Day 4: The Spy Update...yes really!

But still, who will Dead ringer fool? Everyone knows spy will have it and keep shooting where they last saw him.
Yes, but it will cause people to waste loads of ammo when a Spy actually does die, making it funny.
So this was more relevent a few days ago, but they're still worth a chuckle.




/EDIT Also, did anyone check the sites recently?

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Yes, yes, yes! New toys for the Spy! As much as I've enjoyed the class updates the Medic is the only updated class in my top 5 most played classes so it'll be nice to have new toys to play around with for a class I actually play often.

Cloak and Dagger - Really interesting. Being able to stand still and have unlimited cloak will certainly have it's uses. I've gotten used to ammo-cloak map patterns so I'm looking foward to finding new routes around the maps.

Dead Ringer - Sounds useful, I'm not sure if you can use it to cloak normally though - it's a straight out upgrade if you can. I once played a server that allowed you to drop a fake dead body while cloaked (at a cost to your cloak meter) and it was really useful. This is coming from the oppisite direction in that it's used for escapes after stabs. One things for sure Spy paranoia is going to be raised even higher :devil:

Did it say 'she' earlier?
It did
At first I thought the Dead Ringer Ring Thing would be useless, as the person that hit you would already know you're still alive since they didn't get a point for the "kill".

Then I figured, it only means that you get chased by the person that hit you, as everyone who didn't get an assist would assume you died for real.

Though tbh the instant-cloak is probably the thing that solves that, too. :eek:


Holy shit, you can just run behind them ASAP and uncloak, while they hold down W and holding down fire.



/attention whore
So the feign death watch thingy, will counter the backstab counter am guessing? So what will counter the counter to the counter!?!?!?!!?!
What do you mean?

Shield explodes.
Fake body drops and spy is cloaked.

Nothing dramatic happens!
This is great. Definitely more fun than a just sniper update.

Won't you be able to look for the kill message at the top of the screen to counter the dead-ringer? It would seem more effective in a crowd when someone is stabbed and five people turn and fire at the spy. Frantically trying to figure out if the last kill was by someone nearby. Maybe a fake kill message? It would show a weapon that the class doesn't carry, like it would show a pyro's name killing with a rocket so you can tell if it's fake, but not immediately. "Wait, that pyro doesn't have a ro-*stab*".

Will these unlockables require achievements still? I thought they were re-evaluating the achievement->unlockable system.
Right the shield counters the back stab, then the spy is cloaked. If he is cloaked he can wait for his knife to recharge then stab again! What will the counter be for him re-stabbing!
Right the shield counters the back stab, then the spy is cloaked. If he is cloaked he can wait for his knife to recharge then stab again! What will the counter be for him re-stabbing!

Run around like a fool and stab thin air with your machete.

Kudo +1 for Valve btw. No one saw this one coming.
I played some spy yesterday. It was fun as hell. Never really played spy before.
Wow, this is a big pack! Cool
The sniper still has 1 upgrade to go right? To replace his machete?
The sniper still has 1 upgrade to go right? To replace his machete?
Yeah, because the actual update won't be coming till Thursday I believe, that leaves 4 more days of possible other others.

1 sniper unlock, possibly 2 other spy unlocks, hats, meet the pyro (according to AciD!).
Yeah, because the actual update won't be coming till Thursday I believe, that leaves 4 more days of possible other others.

1 sniper unlock, possibly 2 other spy unlocks, hats, meet the pyro (according to AciD!).

Yeah, just check the character weapon selection guide in the game and you can see. The Spy is to have a replacement for his gun and knife as well. I was just playing thursday and noticed that the third slot was "invisibility watch" and was like "Oh wow, that's a pretty important revelation, I must point it out!" but Valve beat me to it. And the engineer is only to have his wrench, shotgun, and pistol replaced.
Yes, but the wrench replacement could change the building set too.
You could be disguising as me every bloody time you try, sheepo! D:


In ages past, we did not possess the technology to cloak ourselves. Instead, along with our ability to disguise we mastered the art of feigning death. We learned to still our breathing and all but stop our heartbeats, that the enemy might pass us by as 'just another dead body,' or even to be fooled into thinking they'd killed us. This was our greatest ability, far beyond even that of disguise, for those spies who truly mastered the art of feigning death could infiltrate the enemy completely undetected, complete their missions, and escape unscathed.

The spy of today relies more on gadgets than ability to deceive the enemy. We, the spies of long ago, felt slighted that the modern spy lacked the ability to feign death. This "Dead Ringer" watch is no match for the original feign death, for it cannot be used on command, only when the spy is in danger of death...but we find it acceptable. With this, the spy of Team Fortress 2 can finally be called a real spy, for he now possesses the ability to feign death, the one thing he was truly lacking, the glaring oversight that excluded him from being a true master of espionage.

We also feel that maybe he should still get a tranquilizer gun.

Or some kind of hallucinogen weapon. Those are always fun.

I was waiting for Darkside to come back, because I thought he's be extremely funny. He got a smile out of me, but I was expecting some sort of pants-exploding excitement and talking about how he was going to kill everyone now. Oh well.
I was expecting some sort of pants-exploding excitement and talking about how he was going to kill everyone now.
The spies of long ago do not need to state the obvious.
I chuckled.

I had gotten pretty good at feigning death just before I stopped playing TFC, the last time I played I was awful again though.
Great scott! A ghostly appearance. This is an omen, though whether it speaks good or ill I couldn't venture.

Can't you read? It's owned by SAXTON HALE
But who pulls his strings?

It's owned by TF2 Industries, the same people the Engineer's tools are licenced from (read the manual on Steam).
Are they independent, though? The 'storyline' (heh) dictates everything on the planet is owned either by RED or BLUE, both enormous holding corporations.
No one has seemed to mention the irony that Saxton Hale is Australian.

I think the unlocks are shaping up brilliantly. Now you have the choice of being a on the move Spy (standard watch), or loiter around waiting for the perfect time to go in for the kill (cloak and dagger) The Dead Ringer is a perfect counter attack to the Razerback. Be interesting to observe peoples reaction to Spies dying now, I see a rise in paranoia levels...