doom 3 collapse

InsaneCow said:
Don't worry about iamaelephant, his parents didn't hug him when he was a child

And who can blame 'em?

But anywho, i guess we can stop flaming the original poster because of his bad word choice. He does have sort-of a point.

Doom 3 turned out to be the best totally average game ever. They took extremely basic gameplay and polished it to the point that it Gamespot strained to give it an 85% score just because it's so good graphically.

From the recent screens Greg tossed out to us, it's clear that HL2's graphics are at the very least equal, and most people who have somehow played the game can attest to it being revelutionary with the integration of the physics.
Plus, their biggest competitor is being more closely compared to Farcry now.

There's no better time to release the game, really.

However, the idea of being given the incomplete game now with the promise of future extensive patches, albeit tantalizing, isn't a good one. I think most everyone can agree.
Valve has somewhat of a grace period now. With the next big shooter on the horizon being Stalker, they have basically from now until Stalker's release to focus purely on making HL2 better than Doom 3 by taking note of any mistakes that were made there.

It's a good time for Valve, I'm sure.
I think we can all agree that DooM 3 is a snazzy game just...the tension never ever lets up once you reach Command HQ for the second time.

This is good and all for like..oh.. 1/3 of the game but once you've past that point you begin to realise that every single flipping time you enter a new corridor that is oh-so-dark you just know a shoot-out of somesort will take place...eventually it gets to the point where you just can't be scared/surprised anymore. With an exception of that one single area fairly late in the game there is never ever any break from combat...where's the suspense? Where's the keep-them-guessing attitude if a monster is about to pop out of nowhere?

If DooM 3 incorporated more breaks from combat (that doesnt involve finding PDA A to access door B) then it would truly be more horrifying when the times for battle came.
Mr.Reak said:
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.
you know, that excludes pretty much all of the forum, including many of the moderators. :|
Hmm.. I think D3 will be a great game, but I still want to take my own HL2 Collectors edition package and open it and take the dvd/cd out of the pack and put it in my dvd-rom and, and, and, and, and... and.. and then.. aaahh...

btw; I have no friggin idea what imho means.. I always thought it means something like "I'm ho!" or something.. :p
Mechagodzilla said:
From the recent screens Greg tossed out to us, it's clear that HL2's graphics are at the very least equal, and most people who have somehow played the game can attest to it being revelutionary with the integration of the physics.

On the first count, I'm quite sure the answer is no. The HL2 screens and vids just don't match the awesome rendering of the best levels in doom3. These better parts suggest to me that people are underestimating how well the Doom3 engine will do other genres that aren't so cramped and dark. Most screens show the generic sci-fi interriors (and these areas look better in motion due to the awesome lighting), so the impression given is that--despite the great monsters--the look of Doom3 just doesn't capture the imagination like HL2 art design does. For most of the game this is true, but on pure tech level, Hl2 has one clear advantage in its human characters. Also, Doom3 apparantely has very few dx9 pixel shader effects, so maybe HL2 will have the neater effects (Doom3 uses a lot of smoke, glass, and heat distortion, but not much else AFAIK. But in terms of just general rendering, I don't think HL2 will meet the bar Doom3 has set.

On the second count, it's a certainty that HL2 gameplay will be better. Doom3 was fun, but it just couldn't deploy the hordes of monsters that it so desperately needed after the first few levels. The memorable gameplay aspect of Doom that hasn't been repeated since (even by Serious Sam) is how wacky the levels were in deploying dozens of demons at once in CREATIVE large open areas that had there own unique challenges (from what I've seen of it, Serious Sam's open areas all play the same). HL doesn't need that sort of action.

The odd thing about Doom3 is that it seems to have a very competant physics engine, but it's used vitually nil. Really, there are barely any boxes or barrels to kick around. 80 percent of the stuff that should move doesn't, and physics doesn't figure into any of the puzzles. Not even a wall to break through. Nothing.
InFeRnO said:

Doom 3 is amazing, and if you havent played it, or you're just too narrow minded to enjoy something OTHER than Half-Life 2, then that's too bad for ....

bought it, got bored in 2 hours
IMHO in my honest opinion.

That'll be £10 please ;)

seriously from what I've seen (Screenshots) Doom 3 looks to be better than HL2 in graphics. All my mates are loving it. I just wish I could buy it (13th I mean come on 10 days after the yanks?)

I see DooM 3 as more of a showcase for the future. As people have already said, DooM 3 doesn't do an awful lot. Just imagine what it could do if x800 was the minimun graphics card?

I'm looking forward to DooM 3 a lot more than HL2 atm. Why? 2 reasons.

1. It's actually comming out when they said it is

2. It's DooM for Freaking sakes. Who doesn't remmeber the first one, the music, the sounds, the graphics, truely awsome.
gamespot review is such a bullshit. I used to read their reviews but after their score 8.5, I would not even go to their site anymore.
Fatality_ said:
bought it, got bored in 2 hours

Yeah, the 2-5 hour mark is the worst part of the game. Said it elsewhere, they should have cut some of the pre-hell stuff.
lol, In My Honest Opinion

I used to think ROFL was pronounced "roffle" some sort of ****ed-up waffle!

