easter egg in the movies?

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The faces are more realistic than the toilet, lol. If they arent easter eggs, then wtf are they in there, it doesnt match the textures and they are faces, unless my eyes are messed up :p
actually the wood face seems alot like that spray decal from multiplayer halflife, maybe that IS an easter egg
i definatley see the faces on top of the wierd orange liquid containers
fishy lookin daawg


  • hmmmmm.jpg
    60.1 KB · Views: 466
Maybe Gabe was joking and has just had the world watch all HL2 movies frame by frame?
The easter egg could be in the screenshots!!!!
Check this thing out, i reckon we get to drive this beast!!!!


  • hl2car.jpg
    46.5 KB · Views: 468
What is an "Easter Egg"? - The term "Easter Egg", as we use it here, means any amusing tidbit that creators hid in their creations. They could be in computer software, movies, music, art, books, or even your watch. There are thousands of them, and they can be quite entertaining, if you know where to look.

I dont think there is one suggestion yet that comes under the title of an easter egg?
Maybe we need to look in more obvious places, like if gordon turns down a hall then turns away.
I know we're badly clutching at straws. I dont think this is the easter egg but what does it say on the white barrel?

Looks like

EST - - - -

Maybe thats cos alyx gets her feet wet at the end of the tunnels scene.
Fk knows what it says under R-0050 on the other one.
Carefull not to step in the bullshit.


  • feetwet1.jpg
    36.1 KB · Views: 421
Wow, Alyx getting her feet wet would not be an easter egg, besides it looks like feit so its not feet, but whatever,

I think the R-0050 has just random letters that are too small to read so it doesnt matter underneath.
Ok you read it but you didnt pay any attention to what it said.

I made it clear i didnt think it was an easter egg and i made it clear it was complete bollocks. You even said it says feit wet not feet after i already said that.

Careful not to step in the bullshit should have pointed out something about the seriousness of the post.
what about the crowbar in the funny looking window ? I know it's an obvious one but you people didn't mention it :s (didn't read the whole threat lol :p)
It got mentioned in older easter egg threads. Generally agreed its not the easter egg gabe mentioned.
OMG okay people think about the toliet. I probualy was in the garbage can thing when he blew it up ;)
Originally posted by BWMASTER
the guy on the left is a guy with a mustache ...he looks russian
Ah yes, that good old Russian Requirement of Citizenship the mustache.
With the mp5 gun changing skins in hl2.
apparently the mp5 in hl1 changed skins when you fist picked it up also. it went from a sub-machine gun with a silencer, to the one you use now in it.
so that might be the easter egg, they might be replicating that.
Originally posted by Baldrick
With the mp5 gun changing skins in hl2.
apparently the mp5 in hl1 changed skins when you fist picked it up also. it went from a sub-machine gun with a silencer, to the one you use now in it.
so that might be the easter egg, they might be replicating that.

Or not, as it's been mentioned countless times that the Mp5k is just a placeholder for the Mp7 w_model/p_model.
I really hope noone believes the toilet is an easter egg, it was only a joke :D

I personally dont think there is an easter egg the bink videos released so far. And if there is its fkin crap! Then again gabe could prove me wrong.
gotta admit...

the person made out of water looks like Aylx :) i mean the way it stands (hands on hips.)

is the one where you see the person made of water and like the security cam, and like well the vid showing u everything on BINK??? cause i aint got it.

i have jus got all the BINKS available at the mo (all 5)

and i have a 10min preview i got from the PCGAMING mag.
The water model is part of the tech demo. Them two vids havent been released as bink yet (FKINHELL VALVE RELEASE EM:p!)

Threre are 6 binks out at the min.

Whats in the 10 min preview?
ummmmmmmmmm MAYBE?

look at this picture...
and tell me why the view in the magnifying glass is made smaller. as if the magnifying glass zoomed out on what was underneath. i don't know about you but a magnifying glass usually magnifies things... and you can tell it isn't magnified because the whole keyboard fits in the magnifying glass... anyone? (i think thought that it may be smaller because the perspective is from like 3ft. away but lets see what people think...)
Re: ummmmmmmmmm MAYBE?

Originally posted by Sephiroth2k
look at this picture...
and tell me why the view in the magnifying glass is made smaller. as if the magnifying glass zoomed out on what was underneath. i don't know about you but a magnifying glass usually magnifies things... and you can tell it isn't magnified because the whole keyboard fits in the magnifying glass... anyone? (i think thought that it may be smaller because the perspective is from like 3ft. away but lets see what people think...)

Not unless it's turned the other way .. e.g. have you even looked the wrong way through binoculars?
how the hell is a magnifying glass error even remotly close to a eeaster-egg? jeeze u people are paranoid.
yea buddy. im paranoid.. cuz i really think the easter eggs are "out to get me"... jesus christ...
you guys see the tiniest thing and call it an easter-egg, which is really retarted cause its really not.
Originally posted by alb1221
this could possibly be of interest to you g-mans little green shadow doesent look so g-manish if you know what I mean :borg:


This one looks like one of the fat zombie dudes from Doom 3 Alpha Demo.

In my opinion.

Also, I have search but no one has mentioned in the G-man video When he says "Pay attention Mr Freeman, I'm only going to say this once"

Then he says some alien stuff. Anyone have any clues on that?

(there has to be a trekkie in here who can speak Klingon right?) :)
lunamonkey - That's chinese

subs - that's the point of an easter egg, it's hard to see.

Well, I haven't spotted anything, prolly just a poster or like something out of place.
Dudes, yeah, thats Chinese, not alien stuff. Thats an offense man.

Anyways, translated, he says: "Looks like we won't have an opportunity to be working with each other".

So it isn't an easter egg.
no, easter eggs aren't small pixel one inch to the left. Easter-Eggs have a meaning, or a significance. THere is a point to them. FOr example, seeing a shadow 2 cm. to the left isn 't an easter egg. Seeing a combine soldier make a shadow of a SEAL from CS is an easter egg.
"Dudes, yeah, thats Chinese, not alien stuff. Thats an offense man."

Sorry to sound like a Redneck and assume everything is alien. ;-)

So, Gordon isn't working with the g-man? ....hmmmm...
If you look closely in the gman's eyes you can see orange, maybe gordon, kinda looks like its a human.
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