DooM III Leaked... already?

Gorgon said:

How lame...they will never get games banned, movies are far more explicit than games will ever be (until games graphics are real life). She didnt even get manhunt was temorarily removed from certain shops according to the UK papers. Its sad that someone was murdered but like rockstar games said "there is no evidence to suggest the game brought on this murder"...they are just merely jumping the gun and this will all be forgotten about soon. She is just grieving and the only reason she can sum up is the game did it so for the time being thats what will be the blame. Until of course the real truth comes about init...the lad was simply a ****ing nutter like all murderer's are that commited a pre-emptive murder. :p
They have unreal tournament in that photo. i hate these journalists, they have no idea what they are writting about, and the papers go on a biased parade about the gaming media.. in the same way the BBC go on about peadophiles on the internet whenever they get the chance. Afterall if less people play games and use the net, they'll watch the TV and read the papers, also the papers are marketing towards a 'familly' readership... when it was the lack of parental skill the parents of the murderer which made him kill. Not the game.
Tomorrow is 24 hours from release, so I'm going to start a the race of the century: Slow torrent vs. local EBgames shipment! Who will win this merciless, no-rules race to my PC? Who knows! Go go go!1!1!!!1
ElFuhrer said:
Tomorrow is 24 hours from release, so I'm going to start a the race of the century: Slow torrent vs. local EBgames shipment! Who will win this merciless, no-rules race to my PC? Who knows! Go go go!1!1!!!1

Can we take bets?
Heh, looking at those evil games, I can understand them all but Unreal Tornament. I mean, really whats wrong with it?

Manhunt, to me is a step too far really. I just think some lines shouldn't be crossed.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, looking at those evil games, I can understand them all but Unreal Tornament. I mean, really whats wrong with it?

Manhunt, to me is a step too far really. I just think some lines shouldn't be crossed.

Did Manhunt sell well? I don't know anybody who has played it.
Place your bets now and get a microscopic fragment of a pewter Pinky Demon, free of charge, as a collectors item to show your grandchildren when you tell them you saw the race that molded the world as they know it, and rocked the very FABRIC of the space-time continuum.
blahblahblah said:
Did Manhunt sell well? I don't know anybody who has played it.

it was a pretty popular game, well atleast around my neck of the woods, it was kind of mixed reviews from my friends, some liked it others thought it was kind of overly violent and tasteless, but i have heard that the game sold around 450,000 copies worldwide, so i'm not sure if that's good or bad sales wise for games.
blahblahblah said:
Did Manhunt sell well? I don't know anybody who has played it.

It sold well for the PS2, I believe.
Come to think of it, I don't know anyone who had it. Although I think I heard some people at collage talk about it.
half of those people will still buy it I'd say.

A quarter never planned on buying it.

And another quarter probably won't buy it now because they either don't like it, or they just say "meh, I have it now". Or it won't run on their computers.

ps: Manhunt was pretty fun..but I don't know how well it sold, I certainly didn't buy it.
snak3y3z1001 said:
id is gonna lose so much money. 25000 leechers x$50 =$1250000

More............. There are three files with:


dam :(

£1777650 pounds.....................omg that is alot of money :flame:
Gorgon said:
More............. There are three files with:


dam :(

£1777650 pounds.....................omg that is alot of money :flame:
they're losing all that moeny and the sad thing is the game isnt offically out :flame:
Well, that's why they're losing all the money. The game isn't out yet but it's available free on the internet so the entire world downloads it. :(
Farrowlesparrow said:
The later half should be rounded up and publicly shaved...

Shot! I mean shot...

lol Farrowle :P

they should just say, LET THEM BUY THE GAME!!! lolzors, then I would be like "biatch gimme mah doom3"
Yeah, they'll probably get a defective, slow single-player, and won't be able to play multi-player at all, gg.
There are not loosing all that money. I remember reading a studying saying that only 20% of pirated software would have led to a sale. It is still a lot of money (enough to affect the future of ID software), but it less than the number you guys have come up with.
If any of those journalists actually had played any GTA game, especially Vice City, they would realize how clever the game actually is. Older people just cant cope with the fact that games can be as symbolic and satirical as books or movies. The irony of it all is that GTA makes fun of the very people that critisizes it, and they still continue talking about the same stuff that they are made fun of for in the game. Kudos to Rockstar for being some of the smartest and most socially and politically aware game developers today.
Zerox said:
I just read that there's no CD-crack for it yet so it's useless.

Mount the ISO with daemon tools, then run the emulations in the setup :cheese:
Doom 3 will not run in my PC so why I will donwload it?

I will wait the XBox version
there is a cd-crack out there and working, man I cant wait to buy the game and give the multiplayer a test run!
Yeah, im just gonna wait to but the game in 3 days, and I cant wait to try out the mp
Farrowlesparrow said:
Manhunt, to me is a step too far really. I just think some lines shouldn't be crossed.

