Diablo 3 announced

You're an idiot and I do not like Warcraft.

What, are the zombies and skeletons hacking away at the forest and killing of the fauna? There is nothing wrong with these screens.

Why don't YOU go play something else if you don't like Diablo 3 and stop bitching just because it doesn't meet your fanboyish expectations. :rolleyes:

It was just a suggestion, no need to resort to insults. I'm a huge Diablo fanboy. I thought that was pretty obvious, and I will openly admit to it. There hasn't been a game I've logged more hours playing. My expectations are great for Diablo 3, and there is always a chance that they will screw it up somehow. Much like how Flagship screwed up Hellgate. The last thing I want is for Diablo 3 to suffer a similar fate. Yes, Blizzard is known for making great games with huge lasting appeal, but there is always that chance.
I think the matter is comparison. Yes, there requires some gloomy and scary environments to vivify Diablo III. But hey, I don't suppose the whole game should be murky and lifeless. A gloomy scene can have my heart beating for the first 30 minutes. Yet, everyone will get dull if he or she were to stay at areas with the same colour tone for hours. Similar to battle fatigue, a monotonous visual style can lead to visual fatigue. Visual fatigue does not mean that our eyes get tired over looking at the monitor. It means that player gets weary and numb over a repetitive atmosphere. In this case, the atmosphere can no longer deliver what it should to the gaming experience. In a big game, having only one standard atmosphere throughout is doomed to fail. There needs contrast.

In Diablo III, the contrast lies between the lush forest and dusk dungeon. The two contrasting scenes serve dual purposes. Firstly, they are not only in keeping with Diablo series style; they can also avoid visual fatigue, which can be fatal to any game. Secondly, players are allowed to visit a wider range of environments. When there are more things and different things to see, players will less likely be bored. In fact, this encourages players to explore the world, to search for fascinating sceneries.

In conclusion, I think it is right to construct both lush and gloomy environments. It will be a sorrowful pity if the game-makers delete either scene. The two atmospheres have to be together to make Diablo great.

Yes, I hope that like in Diablo 2 they include many "Acts" that take place in different environments, which is also what made D2 so fun, the variety of environments from rainy grasslands to deserts to sub-tropical swamplands to snowy mountains to HELL.
It was just a suggestion, no need to resort to insults. I'm a huge Diablo fanboy. I thought that was pretty obvious, and I will openly admit to it. There hasn't been a game I've logged more hours playing. My expectations are great for Diablo 3, and there is always a chance that they will screw it up somehow. Much like how Flagship screwed up Hellgate. The last thing I want is for Diablo 3 to suffer a similar fate. Yes, Blizzard is known for making great games with huge lasting appeal, but there is always that chance.

They will spend the next 5 years making a great game out of diablo 3. To me this is almost as certain as the fact that I'm never going to die
Diablo has never been a bright game, but it's never been a colourless one as well. The problem withDiablo 3 so far seems to be that it lacks the grit and darkness that make the first two games so atmospheric. As of now, everything is too clean, too pastel.

You pretty much described the majority of Act 1 and some of Act 2 in Diablo 2. Act 1 was mostly clean/pristine/whatever plains and woodlands, Act 2 was a clean/bright desert, both Act's towns were clean. Just like in Diablo 2, not all of the game will be gritty and dark/gloomy/etc., the outside area seen in the gameplay video is fine as it is, like Diablo 2's Act 1, it doesn't need to be all gritty and dark. Now, the dungeon area could use some dirtying up.
Diablo looked the way it did because of technical limitations and even if Blizzard used the new technology to recreate that look I don't think that would be the great atmospheric leap people are suggesting.

There are people saying it looks like warcraft 3 just because there's some colors around the place for god's sake.
For battle.net do I need a new copy of diablo 1 and 2 or can I use a used copy?
Diablo 1 any copy will do, but I don't think many people play it anymore.

For Diablo 2/LoD you need a legit serial key(s) that aren't being used by someone else on battle.net.
For anyone crying about the visuals: http://www.joystiq.com/2008/06/30/wwi08-lore-and-art-in-diablo-3/

Particularly this tidbit:

On the art side, Blizzard's philosophy is: stylization over realism, strong silhouettes, don't be afraid of color, dynamic animations, support the gameplay, and make it epic. With Diablo 3, they started by going back to Diablo to identify the strengths of its style: an emphasis on horror. They then moved on to Diablo 2, which succeeded by expanding on the original and introducing lots of new areas. Said Morrisroe, "Our memory of what Diablo and Diablo 2 were was a bit different than the actuality of it. Visually we were remembering it as more of a dark, colorless game, but there was a lot of vibrance."

now get the **** out of my office.

