Emails from Valve

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Originally posted by Gojin
BTW, steam just had an update. At least we know they're workin on it and that means the HL2 media is comin' along I hope

Wha...what update? :eek:
Originally posted by jhero
OH YES! gonna rock..mkae sure you get Steam!
Do you think the new media will be released on certain websites as well? like will it only be exclusive to steam for the first few days? what do you guys think?
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
No, im not very smart computerwise, heheh. That includes companies of computer stuff.

oh ok, well ATI is Canadian based in Ontario with like 100+ people working for them..(devel) :cheese:
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
Do you think the new media will be released on certain websites as well? like will it only be exclusive to steam for the first few days? what do you guys think?

im sure someone will be able to rip it off steam some how....

damn..double post
Ima get one of the new ati cards, i only have a pci slot, makes me sad. So i gotta get a new motherboard too.
Lets put it this way. It'll be available on steam as prob an .avi or somethin, those people will put it on sites, tadaa. But Steam is pretty fast sometimes. My friends reported speeds of 1.2mbps and 1.6mbps, etc... So I think a lot will go Steam for just that file. Then again maybe there is an in Steam media player I don't know of. Anyway, it'll be good.

Edit: Time for Sven, brb :D
thing is if everyone is on steam is this gonna effect it?
OMG STeam is super fast, i got Half Life original in like 20 minutes! And yes, get an ATI card Demon.
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
It'd be cool if hl2 came out tonight. I would go insane.

lol now that would be kewl
il prob have a heart attack :(
Originally posted by Deacon
thing is if everyone is on steam is this gonna effect it?

? what do u mean?

Originally posted by Deacon
lol now that would be kewl
il prob have a heart attack :(

Id have several strokes before realizing I want to live!
Originally posted by Deacon
lol now that would be kewl
il prob have a heart attack :(
If I eevvverr had a heart attack when hl2 came out i would ressurect myself and be mad cause thats uncalled for.
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
If I eevvverr had a heart attack when hl2 came out i would ressurect myself and be mad cause thats uncalled for.

now thats insane :eek:
i mean if everyone is gettin the new movies off
steam is that gonna make everyfing slow?
Originally posted by Deacon
i mean if everyone is gettin the new movies off
steam is that gonna make everyfing slow?

Oh maybe not, Steam servers are very fast, i got like HL at speeds of 500 kb/s while my rogers states maximum d/l of 187 kb/s ! so dont worry, it would probably be around 150 kb/s if all these people were to get this file at same time..(speculation BIG TIME)
Originally posted by Deacon
i mean if everyone is gettin the new movies off
steam is that gonna make everyfing slow?
I couldnt tell ya, i dont got steam, i would think it would slow it down a bit, but when its runnin at 1.5 mb/s i dont think you will have to worry.
well this new info seems to most likely come monday or tuesday.
Tuesady would be cool cuz its canada day...
np, i've always had a ncak of getting info from people, hehe ;)
LOL, its only 4 over where he lives, hes having tea now! ;)
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
hmmm will the direct feeds be steam-only then? :( hope not that would be stupid.
Im wondering that too, as jhero said, someone will probly put up a link on thier site.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
hmmm will the direct feeds be steam-only then? :( hope not that would be stupid.

Well, its fast!
Originally posted by jhero
LOL, its only 4 over where he lives, hes having tea now! ;)
I dont like tea, someone call him!! do it! do it now! Ask him if doors can shatter and break if you shoot it with a shotgun. Do it! Go go go.
lol, well doors can BURN! WOOD can splinter. :flame:
Originally posted by Gojin
Hmmmmm...... swinging..... even thoug I don't play it, GOLF MOD!!! Or for you brits, Cricket mod!

We play golf aswell you know. I hate cricket is shi@.

Didnt realise how many pages i skipped there. Its funny when people start thinking speculation is fact.
Originally posted by jhero
well doors can BURN! WOOD can splinter.
I hope its the type of splinterin where, for example. you shoot the door and it cracks a bit, you shoot it again and some parts fall off, then you shoot it a third time and the door collapses. If they had that, oh man, that would be untamed.
Well, judging from videos...sure looks like THAT!
Originally posted by 82ross
We play golf aswell you know. I hate cricket is shi@.
hey i got a question, if you guys call soccer football, what do you call football?
rugby, oh wait no its called american football!
someone ring gabe and start having an orgasim down teh phone
Originally posted by Deacon
someone ring gabe and start having an orgasim down teh phone
Better make it a chick, that way he will go into a workin frenzy and release hl2 tommorow.
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