Far Cry SP demo

Mr. Redundant said:
(bushes actually occlude their vision)
Bushes can apparently stop bullets too :p
The hitboxes for them are awfull. Actually the worst I've seen in a game... (and the question is why they have hitboxes in the first place, they dont stop you going through them, but sure enough ends up with bullet holes)
Are you sure? It seems really accurate to me... Most of the enemies have bullet proof vests on though so you have to shoot them in arms/legs or the head. Try shooting a dead body and you'll see what I mean when sparks come out of the chest.
dawdler said:
Bushes can apparently stop bullets too :p
The hitboxes for them are awfull. Actually the worst I've seen in a game... (and the question is why they have hitboxes in the first place, they dont stop you going through them, but sure enough ends up with bullet holes)

I guess because when you shoot bushes it spits out some leaves (particles), which is a nice touch, however I havent had any problems with them stopping my bullets (or theirs for that matter)
in fact I love the bushes especially when I was hiding near the blown out tank watching the guys down by the jeep, I threw a rock and they sent 2 guys up to inspect where it came from, then I threw another to the bushes to my right, and they crapped themselves, the one guy fired an entire clip into the bush.
they ran right in front of me (past me) towards the bush where I threw the rock, I stood up and knifed the second guy.

the guy who had fired his clip into the bushes didnt notice and kept going, when he got there he started stalking through the bushes, I ducked down back to my prone position next to the now dead merc... guy #2 turns around and sees his dead buddy, shouts "what the hell happened here" and runs toward me...

now really the damn coolest thing in this game is the sound of a guy stalking through the bushes (as he crunches leaves etc) and then seeing them appear through the thick bush right in front of you... so cool

needless to say he was chop sue.

I hear the multiplayer blows, (or is a hit or miss) but I mean all they had to do was slap in 32 people or so, a couple vehicles and tons of bush... omg the ambushes would be sweet... how can they mess that up?.....
My mind isnt made up yet wether to purchase this game or not.
it needs some major optimizations, some animation rehauls and a few tweaks here and there.

however I must say it is shaping up to be an excellent game.
another thing of note

-Jack (the character you play as) looks like a slightly less bulky hawaiin "duke nukem" and his wisecracks are of the same calibur.
at first I thought it was slightly cheesy.. however after playing with it a bit more it does suit him.
MP isn't that bad. They still have to program the netcode though, but it is developing very fast. I don't really wanna say more tho because of the NDA, I like the developers (they seem very involved in the beta) enough to respect it.
omg, i've DLd this damn thing 3 times now and everytime it's a corrupt zip file. winrar won't repair it :angry:.. am i just stupid? (i'm certainly aware that that's a likelihood). um, well, i'm DLing it from gamespot this time.. had to register with the devil (gamespot), but i really want to see how the SP will be (MP very likely won't be enough to buy it, imo).

oh another thing I loooove doing is using the binoculars (B) to listen in on conversations.

two guys talking near the radar just said this a second ago, and I laughed at it.

guy #1: Man, that guy better not come around here (refering to the player)

guy #2: yeah, if I see that guy, I'll FIX his lil red wagon

guy #1: you'll what?

guy #2: Fix his lil red wagon.

guy #1: what are you man? like 100 years old? my grandpa has better trashtalk than you.

guy #2: fine fine, I'll mess him up, I'll kick his ass... I'll rip of his head and drink his fluids, is that better?

guy #1: man... cool just cannot be taught.

hehe then I sniped guy #2 in the face ah the joy

oh another thing I love how the radar (your compass in the lower left) shows how much noise your weapon makes via a white pulse.
mp5 makes none. m16 makes moderate, sniper is pretty loud (unfortunately)
The coolest is you can see what your "signature" is, it's on both sides of the radar, it's a little vertical bar that fills up the more noise/more visible you are. It makes sneaking really cool!
Any ideas why it still looks jerky, even when running at 60 fps :/

Enjoying FarCry a bit more now - the AI is more funny/enjoyable than good, like fighting a bunch of gun-ho idiots XD

Bushes stopping my bullets is becoming increasingly annoying tho, the bullets sometimes hit nothing, up to a foot away from the bush :/

Fun game - nowt special
Hey wowyouareacow, how did you do that damage stopped cheat?
Thanks alot for posting those "wowyouareacow" !!! A great treat for those, like me, who have to wait for their primary comps to get repaired before they can play the demo.. I'll hug everyone who bother taking some screenies just to be nice ! :D

BTW, the blood system, decals and such looks cool , that #74 screenshot looks horribly realistic. Kind of.
The damn game hangs when I try to play. It cuts to a black screen and then nothing happens. Is it frozen or is it just that it takes a reallllllllyyyyy long time to get to the loading screen or start the game?
One thing about Far Cry that has kept my attention is because of the fact that it seems to be kinda like Delta Force 1&2 (you guys maybe think they suck but i've had some fantastic moments , playing on LAN and such with my brothers and making levels and such, it's like a sacred part of my life) .. All this jungle sneaking stuff, and the game editor.. It really warmths my inside.
Some screens, a couple of the Hog :) (Edited for size, no filters though)
babywax said:
Hey wowyouareacow, how did you do that damage stopped cheat?

