Far Cry SP demo

thenerdguy said:
Why are there severial differnt sized version around? ive seen three places where it was 500MB and sever ather places where it was 480 MB. Someone cutting something out or adding something?

.zip vs .exe?
I found that if you have AI auto balance on (like I did) it makes the AI suck really bad. I turned it of and it is quite a bit better, although the guys are still a bit stupid sometimes. One wierd thing I noticed, the black guys' corpses use the same skin a the white guys' corpses from a distance :LOL:. I still can't get AA to work, I set it to Application on the ATI panel but it does a VPU recover when I start the game.
On 3dgamers.com, its 480 megs and the file is something like Far Cry Demo (without DX 9)

So i'm guessing the big one had the DX 9 install in it, the little one does not :)

*Edit* I haven't got time to read the 17 pages of replies, so if this has been asked, sorry :)

Whats the minimum specs it will run i.e. do you need a DX 8 or higher GFX card?
Yeah.. shooting dead bodies works for me too. Even in water. I can't get over how cool this demo is.

Along with some of you.. I want god mode and notarget and infinite ammo to mess around with. I also would like to be able to explore more.

I really really like how there's a set number of guys on the island..and they communicate thru radio's and such. So when you're encountering a group...sometimes it's best to hit the radio before anyone else...or else they'll call over a patrol boat, osprey, or possibly a buggy with extra men. So cool.

Can't wait for the full version. Now I don't even care that there's scientific experiment alien thingy's in this game...

EDIT: I never use the rocks... I always use grenades instead
I played it and I must say that I was impressed on some levels and let down on others.

One thing I liked was the map. I like the jungle island type of map it was fun. I also like the way the shadows were cast on the gun. Walk under a tree or something that still has light shining through in some places and you'll see what I'm talkin about.

I was didn't like some things about the game too. The physics and the ragdolling for one. The people and object were, this is hard to describe, too heavy I guess you could say. It was almost like not having ragdolling at all. They just fall down onto the floor. Nothing cool like what happened in lets say Max Payne 2 when you shot em with the AK-47. The only objects that really moved were barrels so there isnt much to play with there. The AI was fun but its nothing new I've seen better in some other games. Sometimes the enemy was just flat out stupid and others they'd do some cool things.

I seriously doubt I'll buy the game because all around it just wasn't anything I think I'd be interested in. It had a weird feel to it that I didn't like but other then that the world looked great! The water was awesome the trees and forests were awesome but the game play was lacking. There was something wrong with the rocks too they would turn black when you looked at em at certain angles.
Pressure said:
I played it and I must say that I was impressed on some levels and let down on others.

One thing I liked was the map. I like the jungle island type of map it was fun. I also like the way the shadows were cast on the gun. Walk under a tree or something that still has light shining through in some places and you'll see what I'm talkin about.

I was didn't like some things about the game too. The physics and the ragdolling for one. The people and object were, this is hard to describe, too heavy I guess you could say. It was almost like not having ragdolling at all. They just fall down onto the floor. Nothing cool like what happened in lets say Max Payne 2 when you shot em with the AK-47. The only objects that really moved were barrels so there isnt much to play with there. The AI was fun but its nothing new I've seen better in some other games. Sometimes the enemy was just flat out stupid and others they'd do some cool things.

I seriously doubt I'll buy the game because all around it just wasn't anything I think I'd be interested in. It had a weird feel to it that I didn't like but other then that the world looked great! The water was awesome the trees and forests were awesome but the game play was lacking. There was something wrong with the rocks too they would turn black when you looked at em at certain angles.

I havent used them personally (I loathe all cheats) but these were on the farcry forum.

i think it's quite feasible that Far Cry has the best AI i've ever seen. seriously, i've just spent the past 2 or so hours messing around with it trying different things. there are craploads of scripted moments, but they just help the game along. most of the time the AI is dynamic and adapts to what you're doing. being bombarded by mortars? move towards that beach? the AI will see you and adapt. not only that, but i managed to kill two mercs heading towards me on a boat, i walked away to get some health and a sniper rifle, then i saw two mercs conversin for a second then they made the swim towards the empty boat and proceeded to hunt me down and fill me full of lead. i couldn't even shoot back i was amazed. they even got their team mates to cover them while they made the swim out. amazing stuff. those cheats should make it a little interesting too, but i've got a lot more stuff planned for this demo.

i wasn't really all that hyped about Far Cry, but wow this demo has changed my mind, and i'm normally a really whingy sort of bastard.
ElFuhrer said:
I found that if you have AI auto balance on (like I did) it makes the AI suck really bad. I turned it of and it is quite a bit better, although the guys are still a bit stupid sometimes.

