Danish Muhammad cartoon

Solaris said:
Muslims don't protect them.
Yes they do. Yet again, someone assumes I mean ALL Muslims, when I don't. The word "all" wasn't in that post at all. The ones that could do something about it (i.e. the people who know who they are) don't. That's as good as protecting them.
No1_sonuk said:
Yes they do. Yet again, someone assumes I mean ALL Muslims, when I don't. The word "all" wasn't in that post at all. The ones that could do something about it (i.e. the people who know who they are) don't. That's as good as protecting them.
So? A few people who prescribe to the Muslim docterine do nothing to prevent terrorist attacks, whats your point?

A chirstian nation is responcable for the death of 30,000 people, does that make Christians a violent people?
Solaris said:
So? A few people who prescribe to the Muslim docterine do nothing to prevent terrorist attacks, whats your point?

A chirstian nation is responcable for the death of 30,000 people, does that make Christians a violent people?



I'm speaking from a historical perspective! :O
**** you ,don't you ever call them muslims again, you get that?
i've disscused this in over 5 threads, don't have the time/temper to do it again.
in short, terrorism attacks are forbidden in islam, as there is no need for them, and they kill both women and children as it's forbidden in islam.
Lose the rose colored glasses, they don't look good on you.
jerkasaur said:
i feel like denmark is owned...

You know what.. You are really out of line here.. Im from Denmark, and I cant see why they have to burn down Embassies! That so ****ed, its not like all danish are racist or something. The newspaper wrote it was sorry for what happened but that wasnt enough.. nooo the whole nation had to go down and kiss some muslims feet and build a moské.
Well **** me, you cant hold me responsible for what my neighbour did!
i wonder how these Muslims would react if we went & burtned down all their Mosques. I bet they would not be happy people, well thank your god it aint happened yet, but the time will come. If his scum, dont stop what they are doing the whole world will come crushing down on this belief they have.
lister said:
i wonder how these Muslims would react if we went & burtned down all their Mosques. I bet they would not be happy people, well thank your god it aint happened yet, but the time will come. If his scum, dont stop what they are doing the whole world will come crushing down on this belief they have.
Who are 'these Muslims' and who are 'we'.
and 'his scum'

and 'they have'.
Solaris said:
Who are 'these Muslims' and who are 'we'.
and 'his scum'

and 'they have'.

and 'the whole world'

and 'their belief'

and 'lister'

Who the hell are they?

Banned, I say!
Yes and while we are at it we should kill us some slant eyes and some darkies!

You should punish those who do wrong, you do not judge everyone the same as a few.

In my opinion either side can say what they like, that's fine but if it goes on to the next stage of action then something has to be done, to just those involved.
Posts deleted - views like that lister are better not expressed here. Thanks.
Solaris said:
Who are 'these Muslims' and who are 'we'.
and 'his scum'

and 'they have'.

Pot, Kettle. Kettle, Pot. Let's do business.
short recoil said:
Yes and while we are at it we should kill us some slant eyes and some darkies!

You should punish those who do wrong, you do not judge everyone the same as a few.

In my opinion either side can say what they like, that's fine but if it goes on to the next stage of action then something has to be done, to just those involved.

I like that... it's a very innocent thing to say. However, if you believe everyone on this planet is as intelligent as you, and that they will only blame the extremists, you are wrong. CNN is a double edged sword. :imu:
jerkasaur said:
do not be sad, the time will come...

Oh, nice response. But you appear to have failed to address what I was actually talking about. Lister makes some nasty comments up there. Should the British government apologise? The BNP don't like muslims. Should the British government apologise? Do I see any riots or burning of embassies? Jack Thompson makes derogatory comments about Islam. Should the US government apologise? Where's the mass outcry? Far worse things are said about Islam and about Muslims every single goddamn day by probably more people than the entire population of Denmark and yet these not-actually-all-that-offensive cartoons cause all this fuss? The Danish government is asked to apologise for a free press which it has not control over? The hypocracy is simply astounding.

jerkasaur said:
**** you ,don't you ever call them muslims again, you get that?
i've disscused this in over 5 threads, don't have the time/temper to do it again.
in short, terrorism attacks are forbidden in islam, as there is no need for them, and they kill both women and children as it's forbidden in islam.
You're getting a little steamed up there, jerk (now am I insulting you or is it simply an abrieviation? It's supposed to be the latter).

