Emails from Valve

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Doubt he's going to answer, and I doubt I'd shutup anyway.

It's really not a big deal. HL2 in general needs to render very different sorts of areas than D3, and so demands a different approach.
how very interesting this thread is, keep it up guys. But i sugest emailing just once a day or he might get so fed up he stops answering. Oh and thank him every time ;)

btw the reason its big news about the crowbar being physicaly simulated is that we can make swords put them in and make things like blocks and watch a real sword fight for once instead of just smashing the keyborad.

Well thats one thing i think it will mean, there are others of course.
For one it might mean that the player is physicaly simulated also. This could be cool cos it could mean we cud jump on people from great hights and kill them in multiplayer. Just a thought :).

btw can sumone email him with my question:

If those water splashes arnt sprite based, then what in the name of elvis almighty are they ;)
Hmmmmm...... swinging..... even thoug I don't play it, GOLF MOD!!! Or for you brits, Cricket mod!
Good idea!!, golf sounds kewl!, i hate cricket tho, not a very god spectator sport :)
So many mods for so many different appeals are possible. Realistic basketball (only in extreme circumstances, such as if you want to play against someone in China. If you want to play with your friends, get out of the damn house and get on a court!! Games should not be a substitution for life, just a sub for things that aren't possible, or are highly unlikely. Such as beating in the face of someone from another country with a crowbar, all in the comfort of sitting in your chair.
I dont like it when everyone around the globe thinks we brits love cricket... the fact it only a very small fraction of the population even thinks its an okay sport! Cricket matches on UK TV pull in audiences of less than 500,000 at the most and thats usually because there is nothing else on. The big international football games ( i refuse to call it soccer) however sometimes pull in audiences of 25 million with the record currently standing at just under 30 million viewers for an England v Germany game. Not bad for a country with a populace of 56 million!
That's totally true :D

But still it would be cool ;)
because with the virtual basketball you could grab a shotty and shoot the darn referee!
O_o Not all the british love crickit?
/me walks totally suprised into a dark alley
Us English like golf too!

And we had Shakespare, hah!
bah Shakespare...cursed that name is... nemo me impune lacessit!
Wow, I was obviously joking. Only reason I mentioned it was last night I had a convo with a brit in #halflife2 and I told him all the british stereotypes. He didn't mind. It's like the stereotype that all American's say howdy, lol. HOWDY!
Originally posted by Gojin
Wow, I was obviously joking. Only reason I mentioned it was last night I had a convo with a brit in #halflife2 and I told him all the british stereotypes. He didn't mind. It's like the stereotype that all American's say howdy, lol. HOWDY!
eh? ive never heard that before haha, i thought that was like a cowboy stereotype.
Yeah i'm sure we were kidding too. :)

I think the biggest American stereotype in UK (or at least in London) is that a big, big majoraty of Americans are fat. Well, this may be true.. I've never been to America :)
Oh it's true, lol. Well, not all but most are, yeah. Damn you Burger King!!! And Pizza Hut, and Wendys, and....... oh God I need some fast food.

Edit: Another stereotype I think. Don't come to America, you'll get shot by a gun totin' citizen!
Oh right, lol.

Is it true your 'average' size bag of crisps (chips?) are like 5x the size of English ones? :D
Average size bag of potato chips are like um. Lemme think of something to relate it to. It's like the size of a small to medium sized pillow.
lol!! You guys sure eat alot. Our bags are like the size of a DVD case.
Over here that's 1 dollar for a bag that size, they sell them next to cash registers so when your waiting in line, you'll grab em. They call em like big grab or some weird name to make you think it's a lot. But man, some bags of chips are like the size of a large pillow. It's ridiculous.

And since this is going off topic, um... Half-Life 2 is gonna be amazing.
do you guys get kinder eggs? i used to eat them all the time when i was little living in england. i still eat them since i get them from my british relatives whenever they visit. they're awesome.
Yeah! They are cool to get every now and then, and the toys are well cool.
Originally posted by deepers
do you guys get kinder eggs? i used to eat them all the time when i was little living in england. i still eat them since i get them from my british relatives whenever they visit. they're awesome.
I used to like those....when i was about 10,
yeah, well, they're a novelty for me, and the chocolate tastes really good
What's a kinder egg? I'm part german so I kind of have an idea what you mean, but I'm not sure. Is it a chocolate egg with some kind of toy inside?
Originally posted by Gojin
What's a kinder egg? I'm part german so I kind of have an idea what you mean, but I'm not sure. Is it a chocolate egg with some kind of toy inside?
yes sir it is, the chocolates good i guess, but here it costs over a dollar, so it aint worth it in my opinion.
Pshhh, your never too old for chocolate and a gift inside, lol. I love Kinder Chokoladen (sp? need to ask parent). Soooooo gooood. AGH! Getting off topic again.

Gabe said people already have the SDK. I hope he means some mod teams.
wow ...the many things we talk about when no hl2 news has come out for awhile ... ;)
lol, all the way from crazy gameshows on tv to chololate to cricket.
lol, insano..hl2 talk should start to pick up in da next few days or so
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
yes sir it is, the chocolates good i guess, but here it costs over a dollar, so it aint worth it in my opinion.

To right, not when you can get pillow-sized bags of crisps for the same price! :D :D
HOLY MOLY, like 3 pages off absolute stereotypes! BTW, canadians are great, eh? we brought you ATI! ;)
Well, i dont think Gabe answers them during the weekends..hasnt replied my last reply and we been sorta having an interview...
Originally posted by jhero
HOLY MOLY, like 3 pages off absolute stereotypes! BTW, canadians are great, eh? we brought you ATI! ;)
Yeah im canadian. ATI? Thats canadian based?
And you brought Neil Young, and The Tragically Hip, and Gordon Lightfoot. Enough of that though, Gabe E-mails. yeah.... BTW, steam just had an update. At least we know they're workin on it and that means the HL2 media is comin' along I hope
Originally posted by jhero
Well, i dont think Gabe answers them during the weekends..hasnt replied my last reply and we been sorta having an interview...
Ah well, should be gettin that extra info on or around monday, so its all good. Lookin forward to those direct feeds, Maybe a new monster,how bout you guys?
We need some more news :(
seems that gabe ain't answering e-mails no more :(
can't blame em he must get sick.
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