Do you smoke cigarettes?

Cigarettes: do you smoke?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 15.3%
  • No

    Votes: 114 79.2%
  • I used to, but quit

    Votes: 8 5.6%

  • Total voters
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Tr0n said:
Yea, as long as people don't blow their smoke in my face, I'm fine with it. If not, then I'm bound to kick someones ass.
I'm not. :(
Absinthe said:
You're essentially saying saying people should be allowed to smoke because they are used to it. Basically, they should be able to smoke, because people smoke.

It's not really a valid point, it's restating the information, or circular reasoning.
vegeta897 said:
You're essentially saying saying people should be allowed to smoke because they are used to it. Basically, they should be able to smoke, because people smoke.

It's not really a valid point, it's restating the information, or circular reasoning.

I was referring to non-smokers with that statement.
Absinthe said:
I was referring to non-smokers with that statement.
What difference does that make? If smoking never existed, they would be fine with the atmosphere because it would be the normal. Not to mention healthier.
vegeta897 said:
What difference does that make? If smoking never existed, they would be fine with the atmosphere because it would be the normal. Not to mention healthier.

That is such a pointless line of thought that it's not even worth traversing.

Smoking does exist, so we will deal with that reality. I fail to see the circular reasoning.
vegeta897 said:
You're essentially saying saying people should be allowed to smoke because they are used to it.
You should be able to smoke because it's YOUR choice to do it or not to do it, not someone else's. Who the hell are YOU to tell me what I can and cannot do in regards to myself? This is America not Iran.
I don't mind smokers as long as they stay away from me with the smoke. My relatives are good about that because they know I hate the smell.
Rakurai you're getting a bit annoying with the "FREEEDOM I CAN DO WHAT I WANT AAHH YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!" bit.

I fail to see why Narcolepsy's comparison doesn't hold water. Smoking does harm others. Therefore you can't just do whatever you want. You seem to be missing the point entirely that if smoking only affected the person doing it, we would be fine. But it does NOT only affect you, it affects others. This is 100 percent FACT, so stop using that silly argument.
vegeta897 said:
I fail to see why Narcolepsy's comparison doesn't hold water. Smoking does harm others. Therefore you can't just do whatever you want.

When was this being argued.

You seem to be missing the point entirely that if smoking only affected the person doing it, we would be fine. But it does NOT only affect you, it affects others. This is 100 percent FACT, so stop using that silly argument.

Then vacate the area that tolerates it. Go to a different section. Hell, go to a different restaurant. Or club. Or ****ing bowling alley. I don't care. If I'm smoking in an area that allows it, I will do so because its my entitlement. What is selfish is expecting such a place to pander to your anti-smoking sensitivities just because.
Absinthe said:
When was this being argued.
Look at Rakurai... He's saying he can do what he wants, but that's completely ridiculous if the act harms others. Smoking does, so his argument is voided.
Absinthe said:
Then vacate the area that tolerates it.
So your'e allowed to own those places then? You have the right of way? This is what we are arguing in essense, smoking should not be allowed in as many public places as it is. Or atleast there should be non smoking sections for every place that does have smoking sections. This is not the case, currently.
I wanna say it's our choice and it's totally depend on us to smoke or do not and by making this type of thread doesn't make smokers to stop from smoking., but I wanna say onething ****in smoker doesn't die.
Ahhh! People... not... understanding...

Then vacate the area that tolerates it. Go to a different section. Hell, go to a different restaurant. Or club. Or ****ing bowling alley. I don't care. If I'm smoking in an area that allows it, I will do so because its my entitlement. What is selfish is expecting such a place to pander to your anti-smoking sensitivities just because.
You're right! It's your right to do so! No one disagrees.

But should you be able to. SHOULD it be your right? That's the issue at hand. Look at it this way:

Two arguments:
1.) Clubs/restaurants/whatever are supposed to be smoky! It's the way it is! And smokers like it that way! So deal with it, or go somewhere else.
2.) Clubs/restaurants/whatever are smoky but they shouldn't be, because smoke is disgusting and bad. The world would be better off without smoking in these areas.

Both are valid, subjectively. But option (a) involves making life miserable for the majority, and option (b) involves making life miserable for the minority. Option (a) also involves stink, cancer, and death, while option (b) doesn't. If the government is working for the good of the people, which option should it back? Rakurai? Which one?
I think Narcolepsy has concluded it nicely. I'm done with this thread.

