Danish Muhammad cartoon

Voodoo_Chile said:
So you say that Its just a minority of Arabs who have commited the atrocities like beheadings and so forth and that they can't all be branded the same because of it,

Why do you then say that the Americans(whether the generals in charge or the Soldiers) all don't care about Arabs.
I'm saying America as a state.

The people of America are responcable for what the troops do, as they elect people who decide what to do.
Yes... I guess they should have a REVOLUTION™ to absolve themselves from the responsibility.
Solaris said:
I'm sure alot of Palestinians are anti-semitic and hate jews, but wouldn't you if the only jews you'd ever seen were the people shooting your freinds and fellow country men?

So every Jew in Israel kills/hates Muslims/Palestinians. Way to generalize! ... and you say "don't generalize against Muslims". Hipocracy at its best (or worst). :cat:
Wow... It really stupidifies (is that even a word?) me how ****ed up the world is.
Burning down buildings, threathening people, demonstrating.. WTF? Im danish, and i know for a fact that the newspaper who posted those cartoons always has such cartoons in. But its not just about the muslims, no they make cartoons of our Queen, our Prime minister and a lot of other things.
Sorry i know im generalising but muslims.. Get some humour. Stop having a stick up your ass all the time.

Damn, what religion does to people.. Im glad im not that stupid.
Some_God said:
So every Jew in Israel kills/hates Muslims/Palestinians. Way to generalize! ... and you say "don't generalize against Muslims". Hipocracy at its best (or worst). :cat:
Did you even read what I said?

I said the only Jews alot of Palestinians see are soldiers.
They don't often get to go on school trips to a local synagogue you know.
True, however, Mr Solaris, we all know how much you hate Israel and support Hamas, thats cool, please dont drag that into 3 topics...
This one is about Danish cartoons. Here:
Thats the Hamas and Palestinian discussion.

Whatever everybody might say, there's a difference between "understanding" and "sayings its good". Sure we understand the muslims for torching everything that looks European because some random newspaper printed something they didnt like.
But that doesnt make it right or legitimate....
well, that's what you get when you embaress the man who more that one and a half billion people believe in and love...
i feel like denmark is owned...
I find it hypocritical that the Muslims complain that they are all blamed when militants kill several people, then turn around and blame a WHOLE COUNTRY when a newspaper publishes a damned picture! And they have the cheek to talk about double-standards.
its not about complaining about major things and not caring about the minor things... anything that is wrong should and will be complained.
jerkasaur said:
i feel like denmark is owned...
Yeah, very well done for owning a country that's totally not responsible for what its citizens and private organisations do and say. By that logic you should burn the British Embassy because the BNP exist. Oh, but they never insulted Mohammed did they? Is this Danish newspaper worse than racist arseholes who think all foreigners should be cast out of the country? Where's the riots and flag burning for the Ku Klux Klan, or for neo-nazi kids in Europe?
No1_sonuk said:
I find it hypocritical that the Muslims complain that they are all blamed when militants kill several people, then turn around and blame a WHOLE COUNTRY when a newspaper publishes a damned picture! And they have the cheek to talk about double-standards.
Your a prat, a real f***g prat.

Is every Muslim out on the streets? No, only a minority. Muslim isn't this big unified thing, its a faith that alot of people are loosely connected to, some more than others.
i just love solaris...
Yeah, very well done for owning a country that's totally not responsible for what its citizens and private organisations do and say. By that logic you should burn the British Embassy because the BNP exist. Oh, but they never insulted Mohammed did they? Is this Danish newspaper worse than racist arseholes who think all foreigners should be cast out of the country? Where's the riots and flag burning for the Ku Klux Klan, or for neo-nazi kids in Europe?
do not be sad, the time will come...
Solaris said:
Your a prat, a real f***g prat.

Is every Muslim out on the streets? No, only a minority. Muslim isn't this big unified thing, its a faith that alot of people are loosely connected to, some more than others.
By the look of things, most muslims want an apology from the Danish PM. How can they expect us to respect their religion if they can't respect our freedom of speech?