I don't think I've ever wanted a game to be released so bad. I don't even game at all anymore, and I'm shitting my pants waiting for this.
Diablo 1 any copy will do, but I don't think many people play it anymore.

For Diablo 2/LoD you need a legit serial key(s) that aren't being used by someone else on battle.net.

Thanks :)

BTW guys off topic but i'm going on holiday tomorrow so don't expect to see me for a couple of weeks (or any zero punctuation topics either :P)
Diablo looked the way it did because of technical limitations and even if Blizzard used the new technology to recreate that look I don't think that would be the great atmospheric leap people are suggesting.
I doubt it looked that way because of technical limitations.

There are people saying it looks like warcraft 3 just because there's some colors around the place for god's sake.
Hence why it does look like Warcraft.

For anyone crying about the visuals: http://www.joystiq.com/2008/06/30/wwi08-lore-and-art-in-diablo-3/

Particularly this tidbit:

On the art side, Blizzard's philosophy is: stylization over realism, strong silhouettes, don't be afraid of color, dynamic animations, support the gameplay, and make it epic. With Diablo 3, they started by going back to Diablo to identify the strengths of its style: an emphasis on horror. They then moved on to Diablo 2, which succeeded by expanding on the original and introducing lots of new areas. Said Morrisroe, "Our memory of what Diablo and Diablo 2 were was a bit different than the actuality of it. Visually we were remembering it as more of a dark, colorless game, but there was a lot of vibrance."

now get the **** out of my office.
I think people are more moaning about the simplicity of the textures also. Also, where are the green lights coming from in the the first party of the gameplay vid? etc etc.


Note that screenshot looks pretty much like a cartoon. It could be somewhere from WoW.

Ultimately, they're thinking of their bank balance, not Diablo's image, and want the game's visual style to fit in with its other games, and for it to appeal to as wide a range of people as possible. I'm guessing a mod team will release new textures for it after figuring out how to do it.
the outdoors part of the demo got a very similiar feel of the previous ones
Post your favorite characters and builds of Diablo 2.


I had the best shield ever. It was a gold gothic shield and it gave +2 to all spells. It was unbelievable. That was during my first time playing, so it's long gone now.
I used a amazon and as a weapon used some spears or things like that,I liked them because I could use them as ranged weapon and meele anytime
I was a fan of my trapsin. Glorious lightning/death sentry!
I'm doing one of those now. It's awesome. Lightning sentry is good, but I totally prefer Wake of Fire over anything.
I always get to hell difficulty, and then get bored. I got one barb to hell difficulty before i got the expansion, then after I got the expansion he was useless. I got a poison necro to hell (truly epic, something like 4000 poison damage a hit over seven seconds) but I screwed up his attributes so hell is too difficult for him. I most recently got my spear barb to hell, and he manages alright, but it's boring by now. I just started a sword barb because I downloaded a runeword mod that lets you use ladder words in SP and I have some awesome swords I want to use.
Yeah, hell gets pretty boring, as all you're doing are runs...countess, meph, and the one zombie guy in A5. Odd, can't remember his name.

I've done so many countess runs with my trapsin in hopes of actually getting a good rune, but I get more El and Elds than anything.
That and Nihilack or something.

Lets all get on b.net. Plz kthx
Hence why it does look like Warcraft.

I dont know what the **** game you people are looking at but it looks nothing like warcraft.





Hey well guess what



Wait hold on,


Woo alot better.

This shit happened with D2 came out people were crying about wide open spaces and deserts and jungles and shit, but you all bought it, and played the shit out of it, and now the same thing is happening again. You will buy this, and play the shit out of it.
I don't see anything biased. Do you mean the wow pics? I've never played wow, and that's pretty much what I expected it to look like.
It's more of the textures and models that resemble Warcraft 3/WoW



Not to mention that Diablo 3's lead artist, Brian Morrisroe, has also worked on a lot of WoW's art. The other thing is that the terrain textures look very soft and blurry. While the game may not look exactly like Warcraft, it really doesn't have the ambiance of Diablo either.
That's probably the only graphics side of things I don't like in all games, not just this. The whole "I'm slightly blurry" thing just hurts my eyes when I'm trying to concentrate on it.
In Paris, France?

I watched the live feed. It was awesome.
Aww...where's the fun in that? Just get a Nature's Peace ring (slain monsters rest in peace) and he's no problem.
Because I'd rather have a chance at getting a great rune in the process of getting keys.

I remember when people say how rare tkeys are, 4 runs in a row, they dropped. That's when I decided to start trading for the other keys. My run cycle was...

Pendle, Meph, Countess, Andy, if I'm feeling saucy, Baal. Got me some decent lewt.