Dragon Quest VIII Reviews (IGN:9.0, Gamespot:9.0, 1up:9.0)...

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Well the reviews are in and they only reaffirm what I already knew: This game is terrific. The core old-school gameplay is there, but with more depth and beauty than ever before. Check out the reviews for yourself and see what the 2005 RPG of the Year looks like!

IGN Review.

Gamespot Review.

1up review.

UPDATE: Just got it and have been playing for 3 hours or so and it is awesome! The world is huge and the battles are wonderful, the day/night cycle is beautiful and meaningful, the story is developing into something terrific, the detail in the game is amazing. Everything about this game is great except maybe the camera every once in a while, but very sporadically a nuisance. If you like RPGs, get this game now.

Why would anyone not uhg.

It looks really good. Ill probably rent it and give it a run.
seconded. nonetheless, I am intrigued... but there are many games higher up on my list.
I got it...the music is spectacular...the first RPG with fully orchestrated soundtrack! This game takes over 100 hours to complete. Finally a actually good RPG...and you get a demo disk of Final Fantasy 12.
Glo-Boy said:
Why would anyone... ugh.

Why would anyone not??? See below :E

I used to hate cel-shading in games until I got Dark Cloud 2. That game was incredible and this and Rogue Galaxy look to be uping the ante even further! Anime has never been my thing(except for the more recent Vampire Hunter D), but these games are absolutely delightful to become immersed in.
ok ok that screen shot does look like the game could be great, but i hate those jap anime/ take turns hitting each other type games.
operative x said:
ok ok that screen shot does look like the game could be great, but i hate those jap anime/ take turns hitting each other type games.

You won't like Dragon Quest then ;)
PS2 fanboys before: "lol how can you like Wind Waker?! Look at that cell shading crap!"

PS2 fanboys now: "Wow look at this game and how awsome the cell shading makes it feel."

At least that is impression I am getting right now from a few people I have seen talking about this game.
The Mullinator said:
PS2 fanboys before: "lol how can you like Wind Waker?! Look at that cell shading crap!"

PS2 fanboys now: "Wow look at this game and awsome the cell shading makes it feel."

At least that is impression I am getting right now from a few people I have seen talking about this game.
TBH, I still don't like the character design of the Wind Waker too much. True, there was a big despute as to which sort of graphics(cartoony or more realistic) would be best for the next iteration of the Zelda franchise at the time and I think because so many people were expecting the amazingly awesome looking Link from the short fighting demo from E3, they were greatly disappointed when they saw the strange, child-like drawing of him in the Wind Waker. Once you get past that, though, the gameplay takes over and rules, just as it does with DQ8.
I hate cell shading before, and I still hate it. That's why I play games for the gameplay, not the graphix. Hence why I still play Dragon Quest III and Final Fantasy on my NES.
CyberPitz said:
I hate cell shading before, and I still hate it. That's why I play games for the gameplay, not the graphix. Hence why I still play Dragon Quest III and Final Fantasy on my NES.

Cell shading rules, but only in certain games with a lot of style

Not in Zelda. Not in a FPS.

CyberPitz! You still play Final Fantasy for NES? Dude you need a girlfriend! I could understand FF III on SNES ;)

Technically Wind Waker only has cel shading on the objects/characters, but nevermind.

The original realistic Link that was shown before Wind Waker just looked like bad 80's CGI. I like the look of the new Link though.
dream431ca said:
I got it...the music is spectacular...the first RPG with fully orchestrated soundtrack!


This game takes over 100 hours to complete. Finally a actually good RPG...and you get a demo disk of Final Fantasy 12.

Wow! :eek: That's a lotta gameplay! But if I do get this, it will only be for the FF12 demo. :| It looks a little dull for my tastes.
The Mullinator said:
PS2 fanboys before: "lol how can you like Wind Waker?! Look at that cell shading crap!"

PS2 fanboys now: "Wow look at this game and how awsome the cell shading makes it feel."

At least that is impression I am getting right now from a few people I have seen talking about this game.

Ok..let me tell you something. Play windwaker and then play this game...the difference jumps out at your face..there is a good way to cell shade. The best game ever to have the best cell shading is Zone of Enders 2. The cell shading in Zelda windwaker was poorly done.
What poo, WW looked gorgeous :P

Infact i'm quite a big fan of cell shading - from Wind Waker, Tales of Symphonia, Okami, Dragon Quest 8, to Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7 ... they all look superb, different, yet superb :)

There's no one way of doing it - and i've still yet to see a cell shaded game match the best bits of Wind Waker (it has been months since I had a go on Dragon Quest 8 though, and it was all in Japanese, so haven't played nearly enough to judge)
Heh Warbie your sig reminds me that I never figured out how to use the use the Hadouken in Street Fighter Zero 2, I remember the manual had some funny down-right arrow thing and I didn't know how to press that on my keyboard.


I never did figure out how to use a Hadouken :(
I liked WindWakers cel shading. It wasnt done in omfgtotatlyawesome quality, but I liked it none the less. This game looks to have spectacular cel shading though, but I have never played the series, and thats why Ill rent it first.
Not sure if you're winding me up :)

Let's just say it's much harder on a keyboard. Joystick or pad all the way.
Warbie said:
Not sure if you're winding me up :)

Let's just say it's much harder on a keyboard. Joystick or pad all the way.

I played fighting game roms on my computer with a friend all the time way back and we learned to do it all.

The hardest was to get the full circle for some special attacks but it was tons of fun :)

The trick is to do it fast and smooth.

EDIT: On topic a little more :P

I liked the rest of WW's graphics but I didn't like the character design and I hated playing through the whole game as a 9 year old-looking link :( It just didn't have that heroic feel.

I think I'll pick up Dragon Quest sometime because I've been wanting a good classic rpg for a while now.
Sure, I once played Super SF2 on the pc with the keyboard. It's doable, but still very tricky (nobody is going to pull off any crazy combos using a keyboard ;))

I remember playing SF2 on the Amiga too - which had just 2 buttons for all the moves. Tricky stuff.
Warbie said:
Sure, I once played Super SF2 on the pc with the keyboard. It's doable, but still very tricky (nobody is going to pull off any crazy combos using a keyboard ;))

I remember playing SF2 on the Amiga too - which had just 2 buttons for all the moves. Tricky stuff.

Yeah, good combos were impossible to pull off but damn it was still fun ::