Do you smoke cigarettes?

Cigarettes: do you smoke?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 15.3%
  • No

    Votes: 114 79.2%
  • I used to, but quit

    Votes: 8 5.6%

  • Total voters
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Insano, I was deciding whether to post that joke or not, but decided it was old and tired. I'm glad you don't feel the same restraint. :p
Absinthe said:
How is it true?

I'm sorry, but repeating the words "stupid" and "weak" do not constitute an argument. It just makes you look like an ass.
Funny, "stupid" and "weak" being the two words most commonly used by non-smokers to describe smokers ... Oh, along with "filthy" and "disgusting" ... not to mention selfish, inconsiderate, and just plain ****ing daft.

"Here ... smoke this ... you won't gain anything, it'll just sap your money and give you cancer."

"Cool, OK!"

I have reformed smokers. They're the worst.

'Smoking kills! I used to smoke, why you are you still destroying your life! Your a filthy ****ing WASTE!'

Irritating it is. Hopefully I don't become an asshole once I get over the withdrawal.
I took up cigar smoking to spite non-smokers like lePobz.

-Angry Lawyer
lePobz said:
Funny, "stupid" and "weak" being the two words most commonly used by non-smokers to describe smokers ... Oh, along with "filthy" and "disgusting" ... not to mention selfish, inconsiderate, and just plain ****ing daft.

I'd prefer discourse that doesn't involve you talking out of your ass. I don't see how attributes such as "selfish" or "inconsiderate" factor into this at all. And disgusting? Perhaps to you. I know plenty who don't mind.

I do gain something from smoking. Health issues as well, granted. But I don't see how that's stupid. A stupid smoker would be somebody who thinks there is no harm in it, or does it to look cool. I am well aware of its hazards. I just don't care.
Absinthe said:
I'd prefer discourse that doesn't involve you talking out of your ass.

I do gain something from smoking. Health issues as well, granted. But I don't see how that's stupid. A stupid smoker would be somebody who thinks there is no harm in it, or does it to look cool. I am well aware of its hazards. I just don't care.
I'm sure a lot of people in here will back me up on that. I know a lot of people who feel exactly the same way I do on the matter.

And you're ignoring blatant health risks and actually paying for what exactly? If it's not to look cool ... is it an addiction? Too weak to get over it? The only other explanation is some form of self-mutilation. In which case, grow some balls and go cut yourself.
Oh no, a zealous anti-smoker! You're so right! I just have this innate urge to hurt myself and I'm too much of a pussy to use sharp objects! So I just mull around smoking and attempting a feable James Dean level of coolness.

I'm sure a lot of people in here will also say you're a douche bag, but who am I to say.
lePobz said:
I'm sure a lot of people in here will back me up on that. I know a lot of people who feel exactly the same way I do on the matter.

And you're ignoring blatant health risks and actually paying for what exactly? If it's not to look cool ... is it an addiction? Too weak to get over it? The only other explanation is some form of self-mutilation. In which case, grow some balls and go cut yourself.

Well, you know... as a non-smoker I can't agree with you. Following your logic, everyone who does anything that can harm - even in the slightest way - his health must be consider "stupid" and "weak", like for example eating fast-food?

I totally agree with the fact that smoking is causing unwholesome and is a long-term suicide, but don't we all have bad recurrent unhealthy behaviors? These don't make us "stupid" or "weak", it's a choice... a personal one.

Not fully knowing the consequences of such habits is "stupid" and "weak".
I'm an on and off smoker. I have the occasional one or two when it's been a long day, stressful week etc. And I don't find myself with terrible cravings either. I can go without a smoke.

To mark special days and whathaveyou, a cigar is in order. Other than all of those, that's it.

And smoking ban ftw.
ZOMG! Absinthe is back! :D :D :D

Anyway, no cigs, but I neglected to mention that I am partial to the occasional joint or cigar.
Angry Lawyer said:
I'd rather live one day and enjoy myself than a hundred years and hate every moment.

-Angry Lawyer
Sad then, that your only satisfaction in life comes from a cancer stick.
That, and a glass of scotch.

We all have our ways of coping.

-Angry Lawyer
lePobz said:
Sad then, that your only satisfaction in life comes from a cancer stick.
It's not my only satisfaction, but it is one of the finer things in life.

You say that smoking is for the weak, but some say that sugar is for the weak, marriage is for the weak, religion, and other things, but that doesn't mean that they are right.