Got it off the FarCry forum. U have do this:

Replace \Far Cry Demo\Scripts\Default\GameRules.lua
with this

And replace
\Far Cry Demo\Scripts\MenuScreens\Ingame\InGameSingle.lua
with this

props to Quachee from the FarCry forums for the cheat.

And glad u liked them CrazyHarij :) Hope everything workes out for you.
Looks lovely, plays like ass, cheating ai, buggy ai, horrible zooming on guns is so slow it gets me killed.
azz0r said:
Looks lovely, plays like ass, cheating ai, buggy ai, horrible zooming on guns is so slow it gets me killed.

AI is fine as long as its on hard..
I think it plays really well, you just have to get used to it.

Anyhow, I was just playing it again.. so much fun, there's something about hiding in some brush, listening in on a conversation, then picking off enemies at a distance with the M4.
Then, raiding the jungle in the buggy.. oh my, that's so much fun :) Probably one of the most fun things I've ever done in a game
God it looks shit on my GF 2 compared to the screens you are showing. I didn't even know that bullet holes appeared on bodies :(

Where is the buggy? And can you go into 3rd person mode?
Murray_H said:
Where is the buggy? And can you go into 3rd person mode?

The buggy is along the initial shoreline, when you first get onto the main island, to the left.

As for ThirdPerson, there is a thirdperson command in the config, I changed it to 1, but it didn't do anything :|
Once upon a time, when everything was on the lowest, Dile, with his cool gef2mx and cel1000, clicked on the "Launch Demo Level" button.

After approx. 30 seconds, he said:
-The sun is shining, the sky is blue...everything's f.ckin' blue!

That's it. Time to upgrade...
Dile said:
Once upon a time, when everything was on the lowest, Dile, with his cool gef2mx and cel1000, clicked on the "Launch Demo Level" button.

After approx. 30 seconds, he said:
-The sun is shining, the sky is blue...everything's f.ckin' blue!

That's it. Time to upgrade...

you do know you have to disable AA and AS in your hardware profile dont you?

also turn off Anti aliasing ingame.
it causes such corruption... its been discussed to death though.
however it be time to upgrade ;)
Can anyone help me here!?!?!

The damn game hangs when I try to play. It cuts to a black screen and then nothing happens. Is it frozen or is it just that it takes a reallllllllyyyyy long time to get to the loading screen or start the game?
Got some more for you. Finally found those 2 pigs. I put them both down in a very human way.
chu said:
Hmm, I thought I would of been able to get more out of this game (gfx wise)

It runs real good with everything at medium detail at 1024x768 32. I tried putting the settings at High but it seemed sluggish, then I got an error message thingy.

Athlon XP 2400+
512mb DDR
Radeon 9600XT

Weird.. I have...

Athlon Barton 2500+
512mb DDR
Radeon 9600

I run the game at 1024x768 32 on very high and it runs beautifully for me...
AmishSlayer said:
Weird.. I have...

Athlon Barton 2500+
512mb DDR
Radeon 9600

I run the game at 1024x768 32 on very high and it runs beautifully for me...

Same here, atleast a constant 30FPS, FPS goes to about 40 in huts, and 60+ in the tunnel thing.

Attached another screenshot, naded this guy and he went funky on me, looked kinda funny
azz0r said:
How the hell did you do that?!

I dunno, I killed a guy, he died near the water, I threw a nade at another guy, but it fell short, and ended up hitting the corpse, and the corpse sat up, lol
Thanks :) diddn't want to read 10 pages to find them heh...
I can only play on medium at 1024x768. When i go to high it gets very sluggish. :(

512mb ram
p4 1.8ghz
This game is very wierd.

At medium detail the game runs great.

At Very High detail it runs good, a lil sluggish here and there, especially indoors.

When I try to set some details high and some medium the game runs like crap.
Mine won't run on Very High or High settings...it gives me a memory exception error.

Of course, I'm on a Pentium III with SDRAM :p