Does drugs make you "cool"?

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marksmanHL2 :) said:
Heh, yeah... first of all. Ive never even heard of a beer bong party... I dont think one actually exists... :)

And yeah... we are saying alcohol is no different. We think both should be legal. Who said (seriously... not sarcastically) that alcohol should be banned..

Don't be a smartass. Thats not the name of the parties. There are parties where beer bongs are used though.

And if alcohol is so bad and awful as you say yet you want it legalized... you can see why I believe you guys(not you guys here, but drug users in general) would also want the muc harder drugs legalized too. hey, after all... it could provide many many more billions of tax dollars than marijuana right?
Raziaar said:
And if alcohol is so bad and awful as you say yet you want it legalized... you can see why I believe you guys(not you guys here, but drug users in general) would also want the muc harder drugs legalized too. hey, after all... it could provide many many more billions of tax dollars than marijuana right?

Yeah, and it would also reduce the number of drug related deaths, increase the age at which people begin taking drugs, reduce the number of people using drugs, reduce the amount of drug-funded crime (which is most crime), prevent heroin addicts clocking up a £50 a day habit - with those vastly inflated street prices, and therefore cut a hell of a lot of property crime, open the door to some proper research into the health problems, health benefits, and other uses for drugs - which currently dosen't happen very often due to the tight laws, it'd increase the quality of drugs that users were getting, make it easier for them to seek help if they became addicted etc etc etc... want any more?
Raziaar said:
Heh, its always funny how you guys bring this up that alcohol is such a problem, yet you guys are always out smoking and drinking like alcohol wasn't a big deal at all. Where's your self restraint if its legal yet you think its so bad?

Because we have the common sense of moderation. We also know when and where our drug use is appropriate. This does not change the fact that alcohol has more destructive potential than cannabis.

With that said, the rest of your post doesn't require addressing.
Alcohol is worse than weed!!

ask anyone that you will know aswell as this you hjave considerably more control when you are a Well stoned against being mullered on alcohol

WEED : hmm im feeling rather sociable ill go talk to these ppl, check tosee for cars whoa theres one! , walk across live

alcohol : Wow i cant stand up straight id best go talk to those ppl, walki nto road splat

Bad analogy yes but i ust underline you have control when u jsut been at the mj, but with alcohol you loose all control

Howeva !! :naughty Both can cause an inabilioty to move a dodgy feeling in onese head and the lack of being able to be boethered to move : Def,: Wasted!
Raziaar said:
Don't be a smartass. Thats not the name of the parties. There are parties where beer bongs are used though.

And if alcohol is so bad and awful as you say yet you want it legalized... you can see why I believe you guys(not you guys here, but drug users in general) would also want the muc harder drugs legalized too. hey, after all... it could provide many many more billions of tax dollars than marijuana right?

I wernt being a smart arse. Ive never been to a party where people have just sat arround drinking and smoking pot. But I wouldnt have a problem with it come to think of it. (Note I dont smoke pot)

And again... where did we say alcohol is "bad and awful"....
burner69 said:
Drugs aren't good for you, they all have dangers, some more prominant than others - but at the end of the day if we were told the truth about them, and not fed BS, it'd be a damn site more easy for users to be accepted as just normal people doing the same as what millions of people do every night down the pub.

Drugs are bad mmmkay

Exactly, the truth. Now unfortunately, both sides are guilty of being biased, however i would much rather believe the government then someone who uses it recreationally. All drugs are harmful to a certain degree, what i don't like is that some cannabis users taking cannabis thinking it is far better for you then smoking cigarettes or drinking, etc, it is just a lesser than two evils, when compared with alcohol.
burner69 said:
Yeah, and it would also reduce the number of drug related deaths, increase the age at which people begin taking drugs, reduce the number of people using drugs, reduce the amount of drug-funded crime (which is most crime), prevent heroin addicts clocking up a £50 a day habit - with those vastly inflated street prices, and therefore cut a hell of a lot of property crime, open the door to some proper research into the health problems, health benefits, and other uses for drugs - which currently dosen't happen very often due to the tight laws, it'd increase the quality of drugs that users were getting, make it easier for them to seek help if they became addicted etc etc etc... want any more?