You're still my favorite person ever, Absinthe.
vegeta897 said:
So your'e allowed to own those places then? You have the right of way? This is what we are arguing in essense, smoking should not be allowed in as many public places as it is. Or atleast there should be non smoking sections for every place that does have smoking sections. This is not the case, currently.

Again, that's an issue with the owner's policy. I cannot stress/repeat this enough.

I don't know what you expect of me. If I'm in a club, a bar, or a restaurant that allows smoking, why should I not? Why do I need to alter my habits for other people an environment that accepts what I do? Just go somewhere else if you don't like it, be it another place, another section, or another table.

But don't worry. I still you, veggiebums.
Narcolepsy said:
Both are valid, subjectively. But option (a) involves making life miserable for the majority, and option (b) involves making life miserable for the minority. Option (a) also involves stink, cancer, and death, while option (b) doesn't.

The majority really doesn't care, from my experience. They just accept it.

And I never said that such areas should be smoky. I just don't think this is a problem if there's separation to some degree, that way everybody's happy. If the place in question doesn't have it, then either party is free to go elsewhere. Everybody else will just put up.
RakuraiTenjin said:
You should be able to smoke because it's YOUR choice to do it or not to do it, not someone else's. Who the hell are YOU to tell me what I can and cannot do in regards to myself? This is America not Iran.
Riddle me this:

I use the public transit bus system during the school year. Vancouver's buses are usually insano-full in the morning, and often I find myself being denied entry because the bus is full on my way to school.

I was severely asthmatic as a child. I've recovered much since then, but any kind of fumes will trigger a reaction, including cigarette smoke.

Smoking, as you know, is popular with teens. And they like to light up, say, while waiting in queue for the bus to school, right next to me. Now when they do so, I could move, but no one else is going to let me budge in front of them, so I'd have to go the back of the queue, making my chances of getting on almost nil. I could ask them to put it out, but they could respond with 'No'; or move back in the line, making them lose their place. Plus I feel stupid asking them, or admitting I have a reaction if they asked why.

So what's the solution? Give up having a reaction? Not take that bus, and risk being late for school or having just more smokers come? Beat them up? This IS affecting me. And it's not like I can go somewhere else.
You know, for years, my mother had a breathing problem, and had to see doctors and use inhalers to help her breathe, and she would cough like crazy, etc. Well, this was a new problem. You know why? Because she had some kind of hibernating asthma all her life, but it was never a problem - that is, until I smoked in the house for a few years.

She kept coughing like crazy, and I didn't realize I was killing her with my second hand smoke. I thought she was kind of faking the coughing because she was one of those annoying non-smokers that always asked me to stop smoking. I ****ing couldn't stand non-smokers that acted like that. But it turns out she was really suffering breathing problems from me. I don't live with her any more, and she doesn't have the problem anymore. The smoke agitated her lungs really badly, giving her terrible extended cough attacks, and it's not just some person being annoying asking me to stop smoking in the house, it was me killing my mother by accident. Luckily, I moved out.

So, yes. There is no question, second-hand smoke is harmful to other people. I've been sitting in the garage at times, smoking, and the sun is shining so brightly, casting an intense beam of light through the window. As the smoke floats through the room, and passes through the light, you can see with extreme detail the smoke particles floating in the air, and my brother walks up, and stands before me to hang out while I smoke, and I can see in the sunlight, the smoke getting quickly pulled up his nose as he breathes it in. He used to come out to hang out every time I smoked for the past few years. This is terrible. It's obviously bad for him to breathe it, especially growing up. On the other hand, even though I have quit smoking recently, and it is harmful to my brother, if I had a cigarette right now, the addiction is so powerful, that I would do it anyway. It's selfish, but that's what drugs will do to you. People steal and kill for their addictions. It happens everyday in a town near you.

vegeta897 said:
Look at Rakurai... He's saying he can do what he wants, but that's completely ridiculous if the act harms others. Smoking does, so his argument is voided.
So your'e allowed to own those places then? You have the right of way? This is what we are arguing in essense, smoking should not be allowed in as many public places as it is. Or atleast there should be non smoking sections for every place that does have smoking sections. This is not the case, currently.
More and more places are banning smoking here in the US. Many bars, many restaurants, many hotels, etc. I have even heard talks of bans of smoking while driving.