Anyway, back on TOPIC!
Gajdycz said:
with teh flop that d3 was and is, do u think valve will just ship the game as is, and fix an bugs while the copies are being made.

think of it, while installing they say

"please log on to steam for 5 min and dl teh patch and then u can have fun" that would rock

lol flop? If by flop you mean huge success and reviews in the 90's ya doom 3 is a HUGE flop :rolleyes:
I was really excited for Doom3 and when I picked it up this week...well...really hasn't done much for me.

There are those who agree, and those who's all just personal preference. Even pro reviewers, it's still just their opinion. Not sure why people get bent out of shape when someone agrees or disagrees about something they like or dislike.

But, anyway, I found it very repetitive and lacking anything "new." Yes it's a pretty game, but other than that? It seemed like that was all it was going for: best looking game and effects...and little else. But then again, the game was so dark most of the time, it was hard to even see how good or bad things looked! For a scary game I didn't jump a single time. And the physics? What was the point of using them at all when they are so scarce throughout the game? And it really wasn't that fun to play through an incredibly dark game while hunting PDA's for codes/emails over and over and over.

I think the thing I am most excited about with Doom3 is any good mods which pop up. The engine itself is good and I hope someone (lots of someone's) create some good stuff from it.

I just hope HL2 will be better (and STALKER and FEAR too for that matter)....I hope .
xrdanielalan said:
lol, In My Honest Opinion

I used to think ROFL was pronounced "roffle" some sort of ****ed-up waffle!

Anyway, back on TOPIC!

lol, even though I know what it means, I still like to think roffle to myself. :p sounds a lot cooler than saying what it really means.
now, i declare it a flp because, well, it wass a flop, it wasnt scary or neww, yes it had great backrounds, but that was it
Mr.Reak said:
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.

Those over 18 with a higher than average IQ :dork:
This thread stinks of Half life fanboyism.

oh and try running D3 at ultra settings even if it lags and say that HL2 has better gfx.
Doom3 a flop? lol
what is the author is this thread smoking? flop... :LOL:
my goodness.. the IQ level here seems to drop by the day.. :|

Shuzer said:
I'm 17.. I'd like to think I'm competent :) I dress myself in the morning REEL GUD LOLZ

hey.. pssst... u forgot to zip up ur post office :p
Zeus said:
This thread stinks of Half life fanboyism.

oh and try running D3 at ultra settings even if it lags and say that HL2 has better gfx.

I'm not being a fanboy. I do prefer Half-life's less shiney graphics. That's what's called a personal opinion.

And the majority of user reviews and personal opinions I've seen say that the game is strong graphically, but dull where it matters. 75-85% Overall.

Now, when you're told that the game is mostly good as a result of the graphics, and you think that the graphics aren't very great, of course you're not going to want to buy it. That's called logic.

Even your assertion that the graphics can be great, at the cost of much lag, proves my point. Who cares about graphics if they only look good when the game is unplayable?
I love doom 3, its better then I thought it would be. I dont know where you pulled "Doom 3 is a flop" from.
Mr.Reak said:
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.

LOL You need to add this guy to your list :) The age limit would be very helpful...
doom3 is 75% in my books. it could have been so much better and not no monotonous at times.

still a nice game

/me bends the spoon

Jadewolf5675 said:
It's more of an idiocy thing. I know many many 16 year olds that are more competent than half of the posters here.

After a post like that, its clear that you are 16 too. Don't try to save yourself.
This is my first time so far looking at this thread, but I must say that I both agree and disagree with the people here. Doom 3 is a very good game, but you either love it or you hate it.

I've been playing it for a while, and I like it. It's not as good as I expected since the MP has no feeling at all and is boring at general, atleast when you're not playing with a few friends, over LAN late at night in the same house.
Then the whole thing is very repetive. It is very boring in singleplayer.
i think i have to agree on one point... although its totally un related to D3 and HL2 i think System Shock NEEDS a retelling. *that* game was flat out .:haunting:. havng not played D3 i guess i cant really compare the two, but System Shock had such a good story line, its too bad that it was so severly limited by the technology of the time. i think one of the tings that made it so scary was that the phisics system made the controlls slightly akward no matter how you had them setup. its like being a 12 year old with a SMG... very akward indeed.
Doom III definatly isn't a "flop", but it really has no new elements. From the GameSpot rewiew they said the graphics are amazing, the monsters scarier, but all in all it's just a Doom II with todays technology, which still doesn't make it a bad game. I might play it eventually and see for myself.
Mr.Reak said:
Amazing, game came out yesterday and super smart Gaydycz declares that Doom III is, in fact, a flop.

I sometimes wonder, when they will pass a law, setting age limit over internet, so only people over 18 could use it. We need it, and very fast.
hey, gaywhatshisbucket didnt make it to your stoopid people list? THe game looks amazing to me. Maybe most problems stem from folks not having the horsepower in comp to see the game all squishy and purdy.
doom3 flop? WTF? what planet do you live in? cause it certainly is not earth.......
1 review under 90% from a lame website = flop?WTF
Doom 3 is a good game considering what ID were trying to do with the SP. You feel like playing a character from the Alien's movie. But the SP was stretched a bit.
D3 is repedative. Great graphics but give it 2 months and even the fanboys will forget it.
Funny how all the HL2 fanboys keep bringing up the Gamespot review, considering it is the only review under 90% so far. Did you even read the review? The author is a complete dolt.