Do you smoke cigarettes?

Cigarettes: do you smoke?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 15.3%
  • No

    Votes: 114 79.2%
  • I used to, but quit

    Votes: 8 5.6%

  • Total voters
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Ennui said:
That's complete bullshit.

No it's not, I was nodding along in agreement when I was reading BeerDude's comment, and I've never smoked.
Ennui said:
If you've ever drank alcohol in your life you're not allowed to say shit about people smoking.

"You're blowing smoke into my face....."

pomegranate said:
No it's not, I was nodding along in agreement when I was reading BeerDude's comment, and I've never smoked.
Maybe it's something genetic. I dunno :p

Smokers can kill themselves if they want to (or at least deal everlasting damage to their body), just don't wave it in front of me or other people :p
I just sound so fanatic because I think it's a useless loss of life. :|
Raeven0 said:
Hooray for stupid arguments!

So do cars, guns, knives, war, blunt objects, penises... Ban them all!

Breaking news: EVERYTHING CAUSES CANCER. Ban everything!

Not all smokers are unfamiliar with basic hygiene. Ban hygiene!

No. Imbeciles.
Do you smoke?
I agree with Raeven0 and I don't smoke.
Wow I never realized how true and right that South Park episode on anti-smoking advocates was until this thread.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Wow I never realized how true and right that South Park episode on anti-smoking advocates was until this thread.

Heh, I just saw it the day before this topic came up. Oh, fate sure is funny.
I occasionally do. At the moment I consider myself a non-smoker, though once in a while I'll bum a cig off someone. I quit buying packs sometime in January but since then I've had probably about 20 cigarettes. No big deal.
*Looks at poll* Damn you guys are a healthy bunch. :O
Narcolepsy said:
Do you smoke?
Not that it's relevant to the argument, but I smoked to make the pain go away and lost interest when it didn't hurt anymore.

Or, more accurately, when it didn't hurt as bad.

i don't smoke, never will, never have and i'm glad the government is banning smoking in alot of places.

for the people who smoke to relax, not feel pain or whatever, there are more 'natural' (or things which don't harm you) ways to do it, like, simply things as going for a run, reading a book, listening to soothing music or whatever - and yes, you may have to try a few things to find out what's for you, but i'm sure there is something better than smoking. :)

smoking is just a 'cheap' way to get over pain/whatever, like how people drown their sorrows in alcohol.

/not being offensive or whatever, this is just what i think. :)
destrukt said:
i don't smoke, never will, never have and i'm glad the government is banning smoking in alot of places.

for the people who smoke to relax, not feel pain or whatever, there are more 'natural' (or things which don't harm you) ways to do it, like, simply things as going for a run, reading a book, listening to soothing music or whatever - and yes, you may have to try a few things to find out what's for you, but i'm sure there is something better than smoking. :)

smoking is just a 'cheap' way to get over pain/whatever, like how people drown their sorrows in alcohol.

/not being offensive or whatever, this is just what i think. :)
You go ahead and do those things then. Just because it's not for you doesn't mean you get to strip away other people's right to do so.
RakuraiTenjin said:
You go ahead and do those things then. Just because it's not for you doesn't mean you get to strip away other people's right to do so.
.. but all of those are perfectly normal and healthy and the cons of them are nowhere near on the same level as smoking, not to mention they don't really harm or cause discomfort to anyone else.

you don't see the point i'm making ? if you did, you wouldn't have made that reply.
destrukt said:
.. but all of those are perfectly normal and healthy and the cons of them are nowhere near on the same level as smoking, not to mention they don't really harm or cause discomfort to anyone else.

you don't see the point i'm making ? if you did, you wouldn't have made that reply.
By that logic ban chips and sweets. They're not beneficial, and they make people obese which is very unpleasant to see.
By that logic ban chips and sweets. They're not beneficial, and they make people obese which is very unpleasant to see.

The harm from someone else's smoke is much greater than the harm of seeing someone that offends your eyes. There is no sensible comparision. Nobody gets addicted to chips or sweets. Next!
i dont smoke cigarettes as they are poo & are filled with x ammounts of chemicals, i much rather smoke rollups, using the finest tobacos. I hardly smoke much, round 6 rollups a day.
if i ever smoke, i'm going to roll my own cigarettes. like johnny depp. what a beast.
I had about a 1/4 of one last night. I've probably had about 2 in my whole life adding it up.

I think i'll survive. And no, I dont know why.
The harm from someone else's smoke is much greater than the harm of seeing someone that offends your eyes. There is no sensible comparision. Nobody gets addicted to chips or sweets. Next!
yeah, bingo (though i'm sure they'll argue that you can get addicted to them blah blah).. and yeah, RakuraiTenjin don't use the '.. and by that logic' line and try and twist my words. :(
I don't see how addiction is a moral factor in any of this. Nor how it's an issue if I'm smoking in a designated area.

I could take pleasure in other things, and thank God I do. I don't see why that suddenly makes my habit "useless".
yeah i light up every now and then. i know i shouldn't, being in med school and all...
They just passed a smoking ban here in Denver, so no smoking in public places. It makes it a little easier for my quitting endeavours.
No I don't smoke,

Also the thing about smokers being selfish here what I think.

If you smoke and have a child and you die of lung cancer or some other smoking related disease and leave your child without a Dad or a Mom to grow up with is that really fair to the kid?

thats how I think smoking can be selfish but thats just my opinion
Holy thread resurrection Batman!

Edit: I always wanted to say that:cheese:
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