Did anyone find the easter egg in the E3 2003 Trailers?

Hehe.. man I remember the old discussions for this.. soo many people.. we went through each single frame in all the videos.. I don't think we'll ever find it out.
I'm going to look through all the emails to try and find something to do with easter eggs but in the meantime could someone post up what Gabe actually said about there being one plz.
I don't recall ever reading about him saying there was one, just a whole load of speculation.
about the cow


I cant believe that you all think was true!
lol, I was more than slightly sceptical.....

Neway, I still want to know what the hell the easter egg actually is!!!
wait, a JOKE?!?!?!?! i actually looked for a cow!!!!!! LOL!!!!! nice one!!!!!!
Perhaps the easter egg was the poster of ruby (ATi's chick) on the wall?
-=Nemesis=- said:
Perhaps the easter egg was the poster of ruby (ATi's chick) on the wall?

We're talking E3 2003.. not E32K4
I think the 'easter egg' is infact the text in the psyche / e3 2003 video, and Gabe made a mistake and said it was in the original binks (before psyche was a bink). And yeah, I saw that smoke thing in coastline yesterday, interesting.........

Anyone ever consider that City 17 is supposed to be in Europe somewhere but all the writing is in english?
Hazar Dakiri said:
Anyone ever consider that City 17 is supposed to be in Europe somewhere but all the writing is in english?

were did you saw that?
All the signs, writing and words are english. Although the sign in the 'striders' vid that the first strider blows up has some weird unit of measurement. '6 IT' tall it looks like for a clearance height. For example, there is a sign that says something like 'hotel metropol' and in the coastline vid there is english signs on the buildings.
if city17 is in england?
(the only city that I know in england is london, I never been in that city but I played The Getaway(god game) :E )
Heheh, nar, its not england. For one thing they have said its Eastern European. And for another you wont find architecture like that in Britain anywhere.
Sorry, but, what "smoke" do you see coming out of somewhere in the coastline vid?
Hazar Dakiri said:
All the signs, writing and words are english. Although the sign in the 'striders' vid that the first strider blows up has some weird unit of measurement. '6 IT' tall it looks like for a clearance height. For example, there is a sign that says something like 'hotel metropol' and in the coastline vid there is english signs on the buildings.

A lot of words are shared between languages in europe, so more than likely the words on the wall mean the same or something different.
Btw that doesn't look like anywhere in England.
Yeah, City 17 is in Eastern Europe - and most signs will be in english or similar otherwise the players won't have a clue about what's going on! Placenames, etc, will probably just be a rough approximation of eatern european / russian names to give you a feel of where you are. At least, that seems likely IMO.
Also, we have many, many cities in england, thankyou, and to the people who don't seem to think that people speak english in europe (Hazar Dakiri, for example) ... hello!

A lot of words are shared between languages in europe, so more than likely the words on the wall mean the same or something different.
Btw that doesn't look like anywhere in England.
Thinking about that - not only europe really have similar languages ... u got north america (english/french), south america (spanish/portuguese/english, etc), africa (english/french colonies), australisia (english!). Heh, anyways, yeah loads of words are similar everywhere!
I agree that there are alot of similar words espically in europe, but 'hotel'?

Maybe. I guess I was thinking City 17 was in Germany or something.

But if they do speak some dialect of english then what's the 6 IT? (definently not 6 FT)
Evil^Milk said:
Sorry, but, what "smoke" do you see coming out of somewhere in the coastline vid?

Look at the left hand area of sky as Gordon goes up that ramp just after he meets the Gunship.
Brian Damage said:
Look at the left hand area of sky as Gordon goes up that ramp just after he meets the Gunship.

Also worth noting that you can't make it out in the 600MB Gamespy video, it's only noticeable in the Bink.

It looks like a smoke trial from a rocket from the RPG.....
Hazar Dakiri said:
I agree that there are alot of similar words espically in europe, but 'hotel'?

'Hotel' is actually a french word, if memory serves me correctly. English folk adopted it after that, so it's multi-lingual now.
Mechagodzilla said:
'Hotel' is actually a french word, if memory serves me correctly. English folk adopted it after that, so it's multi-lingual now.

correct, l'hotel, silent h.
It's called Hotell in Swedish. Heh. What a coincidence.
Hmmm, well I guess you proved me wrong.

But so far I haven't heard of anything that does sound like the easter egg to me.
The smoke trail is interesting but not really significant to me at least.
who said the F U meant foxtrot uniform? are you a fool? it's obviously just **** You.. no?
It probably is just the text on physce.... I mean Valve havent mentioned anything to do with stasis or whatnot and this is the only place that info's came from...
what do you mean by foxtrot uniform anyway?

the text in psyche didn't really tell you much. I'm still sceptical.
Fotxtrot uniform...NATO phonetic alphabet.
Hazar Dakiri said:
what do you mean by foxtrot uniform anyway?

the text in psyche didn't really tell you much. I'm still sceptical.

the text was scientific mumbojumbo that described stasis and mind blanking techniques...
It might not tell you and I very much in plain english but then it wouldn't be an easter egg if it did.
city 17 in eastern europe...? thats just the architecture.. its a game remember.. who said you cant use the architecture to inspire a totally made up city in a totally odd location... somewhere like the Washington DC area ;)
not to mention that this is some time in the future and the combine has taken over so like they could have changed all the sign n measurements and made everything english n what not
or MAYBE it's because their largest audience speaks english and it wouldn't do any good to put the signs in a language they couldn't understand.

once again Occam's Razor at work.
my analysis

Cows!? - I wanna see the cow. Never noticed it.

Toilets - Only seen one in "barriacade" and "Traptown"

"FU" - lmao. Never thought of it like that.

Gluon gun - Yeah, i think it's a knackered scanner too.

Now then the signs - Maybe City 17 was a tourist town. You know? Before all the combine stuff went on. Won't be England cos thats Western Europe. Eastern Europe makes me think Holland, Germany or Austria? Perhaps Belguim. :|

Thats my analysis.