The AI is supposed to learn how you play in that mode so that its gets cleverer and harder to combat as you play.... may be worthwhile leaving it on and playing it a while to see if the AI gets smarter?
Yes, the AI is definitely the best I've seen since Ghost Recon. Come to think of it... this game is sorta like Ghost Recon without the squads... that's sweet...
whats the command to show ur fps?

i'd like to know how it runs at medium settings..
Also to those who are complaining of bugs... Demo's that are released months early are in essence public beta's as they give the developer a chance to find bugs that they have yet to find and they help developers improve the game play via feedback from the games community!

Anyone remember playing the Breed game demo at the start of this year? When it was released the consensus was that the game was far too buggy and that the game play left a lot to be desired. Thankfully the developer Brat Designs took note and held back the game whilst the development team re-worked much of the game...
I have like a brightness problem. Yes I have a 9800, and i toned the brightness down, but its like this really annoying sun glare but i know its not what the game is supposed to look like. Alot of the colors are blotchy and shit...anyone know what I need to do?
Dr. Freeman said:
whats the command to show ur fps?

i'd like to know how it runs at medium settings..
dr. freeman its \r_displayinfo 1 make sure its \ slash not / slash
Well, it took me 8 hours to get file off of bit Torrent, but hot damn was it worth it.

This demo is awesome, I can't wait for the full game.

First off, the graphics, yeah are amazing - no shocker there. The physics are also amazing. I think the bodies have the perfect weight. It's retarted in games where you shoot someone with a pistol and they go flying. Yes I guess they are "heavy", but it works well. For example - One soldier(?) was running away from me and I shot him in the back. He fell but still had his running momentum - which sent him head first into a post after which he fell into the water.

The AI, is also very well done. Yeah they do kinda run back and forth in the same spot sometimes, but other than that I was really impressed. They take cover behind posts, call for reinforcements, and they even try to flank you! I was taking on the group of 4 (5?) soldiers at the beginning. I had 2 cornered, when I noticed that the other 2 were sneaking around me on the left.

Driving the "buggy" was fun too with the nice physics. Has anyone else been getting stuck all the damn time? I can't drive for 10 seconds without ramming into a rock, still fun to drive though. I also noticed the nice independent suspension between the wheels they had put into the buggy.

Observations/things to do
-You can shoot the fish!
-I shot the birds, but they seem to just disappear when you do, glitch maybe?
-Anyone else notice the soldier's bodies float?
-Did anyone else find the rusted hulk of the japanese figther-plane?
-Sneaking up on people with the knife....teehee
-Running shit over with the buggy
-Beaching your boat to run soldiers over killer-whale style.

Would anyone be willing to host a couple screens for me?

[/giddy excitement]
holy crap I cant stop playing and its just an sp demo WOW


physics are amazeing, rendering for massive enviorments=win, voilence is goretastic decals per pixel doom III style, ragdoll physics are win and so are objects I accidentlly shoot stuff over all the time especially inside, and boats and cars and even helos all semlessly integrated HOLY CRAP with good editing tools

we rarely see this and its not a sequel, its far cry ;( and im sure as hell buying it

(artificial intenegence is amazeing they hide, run out of ammo, strafe and talk to each other in an actual tactical sense!!!) this is no freaking quake 3 bot here :naughty: :naughty:

the long distance killing and one perticular instance were I shot a corpse that had many holes in it from my abuseing it and nadeing it it slid across the mountainside and evewere it slid blood realisticly had left its mark on the terrain in a smeared sickly fashion it was to die for... im not going to tell you what it made me react :naughty:

the ambience really got me into it and the effects on my 9700... water physics roxt my sox....... the guirilla warfare was kickarse and realistic bright topical skies

anywho HOLY CRAP ;( all I can say is HOLY SH!7

im buying this, I rarely say this about a game with a demo (and not even a bug free one at all) but no chance in hell I can pass up an orginal title like this

il see if I can post screens on my geocities :D :D :D :D :D

oh and were the hell are you guys getting this buggy??? i want one!!!
(i also really havent seen many fish/birds but I didnt really look hard)

its a visual orgasm with ai to die for guirilla warfare tactics kickass physics and orginal plot and boats/planes/cars and tons of realistic violence
One gripe with the demo (and for me anyway, it's big). Why, Why, WHY don't dead bodies stay put in this game? If I get in a gunfight and kill 4 guys at the start of the level, I want to see them laying there, in a pool of blood just like I left them, upon my return later. In farcry, you shoot a guy, and as soon as you turn around *poof* he's gone, without a trace! That bugs me to no end. It makes me feel like I'm not actually doing anything to the world, like my actions have no consequences.

