sick of living in this country. we take them in from a fuking shite place, we give them money, jobs, a roof over their heads & this is how they repay us.. read..


1989: Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini calls on Muslims to kill British author Salman Rushdie for alleged blasphemy in his book The Satanic Verses
2002: Nigerian journalist Isioma Daniel's article about Prophet and Miss World contestants sparks deadly riots
2004: Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh killed after release of his documentary about violence against Muslim women
2005: London's Tate Britain museum cancels plans to display sculpture by John Latham for fear of offending Muslims after July bombings
does this also mean that all these sit coms that take the piss out of various religions including Islam will be abolished?? I think not! They should try to solve this problem like humans, not fuking out of control wild animals.
Right, we know you don't like Muslims. You don't have to double/triple post.
People blow things completely out of proportion, in return causing much much more damage than what the cartoon will, all for no reason what so ever.
lister said:
totally agree, muslims cannot seem to demonstrate a peaceful manner. They always turn to violence.
I agree, they ALWAYS turn to violence, they never do anything peacefully, like on that anti war demonstration last years where tens of thousands of Muslims attended, and where there was very few arrests, sure they appeared to be peaceful, but actuallly they were all humming a sound that you couldn't hear and damaged the eardrums of police officers, everysingle one of them was doing it, I mean they must have, becuase Muslims always turn to violence.......

I see a lot of sweeping generalizations here, and that worries me. Not all muslims are like this. My uncle is Turkish, and obviously he's pissed off, but he's not about to torch a f*ckin' embassy.

Also, IMO, every side is wrong here. The newspaper DOES have the right to print blatantly offensive material, it's true, but why would it? What would that possibly accomplish? I mean, just because you can do something doesn't mean it's a good idea. I'm perfectly capable of running into a crowd of Hindus and eating an ENORMOUS hamburger, but should I?

On the other hand, as everyone's already said, the muslim reaction is way out-of-proportion. I mean, come on. A few cartoons are published, and they're destroying shit! I think the problem is that we're dealing with a very thin-skinned culture. Any dissent or "dangerous" comment can provoke a very bad reaction indeed. Although, I suppose that's what happens when every aspect of your life is saturated with religion.

Anyway, my point is, f*ck all this. I'm going to go live in Antarctica with the penguins.
Solaris said:
I agree, they ALWAYS turn to violence, they never do anything peacefully, like on that anti war demonstration last years where tens of thousands of Muslims attended, and where there was very few arrests, sure they appeared to be peaceful, but actuallly they were all humming a sound that you couldn't hear and damaged the eardrums of police officers, everysingle one of them was doing it, I mean they must have, becuase Muslims always turn to violence.......


Ooh i see it, ok if we publish sum pictures of humour about a friggin religion that so special, thye get affended, but if they start fuking executing ppl its a good thing, cos its in name of Allah, get back to ur cave eh.
On the other hand, as everyone's already said, the muslim reaction is way out-of-proportion. I mean, come on. A few cartoons are published, and they're destroying shit! I think the problem is that we're dealing with a very thin-skinned culture.
I saw an interview with a Mosque leader (forgot the proper name) in belguim or whatever country it was that strip was published, he said there was already alot of racism in that country, and this article was the straw that broke the camels back.
lister said:
freedom of speach remember

Freedom of speech, remember!

(After the whole thread, my opinion on the matter can now be summed up as this: the whole thing is stupid. The people who released the cartoons are stupid. The people who are offended by them are stupid to be offended by them. The people setting fire to shit are stupid. But, in the end, the Danish newspaper does have the right to publish them and not get their shit set fire to, and many of the responses go beyond mere objection.)
Sulkdodds said:

Freedom of speech, remember!

(my opinion on the matter is this: the whole thing is stupid. The people who released the cartoons are stupid. The people who are offended by them are stupid to be offended by them. The people setting fire to shit are stupid. But, in the end, the Danish newspaper does have the right to publish them and not get their shit set fire to, and many of the responses go beyond mere objection.)
I would be offended if I encountered racism on a daily basis and then a national newspaper released a racist comic.
An Editorial by Kevin Myers in Fridays Irish times summed it up best for me:
(Paraphrased as I can't find the article)

"The Islamic world is rife with virilant Anti-Semetic, Anti-American, and Anti-Western sentiments and yet when an obscure cartoonist in an obscure magazine in an obscure country(Sorry Denmark) prints something remotly anti-islamic we see these kind of reactions"

I think I might have messed up the end of it but that was the general gist of it.
Voodoo_Chile said:
An Editorial by Kevin Myers in Fridays Irish times summed it up best for me:
(Paraphrased as I can't find the article)

"The Islamic world is rife with virilant Anti-Semetic, Anti-American, and Anti-Western sentiments and yet when an obscure cartoonist in an obscure magazine in an obscure country(Sorry Denmark) something remotly anti-islamic we see these kind of reactions"

I think I might have messed up the end of it but that was the general gist of it.
They have genuine reasons to hate the Americans who bombed there sisters weading, the Isrealis who stole there land and shot their children and attacked their ambulances.
And Voodoo's point is also true. This whole situation is a truckload of bullshit and hypocrisy.