But I fail to see how they are not Muslims:

Most Christians pick and choose what bits they want from the bible - for example, they leave out the bits in the old testament about burning non-Christians, slaughtering those who worship false prophets, killing homosexuals, eccetera. The atrocities committed in the crusades, and many other atrocities besides, could be considered perpetrated by Christians because the old testament actually does condone that sort of behaviour. Most people choose to leave out these bits - they cherry-pick from the teachings of their religion. Those who leave out the nasty bits are still Christians. Therefore, those who leave out the nice bits are still Christians.

I don't know if it works the same with Islam. Are those who leave out bits of the teachings of the Koran still Muslims? Are there no contradictory passages? Is all this stuff about martyrs and paradise just made up on the spot by terrorist shitbags? Or do they have the wrong interpretation? Or does the Koran not ever advocate killing in any way ever?

I'm not trying to prove a point here. I'm simply curious. What makes these people not Muslims?

On David Irving: I think it's wrong that he was arrested but then he was being very very stupid to preach to neo-nazis in a country where such things are illegal. When he was in Britain, writing his books, I don't remember any Jewish riots calling for the British government to shut him up. As an interesting aside Deborah Lipstadt, who sued him for libel, who is now campaigning for his realease - the reason: freedom of speech (and quite right too in my opinion).
A good view.
If i remember correctly the Islam was formed for Muhammed claimed Christians had "altered the word of god", and fitted it to their own needs (romans were picking the gospels they wanted and compiling the new bible).
Jews were also false. The whole Islam and Qu'ran is build around "there is only 1 word of god, and 1 true god, and others are "lies".
Christians are tollerated but seen as "they just see stuff wrong, and need to be shown the truth" ( since Muslims see Jesus as a prophet to, but not as the son of god, which is the main difference ).
Jews are tollerated but not liked to much.
Atheists are hated the most, and revered to as "dis-believers".
Dis-belief in any god ( atheist ) is the biggest sin you could commit according to the islam.
Anyways, my point is: islam is focussed on "the true word of god" and therefor every letter of the Qu'ran is holy and should remain untouched.
Then the religion stays "pure" and "truthfull".
This kinda forbids any alteration or removing of the text....

As for the violance thing. The Qu'ran is filled with stories of the military conquests of Mohammed. Violance is tollerated only as "self-defence".
Now "self-defence" is ofcourse seen "from a certain point of view".
Jihad preachers just have to proclaim muslims are under attack (Iraq/Afghanistan) and then its legal to use force.
So its always "a certain point of view", which is a powerfull tool.

The main difference between Jesus and Mohammed, is that if you are a fanatical christian and follow every letter of the actions of Jesus and what he said, you'd be a pacifist monk.
If you are a fanatical muslim, and follow every letter of what mohammed said and did, you'd be on a global jihad to turn the world into an Islamic place.

Islam has its own charms, and ofcourse is not "evil", but i think this difference is a cause of alot of problems, misunderstandings etc.
Ome_Vince said:
A good view.
If i remember correctly the Islam was formed for Muhammed claimed Christians had "altered the word of god", and fitted it to their own needs (romans were picking the gospels they wanted and compiling the new bible).
Jews were also false. The whole Islam and Qu'ran is build around "there is only 1 word of god, and 1 true god, and others are "lies".
Christians are tollerated but seen as "they just see stuff wrong, and need to be shown the truth" ( since Muslims see Jesus as a prophet to, but not as the son of god, which is the main difference ).
Jews are tollerated but not liked to much.
Atheists are hated the most, and revered to as "dis-believers".
Dis-belief in any god ( atheist ) is the biggest sin you could commit according to the islam.
Anyways, my point is: islam is focussed on "the true word of god" and therefor every letter of the Qu'ran is holy and should remain untouched.
Then the religion stays "pure" and "truthfull".
This kinda forbids any alteration or removing of the text....