So then you are saying... legalize cocaine, legalize heroin. Right? Because it will reduce the number of drug related deaths? Why didn't you guys just say that instead of saying that you know those drugs are far more dangerous and shouldn't be legalized?

So please, just clarify for me. I want to know.

Do you think marijuana should be legalized?

Do you think alcohol should remain legalized?

Do you think other drugs such as crack cocaine, heroin, ectasy should be legalized?

I'm just tired of all the he said, she said that i'm throwing around, since its multiple people posting here. I just want to know, where do you stand. Do you want it all legalized, or just select drugs legalized? Because you did say that legalizing those other drugs would vastly decrease violence...
Joims said:
Alcohol is worse than weed!!

ask anyone that you will know aswell as this you hjave considerably more control when you are a Well stoned against being mullered on alcohol

WEED : hmm im feeling rather sociable ill go talk to these ppl, check tosee for cars whoa theres one! , walk across live

alcohol : Wow i cant stand up straight id best go talk to those ppl, walki nto road splat

Bad analogy yes but i ust underline you have control when u jsut been at the mj, but with alcohol you loose all control

Howeva !! :naughty Both can cause an inabilioty to move a dodgy feeling in onese head and the lack of being able to be boethered to move : Def,: Wasted!

Weed and Alcohol are very similiar in how they affect a persons judgement and coordination. You're likely to be killed just as easily crossing a street stoned as drunk.
Razor said:
Exactly, the truth. Now unfortunately, both sides are guilty of being biased, however i would much rather believe the government then someone who uses it recreationally.

I would love to get into an entire rant as to why the government should not be trusted on this issue, full of fun facts and outrageous quotes, but I fear I'd be wasting my energy. Plus, I'm not in the mood.
You know what kills a lot of people?

Extramarital sex.

Think about it,.. all those people who have contracted AIDs,. not to mention herpies and other dangerous diseases.

Now THERE is a dangerous killer, one that puts others lives at risk, one that even kills innocent children. And what for?
For a quick high that only lasts half an hour or so.

Should extramarital sex be illegal?
f|uke said:
You know what kills a lot of people?

Extramarital sex.

Think about it,.. all those people who have contracted AIDs,. not to mention herpies and other dangerous diseases.

Now THERE is a dangerous killer, one that puts others lives at risk, one that even kills innocent children.

Should extramarital sex be illegal?

ARen't you aware of the studies that show that drug users, including marijuana, are far more likely to engage in unprotected, extramarital sex? You're not helping your claim in that regard. LOL.
Absinthe said:
I would love to get into an entire rant as to why the government should not be trusted on this issue, full of fun facts and outrageous quotes, but I fear I'd be wasting my energy. Plus, I'm not in the mood.

Why shouldn't i believe the government that conduct independant studies over several years amongst hundreds of volunteers over some cannabis user?

And premarital sex is worse than extramarital sex, so are you saying that we should ban premarital sex Fluke, and enforce it with the same punishment as drugs users ;).
Raziaar said:
So then you are saying... legalize cocaine, legalize heroin. Right? Because it will reduce the number of drug related deaths? Why didn't you guys just say that instead of saying that you know those drugs are far more dangerous and shouldn't be legalized?

So please, just clarify for me. I want to know.

Do you think marijuana should be legalized?

Do you think alcohol should remain legalized?

Do you think other drugs such as crack cocaine, heroin, ectasy should be legalized?

I'm just tired of all the he said, she said that i'm throwing around, since its multiple people posting here. I just want to know, where do you stand. Do you want it all legalized, or just select drugs legalized? Because you did say that legalizing those other drugs would vastly decrease violence...

I think cannabis should most definately be legalised.
I think all other drugs should be legalised.
I want tough restrictions, with cannabis selling it in, say off liscenses, with strict penalties for selling it to under age children.
Same with shrooms, and pills.
Now, cocaine and heroin need to be watched carefully. I don't have all the answers but some kind of clinic to inject/snort to get the hit, under supervision.

And yes, legalising all drugs would cut out the main form of criminal profit, which could instead be taxed and used against criminals by spending it on the police.

And razor;
what i don't like is that some cannabis users taking cannabis thinking it is far better for you then smoking cigarettes or drinking, etc, it is just a lesser than two evils, when compared with alcohol
You don't want people thinking taking cannabis is better for you than taking alcohol, the lesser of two evils. What? You just said you don't want people thinking... what you think. Aye?

