Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Virus is just trolling like a mother****er. You guys need to realize that nobody could actually be as stupid as him. Hes faking. Stop entertaining him and maybe he'll shut up and go away.
I'm certainly not trolling. I felt like it was the other way around.

I guess no two designers are going to agree on much. That's why they only have one lead designer. I'd guess we've got a dozen lead designers in this thread.

Like, look at this ****ing car. This car's design is offensive to me. I immediately hate it and will never like it.

If one of you designed it, I would try to be more respectful. This is what is missing in this thread.

EDIT: Speaking of lead designers - this is news to me - the lead designer of Morrowind and Oblivion left Bethesda Softworks in 2007.

When Ken Rolston left Bethesda Softworks after finishing design work on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, his work in the videogames industry was supposed to be done. Big Huge Games apparently made him an offer he couldn't refuse, however, as he signed on to kick start an all-new, from scratch RPG with the company. While the actual game it years off -- Big Huge is projecting 2009 -- they have confirmed a publishing deal with THQ.

"I'm flabbergasted by the talent, craft and boundless energy of the Big Huge Games team," said Rolston in the press release. "In such splendid company, I'm privileged to embark on a bold pilgrimage to create a refreshingly original RPG experience. I know eager game fans will share our excitement as we reveal further details in the coming months."

Rolston's new RPG experience is headed to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Now, we wait.

I like all the waffly "one life one death" dialog over top of a guy fighting ****ING UNDEAD SKELETONS.
Ok, I'll bite:

Skyrim has me interested. I have some major concerns (level scaling) but honestly... this looks like just a general step in the correct direction.
Probably the best news I've heard as of yet. The melee combat seems to be going in the right direction (less attacks, timed blocks), and we knew the ranged combat was getting overhauled too.

What I found most interesting though, was the changes to the magic system. Having spells change depending on the kind of attack is a really cool idea, and I hope it extends beyond the elemental spells. I also like how fire, eletricity, and ice have their own special effects, meaning it actually makes a difference.
Bethesda has unleashed a new set of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim details upon the public, providing information on its combat system. Admitting that the previous games felt like you were fighting with "chopsticks", the developer says that we'll be getting a deeper, more robust brawling experience this time.

The more I hear about this game, the more bloody excited I get. Check below for all the latest Intel:

* Back pedal speed has been reduced to eliminate "hit & run" tactics. Stagger and balance have been added to create more dangerous attacks.
* Simply holding up a shield is useless. You now need to time your blocks. You can also pull off a shield bash to stagger opponents. Can be attempted with two-handed weapons as well, but at a greater risk.
* Flourish attacks appear for skillful kills, giving you a nice visual treat as you execute an enemy.
* Some revealed combat Perks are critical strikes (swords), bleeding status (axes) and armor negation (maces).
* Ranged combat makes arrows capable of higher damage, but also harder to find. Just one shot can potentially destroy an enemy, but you may only have one shot to make. Ranged warfare now seems to rely heavily on stealthy characters.
* Stealth in Skyrim is a little deeper. Enemies don't suddenly move from passive to aggressive. There is now an interim "Alert" phase, so you'll have a chance to hide again and wait for them to forget about you.
* Back attacks with daggers are highly dangerous, and a range of dagger Perks will lead to some truly badass assassins running around.
* Magic in Skyrim will be inspired by BioShock's Plasmids, funnily enough. Magic and melee will be kept distinctly separate. You can have a magic spell in one hand and a sword in the other, but you can't just crack off fireballs while hack n' slashing.
* Although the Mysticism school of magic has been removed and consumed by the other schools, each spell in the game is more flexible. You don't just shoot projectiles this time -- you can hold down the fire button for a stream of magic, place them down as traps, or dual-wield them for extra damage.
* Each spell has been individually crafted, so you won't just get aesthetically different spells that act in exactly the same way. There is a possibility you'll be able to meld spells together to create new effects, but Bethesda has not yet decided.
* Fights between mages will be similar to melee combat, where timing and skill is more important than throwing out fireballs and seeing how wins.
* Ultimately, the aim of the combat is to make each fight feel like a life-or-death situation rather than a brainless hack festival.

Pretty impressed, animations seem a huge step up which was a main concern.
Pretty cool. Movment looks a bit floaty though, if you know what I mean.
I ****ing love that new theme song. Blows the ass right out of the old ones and leaves nothing but singed shreds of pants as a reminder of its glory. Seriously, a good theme song can make a game for me. That's how petty my world is.
You can definitely tell its the same engine, but it looks pretty good regardless. If they actually keep the environment shadows this time, rather than having them in the trailer and not in the actual game, then I am appeased for my graphic qualms.

The rest of it looks good too. I liked that the one human enemy you see did a different attack, rather than like in the old games where they just normal swings at you for the most part.
Pretty cool. Movment looks a bit floaty though, if you know what I mean.
I was watching for that, and I think that's why they cut away as he ran towards the rock at 0:36. He would probably just slide up it without his legs reacting to the angles as in GTA IV/Ico/etc. They do have a new animation system, but I wonder if it covers that.
Awesomeface.jpeg pretty-much describes my facial expression while watched this. I got to get a job so I can build a computer before this comes out.
Some of the animations looked straight outta NV. The crouch walk/stealth mode f.e. The wolf running looked dodgy, too. Alot of the textures and stuff screamed gamebryo.

But it does look better. Love the locales.
Environment shadows? Check.
Water dynamics? Check.
Weather dynamics? Check.
Better character modelling? Check.
More diverse environments? Check.
Incredibly high profile celebrity voiceover? Check.
Children to shoot full of arrows? I'm sold.
Glad to see they've finally improved upon a lot of things. About time they've done something about the character animations and shadows. Looking forward to this :D
Dark Brotherhood ftw! Instead of slashing somebodies back with a sneak attack, I can slash their throat. Reminds me of the days when I played Vampire: The Masquarade Bloodlines and killed literally every single guard with a silent impaling in the back with a Katana
That looked incredible.

And that theme song, good Christ... amazing piece of music.
I... can't really fault that trailer. That was pretty great. The writing still isn't very good but still.
Dragon getting in your face? No problem, just ****ing yell at him!

I'll reiterate - I really, really hope they focus a lot of time on debugging. I'd hate to get this game on day one only have constant crashes.
Unfortunately this is Bethesda we are talking about.

You KNOW it's going to be bugged. Unless they suddenly come across all Vauxhall-ey and suddenly start making games that work.

Does look damn good though. May just have to have my arm twisted and get it.
Ugh.. I was looking forward to this until I started watching Spartacus, and now I want something less fantasy and more gritty overly violent. Will still get it, but are there any RPGs or anything that are similar?
trailer looked good if just for the environments looking pretty damn lovely. nice to see some alteration in terrain and some actual logic to the placement of objects.
This really made my day. It looks like they have really improved upon everything in Oblivion, but we will only really be able to tell once we start playing. It LOOKS friggin awesome though.