Just curious, what exactly did it do thay crossed the line?
Well I have to admit I haven't played the game, but the impression I got was "Violence is the key" as opposed to many games where its not just about violence, and there is an element of non violent puzzle solving etc. Now then, that in itself does take it up to the line but not over it. What does strike me as over the top is the level of violence in the game, its not just the gore but the way its so sinister. Killing someone with a plastic bag, I mean thats harsh because it really brings it home. People have done stuff like that, and its a tirrible way to die. Its like this game wants to take the worst things that brew inside a mans brain, and display them to the world in a fully interactive all view fasion. Other games, still have that element of "this isn't real" in it.

Even after all that, I'm not sure my point is coming across fully because there are some things that are more gut feelings than a thought process. Manhunt, like a few other games, is one I'm going to avoid simply because I know in my heart that they can do no good for me. Even the entertainment value is outweighed by the negative influence the game would bring.
Gorgon said:
Lans, it doesn't matter really. All We want after teh Single player is playing the MP with real human (real AI).

It wouldnt be AI then would it lol sry. A.I = Artificial Intelligence
Hm...this is very interesting. Supposedly some guys have already started working on co-op, and released 2 videos of them testing it to prove it can be done. Thing is, the videos are said to have some pretty big spoilers, so there's no way in hell I'm watching them.

Yet I MUST know if it's legit. Here's the link if anyone doesn't care about spoilers. Let us know how it looks (not what specifically it's showing of course, just if it is indeed co-op, and it looks like the ai is working correctly etc).

Link here:
You sure? Where I saw it posted they marked it as having heavy spoilers.

If so, thanks. It's hard trying to be on info lockdown yet still wanting to get, well, info on stuff.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well I have to admit I haven't played the game, but the impression I got was "Violence is the key" as opposed to many games where its not just about violence, and there is an element of non violent puzzle solving etc. Now then, that in itself does take it up to the line but not over it. What does strike me as over the top is the level of violence in the game, its not just the gore but the way its so sinister. Killing someone with a plastic bag, I mean thats harsh because it really brings it home. People have done stuff like that, and its a tirrible way to die. Its like this game wants to take the worst things that brew inside a mans brain, and display them to the world in a fully interactive all view fasion. Other games, still have that element of "this isn't real" in it.

Even after all that, I'm not sure my point is coming across fully because there are some things that are more gut feelings than a thought process. Manhunt, like a few other games, is one I'm going to avoid simply because I know in my heart that they can do no good for me. Even the entertainment value is outweighed by the negative influence the game would bring.

Well, I have played the game. It's actually quite a bit of fun. It's only flaw is its repetitive nature. The game tries to be sinister sure, but how sinister can it really be when we're dealing with polygons and textures in a make believe world? It's dark, it's twisted, but in all honesty I've seen worse things on the evening news. The game won't hold any influence over you; it isn't going to change the way you think or act. However, I could see why someone wouldn't want to play it. It is certainly not everyones cup of tea.

The thing that scared me was when you said it crossed the line? Did you mean your own personal boundaries, or are you in agreement with the article and would like to see the game banned from stores?
Raziel-Jcd said:
It wouldnt be AI then would it lol sry. A.I = Artificial Intelligence

"I hope the monsters have very good fake real A.I but I can't wait to play multiplayer with someone with real fake real A.I."

(That sounded a lot funnier in my head)
qckbeam, can you continue this conversation some where else? We are getting off topic here :)
Soundwave said:
You sure? Where I saw it posted they marked it as having heavy spoilers.

If so, thanks. It's hard trying to be on info lockdown yet still wanting to get, well, info on stuff.

I didn't watch too far into it, but there were definitely two humans playing side by side. This is awesome!
****ing sweet. I wasn't expecting any progress on a co-op mod at all for at least 3 months after release. Not saying those videos means it'll be out really soon, but at least we know it's definately possible to get working :)
Those videos do contain some VERY heavy spoilers, and I wouldn't view them if you don't want anything ruined. Certainly co-op playing though :)
Did it look like it was running well? Was the ai functional? (In Far Cry and Half-Life sp co-op the ai seemed to be turned off almost)
Soundwave said:
Hm...this is very interesting. Supposedly some guys have already started working on co-op, and released 2 videos of them testing it to prove it can be done. Thing is, the videos are said to have some pretty big spoilers, so there's no way in hell I'm watching them.

Yet I MUST know if it's legit. Here's the link if anyone doesn't care about spoilers. Let us know how it looks (not what specifically it's showing of course, just if it is indeed co-op, and it looks like the ai is working correctly etc).

Link here:

HUGE spoilers, including a boss. View at own risk!
Was running playable. Don't know about AI, though I can say the PI wasn't that of the highest. ^_^
heh Jav.
how the hell do they have coop already in dev? did tools come with Doom3?
OMG, the video is sooooooooooooooooooo fuking awsome, I mean the shadows on the players while the moving, attacking, omg its so unblievable. WoW :shoke:

Man I cannot wait longer to get online with other players. DAM its so amazing