Episode 2 - what it does/doesn't need.

What it does need:
1.More weapons....Strider Buster sounds all right.
2.A vehicle-the dune buggy was fun.
3.A advanced AI-if have played Half-Life 2 or Ep.1 on "Easy" the combine soldiers are retards.
4.More enemies-man just a Hunter,let's be serious.
5.More puzzles.

What doesn't need:
1.A boss fight-really is like we played again again Half-Life with a boss fight at the end-is completly out of fashion-this is my opinion...
2.A zombie level-as you know Ravenholm scared the s***t out of me,Lowlife was okay.

I can tell you're still learning English :)

New vehicle, advanced AI, and puzzles are all in Episode 2 already :) IIRC, the most advanced physics puzzle to date.:naughty:
I can tell you're still learning English :)

New vehicle, advanced AI, and puzzles are all in Episode 2 already :) IIRC, the most advanced physics puzzle to date.:naughty:
Yes right now I'm learning english.Hey Half-Life 2 uses Havok physics engine so that makes Ep.2 will use the same engine?
What it needs

-Dr. Wallace Breen.

-More vehicle sequences.

-Some old enemys from the orginal Half-Life like the Alien grunts, Gargs, Alien slaves.

-Some new characters

-To see if Father Gregory is still alive.


-More wise cracks from Barney.

-new flavors of zombie's like: a zombie citizen, zombie soldier, zombie marine, Zombei scientists.

What it DoesNOT need

-No Romance between you know whom.

-Antloins, there becoming a pain in the ass:flame: .
What it needs
-Dr. Wallace Breen.
Maybe, if so probably in Combine form.
-More vehicle sequences.
Will have

-Some old enemys from the orginal Half-Life like the Alien grunts, Gargs, Alien slaves.
Alien slaves are Vortigaunts, they're allies. The grunts and gargs wouldn't really fit well but bullsquids and houndeyes would be nice.

-Some new characters
Maybe, but I doubt it.
-To see if Father Gregory is still alive.
I really doubt it
-More wise cracks from Barney.
Heh, probably.
-new flavors of zombie's like: a zombie citizen, zombie soldier, zombie marine, Zombei scientists.
1: We have zombie refugees and soldiers and zombie marines and scientists would fit how?

What it DoesNOT need

-No Romance between you know whom.
-Antloins, there becoming a pain in the ass:flame: .
Hehe, there will be even more types of antlion in EP2.
I don't see the need to bring back old enemies. We've seen them, now lets move on. Bring on new enemies I say.
No enemy is as fearsome as the Garg....but imagine what a Hi-res Garg will look like on Source, it would look Feckin' amazing just like BM:S is trying to do.

Also there is a Vortigaunt slave. The Combine do have Vortigaunt slave's.
The thing I want to see most is smart AI. Even the Combine Elite are easy after you play the game through once or twice. I would like to see enemies who:

-Flank your position
-Provide cover fire for each other
-Improvise if you do something strange
-Advance leapfrog-style or with atleast some order instead of blindly charging you

And smart friendly AI would be good too...that is, if there are any such scenes in Episode 2. Alyx was nice to have at your shoulder in EP1 but she was sometimes annoying.

Fewer zombies, for chrissake...zombie levels are getting old. They're fun in small increments, but not whole levels.

Maybe one or two new guns.
The thing I want to see most is smart AI. Even the Combine Elite are easy after you play the game through once or twice. I would like to see enemies who:

-Flank your position
-Provide cover fire for each other
-Improvise if you do something strange
-Advance leapfrog-style or with atleast some order instead of blindly charging you

You know, I've seen them actually do a lot of this. The problem is the level design, it doesn't really allow for many opportunities to flank the player, or indeed show off the good aspects of the Combine AI. I think that with E2 and it's much more wide open spaces, we'll finally see what Combine AI is capable of.
You know, I've seen them actually do a lot of this. The problem is the level design, it doesn't really allow for many opportunities to flank the player, or indeed show off the good aspects of the Combine AI. I think that with E2 and it's much more wide open spaces, we'll finally see what Combine AI is capable of.

We haven't seen all of Xen, so there could be new enemies. For example, the floating flocker or Kingpin (both of which are in HL1 SDK). Also, Chumtoads. I'd like to see the Hydra, if there was some way to get it working, along with the antlion king. And Crab/Mortar Synths. Where were they in Episode One?
You know, I've seen them actually do a lot of this. The problem is the level design, it doesn't really allow for many opportunities to flank the player, or indeed show off the good aspects of the Combine AI. I think that with E2 and it's much more wide open spaces, we'll finally see what Combine AI is capable of.
Nah, it isn't the level design. It's the fact that an encounter with the buggers usually lasts all of two seconds and is ended by the playing wading out and shotgunning everything in sight. If the accuracy and damage values were given for a PROPER hard mode, then the AI would be seen to improve even though it was never actually holding back.
Coming 2007? Comes out in October or November this year...

Original trailer still better music in my opinion
The first time I died from gargantua I remember sitting in front of the monitor with my jaw dropped for nearly 5 minutes before attempting to spawn again. Just looking at it swinging its belly around thinking, "how in the world am I going to kill this thing". It was awesome. Boss battles are awesome.
When is EP2 even out? Last i heard was due out sometime January 07, is this still the case?
I'd really like to see less character interaction. I enjoyed the minimal interaction in HL1, and I dislike the characters (except dog) in HL2, especially Alyx. This isn't that big a problem as I know there will be sequences without other characters, just as there such sequences in HL2. It's something that annoyed me about certain sections of HL2.