The truth is that when I was a kid, I liked smoking, and I decided that I wanted to feel what it is like to be addicted to something. I wanted to feel what it's like to be hooked on a drug. Well, I know now, and I don't like the feeling. I knew I wouldn't, but, most kids think they are going to live forever, or are never going to be old. They just can't imagine that far into the future, it's like, "I won't have to worry about this for 20 years" They haven't even lived but 12 years or so... how can they imagine life 20 years later?

You might find smoke annoying, but smokers find people like you annoying, did you think of that? My step-dad is so annoying. Every time he sees me smoking he yells " Ewww, your smoking! Thats disgusting!", " GET THAT AWAY FROM ME", "It stinks!", and all kinds of comments. It's so ****ing annoying, but you know what? His uncle died from smoking related disease, and his father died from alcohol related disease, so he doesn't like it.

Who said smoking doesn't really do anything? Sure, it doesn't make you fall around for hours like drinking alcohol, but it definitely has a high effect to it. Have you ever tried a cigarette? With no tolerance for the drug, you may have had to lay down sick for a few minutes after smoking one. Feeling something now aren't you?

At least read the bold text from the quote below.

'Tobacco can be used to stimulate smokers and to calm them. Shallow puffs increase alertness since low doses of nicotine facilitate the release of acetylcholine, a powerful stimulant. Deep drags are relaxing since high doses of nicotine block the flow of acetylcholine. Who could ask for more in one drug? It's a stimulant for the weary and a tranquilizer for the anxious, depending on how the drug is inhaled. Since smoking is often paired with other drugs and addictive behaviors, powerfully reinforcing connections are created.'

A Powerful Addiction

As you probably know, smoking is the most common form of drug addiction and contributes directly or indirectly to 25 percent of all deaths in this country. Many people in recovery from other addictions die as a result of their smoking. Nicotine kills more people each year than all other drugs combined. Relapse rates for smoking are frequently worse than for alcohol and other drugs and addictive behaviors. Tobacco can be used to stimulate smokers and to calm them. Shallow puffs increase alertness since low doses of nicotine facilitate the release of acetylcholine, a powerful stimulant. Deep drags are relaxing since high doses of nicotine block the flow of acetylcholine. Who could ask for more in one drug? It's a stimulant for the weary and a tranquilizer for the anxious, depending on how the drug is inhaled. Since smoking is often paired with other drugs and addictive behaviors, powerfully reinforcing connections are created.

In addiction interaction disorder, one addictive behavior serves as a ritual pattern to engage in another. A two-pack-a-day-smoker feeds the addiction 40 times a day, taking 140,000 drug "hits" a year. These nicotine hits are often in combination with other addictive substances, such as caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs. The nicotine fix comes fast, too. The effect of a drug that is smoked is much faster than the effect of intravenous administration, explaining an additional reason for the power of this addiction. It takes 10 seconds for 25 percent of the nicotine in each drag to reach the brain. This is powerful reinforcement for the trance-inducing rituals associated with smoking. These puffs help the smoker dissociate and lower inhibitions for acting out with other addictions including, but not limited to, codependency, chemical addictions, compulsive gambling, workaholism, sex and romance addiction, rage-aholism, and religious addiction.

Nicotine’s Moderation of Strong Affect
When smokers are active in nicotine addiction, the 140,000 drug hits per year, combined with changing the style of puffing to pep up or calm down, consistently numb and alter affect level to match the momentary drug load.

Nicotine suppresses feelings.

[the entire article here]
Note that they are saying is that the effects are felt almost immediately, and puts you in a trance like effect, which makes it fun to watch the smoke. :D Also note that smokers use the drug so much (usually 20 or 40 cigarettes a day) that the addiction really takes hold quickly. I mean, if you do anything that often, it will become quite a habit really fast, and humans are creatures of habit.

I smoked for 15 years. You know why I started? Well, besides the few times I tried it as a child at between 5 and 10 years old, and the summer that I smoked it when I was 12, I think the reason was that my friends and I enjoyed it.

I found the drug to be something to do, and I liked blowing the smoke out, trying to make smoke rings, I liked the way it smelled, the activity was fun for me at the time, and my friends were smokers.

I hated my life as a child, so I wasn't too worried about dying. How was I to know that it would get better? I remember thinking that it would totally suck to be old. I remember thinking that I didn't want to be old, so I would just die at like 55 by smoking. I didn't want to be 90, where I might not even be able to feed myself or walk without a bag of piss tied to my broken hip.

