Far Cry SP demo

since i have an ati card, i can't turn AA on :( but with a barton 2500+, 9800pro, and 512mb ram i can run it with everything very high :) (cept that one that's always medium..)

something interesting, i had OCed to 3200+ and the game actually ran worse than at 2500+, and eventually crashed (have been running at 3200+ stably for quite some time). i'm thinking about OCing my vid card.. but i don't know if that would improve things or not. 1024x768x32, FPSs around 30 mostly (up to 60s or so), and it was all very smooth to me. if you're having any issues and you pc is comparable to mine, you might want to tweak your windows, ala www.blackviper.com (and try not overclocking if you do already).

man, this game is simply gorgeous.. i wonder what it would look like with AA :(
Does anyone else get this totally hideous black crap on the rock textures from every angle? I can't stand it, I'll get a picture of it later.
ElFuhrer said:
Does anyone else get this totally hideous black crap on the rock textures from every angle? I can't stand it, I'll get a picture of it later.

turn of Anisotropic filtering and AA.
I was gonna post about not being able to find the jeep, but now you've shown me Mr. Redundant I have a question - do you have to go straight to the jeep, not alerting anyone? Cos when i go to that area, there is only the washed up boat, the burnt out tank and 2 guys :(
Murray_H said:
I was gonna post about not being able to find the jeep, but now you've shown me Mr. Redundant I have a question - do you have to go straight to the jeep, not alerting anyone? Cos when i go to that area, there is only the washed up boat, the burnt out tank and 2 guys :(

I blew up the people on that part with the attack boat, they didn't drive away...

Unfortunately, I blew the jeep up :dozey:
qckbeam said:
turn of Anisotropic filtering and AA.
My friend VPU Recover decides to pay a visit. I don't know what's going on, I've got AA on but there's no AA, just texture corruption. I turn it off and the game screws up.
heh, it's weird.. sometimes i'll go sneaking around in the jungle and happen upon a group of like 5 dead mercs. kinda scary.. :(
I cant set anything to very high without studdering and my machine is good

dell 2.4 512rdram radeon 9700pro

bleh I hate the future sometimes (and love it)

but i want the birdies and fishies so its pissin me off :sniper: :sniper:

maybe its a bug hopefully they will put some creatures in medium before it releases (or make the game perform better in general) bah still a great game im just dissapointed in my..........dell............ ;(
Lil' Timmy said:
heh, it's weird.. sometimes i'll go sneaking around in the jungle and happen upon a group of like 5 dead mercs. kinda scary.. :(

That happened to me, i went round the back of the island a little bit in the boat (to where the plane + hog is) and then i walked round to the front. I used the minigun above the beach and all the men down there were dead. I thought they were sleeping/sun bathing/resting cos one was flat out and a couple were sitting up against things. Then i shot some of them and they just slumped over. Creeped me out ;(
Murray_H said:
That happened to me, i went round the back of the island a little bit in the boat (to where the plane + hog is) and then i walked round to the front. I used the minigun above the beach and all the men down there were dead. I thought they were sleeping/sun bathing/resting cos one was flat out and a couple were sitting up against things. Then i shot some of them and they just slumped over. Creeped me out ;(

lol that sounds awesome.

and to answer your other question...
about the jeep not being there
I havent run in blasting, I love being stealthy.. however one guy runs for the jeep and shouts "keep him busy Im going for help" I of course never let him get into the jeep (although he does try).
so Im guessing if you let him, he will get in it and drive off for re-inforcements.

man I love this game.

edit: and yes I usually go straight to the jeep then circle around and kill everyone from behind....
stealth... gotta have stealth...
and IM not even into stealth games.... but damn I LOOOOVE this :D
only thing that pisses me off is when you go prone in a bush after a guy sees you enter that bush, he goes blind... logically he should at least fire at it, when they walk in to look for me they still dont see me even when they are so close that they are stepping on my head... even when I stab them...
annoying to say the least.. makes killing guys as simple as running into a bush and shooting/stabbing.

and yes I play on Hard (I always do) with adaptive AI off (although I have tried with it on, I dont note a difference)
Something I also noted. I was going through the jungle area with the steps and I shot one soldier in the arm so 3 of them flanked to get me. One flanked in front of another but he started shooting and got the one in front. The one in front rank far left and then started shooting his teammate on purpose from behind a rock, made me laugh.
Also another cool thing, drive straight into the main curve of the entrance island (almost directly straight from spawn) and just as you hit the sand press u to jump out and somehow youll bounce off a piece of land, if you do it with enough force youll end up on the roof or atleast on the wood platform.
hehe, first thing I do is shoot a radio if I see one (so they cant call re-inforcements that way, they still can call an osprey with a flare though) now sometimes I take on a buncha guys and I kill them all, and I move further along the coast and I hear a ton of shooting, so I hit the ground spin around... but theres nothing.

I use my binoculars to check whats going on and I find a squad of guys running around full force shooting into the bushes, calling commands and throwing nades... as if someone was there.
now either this is a glitch in the AI... a major one.. shooting rocks aint impressive.. or (as Lil Timmy found dead bodies around the island) maybe theres supposed to be someone else there?

still fun to watch though.
There is something weird going on with the ai, maybe its the pigs theyre after?
Actually, the guy runs to the jeep and radios for help.. then 2 or so troops from another part of the island show up

I had some fun, I went for the jeep first and foremost, stealthfully killed the 4 guys guarding it, hopped in, and drove to the main part of the island. Apparently, a noisy jeep "hiding" in the bushes isn't very stealthly.. suffice to say, they all saw me, and I was dead in about 2 seconds :( I did take two down with the mounted gun, though!
I cheat like a mofo, you should too ;p

No-one aknowledged my sega saturn picture, boo.
azz0r said:
I cheat like a mofo, you should too ;p

No-one aknowledged my sega saturn picture, boo.

