Diablo 3 announced

Looks kickass. Need to make friends to play coop with.
how do you make friends?
That's what I fear. I don't want a WoW-like economy. I want one that builds upon Diablo 2's unique player driven economy.

Heeeeelllll No. To hell with Diablos "LOL SOJs!?!?!?" economy that shit sucks beyond belief.

What they need to do is give gold a purpose beyond repairing armor, because thats all anyone ever used it for in Diablo.
Yeah, gold is completely useless. That drove me crazy.
I unfortunately never bought Diablo, I got D2 for Christmas randomly from my dad who's a huge Blizzard fan.
He said "You'll like this game kid, it's made by an awesome company.", can't believe it's been 8 years now.
Joystiq interviewed D3's lead designer Jay Wilson, who previously worked on Dawn of War. It's doesn't reveal anything new, but it's nice to hear from the people who are working on such a huge title.


Also, here is a video of the World Lore & Environment Art Panel from WWI:


Some of you may recall that the Lead World Designer, Leonard Boyarsky, worked as the Art Director for Fallout, Arcanum and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
Bloodlines should have a sequel. And it should be in isometric just to piss off fans like me.
Hey are you buying the game?
Me, you brick could team up, but not Ryan, cause he's not nice.

Getting it for sure. It'll probably be no problem getting a HL2.net group together. Even Jimbo is interested :D
Yeah but only 4-5 players in a game. Obviously I'm one of them, but who else do we let in?
Shit I can't find my LoD CD.

Someone hook me up.

I wants Diables.
Anyone remember the Horned Demons from Diablo 1? Back when I was around 12 playing it all night, I met my very first one in the blood and corpse drenched catacombs, and at that moment I had to stop playing for the rest of the night because it scared the shit out of me. Although I'm 10 years older now, I still do occasionally jump at things in games. It would be great if Diablo 3 were able to bring back this type of horror. That's another one of the reasons I'm skeptical about the visual style of the game thus far. It needs more of a dark and creepy feel.

4-5? They said it will support 8 players.

No, nothing has been confirmed as far a group size, but most likely it'll be 4-5. During the D3 panel, someone asked a question about group size, and Jay Wilson said that anymore than 5 and it becomes too chaotic.
I really did start a new character late last night on D2. :P

USEast, name is "Sartori", barbarian. Just doin' a standard axe mastery/battle orders/frenzy/berserk build. Well I dunno if that's standard anymore, but it is to me! Got to level 10 last night, shootin' for 18 tonight.
Anyone remember the Horned Demons from Diablo 1? Back when I was around 12 playing it all night, I met my very first one in the blood and corpse drenched catacombs, and at that moment I had to stop playing for the rest of the night because it scared the shit out of me. Although I'm 10 years older now, I still do occasionally jump at things in games. It would be great if Diablo 3 were able to bring back this type of horror. That's another one of the reasons I'm skeptical about the visual style of the game thus far. It needs more of a dark and creepy feel.


This is a far bigger, more diverse Diablo than we have ever seen. I have no doubt that there are going to be dark, gloomy, gothic areas, and there are going to be other areas with different styles. You can't compare this game to Diablo 1. Diablo 1 was one town, and a series of descending dungeon floors.
This is a far bigger, more diverse Diablo than we have ever seen. I have no doubt that there are going to be dark, gloomy, gothic areas, and there are going to be other areas with different styles. You can't compare this game to Diablo 1. Diablo 1 was one town, and a series of descending dungeon floors.

And yet it had the perfect atmosphere for a game so closely associated with death and hell. The lower you went, the more dark and sinister things got. Of course I can compare it to Diablo 1, it's a sequel... Although it's around 11 years old, the look and feel was perfect. I still stand by my opinion that from what I've seen so far, the Diablo 3 is too colorful and smooth. Here's are some other great edits of some screenshots that really show how atmospheric the game could be:



There is a long thread on the Diablo 3 battle.net forums of people with similar opinions.

Honestly I think those screenshots just look real boring. I think its far more interesting that the area is set in what seemed to be like a pristine, and peaceful forest type setting, and now its being overrun by demons. Like I said, this game is gonna be huge, and im sure you're going to get your fill of Dark and Gothic, but I don't think we should start freaking out over small pieces of the game we've seen because it doesn't look dark and gloomy.


I think all you "it should look like decay" types should just turn your color down and let the rest of us have a lush world to run around in. The current art direction is fantastic.

It's a battle between light and dark, why not have some light? This isn't Gears of War, evil hasn't conquered the planet. In fact, the last two decades have been mostly peaceful. Heck, the previous games were set in a world minimally penetrated by the evil.
I think all you "it should look like decay" types should just turn your color down and let the rest of us have a lush world to run around in. The current art direction is fantastic.

It's a battle between light and dark, why not have some light? This isn't Gears of War, evil hasn't conquered the planet. In fact, the last two decades have been mostly peaceful. Heck, the previous games were set in a world minimally penetrated by the evil.

This isn't Warcraft. Go play that if you want a lush environment. At no point in any of the previous games was there a lush and colorful setting. Even in Act 2, which is arguably the brightest part of the game, the sun went away and you were left in darkness for most of the act. Diablo 2 took place only a year or so after Diablo 1, and look at how quickly the areas you visited became lined with corpses and demonic signs after the wanderer passed through. Wouldn't you find it kind of odd to walk into a lush colorful forest with no signs of death or decay and find a large horde of zombies standing there? Something had to have happened to the area for the zombies to even exist. That is one of the problems with the screens and footage of Diablo 3.
Neither Diablo games were particularly unsaturated- they had very vibrant colors. You, understandably, are probably just adjusted to the 2d sprite based engines of D1 and D2. Diablo 3 looks great as is, and those DARK AND BROWN AND GRITTY shoops look boring and unfulfilling.
Diablo 3 takes place 20 years after LoD, Id like to think the people tried to clean the place up.