Also, where is the gemod technology? Did they take it out?
I dont think deforamable in the sense of everything was intended I think it meant it was possible using crytek and certain things in the game would deform..? dono, about bodies ya it should stay... hmm well maybe it just cant handle all that (wonders if boats and such stay put)

also its important to note its actually a pre release demo with not everything you will see (or hear) in the final version... mp5sound lol :sniper:

one thing came to mind when writeing up the above review... Out door Doom III technology... :monkee: thats what this reminds me off especially models and shooting corpses
What kinda FPS do you guys get in FarCry? Kinda curious, I get a constant 30 (usually never below, does get above it depending on the area) atleast..

Athlon XP 2800+, 512MB PC2700 DDR SDRAM, Radeon 9700
As far as the GeoMod technology, which I was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY disappointed about, does exist to some small degree. Basically, if you toss a grenade on the ground, sometimes (not sure why it doesn't always) the ground will deform (sink in) and an explosion decal is overlayed. I wasn't able to get anything to blow up. Also, I don't think the physics are that great. I still think MP2, albeit exagerrated, were much better.

On the good side, the engine is really fast. I had every setting to Very High and it ran smooth as hell. The draw distance is amazing, but the dense jungles blew me away. I would LOVE to play a Vietnam Mod in this game.

I'm going to play it some more and hopefully see more that I like, but so far I guess I was expecting to be really WOW'ed and it hasn't happened yet.

--Mr. Bildo
Woohoo, got the demo!! Thank god I have friends who have cable.

About to try it now, I will post thoughts later
Mr. Bildo said:
As far as the GeoMod technology, which I was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY disappointed about, does exist to some small degree. Basically, if you toss a grenade on the ground, sometimes (not sure why it doesn't always) the ground will deform (sink in) and an explosion decal is overlayed.

No offense...but what else did you expect besides grenades and rockets to deform terrian?

They always made holes for me...I don't know what else would really deform terrain enough to affect gameplay in any way...

Ah well.. im out...gotta play some more farcry then goto bed on my drunk bed..
:cool: man.. that bed becomes a trillion times more comfortable when you are wasted...not to mention the ladies enjoy the silk sheets and fur pillows :farmer:
Hmm, I thought I would of been able to get more out of this game (gfx wise)

It runs real good with everything at medium detail at 1024x768 32. I tried putting the settings at High but it seemed sluggish, then I got an error message thingy.

Athlon XP 2400+
512mb DDR
Radeon 9600XT
Well I'm just loving this game!!

Couple of points I would like to make about it though, first the bad:

1)Bad guys can see and shoot you through walls….

Try it, go straight forward out the boat and under the decking and shoot through the hole where you can see one of the guys talking about how to properly kill fish. The second guy will start blasting away at you under the decking, I know that makes sense, but run out from under the decking to the other side of the house and I bet he’ll still shoot ya.

2)Commenting on EVERYTHING they do

Awh this just ticks me off, fair enough your going to tell your team mates that your away to through a grenade but you sure as hell don’t want the enemy hearing.

3)There is no 3, this game owns!

Good stuff now :)

1)Its sexy
2)The AI although not perfect is pretty nice.

Its probably the only game where I’ve shot at a NPC from behind a rock then moved up to the next rock only to have a guy trying to sneak past where I was hiding walking straight past my view to the rock I was at previously, ehhehhe that was totally cool!

3)The reinforcements!

Damit it’s a nice touch. You’ve gota admit it adds a whole new element to taking on a group of guys rather than just blasting away.

4)Ach there’s so much more but this post is too long anyway.

P.S. I never noticed it was rocks I was throwing at the start of the game, I always thought it was just a bug and the grenades where going through the ground :D
Anyone get this problem where the game just doesn't work? It takes forever to load the level, then when it gets in... it's like I'm trying to run it on a 486 or something. It changes from bright to dark ever frame. I see about 1 frame every 5 seconds, it's just all messed up. Not playable at all. Anyone else have this kind of problem?
Sandman said:
Anyone get this problem where the game just doesn't work? It takes forever to load the level, then when it gets in... it's like I'm trying to run it on a 486 or something. It changes from bright to dark ever frame. I see about 1 frame every 5 seconds, it's just all messed up. Not playable at all. Anyone else have this kind of problem?
go into video options, clicked advanced, click auto detect, click apply, click ok, restart the game.