As for the violance thing. The Qu'ran is filled with stories of the military conquests of Mohammed. Violance is tollerated only as "self-defence".
Now "self-defence" is ofcourse seen "from a certain point of view".
Jihad preachers just have to proclaim muslims are under attack (Iraq/Afghanistan) and then its legal to use force.
So its always "a certain point of view", which is a powerfull tool.

The main difference between Jesus and Mohammed, is that if you are a fanatical christian and follow every letter of the actions of Jesus and what he said, you'd be a pacifist monk.
If you are a fanatical muslim, and follow every letter of what mohammed said and did, you'd be on a global jihad to turn the world into an Islamic place.

Islam has its own charms, and ofcourse is not "evil", but i think this difference is a cause of alot of problems, misunderstandings etc.

Basically its like a training manual written by this Muhammed (general)
Ome_Vince said:
A good view.
If i remember correctly the Islam was formed for Muhammed claimed Christians had "altered the word of god", and fitted it to their own needs (romans were picking the gospels they wanted and compiling the new bible).
Jews were also false. The whole Islam and Qu'ran is build around "there is only 1 word of god, and 1 true god, and others are "lies".
Christians are tollerated but seen as "they just see stuff wrong, and need to be shown the truth" ( since Muslims see Jesus as a prophet to, but not as the son of god, which is the main difference ).
Jews are tollerated but not liked to much.
Atheists are hated the most, and revered to as "dis-believers".
Dis-belief in any god ( atheist ) is the biggest sin you could commit according to the islam.
Anyways, my point is: islam is focussed on "the true word of god" and therefor every letter of the Qu'ran is holy and should remain untouched.
Then the religion stays "pure" and "truthfull".
This kinda forbids any alteration or removing of the text....

As for the violance thing. The Qu'ran is filled with stories of the military conquests of Mohammed. Violance is tollerated only as "self-defence".
Now "self-defence" is ofcourse seen "from a certain point of view".
Jihad preachers just have to proclaim muslims are under attack (Iraq/Afghanistan) and then its legal to use force.
So its always "a certain point of view", which is a powerfull tool.

The main difference between Jesus and Mohammed, is that if you are a fanatical christian and follow every letter of the actions of Jesus and what he said, you'd be a pacifist monk.
If you are a fanatical muslim, and follow every letter of what mohammed said and did, you'd be on a global jihad to turn the world into an Islamic place.

Islam has its own charms, and ofcourse is not "evil", but i think this difference is a cause of alot of problems, misunderstandings etc.
My god have you read the bible? Some one link him to that gid damn lego bible, that shall pwnth him.
lister said:
muslims cannot seem to demonstrate a peaceful manner. They always turn to violence.

Dude, kindly pull your head out of your arse, stop reading the Daily Mail and look at the facts. That is a gross generalisation. How many musilms were at the protest outside the Danish embassy in London? A few hundred (if that) in a country with a Muslim population of over 1.5 million. Hardly representative of an entire faith is it? And the fact that many of the world's most influential muslim leaders have condemmed violent protest doesnt matter to you does it? For example:

BBC said:
Lebanon's most prominent Sunni leader, Saad al-Hariri, vowed to track down and prosecute those involved in the attacks.

"We tell our Christian brothers that any stone thrown against a house or a car was an insult to Muslims," he said from Paris.

Now personally, I have serious problems with Islam, but i'm not going to sit here and read sweeping assumptions and thinly veiled xenophobia from ejits like you.

lister said:
i wonder how these Muslims would react if we went & burtned down all their Mosques. I bet they would not be happy people, well thank your god it aint happened yet, but the time will come. If his scum, dont stop what they are doing the whole world will come crushing down on this belief they have.

