Diablo 3 announced

The left side of the screen is red, and the right is all white.

So this is very plausible.
Personally, the potion system was the one thing about Diablo 2 that I disliked. Being able to endlessly spam pots (as long as you had them to spam) really felt a bit cheap. I'm interested by this new system though.
Now a serious discussion on the story.

In the trailer you see Tyrael hurling his blade at the worldstone to destroy it.

So, i'm assuming he actually split the dimensional barrier between the mortal realm, heaven and hell.

Ok i have to read more.

I was thinking along the same lines.

That or he corrupts himself or something.
Holy shit.


Gameplay looks awesome, graphics look ****ing gorgeous, but my GOD that music is orgasmic. I had tears in my eyes by the end of the video. :o

Just... wow. If there's one thing Blizzard does and does well, it's fan service.
I hope that the potion system was tuned down a bit instead of removed totally. There were way too many IMO, all you need is HP and Mana
Potions are still definitely there, you see a few drop in the HD gameplay vid (Elixir of something or other drops pretty early into it, and a minor health pot halfway in or so), just you probably wont be using them as often as you did in D2. I can see them as something you'll most likely be saving for boss fights and the like.
A few thoughts:

Just read Cain's Journal, it's interesting that Tyriel is only mentioned when he destroys the Worldstone, Cain covers up his other appearances with a cover story for some reason.

I reckon Adria, the Witch from Diablo 1 will return at some point.

In Diablo's lore the Mortal Realm is a relatively new entity compared to Heaven and Hell, it wouldn't suprise me if destroying the World Stone begins the blur the lines between them all.

Unlike D2 where we played all-new characters D3 looks like we'll be playing some of the same D2 characters again.

His journal on Diablo III website says otherwise.

No it doesn't.

Cain's Journal said:
I was so proud to be the "Last of the Horadrim"
It's just that the stories of the Horadrim were so old that they had passed into fairytale and he didn't believe them until Diablo appeared in Tristram.
Unlike D2 where we played all-new characters D3 looks like we'll be playing some of the same D2 characters again.

yeah the barbarian in the gameplay vid is obviously alot older then the one in D2 and recognized Deckard when he found em. Any other characters that dont return Blizz is just gonna go with the whole "They went insane" thing
That doesn't really bother me though.

I like where this is going tbh.


I see that they've had no problem producing an orgasmic soundtrack as ever, a la:

Tristram Page

Caldeum Page

And of course the trailers themselves.
^ or they died in battle, will return as a NPC or be in the expansion.

which reminds me, we knew the warrior in Diablo 1 became the wanderer, the rogue was hinted at having turned into Blood Raven, did they ever mention what happened to the sorceror?
WWI's not over already is it?

Hope we get some more SC2 coverage.
Gametrailers has a larger streaming version of the gameplay trailer. Here are some interesting items I was able to make out:

Minor Energy Rune
Elixir of Vitality 1
Chipped Star Topaz
Ancient Medallion
Small Bag (inventory expansion?)
Minor Power Rune
Minor Lethality Rune
Elixir of Willpower I
hey dont forget "throwing knives" and "Short bow" :D

Sseems there taking a kind of guild wars take on the runes.
I had a theory that he was the Summoner at the Arcane Sanctuary in Diablo 2, but it isn't as clear cut as the fates of the Rogue and Warrior.

From the wiki:

"The Summoner, the corrupted Mage from the Second Act that was impersonating Horazon, was supposedly the Sorcerer in the first Diablo game. Jerhyn and Drognan speak of a near-insane Vizjerei mage who arrived in Lut Gholein (presumably seeking Horazon's sanctuary) claiming to have fought against Diablo in Tristram, suggesting that mage became the Summoner. The Summoner is also dark skinned, like the dark-skinned Sorcerer in the original Diablo."
I hear if you click the chat gem on the website enough it'll pop up with a message. It's probably 666 times.
From the wiki:

"The Summoner, the corrupted Mage from the Second Act that was impersonating Horazon, was supposedly the Sorcerer in the first Diablo game. Jerhyn and Drognan speak of a near-insane Vizjerei mage who arrived in Lut Gholein (presumably seeking Horazon's sanctuary) claiming to have fought against Diablo in Tristram, suggesting that mage became the Summoner. The Summoner is also dark skinned, like the dark-skinned Sorcerer in the original Diablo."
I must have missed/forgot Jerhyn and Drognan's dialogue about him, but yeah The Summoner must be The Sorcerer from Diablo 1.

I hear if you click the chat gem on the website enough it'll pop up with a message. It's probably 666 times.
I hear if you click the chat gem enough Diablo comes to your house and takes you to Hell.
Ugh, I'm watching the gameplay trailer in HD, and the camera shake produced by the barb's attacks is making my eyes hurt. I hope it can be disabled.
My brother liked the look of this so much he said he would buy diablo 1 and 2. I'll get to play them after him now, sweet :D
Now I'm wondering what they're going to be doing about item trading. A huge part of Diablo 2 was the economy, despite its many flaws. The fact that currency was decided by the player base is something that is not seen in modern games. What if Blizzard introduces a pre-determined currency, with other uses such as purchasing powerful gear and enchants from NPCs, or a more beneficial gambling system? Also will they keep trading on a personal level, or will they add an auction house system? It's decisions like this that will determine if Diablo 3 can live up to the legacy of it's predecessors. I have hope that Blizzard will make the right choices, but there is a very fine line here.
I also like the addition of player-specific drops. It stops some jerk from going in and stealing all your items after you kill the boss, and it might mean certain players have a better chance of finding quality gear. That was actually a major problem early on in the game's history, where killing a boss on even a capable computer would cause a significant amount of lag (or even a long pause where the action froze entirely), but all players off-screen wouldn't feel the effects; if you wanted to be a jerk, you could hide in town or off in a corner somewhere, then teleport over while everyone else was lagging and snag up the items yourself.

I actually do like this system better. The boss kill lag still does happen every so often even today. It will benefit everyone equally, rather than just the guy who can click the fastest/gets no lag/is using pickit.
They've learned a lot about game economy from WoW, so I trust they know what they're doing.
They've learned a lot about game economy from WoW, so I trust they know what they're doing.

That's what I fear. I don't want a WoW-like economy. I want one that builds upon Diablo 2's unique player driven economy.
I am thinking on getting diablo 2 again,does it works well on vista?

I guess it should cuz starcraft does

I loved Diablo 2 for the first 10 hours or so, but then it got stale. Never finished it.
I just noticed that Diablo 2 is finally on Blizz store, I've been wanting to replay the game for years, but I lost my CDs but not the cases with the keys on them. :D