More satisfying combat would really be appreciated. Beefing up combine AI is a good move in my book. I'd also really like to see less striders that you pretty much must kill in order to advance. Striders as an enemy are more effective as a threat, as a reminder that you are the mouse and they are the cat. As a combatant they aren't in the least entertaining. You just sit there are lob rockets at them from cover until they keel over. That's not fun. They're meant to be daunting colossus-like figures. Right now they're just a minor inconvenience.

I agree with Samon about the antlions. I hope Valve does something to make the hive area more interesting (perhaps by introducing other invaders or even antlion varieties into the mix). That said, some new enemies would be welcome. Something that suits the wilderness or other environments that the player will be fighting through.

I also agree about the vehicles. Water Hazard and the buggy chapters were some of my favourite areas in HL2.

Fighting against zombies is getting somewhat stale, but I think they are still useful for setting the atmosphere.

I agree about the super gravity-gun.

I'd really like to see the squad system used creatively. I think it was established in HL2 that your human squad-mates were annoying. Perhaps something else could take their place.
I want more creepy areas. Like in Ravenholm..that level is one that will stick out from the rest of all the FPS's i;ve ever played.
What Ep2 needs is G-man to brain wash Alyx & turn her evil, then Alyx turns on Gordon. They fight....yes I said it, you heard me right. :devil:
New enemies, Im getting tired of fighting combine, zombies and... well thats pretty much it.

Striders are tiring and no fun, as said before, more wildlife aliens that feel like part of the world... loves headcrabs/bullsquid/small wildlife in Hl1, I miss them in hl2.

I mean, more creative use of barnacles. I feel there weren't enough barnacle ambushes in the latter halves of HL2 and the whole of Episode 1. It was really funky to go house-to-house fighting in City 17, smack the crap out of a bazillion combine, then wander into a house and wonder "Why am I slowly rising... OW OW OW *flatline*"
At least a few more enemies besides the Hunter and the Antlion grubs etc. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Bullsquids and Ickys. Since we're in the wastelands and in a forest setting, there's bound to be rivers and such where these creatures may be living. Also, I agree with Jintor. Sechs. More sechs.
Some rebalancing of the existing weapons would be nice. Right now, the weapons don't exactly "feel" like good weapons... the SMG feels weeny and useless after you get the AR2, and the ranges don't really excite me. Having to close in to reliably kill with any weapon (except the pistol) just irritates me, for some reason.
I don't see why everyone hates the SMG. I really liked it, and the grenade it brilliant for taking out groups of enemies in doorways.
I liked using the SMG against CP's, manhacks, scanners, & head crabs. While on the other hand I used the Pulse rifle against Overwatch, Antlions, & Zombie's.

The SMG was supurb on easy or normal...but I hated it on hard.
I really enjoy the SMG, but the Pulse rifle is the best. Accurate when fired properly and very powerful.
SMG is the mainstay weapon. Accurate, fair range, large clips. When all other weapons run out, the SMG is what you fall back on.

Narvi said:
Having to close in to reliably kill with any weapon (except the pistol) just irritates me, for some reason.

And to chime in something else Episode Two needs:

Barney dying.
The crossbow doesn't exactly reload fast or have much ammo, you know.

Anyway, that's not the point. I loathe shooting at people in plain sight and missing all the time. It's not as apparent in HL2 (corridors, after all) but when you want to take somebody out, in, say, a ledge in Minerva: METASTASIS: Carcinogenesis, the SMG is abominable. It's like pointing your fingers and going 'pew' 'pew' 'pew'. I want more bang for my buck for a weapon I'm going to use for half the game.
I'm all for new enemies and new weapons. But as long as its as open-ended as it appears in the trailers, i'll be happy. Also, if it actually does come with another level of difficulty, that'd be awesome too.
Another level of difficulty would be nice. But I'd just like it to close some plot relevations and whatnot. That'd be the best - you don't need new weapons and enemies to make an expansion pack, just pure Valve awesomeness like normal.
As long as there are no underground zombie/antlion infested garages, and no dead Alyx then I will be happy.

Also, find some way to bring Father Gregory back.

Yes, the insane, over the top preacher needs to make a comeback! :D

And while their at it, the return of either the handheld Tau Cannon or Gluon gun. I'll be happy with either...

I mean, more creative use of barnacles. I feel there weren't enough barnacle ambushes in the latter halves of HL2 and the whole of Episode 1. It was really funky to go house-to-house fighting in City 17, smack the crap out of a bazillion combine, then wander into a house and wonder "Why am I slowly rising... OW OW OW *flatline*"

'Hey damn you Valve my game is ****ing bugged!'

'That's called a barnacle.'

'Opps, lik soz m8s.'

I used the shotgun pretty much through the entire game to be honest. It was good against anything, plus it was really quite stupidly accurate from a fair distance. Good weapon.

I wouldn't mind a new weapon, but nothing horribly fancy or anything, just something new.
My favorate mostly used weapons were the pulse rifle w/ orbs, the shotgun, & the crossbow.

I noticed something about the crossbow, it appears that the crossbow fires steel rods in HL2(compared to HL1's arrows).
Yeah, they're boiling hot rods, I think. Very nice weapon, the crossbow.

I used the Pulse Rifle alot, too. I used all the weapons, of course, but for tghe most part I just used the shotgun for everything. Zombies and the like, soldiers, headcrabs, scanners and manhacks, etc. I just had so much ammo for it.
I noticed something about the crossbow, it appears that the crossbow fires steel rods in HL2(compared to HL1's arrows).

Yeah, I read somewhere it's a rebel DIY weapon.

Favourite weapon? SMG...Grenade launcher and stupid amount of ammo.