Far Cry SP demo

The suprnova torrent is reliable for me so far. 80k/s on a crappy internet connection. 1.5 hours to go. The speed is still slowly going up as more seeds are popping up.
I forgot the sunlotion before I played...

I beat the demo, but im burned all over!

man, itsleft a mark on me thats for sure!!

Can't wait for this title now...


What a demo!

A few things .... that were.. meh.. but hey!

Have fun guys
Done downloading and from what I've read I can't wait to play it. Off I go with my sun lotion on! IT RUBS THE LOTION ON ITS SKIN! (from Joe Dirt for you clueless guy out there).
GAHHH I WANNA PLAY!!! IAM GETTING 70 KBPS, man Ima go get some sunlotion.. ill report back later!
98% from gamershell via multi server getright leeching :E
Dammit, do you guys know where the config is? The thing doesn't let you change the controls. I only played for a few seconds but it seemed good, although the enemies moved around like deathmatch bots. Going back to play it some more.
I put everything on 'Very High'. I got some texture curruption on the rocks and the enemys seemed to keep changing LOD's very often and it was noticable. But at least it ran smooth. I'm gonna try downloading the 4.10's and see if they help.
Pressure said:
Done downloading and from what I've read I can't wait to play it. Off I go with my sun lotion on! IT RUBS THE LOTION ON ITS SKIN! (from Joe Dirt for you clueless guy out there).

Actually thats originally from Silence of the Lambs. Anyway, I played the demo. It was okay. I had some problems. AA didn't work and a very high pitch noise would start and the sound would stop.
Yeah, dude. Haven't you ever heard of Silence of the Lambs? Joe Dirt was just making a parody of it. 30kb/s torrent d/l... DAMMIT. 45% ain't bad... only like 2 hours left : ( Don't want to start another download for fear that this one would have finished first lol.
Ah yes, haven't seen Silence of the Lambs in a long time you're right my bad.

Oh yea, the game play was pretty fun but not the best.
Bah, I'm not able to edit my post but I wanted to ask you guys if your AA didn't work like mine or was it just me? And did anyone have problems with sound? The sound would play normally for a while then this really high pitched noise would start and I would have to take off my headphones caues it hurt my ears so much. The sound would come back a couple seconds later, then the same thing would happen again and after about the 3rd time, the sound would stay off.
Dark Auro said:
Bah, I'm not able to edit my post but I wanted to ask you guys if your AA didn't work like mine or was it just me? And did anyone have problems with sound? The sound would play normally for a while then this really high pitched noise would start and I would have to take off my headphones caues it hurt my ears so much. The sound would come back a couple seconds later, then the same thing would happen again and after about the 3rd time, the sound would stay off.

AA doesn't work for me, makes the game crash/flip out. Also had it reset my computer once.

Also, I've heard AA doesn't work properly in the beta, as well.
Hmm... well things seems to LOD at wierd places, no AA and there is that oddness with the textures. Those things don't bother me so much but the game really does have bad A.I. The guys caught me in a second when I was creeping through the bushes but they didn't seem to notice me riding around in my little boat taking potshots at them. Until I placed a bullet squarely in one's head, at which point they suddenly knew exactly where I was. I was in their line of fire a few times but they didn't seem to want to kill me until they got close enough to inspect my shoelaces. They seemed a bit grenade-happy, but at least they are polite enough to inform me when they throw one :dozey: . There was one instance where a guy yell "You're dead!" charged at me across a stretch of beach, stopped in his tracks for no reason, ran back to where he came from and started shooting me. I also wish there was a way get into a boat with guys in it and kill them. But other than that, it's a pretty good game.
81 kbs 1:12:09 remaining 28%...

This will keep me busy till HL2 is out LoL.. need my 9800xt though cant wait till sat

Anyone that has tryd the demo is it smooth?

Will it be smooth on my 2.2 512 ram ti4600?
just played the demo.. it was a pleasant surprise :)

i like it, and well.. if i can dig up some cash for the game, i will get it!! :cheese:
Is it pretty much an open level?

How about the vehicles and such?

Would you say there's much replay value?
Damnit, my Gamershell-download was corrupt / damaged!!! Grrrrr !!!! Downloading again from Filefront now ....
AmishSlayer said:
Is it pretty much an open level?

How about the vehicles and such?

Would you say there's much replay value?

level looks neat.. jungle type obviously :)

vehicles? well i was just messing around in the first level and u get to drive around in a boat.. its keyboard controlled.. and i find it better controlling than the vehicles in BF1942.. (note: i don't own BF1942, did try the demo tho and found the controlling a bit harder)

i can't answer ur replay question right now.. since i haven't played it much.. and theres no MP for it..(its a SP only demo) so im sure MP is the one that will determine the replay value.
I finished the demo. It rocks. And it ran so smooth. Nice big level with more then one way of getting to your target. 3 different vehicles. Nice AI I think. And the water is just soooo nice. hehe.
And Im gonna play the demo again, and again, and again.
Weeee, only 10 hours to go! :dozey:

Crappy servers.

Edit: Huzzah!!! Only 17 hours left and... and... *looks 3 centimeters up*... AW CRAP!
theres a buggy and a boat u can mess with..but not all the stuff is breakable which got me kinda mad.. looks very pretty though lotta colors..water looks excellent
They all suck and the aus gamer link crashed my DAP and lost my 200mb download of Prince of persia, only had 40godam mb togo to :angry:
Does Farcry contain some of the same psysics as Half-Life, Max Payne 2 etc? If it doesn't...well, then tell me about all the other cool things in the game ! WAGHRW!!!!!
It really only has ragdoll. Apart from that theres not much physics wise.
Also shooting a corpse doesnt make it move, WHATS UP WITH THAT

(PLAYED THE BETA, not the sp demo)
azz0r said:
Also shooting a corpse doesnt make it move, WHATS UP WITH THAT
Practical Medicine, Chapter 1, Paragraph 1:
Shooting a corpse does not make it any more alive than it was before you started.
Last time I shot something it flew quite abit. If I shoot a corpses arm I expect it to move not sit there.
the bodies due move a lil when u shoot them in the demo..

BTW i found a pig ill put up some ss when i have time
Why don't you all wait until the official demo comes out?