Hmmm, which is worse I wonder? Burning down an embassy, or burning down a place of religious worship? And that 'time will come' comment as regards burning down mosques- seems to me like you are advocating an act of terrorism. Whos the extremist animal now huh? You ****ing neo-nazi pricks make me sick, when will you learn that the British public find your narrow minded, jingoistic, xenophobic fascist bullshit just as abhorrent as the actions of those you so hate?
Ome_Vince said:
A good view.
If i remember correctly the Islam was formed for Muhammed claimed Christians had "altered the word of god", and fitted it to their own needs (romans were picking the gospels they wanted and compiling the new bible).
Jews were also false. The whole Islam and Qu'ran is build around "there is only 1 word of god, and 1 true god, and others are "lies".
Christians are tollerated but seen as "they just see stuff wrong, and need to be shown the truth" ( since Muslims see Jesus as a prophet to, but not as the son of god, which is the main difference ).
Jews are tollerated but not liked to much.
Atheists are hated the most, and revered to as "dis-believers".
Dis-belief in any god ( atheist ) is the biggest sin you could commit according to the islam.
Anyways, my point is: islam is focussed on "the true word of god" and therefor every letter of the Qu'ran is holy and should remain untouched.
Then the religion stays "pure" and "truthfull".
This kinda forbids any alteration or removing of the text....

As for the violance thing. The Qu'ran is filled with stories of the military conquests of Mohammed. Violance is tollerated only as "self-defence".
Now "self-defence" is ofcourse seen "from a certain point of view".
Jihad preachers just have to proclaim muslims are under attack (Iraq/Afghanistan) and then its legal to use force.
So its always "a certain point of view", which is a powerfull tool.

The main difference between Jesus and Mohammed, is that if you are a fanatical christian and follow every letter of the actions of Jesus and what he said, you'd be a pacifist monk.
If you are a fanatical muslim, and follow every letter of what mohammed said and did, you'd be on a global jihad to turn the world into an Islamic place.

Islam has its own charms, and ofcourse is not "evil", but i think this difference is a cause of alot of problems, misunderstandings etc.

Some of thjis is become reality then, we have taken far too many Asylum seekres into our country & so have other countries, so they breed here & then move on, & by the time u know it, they will have ruled the World.

Well i dunno about u, but i wouldnt like to live in a world full of religious, ill minded suicidal maniacs.
Solaris said:
My god have you read the bible? Some one link him to that gid damn lego bible, that shall pwnth him.

Err, notice that Ome said Jesus, not the Bible in full. Alot of the shit-crazy evil stuff in the bible is Old Testament.
lister said:
Some of thjis is become reality then, we have taken far too many Asylum seekres into our country & so have other countries, so they breed here & then move on, & by the time u know it, they will have ruled the World.

Well i dunno about u, but i wouldnt like to live in a world full of religious, ill minded suicidal maniacs.
And with that, I'd call that your final warning.

One more post along such racist lines and I will ban you.
ComradeBadger said:
And with that, I'd call that your final warning.

One more post along such racist lines and I will ban you.

What is been so racist about that, its call free speach isnt it!
Apparently this website is not a decomracy and does not have free speech.

Which I'm not exactly comfortable with, but you might want to rein in the xenophobia. Asylum seekrs are likely not going to take over our country. If you let them steal your job, you just suck anyway. Be a man and steal it back!
ComradeBadger said:
And with that, I'd call that your final warning.

One more post along such racist lines and I will ban you.
I don't get it he didn't even mention race. Forgive me if there's some UK slang or intended meaning I'm not picking up on from his post, but yeah.. where was it?
RakuraiTenjin said:
I don't get it he didn't even mention race. Forgive me if there's some UK slang or intended meaning I'm not picking up on from his post, but yeah.. where was it?

I think it was his branding of "asylum seekers" as "suicidal maniacs" who will outbreed and conquer us, or something.
I don't see racism in that comment. "Asylum seekres" is not racist, it's spelled wrong .... and it's xenophobic.
Some_God said:
I don't see racism in that comment. "Asylum seekres" is not racist, it's spelled wrong .... and it's xenophobic.
Well, they're actually "economic migrants". If they were real asylum seekers they'd claim asylum in one of the safe countries they HAVE to pass through to get here.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I don't get it he didn't even mention race. Forgive me if there's some UK slang or intended meaning I'm not picking up on from his post, but yeah.. where was it?
In the deleted posts, where he made a rather large number of degrogatory comments regarding Muslims.

Ok, racism isn't entirely the appropriate word - intolerance is a better one - and we are not prepared to have such things on this forum.
I was under the impression our prime minister would take the easy way out, give a formal apology, retreat and cut all connections and row our boat in our own little pond, but apparantly he's got more guts than that...
ComradeBadger said:
In the deleted posts, where he made a rather large number of degrogatory comments regarding Muslims.

