Emails from Valve

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I sent him a question yesterday and today i recieved an answer!

question: When will we see more announcements about Half-Life 2?

answer: Pretty soon

I know, i bring excellent info into this forum!

Could someone ask this for me :)

I'm interested in what it will look like when a player is moving from one surface to another of different elevation (eg. stairs, road -> sidwalk). Or on uneven terrain. Will the view suddenly 'spring' up to the new height, or in smooth progression?

More importantly is how this effect will look when you see another character in this situation. Will a person half-standing on an edge have 1 foot floating in mid-air?
Yeah someone let me know how many polys the guns and characters have.
Originally posted by StormCyko
Could someone ask this for me :)

I'm interested in what it will look like when a player is moving from one surface to another of different elevation (eg. stairs, road -> sidwalk). Or on uneven terrain. Will the view suddenly 'spring' up to the new height, or in smooth progression?

More importantly is how this effect will look when you see another character in this situation. Will a person half-standing on an edge have 1 foot floating in mid-air?

yay i can answer another question! i feel so Gabe-Newell-like.

if u watched the e3 video, when he goes over the terrain, his body glides over the surfaces as he would in real life. though there is still the arcade style of moving (no realistic bullshit thank god), they maintain basically the same style of movement as hl1.

as for ur other question, theres ragdoll physics, so my guess is, no more of the 1 foot in mid air, its either both feet on the ground, or ur going over.
towers, gabe stated in an interview most gun models were somewhere between 2000-4000 polys, while everything else u would be forced to kill urself to hear the count :)
Announcements soon huh? Awesome!

If they don't bother making a "real-life" (body below you, etc) experience, then I should think they would do something similar to the Turok games - Limit your viewing.. So you can't look directly down at the floor, you can only look down a certain amount (so you wouldn't be able to see your body anyway).

Of course, if they did have a body feature, it wouldn't look right with the way HL2 is looking (eg. V_model's etc).

In Tresspasser, the only game I know that does have a body, the only reason it works is because the weapons are real-life objects that you pick up and move in any place you want. So, if you just move the mouse, you look around, and can look downwards to see your body, but if you hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse, your hand (including the object you are holding) moves, whilst you vision stays in the same position as it was beforehand. I very much doubt HL2 is like that, so a body system would just be weird (like, you would see your chest downwards, but your arms would look like they are detached from your body.. if you know what I mean).

Originally posted by Towers
so 5000 isn't too much for a player model in this game?

That's actually the average poly count of the player models in HL2.

Dave- Tribes 2 had visible bodies, sigh, I love that game so much. Mmm :)
Originally posted by StormCyko
Could someone ask this for me :)

I'm interested in what it will look like when a player is moving from one surface to another of different elevation (eg. stairs, road -> sidwalk). Or on uneven terrain. Will the view suddenly 'spring' up to the new height, or in smooth progression?

More importantly is how this effect will look when you see another character in this situation. Will a person half-standing on an edge have 1 foot floating in mid-air?

ohh that reminds me of a animation I saw on valves homepage.
I'll have to find it and show it to you.
it could be nothing.
but then again it could be something.

Edit: here it is:

neat huh?
One article noted that after busting up a bunch of stuff, the character had some trouble keeping balance
You forgot to add that Tresppaser was awful :P

That body system was a good idea (the health tatoo) but totally unweildy in practice.
Originally posted by Dave
Announcements soon huh? Awesome!

If they don't bother making a "real-life" (body below you, etc) experience, then I should think they would do something similar to the Turok games - Limit your viewing.. So you can't look directly down at the floor, you can only look down a certain amount (so you wouldn't be able to see your body anyway).


I think they pulled it off quite well in Hitman, you could go 3rd person as well in that which Hl2 doesnt need. Limiting the players view like that would get a bit annoying. Its already limited enough, your FOV is about half what it is in real life. I tihnk its probably better to stick with no body.
besides, you can look straight down in real life. there's no reason to include arbitrary rules like that. also, i don't think you'll be seeing any body for a few reasons. First, if they did want to create a fully believable body, it would have to interact with everything, including the environment and the weapons. Imagine trying to program legs and arms that look good while shooting, climbing ladders, opening doors, operating keypads, shooting while running, etc.