Now when diablo starts looking like that (Especially the blood elf area) then you can start complaining.
Sure, Diablo 2 has some vivid colors, but overall the color palette, even as limited as it was, was never as bright as what we've seen.


Also, you don't need to desaturate everything to get a look similar to the rest of the series:



Sure, Diablo 2 has some vivid colors, but overall the color palette, even as limited as it was, was never as bright as what we've seen.


yeah but see that doesn't look like someone shit all over it with photoshop.

I went and read that thread you posted, and you people are crying over 2 areas. 2 areas, in a game that is likely going to be ****ing huge. Are you seriously suggesting that the entire game is going to be lush forests or what because I dont get it.
I went and read that thread you posted, and you people are crying over 2 areas. 2 areas, in a game that is likely going to be ****ing huge. Are you seriously suggesting that the entire game is going to be lush forests or what because I dont get it.

No, that's not what I'm suggesting, but it's all we have to work with right now. And yes, perhaps future media will disprove my argument. Until then, I will stick with my opinion that the visuals could use some adjustments. I'll stop discussing this for now though, you're right that it's too early to judge.

I was reading up on some people's ideas as to the significance of the meteor in the cinematic. Someone made a interesting prediction that the meteor was Tyreal being cast out of the heavens for helping humanity and destroying the Worldstone. It certainly sounds plausible, as Tyreal was going against the will of heaven with his actions.

Another theory is that Baal (while still in Tal Rasha's body) actually killed Tyreal during their confrontation, as he had lost his sword while struggling, but had it again after Baal was defeated. From there on, the Tyreal that you meet is actually Belial, lord of lies. If you follow the lore, Belial and Azmodan were two of the lesser evils, who once worked together to banish the three prime evils to the mortal world. After accomplishing this, they then waged a civil war to determine the new leader of hell. It could be that Belial (as Tyreal) detroyed the worldstone to break the rift that separated the 3 realms. This does seem a bit far fetched though, and does not explain the meteor.
I think those "How it Should Look" pictures are pretty dark and hard to make things out.
SHould probably be darker and grittier, but not as much as those screenshots.

I see what you're trying to do there...though.

Nevertheless, i am quitting life and devoting it do Diablo 3.
USEast, Operational01. Just started up again.

Also will they keep trading on a personal level, or will they add an auction house system?
I'm not a fan of D2s item barter system, I'd much rather a expanded in-game system of what is currently the meta-game, so no more mule characters and a currency for item trading (be it in-game gold or something else).

They've learned a lot about game economy from WoW, so I trust they know what they're doing.
How does item trading in WoW work?
This is just a rehash of the exact same thing that was said vs Starcraft 2. "IT SHOULD BE MORE DARK AND GRITTY, NOT CARTOONY!" Seriously, it isn't near as bad as you're making it out to be. You just think the more you're complaining about it, the more true it will become..
I noticed that the bodies disappear after a few seconds, so I guess this means no necromancer :(
This isn't Warcraft. Go play that if you want a lush environment.

You're an idiot and I do not like Warcraft.

What, are the zombies and skeletons hacking away at the forest and killing of the fauna? There is nothing wrong with these screens.

Why don't YOU go play something else if you don't like Diablo 3 and stop bitching just because it doesn't meet your fanboyish expectations. :rolleyes:
I think all the D3 haters are just kids who were gutted about no SC MMO.
Anyone remember the Horned Demons from Diablo 1? Back when I was around 12 playing it all night, I met my very first one in the blood and corpse drenched catacombs, and at that moment I had to stop playing for the rest of the night because it scared the shit out of me. Although I'm 10 years older now, I still do occasionally jump at things in games. It would be great if Diablo 3 were able to bring back this type of horror. That's another one of the reasons I'm skeptical about the visual style of the game thus far. It needs more of a dark and creepy feel.

I think the matter is comparison. Yes, there requires some gloomy and scary environments to vivify Diablo III. But hey, I don't suppose the whole game should be murky and lifeless. A gloomy scene can have my heart beating for the first 30 minutes. Yet, everyone will get dull if he or she were to stay at areas with the same colour tone for hours. Similar to battle fatigue, a monotonous visual style can lead to visual fatigue. Visual fatigue does not mean that our eyes get tired over looking at the monitor. It means that player gets weary and numb over a repetitive atmosphere. In this case, the atmosphere can no longer deliver what it should to the gaming experience. In a big game, having only one standard atmosphere throughout is doomed to fail. There needs contrast.

In Diablo III, the contrast lies between the lush forest and dusk dungeon. The two contrasting scenes serve dual purposes. Firstly, they are not only in keeping with Diablo series style; they can also avoid visual fatigue, which can be fatal to any game. Secondly, players are allowed to visit a wider range of environments. When there are more things and different things to see, players will less likely be bored. In fact, this encourages players to explore the world, to search for fascinating sceneries.

In conclusion, I think it is right to construct both lush and gloomy environments. It will be a sorrowful pity if the game-makers delete either scene. The two atmospheres have to be together to make Diablo great.