Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

I rather have Jonny release a finished and polished map then a beta.
I'm putting my vote on polish. We're all still gonna be around in a month or two, and it's coming along great. I'd rather see it complete than have an unpolished beta circulating around. Good work, Jonny, keep it up!
I'm proud of you Jonny. Don't listen to them fools that think you should release a beta. Do it your way.

As far as your machine goes. Chris is right, put in another video card to make sure that isn't the problem. Your power supply may be putting out enough power for the fans to turn and some lights come on but it still could be bad.

If your mobo is less than 3 years old it is probably still under warrenty with Asus so just call them if it turns out bad.
azz0r said:
Sure he does, just release a damn beta.
Have you thought that he might not want to? Not everyone has to release 10 public betas before getting the map right. I'd much rather him finish the map to his "complete" standards rather than have to download the map loads of times because of beta testing.
Hey, if you guys like the goldeneye throwbacks, the Stack Map (complete with working hidden passageways) is available in CS: Source , it's a faithful recreation, though the textures are a tiny bit bland. It's a lot of fun, unfortunatly i downloaded it off a server (its just called "Stack" if you want to filter) but if i find a link ill put it up.

sorry if its off topic, but cmon! its goldeneye!
Has johnny still not finished it yet, i dont want to filter through the last 10 pages..?
Johnny, I had the same problem you are describing.

The chord from the psu to the motherboard was friend. One of the prongs on the connector was melted. If you are running your system hot you should check. Well you should check it anyway.

hope that helps.
Just wanting to chime in that I am shooting for near fianl beta test for tonight. Probably two more major tests(Tonight and Thursday).

I am shooting for release to coincide with SLAM/Stunstick update.

If the SLAM is really the Proxy Mines, then those will be added for Friday release.

Is this the week? I hope so lol... I need to get going on my other projects(more GE, and original stuff). Also, if I have time, I have a little suprise update Friday of what i have been working on in the time I spent away from Facility.(Was working on Bunker and Library).
Hi guys

Been following this thread for a while, but I just had to sign in just to say:

^^^ BUNKER!!! ^^^ :D

Jonny, is this the Bunker with the ceiling-mounted TV array? If so, awesome. You should include the snowy helipad area just outside the bunker too. Also... how about making the wall-sized TV screen show a 'live feed' from a camera elsewhere in the level? You know it makes sense.

Keep up the good work
Nice to hear the update johnny, im looking forward to the release...

Cant wait for facility, AND bunker :p
Tried to have beta test and I just got this error when loading the map after compile:

"Spawn Server dm_facility_rc1
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
Host_EndGame: Map coordinate extents are too large!!
Check for errors!"

The map isnt even that big!!!

Guys Im stumped. I dont know what it could be. :\

I dont know what to do.

Anyone have any thoughts?
Others have had this problem (not many; google-ing the error only results in about 6 results). Check here and here.

From the screenshots, the map looks amazing so far. Take your time man, and release it when it's ready.

Before compiling hit 'Alt + P' to check for errors Mr. Hickenbottom!
hehe, yes I know. I do that every time. Thing is it was still happening. However I just restarted Steam and loaded the map and now it says:

"1 Solid not loaded due to errors."

Im gonna try to compile again and I think it will work!

Slightly OT, but I've been thinking about Bunker and realised that level's destined for CS! I'm not much of a CS player myself, but think about it.... cells for hostages at one end, a helipad escape point at the other. Neat.

Good luck sorting those errors btw
Yeh, Bunker would make a good cs:s map, but wouldn't be able to hold many players, or they could expand it..
They could expand it by adding a bit more of the Surface level overhead. Just enough of it to incorporate the vertical shaft entrance to the Bunker... that one you access the Bunker through in Goldeneye. It would another possible entry route for the CTs.

Then you've got long-range snipey bits across snowy tundra... AND tense close-range battles down below.... Win. :bounce:
And it probably wouldn't be that much smaller than cs_office.
Hahaha, I've played it and it rocks :p
Yes, I'll give you some more accurate feedback later :)
WOW I just came accross this topic today and I started work on the Temple for CSS yesterday! Ok well I will be done tommorow. When I finish I will post a download link. I want to know what you guys think!
Sgt. Redneck said:
WOW I just came accross this topic today and I started work on the Temple for CSS yesterday! Ok well I will be done tommorow. When I finish I will post a download link. I want to know what you guys think!
yay, a fast mapmaker :LOL:

if you can pump out the quality jonnyphive is showing us in two days, then you are a god :thumbs:
can you post any screenies?
Sgt. Redneck:

I think that deserves its own thread. Love to see it when you do post.

Edit: Whoo! Bullsquid status!
Slighty off topic question about the topic of this post (wow how ironic!)

I've seen this convention alot on the web lately:

Do you like ...? I like ...

Is it a reference to something else?
SSSsoooooo is it going to be released tomarrow with the updates? :O :cheese:
I can't fault Jonny for his priorities (for the most part)

College: Yeah I can see you putting that first, esp if you're taking 18 units
Social life: Sure. Spending your time mapping and posting in forums is no substitute for human contact.
WoW: Inexcusable!! How the mighty have fallen! Avoid at all costs!

Isaacav2 said:
SSSsoooooo is it going to be released tomarrow with the updates? :O :cheese:

If the updates happen for sure tommorrow then I would say Friday, hoping the everything goes well tommorrow in the implementation fixes to last beta. :imu:

Chris never gave me feedback tho :(
Well, hell, Chris, Mr. I Played And You Guys Didn't, give the man his feedback!
Jonny Phive said:
If the updates happen for sure tommorrow then I would say Friday, hoping the everything goes well tommorrow in the implementation fixes to last beta. :imu:

Chris never gave me feedback tho :(
Sorry Jonny.

It is still coming, just been majorly busy. Often with writing, moderating, editing, real life work and getting drunk :E Also I sort of have a girlfriend now so it's a bit of a challenge :D

Got Thursday and Friday off work, along with most of the above, I shall be contacting you about Facility. It will all be positive, btw :)