I think it's best to leave the body to the imagination. Just imagine the break in your disbelief when you look down as you walk along a narrow i-beam and see your feet making big wide strides, landing on either side of the beam.

sorry, i'm rambling, but i hope you get my point
makes sense spiffae but im sure they added in features to be able to see your own feet and if they didnt oh well the game is still going to be great. I cant wait to hear some more announcements but im leaving tomorrow at 4am to go up to Maine (family has a house there) so ill be gone for a month...hopefully when i get back alot more news will be out and hopefully some over TF2.
I'd be really interested to know if HL2 will be able to get a benefit from HT technology (from what I understand, it has to be specifically coded for it to be of any real use). If even the physics were done on one "processor" and things like the sounds, sprites, and AI were on the other, I bet it would be a significant benefit.
I want Vehicle poly count and anybody know where the article is that stated "most gun models were somewhere between 2000-4000 polys" Not saying its not true, I would just like to read the rest of the article :)
I get the feeling that the way it works is that you design a high-poly model, and then Source dynamically scales it down in the game: if you are getting choppy FPS, then it scales down the LOD until it's playable. They haven't said this outright, but it's my guess as to what they've been hinting at.
Hey: there are obviously people who have recieved Gabe emails but haven't posted them in THIS thread. Do it! Even if its trivial.
i emailed gabe once but he never responded. :|
Originally posted by henrik
ohh that reminds me of a animation I saw on valves homepage.
I'll have to find it and show it to you.
it could be nothing.
but then again it could be something.

Edit: here it is:

neat huh?
that .gif was created before hl was even released.
Vhere you found Gabe Newels adress?
Would you give me?
I want wrote Gabe to ask something abot HL2
And System Requirements
I didn't say it would be impossible, I just said it's very unlikely it would work if they are indeed still using the same kind of system as Half-Life.
Well i had a MSI 648 MAX 1.8 Ghz and GeoForce 4 Titanium 4200?
So i dont know is the game will be work on this configuration?
David, I'm sure it'll work great, but maybe not on the maximum settings though..if you want to edit your avatar, look at the top of the page when you are logged in. You will see:

Welcome back, David
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Click on Edit Avatar, that's it ! :)

Apos: Hey: there are obviously people who have recieved Gabe emails but haven't posted them in THIS thread. Do it! Even if its trivial.
yes, DO IT! :bounce:
Gabe hasn't yet answered to my mail, but then again, I can't find the mail in the "sent messages".. so that means I haven't sent it, right ? :o very wierd indeed.. well, I'm not mailing him again, he may be getting double posts from me then, I don't want that !!
But everybody who sent an e-mail to Gabe and got an answer, POST IT HERE :thumbs:
(oh, btw, I can't see animated gifs in my browser (explorer 6), does any of you have the same problem ?
Skull can you ask Gabe Newel from me will be HL2 work with this machine?
MSI 648 MAX 1.8 Ghz and GeoForce 4 Titanium 4200 512 MB RAM
I had the money for the upgrade if is necessary?!
a Geoforce Oo ahhwell.. I am sure it will run on your configuartion. but if you want to know for 100% sure then you need to wait for the game to be released. I dont think gabe wants to be bothered with e-mails like: "will HL² run on my pc _ *insert stats here*" so i dont think he will reply to that sort off questions.

they played the HL² demo at the e3 on a 2 ghz CPU _ Ati radeon 9800 128mb card and 512mb memmory. so I am 99% sure it will run great on your system.. altrough the videocard could need a upgrade. maby upgrade to a ATI radeon 9800 pro 128MB
Thanks for answer, but i wait when the game relase and if work on my config. it wil be grace, if not i buy ATI Radeon 9000
David, click on the link in my signature that says "-Gabe Newell" it will link you to a page on Valves website that has a description of Valve employees including Gabe Newell, along with the description is Gabes e-mail address.
Here goes the small man's pickering:
The E3 demos are amazing.
Just one thing that bothered me, the birds. There is a gun battle going
on, birds don't want to be there.
If the birds can fly around, and fly the hell away when gunshots sound,
that would be amazing (and not too easy to code). {meant hard, `doh}

GJ on HL2, it truly is looking amazing.

Voice (Home): 206-***-***

is this correct? if i were you i'd take it off @%&@$& databse O_o


We had the birds hanging around in the demo cause we theought they were
cool. In the game they are more skittery.

Yeah, that's my home number. I don't mind talking with people so long
they realize that calling me at 4:00 am is not a good idea.
I've heard this before: but when are there are ever birds hanging around in gunfights in the demos? They almost always seem to takeoff if you even get to close to them, much less shoot them.
Thanks for answer, but i wait when the game relase and if work on my config. it wil be grace, if not i buy ATI Radeon 9000

I think it will run fine on your system. It certainly wont have DX9 shaders or anything, but the game will look as good as any other game your system can handle.
an ATI radeon 7500 would even run the game smooth, just without the fancy features :)
They hang in (well, what used to be) the 2dn movie, when gordon fights combines, then goes to roof.

And this mail was turned into a news post at the time, so we all basically know it :>
And my Brother says that.
And on the FAQ was an Question about minimal sys. requirements
And Gabe says "... on the GF4.."
So no problem.
95 days until HL2 :(
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