Ok, racism isn't entirely the appropriate word - intolerance is a better one - and we are not prepared to have such things on this forum.

Unfortunately, intolerance is rife on these forums. Its just the most extreme levels that are squashed.
ComradeBadger said:
In the deleted posts, where he made a rather large number of degrogatory comments regarding Muslims.

Ok, racism isn't entirely the appropriate word - intolerance is a better one - and we are not prepared to have such things on this forum.
Ah okay I get it.

Oh, here's a quick view of middle east actions going on right now in response. (images, img tag doesnt work in here so they didn't line up like I'd intended, but take a look)




ComradeBadger said:
And with that, I'd call that your final warning.

One more post along such racist lines and I will ban you.

A religion is not a race.
Yes I saw on the news how this caused an absolute up-roar overseas.
Nat Turner said:
A religion is not a race.
According to the BBC news, the new "religious hatred" laws wouldn't cover Sikhs and Jews because they are considered as races under UK law, and are therefore covered by the race relations legislation.
I can only assume other religions aren't considered in this manner due to the wide range of ethnicity within them.
Sulkdodds said:
Err, notice that Ome said Jesus, not the Bible in full. Alot of the shit-crazy evil stuff in the bible is Old Testament.
Most christians follow the new testament, hence the name CHRISTians. Old testament is Judaism.
I ****ing love those Danes. There's just something about them that really makes it seem as if they have their heads screwed on. First they reject the Euro and now their government is standing firm over this, and good on them.

It boils down to this - printing those cartoons may have been insensitive. However sensitivity is not something you can demand. You can politely request it, and get told to go and get stuffed and then sulk because you didn't get treated as nicely as you wanted, but you certainly haven't got any justification to go any further than that.

There are limits to freedom of speech, but this cartoon did not really come anywhere near to violating those limits. Loads of people don't seem to be understanding this and go about comparing the cartoons to racist propaganda or incitements to genocide, when it's totally different. Similarly, a cartoon that unjustly insulted my sister, assuming I had one, would be libel and I would have legal recourse to deal with it.

LISTEN: Islam is not a race. Adherence to a particular religion is a choice people make after all, and as such they are choosing to be offended. The idea that this paper shouldn't be allowed to print such stuff JUST because it is a belief that some people hold dear just drives me crazy.

People all around me say things every day that offend my way of looking at the world and make me itch with hatred. If I set fire to the houses of these people will the Muslim Council of Britain stand firm behind me? Can I murder people who say things I really hate? Come on, just give me the signal. I don't really consider the cartoons to be a 'stupid' move either - they clearly appear to have had a self-fulfilling point, so from one point of view they could be seen to be incredibly clever.

To be honest, my patience has run thin with the muslim community as a whole. I've sympathised with British muslims a lot recently due to those attempts at anti-terrorism legislation which would have seen them screwed by police. However I'm tired of everyone being scared of the muslim reaction to perfectly reasonable things. There was a documentary/opinion piece on C4 recently about the redundancy of religion as a whole and how evil it was. It was a blinkered and ignorant piece of crap, tbh, but it had a right to exist - however, it focussed mainly on Christianity and Judaism and barely touched Islam, because everyone's too shitscared and pussyfoots around. I'm sick of it.

And I'm sickened by this attack by the muslim community on freedom of speech. It doesn't MATTER how great a man Mohammed was, or how many people love him, or whatever-tf, because everyone has a right NOT TO CARE. More than that they have a right to say, without any justification, that Mohammed was a worthless turd on legs. Muslims are retards. COPE WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINIONS OR GTFO.

(Got to admit this is a cool placard though)
Last One In said:
Most christians follow the new testament, hence the name CHRISTians. Old testament is Judaism.

And i was refering to the prophet, not the book/religion.
Even in the bible, point me violent acts of Christ? The only one i can remember that comes the closest to "violence" is where (if i remember correctly) Christ gets pissed at the Jews for having a small market in a church or something, shouting that those Jews are dealing in the house of god. Other than that, the only violent act is Jesus getting crucified by the Romans :p
So if you follow the acts and words of Christ, you will not use violence for anything.
Laivasse said:
I ****ing love those Danes. There's just something about them that really makes it seem as if they have their heads screwed on. First they reject the Euro and now their government is standing firm over this, and good on them.

