Far Cry - Released for free.


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
At Fileplanet.

I'm downloading it right now, downside is that it has ingame advertising... which doesn't really bother me.

I tried the full version a couple of years ago, and it was okay... wouldn't have bought it.
But how can anybody resist free stuff?

Update : Oh snap, it also appears that Ghost Recon(original)(Doesn't seem to be working.) and Prince of Persia : Sands of Time have been released for free too, again both with apparently very subtle ingame advertising.

Update 2 : Rayman Raving Rabbids... released for free, when the hell did this even come to the PC?
subtle advertising as in random product posters or are you going around killing people with pepsi cans?

Hm, I wish ghost recon worked. I lost my copy of the gold edition. I suppose I'll just d/l that however.
I have Ghost Recon. Suppose it's good for the multiplayer, but I could never get that to work.
Yeah, does anyone know anything more about how the ingame advertising works?
Any idea if this version of Ghost Recon works with the retail? We should play some multiplayer if it does.
Ghost Recon? :D Awesome. The co-op was great back in the day. Should get some HL2.net games going sometime.
PoP is so going to be mine. Loved the demo, but never bought it.
Cool I'll dl it. Never finished it cause I had a crappy pc back then.
My jaw is seriously in the shape of: D:! I loved the Far Cry demo but was too cheap to pay $20 and I heard it kinda sucked. POP was so darn stupid with controls so idk if it's worth a download. Holy shit though....free full games!!! :cheers:
POP (poop tee hee) is one of the best games ever made.

I can't exactly put my finger on exactly why but its like watching your first Disney movie as a kid.
I'm kind of bummed that Ghost Recon still won't work... I'm thinking it may be a Digital Purchase link. D:
Heh, I can just see it now...

"Shit, Doyle! I'm pinned down... They're about to flank me, what do I do?!"

[cutscene]"Doo doo doo doo doo doo, doowaaaaaaah!" music starts, Jack grabs a Mentos as the bullets whizz by him, then tosses the box of mentos at them, "GRENADE!" is yelled as they all dive for cover while Jack runs away! - "Fresh goes better with Mentos fresh and full of life!"[/cutscene]

Then the game minimizes and a window pops up and installs "DriveCleaner" through exploits.
Wth, all these free games is this a test!
Well, yeah - Are the consumers willing to accept adware in games?
I can get this game for free, just type "torrent far cry" into google! yay!
I never said I did, I own the game for XBOX, I'm just saying you could.
If ingame ads mean prices go down 10-30% (or more?), I can live with it. AS LONG AS IT MAKES SENSE.

In fact, I'd support stuff like ingame vending machines being Coca-Cola brand or some such. Stuff that would actually improve realism rather than detract from it.

installing far cry at the moment, do you really need to make an UBI account... argh.
Well, it's Far Cry: Instincts: Predator for the 360.. Does that mean it's even more trash?
Oh god the not-actually-ingame ads are everywhere.

I wouldn't even mind if they weren't all for ****ing McDonalds. I didn't know Ubisoft liked encouraging obesity.
Oh god the ingame ads are everywhere.

I wouldn't even mind if they weren't all for ****ing McDonalds. I didn't know Ubisoft liked encouraging obesity.

That's too bad... oh well.
I'm sure there'll be a way to disable the adverts somehow.
I mispoke, they don't seem to be in the GAME, just the menu. Most annoying bit is you are forced to watch/listen to a little mcdonalds ad when you load something, and it doesn't even load the game in the background. It pauses if you minimize, also.

So really, all the ads do is encourage you to only sparingly use the main menu, and not die often.

Note: I'm only a few minutes into the game. It's fun, but rather easy on the difficulty I selected (third one down). However, that's probably a good thing since I won't die as often. I don't like the play when the AI cheats blatantly like they probably do on the hardest settings (super-vision)
That does sound a bit annoying... meh, anybody try any of the other games yet?
Nah, I'd rather emo my wrist. Besides, I own the original! :-/
So the ads aren't really "ingame", they're "inGUI"?
installing 1.4 patch for far cry, going to test it right after it's done.
Meh its not so bad. I have a mute sound key on my keyboard, so I just hit that when I load up and I don't have to listen to the retarded ad.

It's the same ad, every time afaik.

Oooh I get it "dollar menunaire" lololol.......
I just downloaded and installed Rayman Raving Rabbids, played for a few minutes.

Epic lulz ensued, the PC controls actually aren't too bad.
But even if they frustrate you, it's worth it just for the damn RABBIDS!
These must be the most hilariously insane critters I've ever seen in a video game.
uninstalled Prince of Persia. The advertising in it makes it suck. They're just as bad as that FarCry pic.