Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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I thought el chi was going to be more baby-faced.
No I'm all man, baybeh. It's youthful handsomeness.


no i didn't photoshop the hell out of the lighting in this

i don't know what you're talking about
[Insert obligatory joke about liking the one on the left but who's that idiot on the right]

[Or don't]

[In a nice way]

Incidentally, I want a cuddly vort so very much :)

Holy crap, Cobain is still alive!
I hope you've said your goodbyes, bee-atch...

Not compared to me you don't.
It's not THAT all of a sudden. God.

Lesbian for toaster since I saw that cute picture, BUT NOBODY ELSE.
It's not THAT all of a sudden. God.

Lesbian for toaster since I saw that cute picture, BUT NOBODY ELSE.

It's sudden for me. My consciousness is eons old, and the passing of a year, to me, seems but a heartbeat in the endless flow of time, but a blink in the infinity that is the universe.
omg its a gurl lol

tbh I have no idea who that creep is. She just grabbed me and wouldn't let go until she had taken like fifty pictures of us together. I dunno, it really freaked me out. I didn't even know if I was going to make it out of there alive.

My therapist says it won't be long before the nightmares stop. I hope to god she's right.
I doubt she's right. That woman must be ten times your size and all of a sudden she's pressing you to her face with an expression that says "Sure I've got nice lips but if you come anywhere near me by God you'll end up unconscious in a ditch in Reykjavik with your face grafted onto the soles of your feet and your fingers sprinkled around you like confetti. But you have a nice day now, ya hear?"
If that doesn't invade your nightmares, then nothing will.

Especially such a delicate little flower like you: with your captivating, enormous red eye and your unmissable, protruding fangs...
I know what he was chattin' abaat. It was simply a rudeboi attempt.

Allow that.
Actually it was more of a tongue-in-cheek post-ironic comment on the gender imbalance of the internet, men's reaction to the presence of females in a stereotypically male environment and how this reaction is almost never representative of any form of gender equality.
You cahnt.
What you chattin' about blad?
Allow you. U'm chattin' 'bour your mum, innit bredren. Fassy'ole. ohsnaplol
Too much women talk, not enough guy talk.

I mean for ****s sake, we're straying from our roots here.
I came.

[EDIT] Guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns girls girls girls girls girls cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars

I disgust me too.

FURTHERMORE, REGARDING THE SUBJECT AT HAND: I am a womanly woman with a womanly vulva.
Ready for some sexy pictures of ZT anyone?!

How bout in his stupid Catholic School uniform he has to wear everyday? naughty naughty! Myspace angle!!!


Or in his patched up military jacket? (you might notice I have the combine initials and logo printed on the skirt of it. Theres also a large beetlejuice patch on the back that you can't see)

Military jacket you say? I see your bet and raise you one greatcoat.

I have no idea how I managed the exact same facial expression in both pictures.
lol, nice social bacon, but you don't pull it off in the same, "distressed post-apocolyptic" look as I do! :P

Plus, mine has the combine initials and logo silkscreened on it.
I think his is more like a Keanu Reeves take on the post-apocalyptic thing. He's got the 'whoa' expression down pretty well. Also, the trench coat.
Sadly not, despite Phobie's claims (which I thank her for :D) I lack the modeling skill that you seem to posses :P

There's actually not enough of me for all of you. So I choose Phobie and uhh... CyberPitz.
Ahhh maybe we should dig out more of those meet up pictures, good times. There are lots of us on those. When I'm not being so lazy I'll bother to post one at some point too...
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