Do you smoke cigarettes?

Cigarettes: do you smoke?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 15.3%
  • No

    Votes: 114 79.2%
  • I used to, but quit

    Votes: 8 5.6%

  • Total voters
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May 25, 2003
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I was just curious to see how many hl2netters smoke. Personally I don't...but at my job just about everyone does.
I don't smoke, but it doesn't make much difference cause everyone in my family smokes, so I'll still die of cancer.:farmer:
Yes. Been smoking since I was 15, and although I'll probably regret it in the future, I don't care right now. I like the feeling, I like the act, and it is pretty much impossible for me to have a beer or any other alcoholic drink without one. People say I only like it because I'm addicted, which is probably true. I smoke because I'm addicted and I'm addicted because I smoke. But to be honest, that's a vicious cycle I'm perfectly content with.

It's probably about a pack every two/three days. If it's a weekend, that's going up to possibly two packs a night because I'm out drinking.

One of my friends recently tried to quit cold turkey and he's been smoking for only about a year and a half, starting off as an occasional "social smoker". He managed about two months before caving, saying it was the most pissed off and irritable phase he's ever gone through in his life. Of course, his cave-in also happened right when England was kicked out of the World Cup, so go figure.
I'm working on quitting right now, actually. It's been a week since my last cigarette, and my third day without a nicotine patch. I'm short tempered, I have a headache, and am generally not having fun. But it'll be worth it once it's all over.
But... when it's over and you see someone having a cigarette won't you want one?
No, but I got my mate addicted to cigarettes by secretly putting nicotine patches on the back of his head.
lol.. wtf?

Your supposed to say "YOU smoke cock"..
Take a look at my signature. 15 year smoker. I quit over 1 week ago. It's really hard.

I have already seen many benefits from quitting though. I've already saved $36 dollars US in only 9 days, my blood/oxygen circulation seems improved, I haven't had a headache since (I used to get one every couple days). I've picked up kickboxing and lifting weights again (starting slowly, and over the years will increase in frequency) I look and feel better, I can breath better, etc., I'm eating 3 times better, food tastes better. If each cigarette takes 6 minutes to smoke, then I have about 120 minutes more of free time in each day. That's at least 2 hours a day that I can be doing something else instead of going outside, sitting down, and lighting up a cigarette. I feel it. I feel like there is more time in the day, I can get so much done.

But, it's hard. I want a cigarette. If I had a cigarette here in front of me, I would smoke it immediately. I want one so bad right now, that I am a bit dangerous to be around. I don't think I will ever stop wanting one. The physical addiction may pass, but I don't think I will ever stop wanting to smoke. It should get easier over time. The withdrawal symptoms are painful and last for hours at a time. It's similar to a heroine addiction, though probably not as severe, luckily, since I don't know that it is possible to quit heroine by any means short of locking yourself into a room and throwing away the key.

I can do this. I'm tired of being a slave to something. The cigarettes were my master, and told me what to do. They made me drive drunk to go buy some, and I spent 30 days in jail for that. I couldn't smoke in jail, and should have quit at that time, but picked it right back up when I got out of jail.

It all comes down to is - do I want to live 9 more years (40 years old) or 60 (91 years old) more years? I made my choice on the 4th of July. My grandfather smoked for a long time, and quit, and lived to be 90, and just died a few weeks ago. My stepmom's father smoked for a long time, and quit, and is about 83 now. However, my friends father smoked, and died at 39 from cancer. These are personal examples, I'm sure that If you look at the statistics, they will say the same thing.

Quit now, you could live another 60 years or more.
Good luck. Ive been smoking for almost 10 years and i know how hard trying to quit is.

My dad's been smoking for 46yrs. It's ruined him. He's just realised how much trouble he is in and he's quit - he's not smoked for 3 months now :)
Nope. My mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother (when they were alive), uncle, etc, etc all smoke. I'm not looking to continue this tradition.
I quiet like them. Also yes I know of the blunt thing. My brother does it sometimes.
Absinthe said:
Is it now?
Yes, weak or stupid ... and i'm offending a lot of people when I say that, but the only people that are offended by that are too stupid or blind to realise it's true. If you weren't stupid, you wouldn't smoke in the first place... and if you weren't weak, you'd be able to stop.

So yes. It is.
He means smoking "cigs". Not weed or cigars. Right? :P

I smoke cigars and have yet to get addicted.
How is it true?

I'm sorry, but repeating the words "stupid" and "weak" do not constitute an argument. It just makes you look like an ass.
Cigarettes killed my father and raped my mother!

That means no.

Tried it, hated it, not gonna do it.

My dad smokes, tried to quit a few times but he couldn't do it. Wish he'd just stop tbh. D:
Absinthe said:
How is it true?

I'm sorry, but repeating the words "stupid" and "weak" do not constitute an argument. It just makes you look like an ass.

Woo, Absinthe is back! :E
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