I tried cheats, they were boring.. I'd rather be able to die, makes it more intense :)
Im not??? Not through the game anyway, are you suggesting I turn it off on my ati tab?
Also whats with the sucktastic lens? On the multiplay I did with you they were realistic to what was infront of me.
azz0r said:
Im not??? Not through the game anyway, are you suggesting I turn it off on my ati tab?

Yeah, FSAA through the game = game crash/computer reset
FSAA through ATI tab = weird ingame glitches

azz0r said:
Also whats with the sucktastic lens? On the multiplay I did with you they were realistic to what was infront of me.

Not sure, I hadn't actually looked in the demo
Also whats with the sucktastic lens? On the multiplay I did with you they were realistic to what was infront of me.

In the SP demo, my Sniper Rifle has a special shader applied to it that works like you said, not that crappy texture in your screen shot.
qckbeam said:
In the SP demo, my Sniper Rifle has a special shader applied to it that works like you said, not that crappy texture in your screen shot.

Grr, I wonder why, in multiplayer its fine o_O
qckbeam said:
In the SP demo, my Sniper Rifle has a special shader applied to it that works like you said, not that crappy texture in your screen shot.

ditto I see whats in front of me with the cool shader on the sniper lens, as well as the rocket launcher lens
That's really weird that you can't find the jeep.

I usually kill the first set of guys you come to...take the patrol boat...kill the next 2 sets (after which you would normally hit the beach and climb up) then I take a patrol boat to the jeep area and use my 5 sniper shots I get from one of the dock huts to kill the 4 men around the jeep and broken boat (I like how one guy is fixing the boat up).

That glitch where enemies shoot at rocks and such happened to me too. It was the second time I played the demo. I just looked thru my binocs...and see 3 guys strategically circling around...using hand signals...and throwing nades at a small rock...I assume it's a bug in the AI. I really like this game even with the somewhat crappy/buggy AI...lots of the time the guys aren't very careful. They just charge at me shooting...pretty easy to take 'em down.
The more I play the more I love this game.

Too bad the AI enemies can't swim. I was sitting about quart of a mile away(eh?) from the base at the top of the hill. I sat there and shot rockets at the base making all the soliders go crazy. A couple came down to where I was, in that lagoon area. I was across the lagoon and they came down to the other side and just stood there at the edge of the water, staring at me.

Too bad this didnt come with a mini-editor.
They can swim, Ive forced quite afew in the water and they quickly get back out.
Hmm...I had a bunch of little render errors that were bothering me, but I wanted to see how far I could put up the graphics settings, so I pegged them on very high.
I only have a modest system, but I didn't suffer any real perfomance hit, and all my corruption went away. Win win. :farmer:
Strange, I'm on a P4 2.8G machine with a Radeon 9100 card and I can't get the video settings past low. If they go any higher the game locks up. Sometimes the textures become all distorted or the framerate takes a major nosedive. Is it possible that the .zip file I downloaded is corrupted or something.

The size of the file I have is 508, 833 KB. How big is it supposed to be? Maybe I'm missing something? Is it the Video Card? Any ideas?
A True Canadian said:
Strange, I'm on a P4 2.8G machine with a Radeon 9100 card and I can't get the video settings past low. If they go any higher the game locks up. Sometimes the textures become all distorted or the framerate takes a major nosedive. Is it possible that the .zip file I downloaded is corrupted or something.

The size of the file I have is 508, 833 KB. How big is it supposed to be? Maybe I'm missing something? Is it the Video Card? Any ideas?

Are you running Catalyst 3.9 or later? I believe you need 3.9 at the very least. I'm running Catalyst 4.1 and it's working fine for me.

Also, make sure FSAA and AF are switched to off in the D3D tab on your graphics card properties settings
Just upgraded to 4.1 and there's been no change; this is strange.

EDIT: Going to try it with the new settings. Here's hoping. :thumbs:

EDIT2: No luck, I tried it on medium and my framerate dropped to about 10. ;(
It looks like there's some sort og gamma problem as the screen flickers from light to dark colours. Any other settings I should know about?
A True Canadian said:
Just upgraded to 4.1 and there's been no change; this is strange.

EDIT: Going to try it with the new settings. Here's hoping. :thumbs:

EDIT2: No luck, I tried it on medium and my framerate dropped to about 10. ;(
It looks like there's some sort og gamma problem as the screen flickers from light to dark colours. Any other settings I should know about?

No idea, the only thing I can think of is you're running FSAA or something, other than that, I can't help you.. sorry
A True Canadian said:
FSAA, I couldn't find the settings for that. hmmm...

Full screen antialiasing, in your graphics card settings under the D3D tab
Anyone else here figure out how to explore the whole island?

I have been all over the island, I found 1 stray soldier. I tried to be friendly with him and take him back to his buddies, but my trigger finger slipped. oops.
Murray_H, a quick question, can you see the hanging shark? If you can't then you're victim to a bug that is affecting lots of people. It seems to render the jeep, shark, and boat in the west bay, invisible.