And yeah, if you really want me to I can dig around for some studies the government have done about drugs. And they're not recreational users.

Try google, search "Hutton report on cannabis" "Indian Hemp Study" and especially "Transform drug policy" Transform is very good, and details the benefits of legalisation, and the damage of prohibition.
Razor said:
Why shouldn't i believe the government that conduct independant studies over several years amongst hundreds of volunteers over some cannabis user?

That's the point. You should. Read the studies, you'll find out why we're so annoyed cannabis especially is still illegal.
Raziaar said:
ARen't you aware of the studies that show that drug users, including marijuana, are far more likely to engage in unprotected, extramarital sex? You're not helping your claim in that regard. LOL.
I believe it. Irrisponsable people will do both. But responsable people may still smoke weed. Theres a lot of other factors here too,. IE, the definition of 'unprotected'. If birth control pills dont count, I've certainly had a lot of very safe, responsable, unprotected extramarital sex.

But I certainly am helping my claim. Nobody in their right mind would want to prohibit extramarital sex. Thats just a basic human right.. one that is far more dangerous then smoking weed.
f|uke said:
I believe it,. because they're not so damned uptight. But I certainly am helping my claim. Nobody in their right mind would want to prohibit extramarital sex. Thats just a basic human right.. one that is far more dangerous then smoking weed.

You are aware that Extramarital means adultery right?

It's a basic human right to be Adulterous! Ignore your vows! Smoke your pot and cheat on your women!
Raziaar said:
You are aware that Extramarital means adultery right?

It's a basic human right to be Adulterous! Ignore your vows! Smoke your pot and cheat on your women!
Meh. I probably should have looked that one up. I meant unmarried.
f|uke said:
Meh. I probably should have looked that one up. I meant unmarried.

You don't mind if I put that in as a line in my signature do you? It's just so funny!

Nobody in their right mind would want to prohibit extramarital sex. Thats just a basic human right.. one that is far more dangerous then smoking weed.
You do as you like.

But can you counter my actual point, and not the one I misspoke on?

Is it ok for people to have sex outside of marrage, when the risks are far greater then smoking weed?
Nobody I knew who smoked weed did it because they wanted to look cool, a lot of people think its because of that but really it isnt. Me personally I have quit everything, weed, tobacco and alcohol. One day I woke up and decided to just quit all of it and have kept that goal for myself for a long time now, id say almost a year. Im quite proud of myself for doing it because I never thought I could do that. Having said all that I have nothing against people who smoke weed because if you look at what people are doing now youd see thats its ten times worse than marijuana and nobody says shit about that, the reasons for weed being illegal is crap anyways, it still would be legal today had that shit not have happened in the past.
f|uke said:
I believe it. Irrisponsable people will do both. But responsable people may still smoke weed. Theres a lot of other factors here too,. IE, the definition of 'unprotected'. If birth control pills dont count, I've certainly had a lot of very safe, responsable, unprotected extramarital sex.

But I certainly am helping my claim. Nobody in their right mind would want to prohibit extramarital sex. Thats just a basic human right.. one that is far more dangerous then smoking weed.

Tell me. Why did you change your post here? Especially since its so vastly different from your original post, which was this.

I believe it,. because they're not so damned uptight. But I certainly am helping my claim. Nobody in their right mind would want to prohibit extramarital sex. Thats just a basic human right.. one that is far more dangerous then smoking weed.

You basically called people, who DIDNT engage in unprotected, unmarried sex, uptight. Why?

I was just trying to say, that there are studies that show and prove that people who use drugs, and marijuana, are more likely to engage in unprotected, reckless extramarital sex. So by from these studies, its quite easy to come to the conclusion that because they are more likely to have unprotected reckless sex with others, than those who don't do the drugs... they are more of a leading cause of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
all drugs should be legaliized!!! this way the government would be able to regulate what goes into drugs eg no dodgy lsd so on so forth,,

The governtment woudl get a hell of a lot of cash cos yeah they would tax it heavily

Plus due to the regulation of the drugs there will be no drug releated crime unless the drug dealers undercut the government but any self respecting junkie would rather be on the good side of the law if they have any sense ( albiet they are junkies so they may not )

This inturn would make britain a nicer place!!
Raziaar said:
Tell me. Why did you change your post here? Especially since its so vastly different from your original post, which was this.