It's up to all the free countries in the world to defend Denmark on this one.
"freedom of speech"?
you must be joking... how come when someone wants to disscuss about holocast being exagerated or not, there is no "freedom of speech"? they get kicked out of the country for "freedom of speech" ey?
They get kicked out of the country? How so?

And what is the meaning of 'ey'?
ey=ay, the way you pronounce it.
the man who wrote a book about it got deported from the country.
a writer, it was an europian country... err, austria? i'm not sure, i'll ask and pm you.
Yeah, what are you talking about, jerkasaur?

And even if that's true, that's a totally different matter. For one, I've never supported the things you're talking about, secondly; this is about the right to publish some cartoons of Muhammad, not about denying the holocaust.
Jerk, when you mention things like that, it would be nice if you had some proof/evidence/facts. :dozey:

No need to make things up to prove you're point. :dork:
Yeah, what are you talking about, jerkasaur?

And even if that's true, that's a totally different matter. For one, I've never supported the things you're talking about, secondly; this is about the right to publish some cartoons of Muhammad, not about denying the holocaust.
he never denied it, and even if he did, free speech right? you have the freedom to insult a religion, why not denying the holocaust? hell i think it's all an exageration so that isreal's occupation of plestain wouldn't look so bad. i have the freedom to say that.
Jerk, when you mention things like that, it would be nice if you had some proof/evidence/facts.

No need to make things up to prove you're point.
it was all over the news channels for god's sake. but maybe if you weren't so lazy, you would search for it.
i'll find a link.
It is illegal to deny the holocaust in some countries, Austria being one of them. It isn't illegal to publish cartoons.
Besides, you can't be deported from a country of which you are a citizen.
how come it's illegal to say what you think? isn't that against free speech?
Well holocaust denial is illegal in Germany and Austria, but the only thing I can find relating deport and holocaust denial, is http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4417298.stm

And he was deported from Canada for "national security reasons"

I guess holocaust denial in those countries is illegal, because it was a method to stop nazi's rallying together after WW2, just as it was illegal to show a swastika flag there.
jerkasaur said:
how come it's illegal to say what you think? isn't that against free speech?
Yeah, but it's the law of the country that defines what free speech excludes.

Solaris said:
Your a prat, a real f***g prat.

Is every Muslim out on the streets? No, only a minority. Muslim isn't this big unified thing, its a faith that alot of people are loosely connected to, some more than others.
Hmm, insults huh? Typical reaction of someone on the defensive.
I didn't say every Muslim was on the streets, did I? But a large group of them (including the mainstream organisations like the Muslim Council of Britain) are calling on the Danish government to apologise when they have no reason to - the cartoons were published by a newspaper, not the Danish government.

Why should ALL the Danish people be vilified for the actions of the minority that caused the offense (the newspaper)?
I guess holocaust denial in those countries is illegal, because it was a method to stop nazi's rallying together after WW2, just as it was illegal to show a swastika flag there.
it's against freedom of speech though...
you should admit, every country has some limits for freedom of speech, so it's not all that "free", those cartoons were not in the limits of muslims' tolerance. they should appoligize, and they better do it fast.
Yeah, but it's the law of the country that defines what free speech excludes
even worse, it's a "law" against freedom of speech.
But a large group of them (including the mainstream organisations like the Muslim Council of Britain) are calling on the Danish govenrment to apologise when they have no reason to - the cartoons were published by a newspaper, not the Danish government.
you're saying it yourself, it's a "danish" newspaper, the "danish" government is responsible for what is said in a "danish" newspaper.
Why should ALL the Danish people be vilified for the actions of the minority that caused the offense (the newspaper)?
is it really that hard to get?
jerkasaur said:
it's against freedom of speech though...
you should admit, every country has some limits for freedom of speech, so it's not all that "free", those cartoons were not in the limits of muslims' tolerance. they should appoligize, and they better do it fast.
Denmark isn't Germany. I don't think holocaust denial is illegal in Denmark, although that really isn't the point.
And the newspaper already apologised.
even worse, it's a "law" against freedom of speech.
you're saying it yourself, it's a "danish" newspaper, the "danish" government is responsible for what is said in a "danish" newspaper.