Remember that smoking has been around before the United States of America has (The Native Americans smoked it - we know that much). I mean, it's a plant, it's a drug, people like it. You can never get rid of it, so you might as well tax it, right Uncle Sam?

You won't have any luck banning Alcohol either. It's just not going to happen here.

But, more and more laws will be put in place, banning it in public buildings. I heard on the news a few days ago that many bars report that their business improved about 22% since they banned cigarette smoking. So, you can expect many more will follow.
Hey, I just realized.. It's now illegal in Canada to smoke ANYWHERE indoors, except your own house... at bars they now have "Smoker Stations" outside the bar... (it's an ashtray type thing mounted on the wall).. I know this because I passed a bar on my way to wal-mart, and they also have it for restaurants!
vegeta897 said:
Rakurai you're getting a bit annoying with the "FREEEDOM I CAN DO WHAT I WANT AAHH YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!" bit.

I fail to see why Narcolepsy's comparison doesn't hold water. Smoking does harm others. Therefore you can't just do whatever you want. You seem to be missing the point entirely that if smoking only affected the person doing it, we would be fine. But it does NOT only affect you, it affects others. This is 100 percent FACT, so stop using that silly argument.
The amount it effects others is negligable unless you're in it ALL the time. Go outside if you don't like it. It's up to the OWNER of the place to choose if they want it non-smoking or not.

Besides, the fact is he was arguing for a virtual ban through legislation killing it economically. He wasn't arguing for laws about nonsmokers, etc.
VirusType2 said:
Cigarettes are probably the most heavily taxed products in the world. It has something like a $1.29 tax on a $3 pack of cigarettes in certain areas. And smokers have to pay much higher health insurance. What ever are you talking about?

If you bother to look at my location, and have any understanding about healthcare systems outside your own country, it's pretty clear what I'm talking about.
Tr0n said:

Haha, win. And no, I don't smoke.
For all of you rabid anti-smokers, I'm going to buy the fattest cuban cigar I can find tomorrow, go to the pub with my maters, and have a smoke.

Christ, you guys are demonising smokers so much. It's not like they're going up to you, opening your mouth, and exhaling right down your throat. One of my friends has athsma, and I avoid having a cigar around her. Guess what? We're not going around trying to kill you. Hell, I smoke at most one cigar a month, usually on a special occasion, and seeing how you're all indoctrinated to loathe people who make a personal choice to smoke, I think it's a tremendous double-standard that NEARLY ALL OF YOU choose to attack Numbers, who's been indoctrinated to respect his government.

-Angry Lawyer
Do you smoke cigarettes?


I smoke cigar.

p.s. joking, I don't smoke.
Jesus christ, deja vu (sp)

I SWEAR to ****ing god that i read through a thread just like this one with vegata and absinthe digging at each other about smoking when i was a wee nooblet.

Also, welcome back Absinthe, i have missed reading your argument posts.
Greatgat said:
Insano, I was deciding whether to post that joke or not, but decided it was old and tired. I'm glad you don't feel the same restraint. :p
The joke isn't yet as bad as the happy birthday cartoon :p
Absinthe said:

Jesus, everybody seems to assume smokers are unfamiliar with hygiene.

What does smoking have to do with hygiene?

I don't recall mentioning the word 'hygiene' anywhere.

I don't see how personal hygiene can prevent you from smelling like your cigarette after standing in its fumes for several minutes. It's that simple, if you stand in it, you're gonna smell like it for a good period of time. The smoke really sticks to your hair and clothes. Even after going out to somewhere with very light smoking, your clothes will smell like shit until you wash them.

You wanna deny you stink after smoking? And the nature of your addiction requires you to smoke several times a day, making you smell like shit... several times a day. So on avarage: you stink.
Hooray for stupid arguments!

So do cars, guns, knives, war, blunt objects, penises... Ban them all!

Breaking news: EVERYTHING CAUSES CANCER. Ban everything!

Not all smokers are unfamiliar with basic hygiene. Ban hygiene!

No. Imbeciles.
I actually posted the let's ban hydrogen image here but I remembered that Danimal will ban if I posted it again so I removed it. :|

So do cars, guns, knives, war, blunt objects, penises... Ban them all!