Furthermore, Solaris, now I disagree with you. You missed the big point: we've both been doing it to each other. There's no excuse for racism and prejudice here, which is why both sides of the conflict are wrong.
Solaris said:
They have genuine reasons to hate the Americans who bombed there sisters weading, the Isrealis who stole there land and shot their children and attacked their ambulances.

So its fine for Islamics to hate the West,Burn flags and storm embassayes(Which is tantamount to an Invasion itself) yet for a Danish Magazine to print its opinion on a Religon it deserves to be chastized and punished. WTF Is up with these double standards when dealing with fecking Islam??

Either tell both parties to go **** themselves or leave them both but don't treat the Magazine as a criminal while allowing these bastards threaten and burn EU Citizens and Soil.
Solaris said:
They have genuine reasons to hate the Americans who bombed there sisters weading, the Isrealis who stole there land and shot their children and attacked their ambulances.
Don't you start that shit up.
An accident is a lot different than intentionally killing people. I just love it how you overlook bombings and beheadings done by radicals in Iraq and Israel yet you beat the "Israel and US kill civilians and enjoy it!" horse to death. It just shows how biased you are. :frown:
Burning embassies just makes the entire islamic world seem like a bunch of children. Generally I agree with the Palestinian position against the Israelies. However, these countries have shown that they can dish out racist comments like kill all the jews, but they get their knickers all in a twist over a damn cartoon. It's just one little thing that's going to make invading Iran seem that much more reasonable to the American people.
However, these countries have shown that they can dish out racist comments like kill all the jews, but they get their knickers all in a twist over a damn cartoon
Its not just the cartoon, its the fact that racism is widespread enough for a national newspaper to be able to publish a racist comic strip.

Don't you start that shit up.
An accident is a lot different than intentionally killing people. I just love it how you overlook bombings and beheadings done by radicals in Iraq and Israel yet you beat the "Israel and US kill civilians and enjoy it!" horse to death. It just shows how biased you are.
An accident? A careless accident, they don't value the lives of arabs and don't care about collateral damage.

I haven't overlooked beheadings, just there rare and done by a minority.
I support the bombings, if used against military forces.

There's no excuse for racism and prejudice here, which is why both sides of the conflict are wrong. Today 06:14 PM
I'm sure alot of Palestinians are anti-semitic and hate jews, but wouldn't you if the only jews you'd ever seen were the people shooting your freinds and fellow country men?
Solaris said:
Islam = race?

Suggesting that Islam is perhaps a religion that takes things a little bit too seriously/violently = racism?
Solaris said:
An accident? A careless accident, they don't value the lives of arabs and don't care about collateral damage.

I haven't overlooked beheadings, just there rare and done by a minority.
I support the bombings, if used against military forces.

Your first statement is a bit sweeping, isn't it? How do you know they didn't get a false tip off, or simply make a human mistake? Secondly, you're a massive ****ing hypocrite. Clearly you forget all the civilians that have died in terrorist bombings, from the IRA to the Palestinian "liberation" organizations. Or are they just inevitable casualties to you?
Kangy said:
Your first statement is a bit sweeping, isn't it? How do you know they didn't get a false tip off, or simply make a human mistake? Secondly, you're a massive ****ing hypocrite. Clearly you forget all the civilians that have died in terrorist bombings, from the IRA to the Palestinian "liberation" organizations. Or are they just inevitable casualties to you?

A false tip off?
Please, one mistake resulting in a death is disgraceful, but thousands of mistakes makes it no longer accidental, beyound reckless just plain not caring about civillian deaths.

This is applied to Isreali and Coallition attacks in both Palestine and Iraq.

I haven't forgot civillian deaths. How many times must I say it.

Kangy said:
Your first statement is a bit sweeping, isn't it? How do you know they didn't get a false tip off, or simply make a human mistake? Secondly, you're a massive ****ing hypocrite. Clearly you forget all the civilians that have died in terrorist bombings, from the IRA to the Palestinian "liberation" organizations. Or are they just inevitable casualties to you?

Those deaths are justified, because their bloody-revolution cause is cool.
Solaris said:
An accident? A careless accident, they don't value the lives of arabs and don't care about collateral damage.

I haven't overlooked beheadings, just there rare and done by a minority.
I support the bombings, if used against military forces.

So you say that Its just a minority of Arabs who have commited the atrocities like beheadings and so forth and that they can't all be branded the same because of it,

Why do you then say that the Americans(whether the generals in charge or the Soldiers) all don't care about Arabs.
Solaris said:

Then stop supporting the actions of the people that do it deliberately!

If you really thought it wasn't acceptable, then you wouldn't support the groups.
Then why continue to support them? Agreed that there's no real excuse for so many deaths, but I think the "Americans don't care about Arabs" statement is an insult to all of the soldiers who DO act professionally.
How can you support bastards who burn down an embasy because of a comic in a privatly run newspaper?
Solaris said:
I haven't forgot civillian deaths. How many times must I say it.


I guess that makes about 90% of world history unacceptable