You basically called people, who DIDNT engage in unprotected, unmarried sex, uptight. Why?
Because the ambiguous definition of 'unprotected'. Unprotected sex can definitly be irresponsable, something my first edit overlooked. It can, however, be quite responsable.
I was just trying to say, that there are studies that show and prove that people who use drugs, and marijuana, are more likely to engage in unprotected, reckless extramarital sex.
That may be true, but I'd bet 9/10 times its coincidental. Those people would have been just as likely to do it without the weed.
So by from these studies, its quite easy to come to the conclusion that because they are more likely to have unprotected reckless sex with others, than those who don't do the drugs...
Yes, with studies like that, its easy to come to any kind of conclusion you want to.
they are more of a leading cause of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Funny, I dont think that theres a lot of pot smokers in the impoverished parts of Africa. (who would be growing/buying weed when they're in desperate need of food). But all this is besides the point. Yes, people get diseases from sex, and die. Shit happens. I dont really care who does it or why, because I dont believe we should make sex illegal.

And after all, if I want to harm myself, who are you to say I shouldnt be able to? Its MY body, MY brain, and as long as I am not harming anyone else, you should not be able to impose your moral judgements on my liberty.

So should sex be illegal? And if not, what makes pot any different?
And after all, if I want to harm myself, who are you to say I shouldnt be able to? Its MY body, MY brain, and as long as I am not harming anyone else, you should not be able to impose your moral judgements on my liberty.

I agree! I stand by the claim that if you do it in your home out of the public eye, and nowhere else, it should be fine. BUT THIS ISNT THE CASE! It spills out into the streets, and thus is where most of the problems lie.
Razor said:
look at the teenagers that die from single Extasy tablets
That just isnt possible, the ld50 of mdma is far too high. Show me an example where the death wasnt caused by water overdose, dehydration, contamination (ie, by prohibition or no safety education) or allergic reaction.
Raziaar said:
The sooner you have the legalization of Cannabis, you will be the same people applying pressure for the government to legalize crack cocaine, among many other drugs that will only detriment the nation.
Youre missing the point completely. Its far, far more important that drugs such as coke and heroin are legalised because their prohibition causes the most problems to the user and society.
Razor said:
I think the problem is that some people who say drugs are cool and drugs are fine are only picking out cannabis to talk about and argue about
Only if they too miss the point.
Burner69 said:
You can't pee when you're on e
Where did you get that from?
Razor said:
what i don't like is that some cannabis users taking cannabis thinking it is far better for you then smoking cigarettes or drinking
Even though it is?
Raziaar said:
Why didn't you guys just say that instead of saying that you know those drugs are far more dangerous and shouldn't be legalized?
Who said that? And clean heroin is actually one of the safest drugs.
Raziaar said:
Weed and Alcohol are very similiar in how they affect a persons judgement and coordination.
Bull butter.
Joims said:
The governtment woudl get a hell of a lot of cash cos yeah they would tax it heavily
If they did that they would leave open a profit margin that would keep the black market alive and keep the gangs in business. Great idea. Seriously, isnt the hundreds of billions saved 'fighting' this 'war' and cleaning up prohibitions mess enough?
TheAmazingRando said:
As long as you don't harm others then go ahead and **** yourself up.
Raziaar said:
I agree! I stand by the claim that if you do it in your home out of the public eye, and nowhere else, it should be fine. BUT THIS ISNT THE CASE! It spills out into the streets, and thus is where most of the problems lie.
It is with my friends,. they all smoke in the comfort of their own homes. I dont see how decriminalization of weed will make the streets more dangerous. I doubt we would see a significant rise in users (after all, who cant buy weed when they really want to), and there will be a decline in gang activity and drug trafficing.
f|uke said:
Judgemental.It is with my friends,. they all smoke in the comfort of their own homes. I dont see how decriminalization of weed will make the streets more dangerous. I doubt we would see a significant rise in users (after all, who cant buy weed when they really want to), and there will be a decline in gang activity and drug trafficing.

I would be all for making marijuana legal. Except in public. If done in public, as in, outside of your home or dedicated facilities that might spring up for its usage, it should retain penalties.