But now that I have lived longer, I am beginning to see that it's not so bad being old. You know, Eventually, I will be going bald, or whatever, and, despite what I thought when I was a kid, I can accept that now. It's not really a big deal. There are so many joys to life, how could I throw it all away because I lost some of my hair? Thats just superficial and silly. I'm not happy about it, but do you judge a present by the paper that it is wrapped in, or whats on the inside? Enough said.

I mean, even If I'm 70 or 80 years old, I can still go for a walk, go to the theater or watch a movie, see my family, talk with friends (if they finally quit smoking and are still alive at this time), play video-games, surf the net, look at porn, go out to dinner, listen to music, you know, the fun things in life. At this age, I won't be able to play sports and other rigorous physical activities, but hey, I can still flip the remote control. ;)
I gave up smoking almost 2 years ago. Can't say I miss it particularly. On the other hand, I'm not a rabid anti-smoker.
I would think a pirate smokes the occasional cigar.
I'm a definite non-smoker....and I still don't agree with le Pobz. Nobody can who's known and cared for someone who happens to smoke.
I agree with lepobz in that most people nowadays start when theyre kids to impress their mates which is both stupid and weak. But the rest of what he is saying like: 'The only other explanation is some form of self-mutilation. In which case, grow some balls and go cut yourself.' and 'is it an addiction? Too weak to get over it?' is bollocks. It is not easy to stop, especially if you dont genuinely want to.
Hello absinthe.

Lucky Strikes ftw
Blegh. A friend of mine smokes those. I tried one, and it tore me up on the inside like polar bear sodomy.
It's pretty simple: Kids want to appear older, and old people want to appear younger.

Yes, many kids do it because they want to appear more grown up. I don't think that is stupid or weak, but I don't really think it works either. I don't think self-mutilation or suicide is stupid or weak either. You try it. Whats wrong? Too weak to cut yourself? To stupid to realize that your life is a cruel joke and your existence pointless? :devil:

Like I said, I hated my life, and didn't want to be an old ass man, and I enjoyed smoking. I came to the conclusion that it was a win-win situation. I get to enjoy smoking, I don't have to drown or cut myself to pieces so that I die before I'm old.

But I've changed my mind, hopefully It's not too late and I don't have cancer or heart disease or some other terminal disease. I'm 31 years old, and I figure being older won't be so bad.

I like being older. In most ways, it's actually much better.
Qonfused said:

Absinthe's back.
Thats what I was thinking. :E

Welcome back Absinthe! It's been like 1 year I think.
lePobz said:
Sad then, that your only satisfaction in life comes from a cancer stick.

Seriously dude, shut up.

You don't like it, he does like it.

Preaching your own ****ing gospel over the internet isn't gonna make him stop.

Be content with having YOUR oppinion.
sinkoman said:
Be content with having YOUR oppinion.
Be content with letting other people express theirs.

Don't act like preaching over the internet is powerless either. I've changed MANY of my opinions due to this place.
VirusType2 said:
Thats what I was thinking. :E

Welcome back Absinthe! It's been like 1 year I think.

Lol, from what I understand it has not been a year, has it?
i agree with Absinthe.

when i turned 18 i bought my 1st pack of cigarettes, you know, for shits and giggles. i didnt know anything about them, so i got a pack of parliaments. i smoked one and coughed a bit. it was great. its like chewing gum times 10. people who dont smoke or are rabidly against it like lepobz will never get it. people dont smoke to look cool or look older or whatever, they smoke cigarettes for the same reason people eat a big ass pie slice or a big mac. it feels good.

i dont smoke anymore because of the smell in my clothes. and my girlfriend would dump me if i continued. but still... i sneak one in every few days and i enjoy it.
It kills you, it costs a lot of money, it makes you stink, ruins your skin, ruins your fitness, and it costs the taxpayer money to put you right when it ****s up your body. Trying to justify all that by saying it's a fun habit or that it soothes/stimulates you is self-deluding.
Free world though... but I don't see why the rest of us should have to suffer and pay (as taxpayers) for the consequences of your indulgence.
pomegranate said:
It kills you, it costs a lot of money, it makes you stink, ruins your skin, ruins your fitness, and it costs the taxpayer money to put you right when it ****s up your body. Trying to justify all that by saying it's a fun habit or that it soothes/stimulates you is self-deluding.
Free world though... but I don't see why the rest of us should have to suffer and pay (as taxpayers) for the consequences of your indulgence.
You must be joking..... smokers pay for their healthcare 100 times over.
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