Which all serve a purpose, cars transport people, weapons are tools and used in law enforcement, penises make people happy. Smoking does... what? All it does is bad. It's bad for your health, wallet, odour and whatnot.

Breaking news: EVERYTHING CAUSES CANCER. Ban everything!

Not quite in the degree of smoking though. Besides, those alleged cancer sources are useful in some way or another. Smoking, is again completely useless.

Not all smokers are unfamiliar with basic hygiene. Ban hygiene!

Because brushing your teeth and showering prevent you from smelling like your cigarette after smoking one, right?

No. Imbeciles.

Then quit, if it isn't. It isn't good for anything. You're better off in every way if you quit. Saves you a lot of money you could spend more wisely on porn or something.
PvtRyan said:
Which all serve a purpose, cars transport people, weapons are tools and used in law enforcement, penises make people happy. Smoking does... what? All it does is bad. It's bad for your health, wallet, odour and whatnot.

Yes, yes. Smoking for the sake of smoking. Such an arbitrary habit. Not like anybody gets anything out of them. They do it just 'cuz. :rolleyes:

Because brushing your teeth and showering prevent you from smelling like your cigarette after smoking one, right?

Pop some gum. And not everybody has an issue with it.
Here's another one, just for PvtRyan.

Except for, you know, enjoyment. Just like cars, guns, video games, and penises. And don't forget nervous relief, either. Ban pleasure! Ban relief!
Smokers are idiots lol

And don't give me that crap about "omg we have to die sometime D:"
Give me your address, your name and a date when you stay at home and I'll make sure you die all right. Free of charge even, no need to buy cigarettes anymore :p

Raeven0 said:
Except for, you know, enjoyment. Just like cars, guns, video games, war, and penises. And don't forget nervous relief, either. Ban pleasure! Ban relief!
This site full of liez said:

Smoking. Smoking causes one's blood to clot more easily, heightens blood pressure and causes a range of other negative heath outcomes. Perhaps for these reasons, cigarette smoking is the single largest contributing factor to sudden cardiac-related death. Smokers' risk of heart attack is reported to be nearly twice that of non-smokers'. It has also been found that individuals who smoke cigars or pipes run less risk than cigarette but still have heightened risk compared to non-smokers.

In light of this evidence, the wise course of action to recommend to smokers is that they immediately take steps to stop smoking and to remove themselves from being around other people who smoke. It is not necessary to smoke yourself in order to be at risk from smoking; it is only necessary to be near people who smoke regularly. Second-hand smoke increases your risk for heart disease even if you yourself are a non-smoker.
Oh right nervous relief, but it heightens blood pressure in the meanwhile :p

Oh you're even killing other people aswell lol

BTW I did not read this thread until now :O

Raeven0 said:
No. Imbeciles.
It does, actually. I've never smoked a cigarette completely, but I can start at any moment, just because the smell is so damn good. I used to hang around in bars and pubs that had loads of smokers. I got the need for a smoke just from standing there.
You're missing the point. Smoking is on the same level as booze, weed, or anything like that. I choose not to do it, but at least I understand others' choices :/
However, I see you, JNightshade, as the sort who'd appreciate a nice fat cigar with their scotch.

But yes, it's a lifestyle choice, as you mentioned, JNightshade. I for one will not touch weed, but that's just as useless as smoking, and drinking, yet a number of these rabid anti-smokers are potheads.

-Angry Lawyer
I smoked about 15 years, quit 2 years ago. I sometimes miss the relaxed and social feeling I got out of smoking. But I'm a bit of a hypochondric person si when I started to get health problems I quit. And gained a lot of fat. So that went well :(
Beerdude26 said:
It does, actually. I've never smoked a cigarette completely, but I can start at any moment, just because the smell is so damn good. I used to hang around in bars and pubs that had loads of smokers. I got the need for a smoke just from standing there.
That's complete bullshit.

I don't smoke, but I've got no problem with it. It's not your decision if other people should be able to smoke, and god knows I've done things that are more harmful to you than a wee bit of tobacco smoke. If you've ever drank alcohol in your life you're not allowed to say shit about people smoking.
Angry Lawyer said:
yet a number of these rabid anti-smokers are potheads.

-Angry Lawyer

Ive noticed the opposite is true too, many anti-marijuana fanatics smoke and drink also :|
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