So as a 'British' Citizen, I'm responsible for what the chairman of 'British' Petroleum says? Do I have to apologise everytime he makes a bad choice?

is it really that hard to get?
So every Danish person is responsible for what any other Danish person says?
jerkasaur said:
you're saying it yourself, it's a "danish" newspaper, the "danish" government is responsible for what is said in a "danish" newspaper.
No, they're not. If that were the case, there'd be no criticism of the government printed.
When governments become responsible for newspapers, the newspapers lose their freedom.
jerkasaur said:
is it really that hard to get?
It apparently is for you.
Kirovman said:
So as a 'British' Citizen, I'm responsible for what the chairman of 'British' Petroleum says?
no, but the government is responsible for what happens in the country. you are not the government, so you shouldn't be worried about that.
And the newspaper already apologised.
i meant the government.
So every Danish person is responsible for what any other Danish person says?
no, but the danish government is responsible for what makes 1.5 billion people angry.
No1_sonuk said:
It apparently is for you.
no, it's not.
jerkasaur said:
no, but the government is responsible for what happens in the country. you are not the government, so you shouldn't be worried about that.
Oh no? So why were 50+ innocent people killed in London by Muslim Terrorists last July? Did those 50+ people ALL do something to offend Islam, or was it because the government of the UK did something to offend them?
Why are all the Danes on the planet now considered enemies of Islam?
They have no control over what their newspapers do. They have no control over how their government reacts to what the newspapers do, yet they are blamed for it all.
jerkasaur said:
no, but the danish government is responsible for what makes 1.5 billion people angry.
I thought you said it wasn't all the Muslims.
Muslim Terrorists
**** you ,don't you ever call them muslims again, you get that?
i've disscused this in over 5 threads, don't have the time/temper to do it again.
in short, terrorism attacks are forbidden in islam, as there is no need for them, and they kill both women and children as it's forbidden in islam.
I thought you said it wasn't all the Muslims.
1. i never said that.
2. not all the muslims react, but they all got angry, DUH!

i like your big mouth for a n00b btw. free speech ftw! :thumbs:
jerkasaur said:
**** you ,don't you ever call them muslims again, you get that?
i've disscused this in over 5 threads, don't have the time/temper to do it again.
in short, terrorism attacks are forbidden in islam, as there is no need for them, and they kill both women and children as it's forbidden in islam.
They describe themselves as Muslims.
Muslims protect them.
Muslims celebrate when they act.
Muslims don't try to stop them.

These are the facts!
No1_sonuk said:
They describe themselves as Muslims.
Muslims protect them.
Muslims celebrate when they act.
Muslims don't try to stop them.

These are the facts!
Muslims don't protect them. The largest Muslim authority in the United Kingdom, said
“There may be elements that would want to exploit the genuine sense of anguish and hurt among British Muslims about the manner in which the Prophet has been vilified to pursue their own mischievous agenda. We would caution all British Muslims to not allow themselves to be provoked. They should respond peacefully and with dignity at all times,

Does that sound like a incitment to terrorism? No. They represent the UK Muslim population, of whom are a peacefull and good people, no more violent that your average English citizen and it is unfair and ignorant, and imo blatently racist to paint them
like you have done becuase of the actions of a few.

no, but the government is responsible for what happens in the country.

Apperently jerkasaur needs a lesson about democracy. The newspaper apologized. Not because they had to, or because the government etc. forced them to do, but because they saw the reactions of the muslim world. It was the right thing to do, but now they want the ****ing government to apologize. This is exactly the things that makes racism and intolerance grow. What many muslims as well as certain people on this board need to understand is that in a democracy the media is independent from the government.
the danish government is responsible for what makes 1.5 billion people angry.

Why? They've no control over the newspaper