It boils down to this - printing those cartoons may have been insensitive. However sensitivity is not something you can demand. You can politely request it, and get told to go and get stuffed and then sulk because you didn't get treated as nicely as you wanted, but you certainly haven't got any justification to go any further than that.

There are limits to freedom of speech, but this cartoon did not really come anywhere near to violating those limits. Loads of people don't seem to be understanding this and go about comparing the cartoons to racist propaganda or incitements to genocide, when it's totally different. Similarly, a cartoon that unjustly insulted my sister, assuming I had one, would be libel and I would have legal recourse to deal with it.

LISTEN: Islam is not a race. Adherence to a particular religion is a choice people make after all, and as such they are choosing to be offended. The idea that this paper shouldn't be allowed to print such stuff JUST because it is a belief that some people hold dear just drives me crazy.

People all around me say things every day that offend my way of looking at the world and make me itch with hatred. If I set fire to the houses of these people will the Muslim Council of Britain stand firm behind me? Can I murder people who say things I really hate? Come on, just give me the signal. I don't really consider the cartoons to be a 'stupid' move either - they clearly appear to have had a self-fulfilling point, so from one point of view they could be seen to be incredibly clever.

To be honest, my patience has run thin with the muslim community as a whole. I've sympathised with British muslims a lot recently due to those attempts at anti-terrorism legislation which would have seen them screwed by police. However I'm tired of everyone being scared of the muslim reaction to perfectly reasonable things. There was a documentary/opinion piece on C4 recently about the redundancy of religion as a whole and how evil it was. It was a blinkered and ignorant piece of crap, tbh, but it had a right to exist - however, it focussed mainly on Christianity and Judaism and barely touched Islam, because everyone's too shitscared and pussyfoots around. I'm sick of it.

And I'm sickened by this attack by the muslim community on freedom of speech. It doesn't MATTER how great a man Mohammed was, or how many people love him, or whatever-tf, because everyone has a right NOT TO CARE. More than that they have a right to say, without any justification, that Mohammed was a worthless turd on legs. Muslims are retards. COPE WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINIONS OR GTFO.

(Got to admit this is a cool placard though)

Agreed, man. That's probably the best summing up of what's wizzing through my head right now.
The muslims somehow think that denmark and sweden and norway are the same country, and they dont understand that the Government does not control the Media etc, we have freedom of speech so the government cannot tell you what to say or what not to say. However, in the muslim countries its different. Dictatorship is controling what you can say, no freedom of speech, and somehow they think its like that around the world and that everyone believe in their religion etc etc.

i think that 80% of the upset muslims havent even seen the cartoon, it must have been banished over there...i think that its lies and rumors going around over there.

I think that this was a big misstake on the muslims part, why? Well, Scandinavia has one of the most friendliest countries supporting the muslims the most, having one of the worlds biggest immigrant access and understanding...Sweden has tryed to help these people alot but now when they suddenly KILL (yes, people have died) and burn down our ambassades (sp?) they show how ruthless and criminal these people are...they are just turning the very last parts of earth against them, they are turning the whole world against them and demands appolegy from a government that works totaly different from theirs and does not control media! When they do this stuff, they cant expect any help from us anymore...im from Sweden, and i have always been on their side, i have many muslim friends...but when they suddenly behave this way...i just...just dont feel like...supporting them anymore...**** it....sometimes i feel so angry that i can almost say "nuke em away...take that whole spot of the earth and burn it, then rebuild it with a better civilsation" but i know that this is wrong...its only a minorty that we see on TV and pictures, we cant judge whole nations, as they judge us...then we are exacly the same as they.

They are just upseting the world, turning their friends against them in this behavior, soon people will have enough and a 3rd World war with the Middle East, and North Korrea (dunno how to spell in english) and maybe some other wacko dictatorship country...when will this end?

Just look at the videos of North Korreas army, someone have Dejavu?? It looks exakly like the Nazi armys! Even the leader said that war with America is (god i have hard spelling this word, Mr smith says it in the matrix lol) "ene-vun-ra-ble"