If you make public weed smoking legal, you're gonna have to make public drunkenness legal as well, and I never want to see that.
Raziaar said:
I would be all for making marijuana legal. Except in public. If done in public, as in, outside of your home or dedicated facilities that might spring up for its usage, it should retain penalties.

If you make public weed smoking legal, you're gonna have to make public drunkenness legal as well, and I never want to see that.

Same laws as beer. You can smoke it in licesned premises and in your own home. I'd be all for that. Of course some people would spark up on the street - not a majority, mind, but even if they did - seriously, what harm are they doing.

It's amazing how an anti-pot guy like urself, and a pro-pot guy like myself share almost exactly the same belief in how the law around the drug should be run.

And Reaktor, I read in in a few places, and heard it from a few people. I was exagerating the 'can't pee' but I understand that it's harder for the body to excrete water, and it makes weeing either harder, or just makes you not want to go.
Raziaar said:
I would be all for making marijuana legal. Except in public. If done in public, as in, outside of your home or dedicated facilities that might spring up for its usage, it should retain penalties.

If you make public weed smoking legal, you're gonna have to make public drunkenness legal as well, and I never want to see that.
Well, hell. Have we reached consensus? Treating it as we do alchohol; only in licensed establishments and in private, is totally appropriate. And of course people should not be driving under the influence.
Nobody smokes a little weed as they eat dinner because it tastes good. Weed is more like hard alchihol, and I think that distinction should be made. I drink a lot of beer, but rarely do I get drunk. I have never in my life smoked weed without getting high.
Homer said:
Nobody smokes a little weed as they eat dinner because it tastes good. Weed is more like hard alchihol, and I think that distinction should be made. I drink a lot of beer, but rarely do I get drunk. I have never in my life smoked weed without getting high.

I agree to an extent. If there's a spliff going round with three or four of your mates it's quite possible to get half cut - but then I ask the question... what's the point?

The whole idea of smoking weed is to get high, if it does it quicker than beer gets you drunk - so what?

Seriously, I personally don't get people who drink beer because it "tastes nice" because it dosen't, would you drink it if it wasn't alcoholic? I'm sure the majority will say no.
I smoke cannabis in moderation (no more than once a week, sometimes not at all for a month, sometimes every week - haven't in nearly 2 months because I'm saving money for a new computer though) and I have a 4.3 (weighted) GPA and I'm in the most advanced classes possible for my age. I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm taking classes with seniors.

I get all A's and B's. As do most of my friends who do it.
Ennui said:
I smoke cannabis in moderation (no more than once a week, sometimes not at all for a month, sometimes every week - haven't in nearly 2 months because I'm saving money for a new computer though) and I have a 4.3 (weighted) GPA and I'm in the most advanced classes possible for my age. I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm taking classes with seniors.

I get all A's and B's. As do most of my friends who do it.

Same here.

Weed just helps you enjoying the wonderful things that normally, you wouldn't be interessed in (or less). Music for example, when high, you hear all the sounds and you understand the meaning of the lyrics (when usually I'm not interessed in doing that). Talking about life with friends becomes a wonderful things, you smile, you're happy, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else. All is greater: music, sex, tv, food. People who hasn't tried it can't debate on that subject.

For the people who get addicted to that thing, it isn't the weed that do that. It's the person who has not enough self control. I mean, I can get addicted to games and not having any social life or not doing any of my homeworks, but it's all my fault. Games didn't do it (i'm not addicted to games).
TheAmazingRando said:
Elaborate on that for me.
The phrase 'f yourself up' is judgemental. It implys smoking weed is inheritly self destructive. You are judging (as are several users here) those who smoke it. Am I wrong?
Drugs are only cool to either the young, impressionable, stupid, inexperienced, or all of the above.

To everyone that lives with drugs on a daily basis they're very far from being 'cool'.
Drugs don't make you 'cool' at all. Peer pressure makes you believe they do, but they don't. Only do drugs because you want to try the experience. If you're doing it to be cool, you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
Stay strong, dont do it man, before you know it skool will be a distant memory and while the cool guys can't hold a job you will at least have a chance of a decent life.
Small_Sumo said:
Stay strong, dont do it man, before you know it skool will be a distant memory and while the cool guys can't hold a job you will at least have a chance of a decent life.

Oh man, this is great.
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