Then try to play :p
bizzy420 said:
when u shoot dead people they DO move around...anyways looks like theres nuttin special about hl2 anymore...both this and stalker play very good and have excellent gfx.

i agree..sad but true
Just downloaded it, and I have to say:

Meh :dozey:

Mainly cause the AI is as dumb as the enviroments are pretty. Sure, they hide which is good. But it does extremely stupid things. How about screaming "I'm out of ammo!" straight in front of you, shoot him and he drops a weapon for you to pick up, loaded with ammo? Or having someone walk up, stand 2m behind you, unload an entire clip and miss every time? Suddenly freeze when running, lol! And dont get me started on what they do after you load a game when at the save time 5 people was hammering you...

Some pretty severe rendering glitches too.

But maybe the full game is better. Multiplayer with that world would rock!
Damn I can't wait for my comp to get fixed so I can dl the demo.. GRRRAUURGH!
Man, I played the demo on my Brother PC, with AA on and 1024Res, man you got to see this game. I changed my mind about this game, This game is very COOL, In other word (Sexy as heaven). I am adding it back to my list. The beta version was rubish comparing to this one. In the demo version I could see the water lighting effects and the dynamic shadows are more sharper in this version. I hop the vinal version will run smoother than the demo on 9800XT. :)

I rate this game 9.5* out of 10

Damn you G0rgon. Damn you to hell. Now my house is flooded with drool because of all this hype and I can't download it. Damn. :D
CrazyHarij said:
Damn you G0rgon. Damn you to hell. Now my house is flooded with drool because of all this hype and I can't download it. Damn. :D


Go to a public Internet Cafe and download it there. Its only going to cost you £2 or more. :thumbs:
bizzy420 said:
when u shoot dead people they DO move around...anyways looks like theres nuttin special about hl2 anymore...both this and stalker play very good and have excellent gfx.

Nothing special about Half Life 2? ROFL. Your just one of these guys who never played the original, saw the e3 halflife2 video then jumped on the bandwagon. If you knew how good Half Life was you'd never under-estimate HL2.
Nothing special about Half Life 2? ROFL. Your just one of these guys who never played the original, saw the e3 halflife2 video then jumped on the bandwagon. If you knew how good Half Life was you'd never under-estimate HL2.
Have you played HL2? I have, and tech-wise, it wasn't that much better than Far Cry. The Far Cry demo was much more polished, but comparing them that way is stupid as HL2 wasn't even close to being finished. The AI in Far Cry is much much more open-ended. They don't need any waypoints or anything like that, they're all AI and no special set-up required. Heck, in the editor you can actually play, to me that is a lot better than using a brush based editor that has to compile. You can get good gameplay much faster that way.

never under-estimate HL2.
Can't under-estimate something that doesn't really exist right now ;)
bizzy420, Keep your mouth shut.

Think twice before posting.
things I like:

-Stealth: I can crawl around in the bushes, where I can lay prone and watch them with my binocs and pick them off one by one and watch them run around in panic trying to see where the shots came from (bushes actually occlude their vision)

-AI, the ai was impressive.. not the best but it was better than your average "running at you shooting" AI.

-The vehicles: the control and feel of the boats, and the jeep were the best I have ever experienced, better than bf192, better than halo, better than the hl2 stolen leak. I thought the jeep was the coolest thing since sliced bread.

-the ambient sound.... pure bliss.

-the shadowing.. awesome, if you have your shadows on very high you know what I mean.

things that dissapointed me

-sluggish fps for my monster rig (this is ridiculous) (~40fps on max 1280x1024)

-I hated the fact that you couldnt explore more (however this could just be the level, and not all other levels could be the same)

-animations all across the board could do with refinement.

-particle effects like explosions water splashes etc, could realllllly use a revamp.. they look cartoony like the kind you would find in some console game.

damn, need to run will update this later.
Has anyone ran this in opengl? There is a render type dropdown in the advanced options.
It is greyed over, you can run it in OpenGL with a few cfg-ish(they use something called .lua or something) changes, but apparently it's not all complete with OpenGL.